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Vampire's Witch

Page 3

by Rebecca Airies

  A moment later Marcus stepped up beside her. He definitely stood out in this bar. It wasn’t his clothing that made him noticeable. Most of the patrons wore casual but expensive clothing and his fitted right in with those. It was his attitude and bearing. Just a glance and anyone could see the predator lurking under the surface. He seemed like a wolf walking among puppies.

  “What’s your friend look like?” she asked in a voice she hoped he could hear over the base thump of the music.

  “Blond hair, thin, not muscled. In looks, he’d fit in here but he usually dresses in darker clothes.” Marcus leaned close so that only she could hear.

  “Maybe we should try the Goth bars,” she suggested. She was all for finding the man tonight.

  They walked toward the back, even looking into the employees’ area. As they made their way around the dance floor, a young man dancing wildly crashed into her. She stumbled into Marcus. He caught her and whirled her away from the man. She gasped as she felt her feet leave the floor and experienced a sense of moving fast. Just as she registered his body against hers and the wall at her back, the pressure of his chest against hers was gone. He stood in front of her, his back to her. His muscles tensed and he seemed ready for attack. She shook her head, smiling as she looked beyond him. The dancer hadn’t even noticed that he’d bumped her and was even now among the other dancers, continuing his wild moves on the floor.

  Slowly Marcus’ body relaxed. He turned to face her. Her smile slowly died. His brown eyes focused on her with undisguised hunger.

  “Everything’s fine. There’s no danger here.” She put her hands up on his chest. She had no idea why he’d turned toward her. She was sure that there was no one attacking them. They should be continuing their stroll around the club but she could tell that was the last thing on his mind. There was no way that she could mistake the possessiveness and lust rolling off him.

  He didn’t say a word. Stepping forward, his hands flattened on the wall at her shoulders. She drew in a sharp breath. His head lowered and he inhaled.

  “You smell so good.” His lips feathered across her cheek.

  “You need to relax, calm down. Nothing happened,” she urged in a soft voice. She could practically see the energy changing into arousal. Somehow she had to soothe him. Not to mention get his mind off her in any sexual manner. She didn’t want him to see her as anything more than the witch helping them catch the rogue. She didn’t need any more trouble in her life right now.

  His teeth closed over her lips. Her focus narrowed to the feel of his mouth on hers. She wanted that, ached for it. His tongue traced her lips. Her lips tingled. She opened her mouth, leaning into him. But it couldn’t happen, shouldn’t happen.

  His tongue stroked into her mouth. He tasted minty but not sharp, a smooth flavor. She groaned. So good. She pushed against his chest, trying to wedge some distance between them. She couldn’t resist tangling her tongue with his or savoring his taste. His chest brushed against her hardened nipples as he moved slightly from side to side. That light graze sent a thrill shooting through her. Her breasts felt swollen, too sensitive. His hand cupped the curve of one full mound.

  “Marcus!” A deep voice broke through the haze surrounding her.

  She blinked. Reality flooded in just as Marcus pulled back, turning toward the man who’d interrupted them. She didn’t know what had just happened, how the arousal had just exploded with that kiss. Nothing like that had ever happened before.

  “There’s been a possible sighting at another club. We need to get the witch over there,” Jason said evenly.

  Serena couldn’t see Marcus’ face but she saw his stiff back. She knew he wasn’t happy. He slowly turned around to face her.

  “We have to leave but we’ll get back to this. Somewhere private where we won’t be interrupted.” His fingers lifted to her cheek, lightly stroked across the curve.

  “I don’t date people I work with. I’m not interested in any kind of relationship right now.” She folded her arms across her chest. Especially not with a vampire.

  “I can smell your desire for me but we’ll talk about it later.” He took her hand and began leading her through the crowd.

  She hated to have to agree with him but this was not the time to argue about it. They had to find that rogue. As soon as they did, this mission would end and she could put some distance between herself and Marcus Castillo. Hopefully that would happen before he figured out she was turning into a vix.

