Good Lord: Woolf Tales 2
Page 12
“I was informed Jack Woolf was the man to go to for property investments in London by some umm, mutual friends, I had my eye on a commercial site but the incumbents at the time were a little reluctant to sell. Jack made it happen.” Dad winked and Izzy swallowed hard. When Ben and Jack met up again around the time of Adam’s trial, they put their heads together like old friends and disappeared into Jack’s study emerging in the early hours drunk and disorderly much to my amusement and Izzy’s shock.
“We have a short flight landing at a secluded airstrip in the Loire Valley about forty-five minutes from Henri’s chateau.” Izzy informed the passengers.
“Are we certain Remi is there?” My father enquired. The Twins responded with a ‘yes sir’ and thankfully Dad didn’t question how they knew for sure. I suspected it had something to do with drones. Izzy and the Twins were obsessed over them.
We landed mid-morning in France. The weather was pleasantly warm and if I had been so inclined, I would have appreciated the beauty of the surrounding country side. The Twins had arranged for a Mercedes minivan, in sleek black of course, to be made available for our use and we all piled in silently. It was equipped with full GPS capabilities and after loading up the location details, T took the wheel driving with confidence and purpose. It was reassuring to have them on our side. Aside from being two of the hugest and fiercest looking black men I had ever come across (like literally; mental high five) they were totally professional and excellent at their work.
After a quiet drive G muttered something to T who pulled the van into a secluded lay by. “It’s about five minutes away.” G pointed up the road. I unbuckled my seatbelt as did Izzy. He and I were going to try and gain entrance the proper way by knocking on the front door like two authentic visitors. G &T were going to scout the area and get in covertly in case we needed protection, and Adam and Ben were staying in the vehicle as second back up if required. We were all in discreet radio contact with strict orders not to go off grid. I thought it was all rather dramatic but I would never challenge G & T in their area of expertise.
“Ready Jase?” Izzy and I were stood in front of a set of imposing metal gates. I pressed the buzzer.
“Qui est?” A robotic sounding voice asked through the intercom. I was fluent in French and rapidly explained that I was Remi Ferrand’s cousin and here to visit with him. The gates creaked open. “Can’t be that easy surely?” I mumbled to Izzy out of the side of my mouth.
“Hush. Keep your wits about you.” Izzy flashed me a stern look of warning. I swallowed hard and nodded. We ambled up the long driveway trying to look relaxed. Izzy grabbed my hand and I gasped. “It might be less suspicious if we appear to be a couple.” There were days past when I would have given my left nut to be Izzy’s other half; today however, I could only ever imagine that with Remi. I squeezed Izzy’s hand in gratitude. We knocked on the door and a maid opened it and led us into the grand foyer.
“Un moment si’l vous plait. Arretes ici.” She pointed to a bench along one wall and Izzy and I sat and waited. I found it completely impossible to keep still though and my knee bounced erratically until Izzy placed a hand on it and I stilled under his touch.
“Deep breaths, Jase.” Oh God, that was his Dom voice. My stomach flipped and even in the midst of all this frantic chaos my cock twitched at his tone. I inhaled and exhaled steadily as instructed.
My heart was thumping and my pulse was racing making my insides feel like jelly yet I called on every ounce of control I possessed to remain stoic. Izzy, however, radiated menace and barely suppressed aggression. I’d seen him adopt similar stances in hostile client meetings which usually served to put his opponents on edge from the off. I wasn’t sure that was the wisest move but there was no point trying to get him to change; he wouldn’t.
“I can hear your stress levels rising as we sit here.” Izzy’s deep voice accused.
“Do you blame me?” I squeaked rather annoyed my composure wasn’t as cool, calm and collected as I’d thought.
“Of course not, but if you get over emotional from the off, Henri will use that weakness against you.”
I huffed at Izzy because he was right of course.
“You have to be fucking kidding me.” Izzy growled under his breath. I looked up to see a houseboy approaching. He was entirely naked save for a metal collar and cock cage. He was incredibly beautiful and shockingly young.
