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Wicked Neighbor

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s nice to meet you, Sabine,” Charlotte said. “This is the first time Daniel’s brought someone here.”

  Nodding his head at Daniel, Bryan finished drinking his beer, while listening to the conversation with half an ear. This was for Charlotte’s benefit, not his. He didn’t give a fuck if the bastard tried to break the rules.

  After that, the barbeque went by without a hitch. The food was amazing, the dessert even more so. Charlotte had an art for baking, and the brownies were a temptation he didn’t want to pass up.

  “You’re baking these for me. I want a whole batch,” Bryan said as they made their way inside his home. He locked the door, closing the blind to the kitchen. “Get naked.”

  Charlotte was already in the process of removing her clothes. “I can bake them for you if you really want me to.”

  She gasped as he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back against his chest. “I really want you to. First, I want you to get on your knees and suck my dick.” She fell to her knees at his command. Keeping a grip in her hair, he stared down. “Take my dick out.”

  Her fingers were unsteady as she worked at his belt, then his jeans. She tugged his jeans down his thigh, gripping his cock that sprang up the moment he hit freedom. He groaned the instant the restraints eased from around him.

  “Lick the length of me.” With his other hand, he held onto his dick. He watched her lick him, getting his cock nice and slick with her saliva. “Now suck me in.”

  He shouted out a curse as her lips sucked the tip of his dick into her waiting mouth.

  “Fucking hell, baby, you’ve got one hot mouth.” He groaned, watching as she bobbed her head, taking him a little deeper into her throat. Bryan had never seen a more beautiful sight than her taking his cock.

  Thrusting his hips, he made her take more of him, relishing the bite of pain as her teeth scraped along his skin.

  “Enough, I want you upstairs.” He wasn’t going to finish inside her mouth. No, tonight, he wanted to finish in her ass. Helping her to her feet, he walked up to his room, taking her over to the spanking bench. He tied her hands and feet down, leaving her open and exposed. Bryan left her long enough to grab a tube of lubricant and a condom.

  He made sure they were close as he settled behind her. Running his hand over her rounded bum, he admired his handiwork on her ass. Sliding his fingers between her spread thighs, he took advantage of her open pussy. Pumping two fingers into her cunt, he pressed a thumb to her clit.

  She moaned, trying to fuck onto his fingers.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass tonight, baby.”

  “Yes, I want you to, Bryan. Please, fuck my ass.”

  Smiling, he landed a smack to her ass. “The pleasure will be all mine.” Tearing into the foil packet, he slid the condom over his dick before grabbing the lube. He made sure there was plenty of clear gel over his cock, using his two fingers to smear it all over his shaft. Bryan squeezed more lube onto his fingers, and he worked those fingers around and against her ass, pressing ever so slightly.”

  “I’m getting you prepared for me, baby.”


  He worked one slick finger into her ass before adding a second. Bryan made sure to add more lube to his fingers so she was nice and wet. He didn’t want her to feel too much pain when he took her ass.

  After five minutes of working his fingers in her ass, she was nice and ready for his cock.

  “Are you ready for this, babe?”

  “Yes.” She moaned as he already had the tip of his dick pressed to her ass. He stared down at her puckered hole, which started to open up as he kept his cock against her ass. Charlotte moaned and bucked against him, but she didn’t try to pull away.

  He pressed his cock into her ass, and after he got past that tight ring of muscles, she opened up like a flower beneath his touch. When all of his cock was inside her, he caressed her back, trying to soothe her.

  “You’ve got all of me.”

  “You’re rock hard.”

  Bryan chuckled. “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “You should.”

  Caressing her back, hips, and ass, Bryan groaned as her ass squeezed him. “Stop trying to get me to fuck you.” He grunted the words out. All he wanted to do was ram inside her over and over again. If he did that, he was going to hurt her, and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  He waited until she relaxed before he started to withdraw from her ass. Slowly, he pumped his cock inside her, going in, then out, then in.

  Taking his time, he reached around her to stroke her clit. She cried out, fucking back against him. When he had her close to orgasm, he slowed down his touches on her clit to fuck her ass.

  With his other hand, he wrapped her hair around his wrist. She’d told him she loved it when he grabbed her hair, and he used every opportunity he had to hold onto her hair. He increased his thrusts going a little deeper and harder inside her.

  She cried out, moaning.

  “Please, let me come.”

  He picked up speed on her clit, dropping his fingers into her pussy as he rubbed her clit with his thumb. Bryan worked her body exactly like he knew it. He knew what she liked, what would get her off the best.

  Charlotte begged for him to let her come. Only when he was close to his own orgasm did he send her over the edge, following her into heaven. He closed his eyes as the pleasure from her tightening ass along with the sounds she made became just too much for him. At the end, he collapsed over her back, kissing her shoulder.

  “I love you, Charlotte.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They had yet to talk about what she’d heard him telling Michael.

  “I don’t know whether to move in with you or to let you show me some of those special tricks you’ve got up your sleeve.”

  He laughed, moving the hair off the back of her neck. “You won’t be disappointed either way.”

  “You do realize we’ve just admitted we love each other.” She tried to glance over her shoulder to look at him, but the angle made it hard for her to do so.

  “Yes, we have. I don’t feel weird about it, do you?”


  He eased off her. Pulling out of her ass, he worked the restraints off her. Picking her up, he carried her through to his bathroom to take care of her. He had a lot of plans for his woman, and that’s exactly what Charlotte was, his woman.

  Chapter Ten

  “So, you’re moving in with him?” Susan asked.