  Jason had left the club before them and was waiting with the car as close to the entrance as he could get. They were on their way to the next club in moments. She sat fuming in the backseat but most of her anger was directed at herself. She’d known better than to let him get that close. He’d made the fact that he was attracted to her more than clear. He wasn’t just going to stop after a kiss. She was trapped until they caught that rogue vamp. After that, a long vacation away from any vampires would be nice. She had that whole vix thing to adjust to, not to mention deciding how she was going to tell her family.

  She heard snatches of country and western music as they approached the bar. Definitely not the kind of place she expected to find the man Marcus had described. They entered the club and Marcus grabbed her hand before she could walk away from them.

  “If he’s here, you could be in danger once he realizes you’re a witch,” Marcus advised as he led her toward the bar. He didn’t even hesitate and seemed to know just where to go.

  A blond man with collar-length straight hair separated from the line of people at the long bar. He smiled as he walked slowly toward them. He looked at Marcus and then at Serena.

  “Is this the witch?” The man’s head tilted as he was studying her. Dressed in nice slacks and a crisp white shirt, he looked as if he had just stepped out of an office.

  “I have a name.” Serena narrowed her eyes at the man.

  “This is her.” Marcus’ arm curved around her. “Her name is Serena. Where is he, Caine?”

  “Jesse thought he saw him but we haven’t seen him since.” Caine shrugged. “There certainly hasn’t been any kind of incident here. So if he was here, I don’t think he is anymore.”

  “We’ll continue to search until we have proof whether he is or not,” Marcus said. He led Serena into the crowd of people.

  “You know I can take a walk through this bar on my own. I don’t need an escort. Especially since your friend isn’t here.” She tugged her hand, waiting to see if he’d release her. She didn’t think he would. He seemed to intent on keep her with him.

  “You don’t know what he looks like. You should stay with someone who does know.” He smiled down at her and lightly squeezed her hand.

  “And that’s something that’s definitely going to change if he isn’t found tonight.” She didn’t look over at him. His smug smile was getting on her nerves.

  He laughed. “Don’t think you’re going to be very far from one of the operatives even when you do know what he looks like. Someone’s going to be near you so that if we do need to leave, we won’t have to hunt for you. You’re an essential part of this mission.”

  Serena rolled her eyes. She didn’t buy that at all. She had a cell phone and she was certain he did too. It wouldn’t attract attention to her to answer a phone.

  The rest of the night was spent going from one club to the next but they didn’t find the man. Around four in the morning, they gave up the search. Marcus took her home and to her surprise, he didn’t press for even a kiss.

  She went inside and leaned against the door and took a deep breath. She had no idea why he was so focused on her, what had caused it. If there was a way to get his attention off her, she hadn’t been able to think of it. His interest in her had just seemed to explode.

  * * * * *

  Serena walked slowly down the gray-carpeted hallway. It seemed to go on forever. The cream-colored walls were broken only by the occasional dark brown door. She tried the first door, but it wouldn’t open. The knob didn’t even mo
ve. She frowned, trying to make sense of this. She had no idea where she was, but there had to be a way out of here. She tried the next door. It swung open on silent hinges.

  She took a step into the room and the door swung closed behind her. Flickering light spilled across the gray carpet. Taking a few steps farther into the room, she saw a desk, some bookshelves and a couple of chairs. It looked like a study. A plush, deep maroon sofa had been placed against one of the light cream-colored walls. It wasn’t the couch that held her eyes there. It was the man on the couch. Marcus Castillo.

  His black hair looked mussed as if he’d just run his fingers through the thick mass. Her fingers tingled and she clenched them, resisting the urge to run her own fingers through his hair. Deep brown eyes watched her so intently that she had a feeling he’d catch her if she turned and tried to run out the door. She deliberately pulled her eyes away from his harsh features and let them travel lower. His shirt was red, blood red. Her mouth watered. She shuddered in revulsion. She had no idea how just the thought of the word “blood” had such an effect on her. It caused her heart to slam in her chest.