“Monsieur Greenall et Monsieur Woolf?” We both nodded in response. It was stupid considering we were the only two men present but the boy was obviously trained to be exceedingly polite to visitors. “Bienvenue.”
Izzy cleared his throat and the boy jerked nervously barely stopping himself from stepping back. I narrowed my eyes and took a proper look at him. Initially I had thought him to be slim but in reality, he looked under nourished and his skin was pallid making the blue veins stand out along his arms. His hair was white blond and long enough to be secured in a top knot but I could still tell it was listless and dry. When he looked at me I had presumed his eyes to be very dark but on closer inspection they were hazel coloured hidden by his blown pupils. The boy was clearly drugged but still able to carry out light house duties. My stomach churned.
Izzy stood abruptly and the boy shook visibly. I placed a gentle hand on his arm to reassure him we were friendly but he shrieked and yanked it away. In a soft voice, I used my flawless French to try and soothe the boy’s nerves and assure him we meant him no harm. I wasn’t convinced he was even capable of unravelling my words to make sense let alone believe me.
“Don’t waste your time Jase, this boy’s too far gone. Fucking hell, what kind of monster are we dealing with?” Izzy brushed a hand over his lower jaw; it was his only tell which freaked me out a bit.
“Jesus if you’re worried now I’m really shitting it.” I slid my hand into his larger warmer one and he squeezed it for reassurance.
“S’ok Jase. We’ve come for Remi and we won’t leave without him, I promise.”
The houseboy turned on his tail and motioned for us to follow. Izzy and I both raised our eyebrows at the large butt plug poking out from between his little plump cheeks. Even in his less than healthy state the boy was fucking gorgeous. He led us through the enormous house, up a magnificent staircase and along a corridor to a set of huge ornate doors.
“This is where Master Henri is waiting for you.” He’d switched to heavily accented English.
“What’s your name boy?” Izzy demanded in a tone that no one ever refused to answer.
Izzy frowned. “You’re called five?” The boy nodded. Izzy turned to me looking puzzled. “Please ask him in French if that’s really his name or just what that bastard calls him.”
The young man replied to me quietly that he had been in the chateau for a long time and that if had a different name he no longer recalled it. He said all the boys were called by numbers, all the way from deux to cinquante. A sense of dread washed over me and I could tell Izzy felt the same. I asked Cinq why the numbers started at two although I feared what his answer was going to be. “Parce que le numéro un a disparu, mais est maintenant retourné.” Because number One disappeared but now he’s returned.
“Oh God.” I swallowed hard. “Remi is number One.”
Izzy did not look surprised. “That motherfucker better have a bloody good explanation as to why he’s effectively built himself a harem of young men who don’t seem to have a fucking clue what day of the week it is.” Izzy turned away from us and I could hear him muttering quietly. I assumed he was issuing instructions to the Twins through his hidden comms. He swivelled back around and jutted his jaw to the door. The boy, Cinq, rapped hard before entering. We followed.
“No!” I cried aloud. “No, no, no.” I shook my head violently from side to side refusing to believe the sight before my very eyes. Izzy clamped a hand down on my arm preventing me from moving forward when every fibre of my being yearned to go to Remi. I wasn’t eve
n aware that De La Roche was in the room when all I could see was my beautiful cousin trussed up and on display in a purposely submissive pose obviously designed to shock us.
“Jason, be still.” He hissed and I reluctantly did as I was told.
Henri chuckled. “The great Isadore Woolf. Your reputation precedes you of course and I am quite impressed by what I have heard. I understand you have enviable skills and unshakeable control.” Izzy remained silent. I knew this was his usual ploy while he assessed the situation. “To be a Master Dom at such a young age is quite the accomplishment.” Only the tic in Izzy’s jaw gave away how tightly strung he was. Outwardly my boss looked mildly bored. Henri drawled on. “I would ask to what I owe the honour but I think I already know.” He cast a glance my way smirking as he looked me up and down. “It’s a wasted journey mes amies, but let me offer you some refreshments. Whiskey?”