  It had been another month since the barbeque when Bryan asked her to move in with him. Charlotte glanced over to her friend, who was flicking through one of the cookbooks she’s left out on her counter. In the past month she and Bryan had grown closer than ever before. Her very wicked neighbor had a romantic side, which had taken her completely by surprise.

  Bryan liked to surprise with her sweet gifts, romantic dinners, dates, all of it. She’d never been so happy before in her life.

  “Yes, I’m moving in with him.” That was what she was doing right now, moving in, packing up her boxes while Bryan was out at the gym.

  “You’re putting your place on the market?”

  “We’ve talked about it, and for now I’m going to rent it out.”

  “Was that your suggestion?”

  “No, it was his. He wants me to be secure in our relationship and to know he’s not going to hurt me in anyway.” Charlotte finished putting the last cookbook into a box. “Will you help me with this?”


  Susan had called an hour ago to help her move. She kept her talking, and Charlotte was getting suspicious of her motives. Her friendly neighbor wasn’t exactly known for her helpful hand in moving. She’d gotten Charlotte to help her pack up her kids’ old toys just to take them down to the second hand store.

  They had just entered Bryan’s home, and Charlotte squashed the desire to get naked when Susan’s cell phone went off.

  “Damn, Michael wants me to go me
et him, but my car is in the shop. I don’t suppose you’ll take me here, would you?” Susan showed her the address on her phone.

  “What’s going on, Susan?” she asked

  “Nothing. Michael wants me to meet him here. I don’t know any more than you.”

  Charlotte didn’t believe her but decided to play along. “Sure. I’ll grab the keys.”

  After locking up both houses, Charlotte opened up the car. Sliding behind the wheel, she waited for Susan to get strapped in before pulling out of the street. She was surprised to find the street relatively quiet. It was a quiet street, but this seemed quieter than usual. Her suspicions rose, but she tried not to think about it. She recognized the address but wasn’t sure exactly what was on the street.

  Susan stayed quiet, typing on her phone.

  The ride didn’t take long, and Charlotte parked outside of a church.

  “Why does he want you to meet him here?” she asked, unbuckling her seatbelt.

  “Let’s go and find out, shall we?”

  Her friend took off, leaving Charlotte with no other choice other than to follow her. Locking the door, she rushed after her friend, going through the church door only to come to a stop. The entire neighborhood was waiting for her. They stood, and the organ in the church started playing the wedding sound. There at the altar stood Bryan with Michael next to him.

  She didn’t have much choice but to walk down the aisle toward them. Susan was standing on the opposite side of Michael.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, standing in front of Bryan.

  Charlotte gasped as he went to one knee in front of her. “Charlotte Harris, you’re the love of my life, my soul mate, the very woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, now, today, in front of our neighborhood and closest friends?”

  She spotted Lillian in the crowd, who waved at her.

  “You want to marry me?”

  “Yes, I want to marry you and spend the rest of our lives together. I don’t want to waste another moment. I want you to be mine.”

  Biting her lip with tears filling in her eyes, she nodded. “Yes, I want that as well.”

  Bryan let out a breath.

  “You proposed without even knowing if I’d say yes or not?”

  “I decided to take a leap of faith.” He stood, holding her hand before turning to the priest. “You heard the lady.”

  “You’ve got bigger guts than me,” Michael said.

  Within the hour she was married to Bryan Webb. They walked out of the church as their friends and neighbors offered them both congratulations. She hugged and kissed more people in that moment than she ever had in the whole of her life. Bryan stood by her side, warning the men.

  It was … fun.

  At the end Susan hugged her tightly. “You’ve got yourself a keeper there, honey. He’s been planning this for a couple of weeks. I didn’t want to do it, but he said you’d prefer it this way. I’m pleased I decided to trust him.”

  “I’m learning he’s got a despicable side to him.” Charlotte chuckled, watching their friends leave before being turned into Bryan’s arms.

  “Well, Mrs. Bryan Webb, what do you want to spend the next fifty years doing?” he asked.

  “Why?” she asked, smiling.

  “Why did I plan everything in secret and get Susan to lure you here under false pretenses?”


  “Well, I’ve come to notice something about you, Charlotte. You don’t like being the center of attention. If I proposed you may have accepted, but I’d never have gotten you down the aisle. I told Michael I’d wasted enough time. You’re the other half of me.” He cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her lips.

  He was right. She hated being the center of attention. The surprise wedding was the perfect gift, the best. She couldn’t imagine him going one better than that.

  “Now, I’m going to take you home, tie you up, and spend the next fifty years fucking you and you’re going to spend all that time begging me not to stop.”

  “That sounds perfect to me.”


  Twenty-five years later

  Bryan watched his eldest daughter walk up onto the podium to accept her graduation certificate. He held onto his wife’s hand, and pride filled him at the sight. Glancing at their locked hands, he stared at his beautiful wife then looked beside her at their other four children. His youngest son was five years old.

  The last twenty-five years had been amazing, beautiful, and totally wicked. They still lived in the same neighborhood, in his home. Neither of them wanted to leave the street where they’d found each other, fallen in love, and gotten married. Susan and Michael hadn’t left either. They were sitting behind them, watching their son graduate as well.

  “What are you thinking?” Charlotte leaned in to whisper.

  “What I’m going to do to you when I get back home.”

  She smiled, resting her head against his shoulder. Later that night, he continued to keep to his promise. He had her begging for him, just like he did the year after that and the year after that. Forever keeping his promise and showing her he was a one woman man, but he was still her wicked neighbor who just happened to be her husband.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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