  The pull to him was so strong that she almost forgot why should stay away from him. She had to admit he was tempting and more than just sexually. Part of her wanted to get close to him and even tease him while still keeping her secret. She’d never realized she had such a crazy streak running through her.

  “Come join me, Serena.” Marcus lifted his hand, extending it palm upward to her.

  She shook her head but found herself taking slow steps forward. Her fingers slid over his palm and he tugged her to stand between his outstretched legs. What was the matter with her? Her mind whirled. She should be rushing out the door, not blithely walking up to him as if he were harmless. It wasn’t only her legs that she couldn’t control. Her entire body felt electrified. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen, the nipples tight and aching. Need tightened in her stomach and felt hot moisture on her thighs.

  “You’re beautiful. Don’t you want to sit here with me?” His low sexy voice sounded inviting.

  She swallowed hard. Her mind screamed no but she felt herself sliding onto his lap. Was this some kind of spell? She shouldn’t be here. She shouldn’t want him this much. Before she could even think about casting a spell to discover the truth, his mouth slanted across hers. She gasped and his tongue thrust deep. He tasted like mint and she couldn’t get enough. She pressed close to him. Her arms looped over his shoulders. She moaned as his mouth tore away from hers.

  She felt his hand slip between them and his hand cupped her pussy through the soft material of her skirt. Her eyes widened. She felt the heat of his palm and just resisted the urge to lift into that light pressure. Her clit throbbed. She wanted to rub against him until she came. He looked down at her and she had the impression that he knew exactly what she was feeling. She tried to fight the growing sensations pinging through her body, but no matter what she did, the heated need increased.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes.” His hand rose to the buttons of her shirt.

  She wanted his hands on her not on the stupid buttons of her shirt. She didn’t brood about it long. Her hands went to the row of fastenings on his. If her clothes were coming off so were his. She wanted to see his body as well. The shirt gaped open and she tugged it free of his pants. It slid down his shoulders and arms, catching at his elbows. He growled and struggled out of it before returning to the small pearly closures of her shirt. She took advantage of it. Her hands smoothed over his chest, plucking at his nipples. His muscles rippled beneath her fingers. Something went flying and suddenly her blouse fell open. His hands slid inside the loose garment and cupped her breasts. Only the thin fabric of her bra separated her aching nipples from his hands.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes.” He unfastened her bra.

  When he pushed her shirt down, she impatiently wriggled free. She didn’t want to stop touching him. The moment her shirt slid off her hands, he urged her back onto the couch. She relaxed back onto the soft cushion. His hands trailed down her stomach to the fastening of her skirt. As soon as he’d freed the button, he pulled it and her panties down her legs.

  Serena watched him as he rose. His skin gleamed in the flickering light. With urgent moves, he shoved off his pants and briefs. Then he was gloriously naked in front of her and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. His thigh muscles flexed and his cock jutted up toward his belly. She hungrily licked her lips. She wanted to taste him.

  He must have read her interest on her face. “Not tonight.”

  His knee pressed against the cushion as he moved between her thighs. His fingers parted the slick lips of her pussy and moved down to whirl in the thick liquid at her entrance. His thumb flicked at her clit. Her hips lifted. The sharp edge of her nails bit into her palm as two thick digits pressed into her.

  “I want you,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “You’re so wet.” His hand continued to move against her.

  His head lifted. She saw fierce hunger in those dark eyes and two white fangs flashed as his lips pulled back. Fear surged through her, but it was pushed away by the need rolling over her body. Her clit throbbed and her body writhed. She couldn’t remember being this out of control in her life.