Isadore Woolf smiled benevolently at Henri De La Roche signalling game on. “Let’s not waste any more time as you so rightly stated. Please release Remi Ferrand to me now and we’ll be on our way without any more bother.” Izzy slid his hands in his pockets as if the deal was already done. Henri was busy mixing drinks and chuckling to himself. All I could do was stare at Remi and try not to unload the contents of my stomach all over the extremely expensive tapestry rug covering the floor.
The room was vast although in the dim lighting it was hard to tell just how far it stretched back into the bowels of the chateaux. The décor consisted of dark wood panelling along the walls and plush velvet furniture dotted around in dark reds, purples and gold. There was lots of brocade giving an overall Goth feel to the place. Many candles gave off light and heat. They were on every surface including elaborate wall and ceiling chandeliers. It was all very vampiric and wildly over dramatic. Boys in stages of undress were scattered everywhere lying across one another, petting each other and looking fairly stoned and docile. I was horrified to my very core. Henri was abusing these kids on every level keeping them as prisoners and I suspected as sex slaves. It wouldn’t surprise me if he pimped them out to his equally perverted friends. Suddenly this had become much more than a mission to rescue Remi; somehow, we had to put an end to Henri De La Roche’s despicable activities. The man deserved to be castrated as far as I was concerned.
I tried not to let my eyes stray to where Remi was secured to a swing type contraption in the middle of the room, but it was hard not to. My strong, dominant cousin was exposed on every level and I knew it had to be killing him. His legs were bent at the knees and his feet were strapped into stirrups. The position was designed to keep his hips jutted forward so that his hole was easily accessible. An elaborate cock ring sat at the base of Remi’s solid shaft with bits that circled his balls keeping them stretched and swollen. A long steel sound had been inserted into Remi’s penis. The top of it had a little d ring attached and two chains ran through it attached to clips that were tightly clamped on to Remi’s nipples. I could see the normally dark nubs were red and sore and I could only imagine the searing agony he was in. Moving was obviously impossible unless he wanted to inflict more pain on each of his genitals and the tension in his body was evident. His biceps bulged and his thighs were strained and his breathing came in short pants.
Remi’s arms were above his head attached by cuffs around his wrists to the swing. His long neck and throat was exposed as his head hung back between his shoulders.
“You are admiring my handiwork, non?” Henri sauntered over to where Remi was suspended and my heart leapt into my mouth.
“Don’t you touch him!” I cried and Remi jerked. A loud grunt filled the room along with a series of ‘tuts’ from Henri. Izzy held me firm.
“Oh, but he loves to be touched, don’t you, Boy?” Henri reached out and stroked Remi’s engorged cock and I was conflicted that Remi was staying hard through all of this. I knew he liked torture but his penchant was inflicting it not submitting to it. I frowned and a whimper must have escaped my throat.
Izzy bent low and whispered in my ear. “Henri must have given Remi something to keep him hard. He’s in too much distress to stay erect naturally. Don’t be deceived Jason, he is not enjoying this. Trust me though, don’t do anything yet.”
Izzy’s assessment of the situation did nothing to calm my raging fury but I trusted him to know what he was doing and stick to the plan.
“Monsieur De La Roche,” Izzy began in his wonderfully patronising drawl. “Your um, establishment, is all very impressive and what not, but we really don’t have time to coo and wow over what you’ve created here. If you could release Remi promptly, we’ll be on our way.”
Henri chuckled. “Of course, you know that’s not going to happen.”
“Do you need money?” Izzy knew this would be extremely insulting to Henri which is certainly why he asked. Henri huffed in offense. “No? Then why keep Remi when you clearly have an entire harem of childr…umm, young men to keep you amused.”
“I do not have a harem. These young men live with me. I have taken them in from the streets because they have nowhere else to go.”
“You have poached vulnerable children and kept them as slaves. Let’s not pretty it up to make you feel better about it.” I screeched at him.
“Not helping.” Izzy growled. He grabbed me around the waist and pinned me to his side correctly assuming I was reaching the end of my patience.
