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Wicked Neighbor

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Grabbing his jacket, he found her in the kitchen stirring some milk.

  “I’m going to head out.”

  “Okay.” She smiled toward him, and he couldn’t help but frown.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I really enjoyed tonight. I don’t suppose you’d keep it to yourself, would you? I don’t want Susan and Michael to know about us.”

  “I meant what I said, Charlotte, don’t go near Daniel.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me that. I’m not interested in Daniel. Regardless of what anyone thinks, I can take care of myself.” She turned back to her milk. Her hand wasn’t even shaking.

  She looked calm, collected, and at peace.

  While he’d been getting dressed she’d pinned her hair back, revealing the marks he left on her neck.

  “If you don’t want our neighbors to know what went on today, you’ll have to keep those marks covered.” He stroked a finger over one deep red mark.

  “I will.”

  Again, he got another smile for his comment, and that was it.

  “I’ll see you around.”

  There wasn’t a fight as he closed the backdoor. She waved at him, flicking the lock before closing the blinds behind him.

  He walked the short distance to his own home, letting himself in. Bryan went through the mundane task of closing all the curtains and locking the house up. It was hot, and he turned the air-conditioning on in his room when he got there. Sitting on his bed, he kicked off his shoes, wondering what the hell was going on in his head.

  His cell phone rang, surprising him by the lateness of the call.

  One look at the caller and he smiled. “What do you want, Lillian?” he asked.

  “Well, how did your night go?”

  “You’re only just calling me now? I thought you’d have called before.”

  “And ruin your evening with Charlotte? As if.”

  “You knew I’d be with Charlotte?”

  “Honey, I was hoping. That woman is too damn sweet to give up. She’s going to make a man like you beg for a life with her.”

  He didn’t like how easily Lillian read him.

  “Are you going to keep me in suspense?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what to make of it.”

  “You’re not with her now?”

  Bryan shook his head. “No.”

  “Damn, you’ve left her alone.”

  “I think she kicked me out of her house. I gave her an orgasm, her first I might add. We fucked, it was amazing, and then she sent me out.” He rubbed the back of his neck still confused by her actions. “I really don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do.”

  “Play with the little mouse.”

  “Don’t call her that.” Bryan snapped the words out before he could stop himself.

  “Wow, she must have one amazing pussy to have you snapping like that.”

  Bryan took several deep breaths, trying his hardest to focus again.

  “You’re going to need to learn control, Bryan.”

  “I know.”

  “What are you going to do?” Lillian asked.

  “I’m going to see where this goes. I’ll wait for her to come back to me.”

  Lillian chuckled. “Keep me informed. Something tells me this is going to be one hell of an entertaining show.”

  He hung up on her cackling down the line. Throwing his cell phone onto his bed, he took a quick shower before moving back into his bedroom. He walked over to the window to look out over the street.

  It was such a nice neighborhood. He liked living here, and Charlotte had just created a distraction that he wasn’t sure he was ready for.

  Stepping away from the window, he climbed into bed naked. Lying down, he stared up at the ceiling, but he didn’t see the smooth painted wall above him. No, he saw Charlotte’s rounded cheeks that would look so pretty with his red handprint on the curves.

  He wondered if her hips would have bruises on them from his tight grip.

  Closing his eyes, he was sure he heard her moan or at the very least remembered the sound of her moan as he pounded inside her. He was going to hear her moan once again, and she was going to love everything he did to her.

  Chapter Five

  One week later

  Charlotte listened to her rock music as she added some more compost to her rose bushes. She rarely liked gardening, but she loved roses, always had ever since she was a kid. The beautiful sweet smelling flower with the thorny rose bushes had always fascinated her.

  “You’ve been avoiding me,” Susan said.

  “I’ve not.” She turned to smile at her friend.

  “I’m really sorry about the dinner.”

  “It has been a week since Daniel tried to feel me up. Believe me, I’ve not held a grudge. I’ve been busy with work.” Standing up, she brushed down her dungarees before removing her gloves.

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  “No, I can’t be mad at you. I figured you were busy with work, which was why you’ve not visited me.”

  “I’ve not been busy. I missed you.”

  “Come on, I’ll go and pour us some iced tea.”

  Taking the lead, Charlotte walked into her home, leaving the door open for Susan to walk in. She grabbed her pitcher from the fridge while Susan took a seat at the counter.

  “I’m so sorry about Bryan and his date.”

  Charlotte shrugged, hoping her cheeks didn’t heat at the mention of his name. For the last week she’d done nothing but think about what they’d done. Bryan liked his sex dirty, and she’d basked in every word he spoke.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not going to stop being your friend because Michael invited his friend.”

  “You know Bryan’s been asking about you.”

  Her hand shook a little. Putting the pitcher on the counter, she grabbed some glasses. “Why’s he been asking about me?”

  She’d not seen him or any other woman leaving his home, which had surprised her. Charlotte hadn’t gone out of her way to avoid him either. She went every day of the week to grab her mail, walking back to her home.