  His fingers withdrew and she couldn’t hold back a raw scream of frustration. Her inner muscles clenched. Not yet. She pulled at him and kissed him hungrily as his chest brushed against her breasts. The round head of his cock nudged her opening before slowly pushing into her. Her nails sank into his back as he rocked his hips. She forgot everything as he drove against her. He nipped at her lips between searing kisses as if he couldn’t get enough of her taste. That only excited her even more. Her hips rose to meet his. She pulled in ragged breaths. The unrelenting need tightened and churned. Small desperate moans escaped her lips as climax remained just out of reach. Something was missing.

  His lips dropped kisses on her throat. Pain slashed through her as his teeth sank deep. At the same moment, pleasure ripped over her. His mouth worked at her neck. He continued driving into her. She trembled. Her body arched into his. He tensed above her and she felt a hot, wet splash inside her.

  “You’re one of us. I knew it.” His teeth withdrew and his tongue lapped at her neck.

  Serena gasped, bolting upright and fighting the tangle of covers around her. Her hand flew to her neck. Her heart raced with fear. She didn’t feel wetness, punctures or even a scab. Shakily, she reached over and turned on a lamp. Understandably, her blue sheets and blankets were askew, but everything else looked like it should. The dream had seemed so real. Just to be sure, she checked for spell work and the state of her own protection spells. No one had cast a spell on her or entered her home. She was safe. She straightened her covers and turned out the light. At least, she hoped she was safe. She didn’t know if vampires could enter a person’s nightmares, but she didn’t think they could.

  * * * * *

  The rest of the week followed in a haze of late nights and unsuccessful searches. On Friday of the following week, she was actually dreading the search. The loud noise and false alarms were beginning to get to her. She wanted to walk out of the clubs and go home but it was important that she be there to help. She knew that. They needed her to keep the vampire from harming someone with magic. She was certain that if she did take a break, the vampire would make an appearance.

  “He’s here,” Marcus whispered up as he stepped up to her side. Dressed in a black button-down shirt and black slacks, the man took her breath away tonight.

  She looked around, trying to spot the man she’d come to know from the photos she’d been shown.

  “We have to wait until we see him doing something. We know he is a killer but we have to get all the evidence we can to make sure he’s not allowed to do this again.” His hands on her shoulders urged her to turn to the right. “He’s at the table near the back, surrounded by women. I don’t know if that’s a spell or if he just attracted them on
his own but it is strange enough to note.”

  She concentrated, trying to sense any magic in the area. She hadn’t bothered before because witches and wizards could easily be here. She felt a light glamour from the man in that booth.

  “It’s a spell. A glamour to alter, enhance physical appearance and to draw women in.” Her low tone wouldn’t carry beyond him.

  He drew her to the side where they could watch the rogue, Daniel, without being obvious about it. She didn’t object. She wanted to study the man. From what she’d seen, the man didn’t look very dangerous. She tried to see beneath the glamour. He wasn’t that tall. A thin man, he really didn’t look like most of the other vampires she’d seen. If she didn’t know it, she’d think he was a normal young man.

  “Face me. We’ll take turns watching him but we don’t want to be obvious about it.” He leaned against the wall. His hands drew her hips closer until her lower body was plastered against his. She could feel the ridge of his cock pressing against her belly. Swallowing heavily, she looked up at him.

  “You know this isn’t a good idea.” She slid a hand up his chest, gripping the soft black fabric of his shirt.

  The man seemed to know just how to tempt her. Her fingers practically itched to unbutton that shirt. His hands hadn’t moved below her waist and his touch was light and far from intimate but her body tingled. This didn’t feel like work.

  “Shh… We’re not doing anything. This is just cover for our surveillance.” He leaned down and dropped a light kiss on her lips.

  Serena licked her lips as he drew back. Not doing anything. Surveillance was the last thing on her mind. The attraction to him seemed to be growing and it scared her. She didn’t know if it was just natural attraction or something to do with the changes happening inside her. Whatever it was, she wished she knew of a way to stop it.


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