Henri pulled out a chair near to where Remi was hanging and sat down crossing one leg languidly over the other. I hated how relaxed and smug he seemed. “I think you have misunderstood my boys. They all love me. Whatever I ask of them they obey willingly.” Henri clapped his hands and the room stilled. All the boys rose gracefully from their positions and came and stood before Henri presenting perfectly. Each one was waiflike and beautiful as they arched their backs with their hands clasped at the top of their buttocks. They had an almost ethereal quality about them, yet every single one was dead behind their eyes. Whatever Henri used to keep them compliant also stripped them of spirit.
Henri beckoned two of them. “Trois et Huit.” He called the two boys to him and they kneeled at either side. He leaned down and whispered quietly and I watched two heads bob in consent to whatever he had asked of them.
“I’m scared Iz.” I murmured into his neck.
“Just wait Jase, I promise we’ll get these boys and Remi out of here, but the Twins need to make sure Henri’s security are shall we say, detained, before we make our move, or it could be too dangerous.”
“Oh no.” I groaned as the two angelic creatures approached Remi. They discarded their white underwear before positioning themselves in front and behind Remi. I watched as they twisted the swing around and for the first time I got a look at Remi’s face. “Fuck! FUCK!” Izzy just about kept hold of me as I struggled to break free. A devious looking head harness kept Remi’s mouth pried open and Henri had somehow customised it so his eyelids were also unable to close. It was horrible but the thing that killed me; that pierced my heart in two and made me sob uncontrollably was the sight of my red lace thong stuffed between his swollen lips. “You motherfucking piece of scum.” I hissed at Henri. “Why?”
Henri smiled at me. “Remi is mine. He has always been mine and he will be mine until the day one of us leaves this Earth.” He turned to Remi. “Someone needed reminding of that.”
“You know Remi defended you. When he told me his story I said some awful things about you, but he said you were sexy and on some level, he loved you. That’s why he came back here, because he thought you would offer him solace, not to be tormented.”
“I beg to differ.” Henri steepled his fingers, looking thoughtful. “Mes fils.”
Trois and Huit set to work and I could only observe in increasing agony while they played with Remi driving him mad with the need for release but not allowing him to get there. The wretched man was writhing and quite clearly distressed.
“Stop, please stop.” I begged Henri. “If I promise to end our relationship, will y
ou please let him go?”
Henri stood abruptly. “This was never about you, Lord Greenall. Who do you think you are coming to my home and making all sorts of silly demands? Remi chose his path, now it’s time for you and Mr Woolf to please leave.”
I felt Izzy bristle beside me. He did not take well to orders. He let go of me and in his big, booming, Dom voice let rip. “You are deluded and dangerous. Stop this ludicrous power trip immediately or I will.”
Henri looked at Izzy like he was mad. “You and whose army?”
Henri’s boys crowded around him protectively giving Izzy the opportunity to issue a command to the Twins without being noticed. Almost immediately the door swung open and, oh my God, it wasn’t G or T. It was Adam. Izzy’s jaw dropped and all the breath left my lungs. The man had warriored up looking like a modern-day Rambo on steroids with height and was hot as fuck. Now it was my turn to restrain Izzy from losing it. I could feel him practically crawling out of his skin as his husband stormed into the room looking fierce as all hell.
“Is that a fucking machine gun?” Izzy didn’t sound pleased. Adam shot him a look that was all ‘be quiet I know what I’m doing.”
“Who the hell are you?” Henri stood up abruptly and was about to advance when Adam held up his gun and everyone froze.
“I’m your worst nightmare.” God, he sounded so menacing I shuddered. Izzy was growling beside me. “Now everyone needs to settle down on their knees nice and easy.” He gestured at the floor with the gun and all the boys hastily dropped to the floor. They were wide eyed and panicked and I wanted to reassure them that Adam was just a big teddy bear but the way he looked right now would override anything I tried to convince them of. Henri remained standing with his eyes narrowed. He kept glancing between Adam and me and Izzy. He was definitely rattled but trying to maintain his air of command. “You!” Adam stared right at Henri. “Sit down in that chair. Izzy, find something to tie him up with. I have a feeling you aren’t finished with him yet.”