  “He wants to know if you’ve been doing okay.”

  “What did you tell him?” Charlotte placed a glass in front of her friend.

  “Nothing. I’ve not seen you, remember?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I’ve just been really busy with work and getting everything ready.” She did her best to smile and seem nonchalant.

  “Did something happen between you and Bryan?”

  “No, nothing.” She picked her glass up taking a sip. “So, what’s been happening with you?”

  She shifted the conversation toward her friend, putting Bryan firmly out of her mind. An hour passed before Susan left and Charlotte stood at her front door waving to her. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts as she took a step into her home.

  The distinctive sound of Bryan clearing his throat brought her attention to her other neighbor. He was leaning against her mailbox, flicking his keys around his finger. From the look of him he’d just gotten back from the gym.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hello.” She wanted to step back and close the door. The sight of him now made her nervous whereas thinking about him and what they’d done, didn’t.

  “Do you want to come round for a drink?”

  She froze. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  Charlotte’s mouth went instantly dry. She didn’t know what to do with something like that.

  “Come on, Charlotte. Come ‘round for a drink.” He gave that cocky grin that she’d seen him give a lot of other women.

  Go, Charlotte. Where’s the harm?

  She glanced behind her at the safety net of her own home. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Remember what I said to you, Charlotte.”

  Biting her lip, she was plagued with indecision.

  What the hell could she do?

  “Okay, one d

  She grabbed her keys from the little hook she kept by her door, locking it behind her. He was waiting for her, and together they walked toward his front door. In the last year she’d not once been inside his home, not even for any of the parties he’d thrown in the early weeks of him moving in.

  “I just realized you’ve never been to my place.”

  She followed him inside, hearing the door close with a resounding click. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she smiled. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Don’t worry. My house doesn’t hold any great surprises. Well, not really.” He grabbed her hand and led the way toward his kitchen. What was it about everyone leading her to a kitchen?

  I did the same to him.

  The kitchen was a safe place because it was dangerous and had a lot of dangerous stuff like knives, fire, gas, electricity—very dangerous. Nothing bad or dirty could happen in the kitchen.

  “Why have you been avoiding me?” he asked, catching her completely by surprise.

  “Wait, what? I’ve not been avoiding you.”

  “I’ve not seen you.”

  “You’ve not been looking. I’ve not changed anything I do.” She crossed her arms getting defensive over his allegations. “I get my mail, but for the most part I work from home. I’ve not changed anything I do.”

  He raised a brow.

  “What about you?” she asked, firing the question back at him.

  “What about me?”

  “Have you changed anything? I don’t recall seeing any women leaving your home the last week.”

  Bryan took a step closer to her after he put his sports bag down on the floor. “Ah, so you noticed there were women leaving my place.”

  “I’d have needed to be blind not to see it, Bryan. What is wrong with you?”

  He tilted his head to the side, refusing to answer.

  “We slept together—”

  “We fucked.”

  “Fine, we fucked, had sex, whatever. We didn’t make any commitment or date for a recurrence of what happened. Why are you being like this?” She took a step back as he advanced with meaning in his step.

  “What about now?” he asked.

  “What?” He was going a little too fast for her right now.

  Bryan pressed her against the wall, pushing a thick leg between her thighs. She gasped as he rubbed over her mound. The pleasure was instant as he rubbed her.

  “Are you wet for me, Charlotte? Do you want my cock again?”

  Gritting her teeth, she stared back at him. He placed his large hands on her shoulders, pushing the strap of her dress down. She didn’t make a move to stop him or try to fight.

  “You want this, don’t you?”

  The dress fell beneath her breasts before stopping at her hips. He flicked the catch of her bra open, and her tits spilled out. Bryan cupped them in his palm, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. Lust built within her at his touch.

  “Yes, I want this.” She pressed her chest against his hand, wanting it. Suddenly, she pushed him away. “No, I’m not going to do this.” She put her bra back on and pulled up her dress.

  “What is it? What’s the problem?”

  His cock tented his pants, but she didn’t pay his cock any attention.

  “You. You’re my problem.” She glared right back at him.

  “What the fuck have I done?”

  “This. I don’t know what to expect from you. You tell me that we’re not going to be anything more than fuck buddies, but then I hear you’re asking about me to Susan and Michael. Then you’re accusing me of avoiding you. Believe it or not, I’ve got a life, Bryan. It doesn’t revolve around you.”

  “Then what the hell do you suggest?” he asked, stepping closer. He placed a hand either side of her head, trapping her inside.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  “I’m not trying to scare you,” he said. “Do you want to put a label on this?”

  “A week ago you told me not to put a label on anything.”

  “Well, I’ve had a week to think about it.”

  “You’ve not been with anyone else?” she asked.

  “No, I haven’t.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her bottom lip. “I was at the gym where Brandie and Lillian were there, and both women were willing to show me a good time.”

  “Why didn’t you?” she asked. Her nipples were rock hard points, and her pussy was dripping from his closeness.

  Try to stay focused. He’s just a guy.

  “You were all I could think about.” He placed a hand over her pussy. “This sweet pussy is all I’ve been able to think about. I don’t know what you’ve done to me, Charlotte, but you’re the only one I want right now.”

  She frowned. He moved her dress out of the way, slipping his fingers past the elastic of her panties. She bit into her lip in an effort to contain the pleasure he was creating.

  “Let me hear those sweet sounds, baby. I want to hear you beg me.”

  “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I want you. I want you to be available to me every chance I get.”

  “Then we need to set out some ground rules,” she said, grabbing hold of his arms. He didn’t let up on her pussy, stroking over her clit.

  “I can handle rules if I get what I want.”

  In quick movements he had her naked, and so was he.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, when she finally got her voice back. This wasn’t how she’d imagined spending her night. Charlotte figured she’d have a nice bowl of pasta salad and sit down to her favorite vampire show.

  Nope, it wasn’t going to happen.

  Bryan, her sexy neighbor, was happening, and she couldn’t think of anything better.


  He was turning into one of those pansy ass men who talked about their feelings. Bryan grabbed a condom from his sports bag, quickly tearing into the foil, and sliding the latex over his cock. Grabbing Charlotte, he lifted her up and guided her down over his shaft. Her tight heat surrounded him, and it was better than he imagined.

  “Have you made an appointment to see the doctor yet?” he asked.

  “No. I didn’t think this was going to be anything.”

  “You’re going to get that appointment. I want to take this sweet pussy without anything between us.” He watched her bite her lip. The plump flesh looked more and more inviting every passing second.

  “Okay,” she said, gasping as he jerked within her.

  Today while working out, he’d checked out the women who were exercising close to him. A lot of the women had been trying to get his attention. His dick wouldn’t have any of it. Even as he focused on Brandie and the bounce of her fake tits, he’d remained flaccid. The only time he’d gotten hard was in Lillian’s office as she’d started talking about Charlotte.

  Charlotte had sent Lillian some of her designs, and Lillian loved them. She wanted her to arrange a meeting so they could go over elements for the new website.

  “I’m not going to fuck any more women,” he said. He’d talked with Lillian long and hard about what he’d been experiencing the last week.

  “You want my advice, Bryan? You want Charlotte. She has been an obsession of yours for a lot longer than you realize. You’ve talked about her often to me. I think the little mouse—your words, not mine—has gotten underneath that skin of yours.”

  He couldn’t argue about Lillian’s assessment of him.

  “You’re not.”

  “No. I’m not going to have any women, and you’re not going to have any men. We’re going to be exclusive.” He pulled out of her only to slam back inside. She cried out, gripping his shoulders tightly. “We’re going to explore this. I want to see how far I can push you. You’ve been keeping a secret from me, Charlotte, and now I want to know exactly what I can do to unlock it.”

  “I’ve not been keeping any secret.” She moaned, dropping her head to his shoulder. He reached down, gripping her ass.

>   “You’re like me, Charlotte. You need me to answer that urge within you that you’ve kept under wraps for so long. I can give you everything your heart desires.”

  “I don’t know what I desire.”

  Bryan smiled. “That I can help you with.” He’d gladly guide her with her needs and urges. It would satisfy him as much as it would satisfy her.

  He gripped her ass tightly in his hands as he started to fuck her against the wall.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “No pressure. You can be yourself here, but I will insist on one rule.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “When you walk into my house, you get naked. That’s my one strict rule.”

  She giggled. The sound did things to his insides, which he wasn’t sure what to do with.

  “Fuck me, Bryan.”

  “That’s right, baby. There’s no room for you to be reserved. I want you dirty, begging, and putting all the other shit out of your mind.”

  He slammed into her, holding onto her ass as tight as he could while he plowed inside her. Her pussy gripped him tightly. It was as if her pussy was trying to keep him locked inside.

  “I’m going to fuck you so many times and have you begging for my cock.”

  She screamed out as he bit down on her shoulder, sucking in her flesh. He was going to mark her, make it impossible for her to hide his ownership.

  What the fuck?

  Bryan didn’t know what was happening to him. All he knew was the fact he needed to be inside her, fucking her, possessing her.

  Over and over, he slammed his dick so deep inside her that he didn’t know where he began and she ended.

  “So fucking tight and hot. I’m going to get addicted to this fucking pussy, Charlotte. You’re going to spend your days waiting for my cock, wanting it more than anything else.”

  “Yes, Bryan, yes, please, fuck me.” She screamed, resting her lips against his neck.

  “Put your mark on me.” He wanted everyone to see the marks on his neck. Bryan didn’t give a fuck what people thought. He’d gladly wear her mark for everyone to see.

  She started to kiss him, sucking on his neck. He gripped the back of her neck, encouraging her.

  He groaned as the pain from her teeth went straight to his dick.

  Pounding inside her, he didn’t let up, relishing every pulse.


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