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Good Lord: Woolf Tales 2

Page 15

by Viva Gold

  “I can guess what you’re thinking.” Remi shoulder bumped me.

  “I want to keep them all, Remi.” My throat felt tight.

  “We can stay in France. I will continue my studies here and perhaps we can sell the chateau and use the funds for good. Buy a property suitable as a residence for homeless LGBTQ+ kids.”

  It sounded like such a fantastic idea but I had too many commitments at home; my job with Izzy for one. I loved my job and I loved Izzy; I hadn’t contemplated ever doing anything else. “I can’t leave England.”

  “You mean you won’t leave Woolf.” Remi accused.

  “That’s not fair. I have a job Remi. And you have the amazing opportunity to study at Oxford.” I placed my hand on his forearm. “And we are so new. It’s too much”

  “Your boss mentioned he has a charity home in London? For gay kids?”

  I hummed. “Yeah, Izzy and Adam’s parents founded it in their names as a wedding present.”

  Remi clasped my hand. “That’s perfect then. We can open a branch in Paris.”

  “Did you not just hear anything I said?” I hissed at Remi annoyed that he had dismissed my points completely. I was suddenly overwhelmed with so many conflicting emotions as the events of the past few days caught up with me. I was hardly in a stable place mentally before Remi barrelled into my life. My skin grew tight and my breath felt constricted in my chest. My vision blurred and a rush of dizziness unbalanced me. Remi caught me around the waist.

  “Jason, baby, what’s up?” Remi’s concern wasn’t enough for the panic to abate. “Jason you’re worrying the kids.” Through my hazy vision I could see several pairs of wide eyes staring at me. A familiar figure hurried over and held my hands. In no uncertain terms, Cinq told Remi I was having a panic attack and he was making it worse. Cinq guided me out of the kitchen and into an adjoining room where he sat me in an armchair. I thought he might leave me but couldn’t draw enough breath to tell him to stay, however he fussed around me making sure the cushions propped me up and my clothing was loosened, then he straddled me and held my head in his hands.

  “Breathe Monsieur Jason. In and out. That’s right.” Cinq coached me down from the precipice of hyperventilation with a great deal of patience and a lot of care. He rubbed my arms which were covered in goose bumps and stroked my hair to soothe me. “What’s the matter Sir?” I had never been so grateful that French was a second language to me.

  “I want to be strong for Remi and for you and the boys. But I’m in a bad place right now and I don’t think I can be all the things Remi needs.” I felt stupid baring my soul to a young boy. Cinq had enough worries of his own and far more authentic than my self-made fuck ups. I was truly pathetic. “I’m sorry my angel boy. You must be so disappointed in me.” Tears welled up and spilled down my cheeks. I wasn’t just feeling sorry for myself; I was actually appalled at how I had let everyone down. Cinq gently wiped away my tears.

  “Shh. Don’t cry. I think you are human that’s all. Just like the rest of us. Unique and special. I have known you for only two days and already I know I never want to be with anyone else.”

  I stared into Cinq’s eyes. He was being genuine. “You are so young though. You have your entire life ahead. All those men…”

  Cinq cocked his head at me. “I have had many men.”

  “Oh God…” I held Cinq close. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “I cannot change the past, but I can decide on my future now that you have freed us. Do you think Remi will want to keep me, because I want to be with you both? I want to serve you and love you and care for you. I’m good at that.”

  My throat was so dry my voice was practically hoarse. “Remi and I want you Angel. We will work to a dynamic that suits us all, but we will be equals.” Cinq grinned like he didn’t believe me. “Well, apart from in bed of course, because Remi is, well you know kind of a dick. He can be the sweetest man. He’ll flirt and say all the right things….”


  “He can turn on a heartbeat, and the next thing you know you’re trussed up in red lace and beaten black and blue. Well not exactly beaten, but he doesn’t hold back. And he can be cruel.” I shook my head. “You’re so young, I don’t know…” I chewed on my lower lip.

  Cinq narrowed his eyes at me. “You know this wasn’t exactly a holiday camp. I’ve seen and experienced some pretty horrendous activities. Remi is nothing like Henri though. Remi is not a sociopath; he just has a weird kink, no?”

  “And me too, apparently.” I licked my lips. Cinq seemed mesmerised. I gasped; the boy’s stiff erection was prodding me in the stomach. “Oh Jesus…could you be any more perfect?” Cinq grinned and swivelled his hips grinding his little pert arse into my groin. I moaned. “Such a naughty little imp.”

  The door creaked open and Remi entered the room. “I came to check Jason hadn’t fainted on you after that pathetic demonstration for attention.” My heartbeat sped up, Remi was pissed off at finding Cinq and I in the first very obvious stages of arousal. “But I can see my concerns were a waste of time.” Shit he was really mad.

  “Whoa!” Cinq cried as he was hauled off my lap and thrown to the floor. Remi slapped me hard around the face and I huffed. My cock plumped in the confines of my jeans. This is what I needed, a reminder of who we were. Remi grabbed my chin in his hand.

  “You fucking slut. I was worried about you, and you were trying to stick your dirty little dick into Angel.” Remi’s spittle decorated my face.


  “You fucking will be.” Remi stuck his hand in his pocket and a blur of red danced before my eyes. “Get the fuck up those stairs and into our bed wearing just these.” He yanked me upright by the front of my shirt until I was standing on wobbly legs.

  “Now might not be the best time Remi…” I tried to argue but he slapped me again. “For fuck’s sake!” I grabbed the thong and stormed out of the room. I could hear Remi soothing Cinq and telling him to join his friends; that him and I needed some quality time together and that if the others asked, I wasn’t feeling too well and Remi had escorted me upstairs for a lie down.


  I was nervous to be alone with Remi but also incredibly turned on. I fleetingly contemplated disobeying him and running to Izzy and the Twins for refuge but if I was one hundred percent honest with myself, I was desperate for more of Remi’s special brand of loving. My cousin made me feel more alive than I had in years and with renewed vigour, I determined not to let him down. I knew this was a game, but Remi took his playtime very seriously and I wasn’t about to break his rules.

  I stripped naked and slipped on the thong. I had to admit the familiar sensation of the lace against my throbbing dick was intensely erotic. Combined with the uncertainty of what was about to occur, I found it almost impossible not to touch myself, yet I held off knowing Remi would be displeased if I started without him.

  I was laid out on my back in the centre of the bed when the door burst open and Remi entered the room. Of all the things I expected, Remi hurrying over and scooping me into a hug was not one of them. I was half expecting to be pissed on; spat at; man handled and possibly denied release, but a full-on bear hug hadn’t featured.

  “Jason, oh my God you scared me baby, are you ok?” Remi was running his hands all over my body. It was sweet but such a shock my erection waned considerably.

  “I’m fine. It was the beginnings of a panic attack but Cinq…”


  “Sorry, yes, our Angel. He was brilliant; very calm and soothing. He brought me back to normal quite quickly. And just so you know, it was me telling him about you that got him all frisky. He’s a naughty one that boy and not at all as innocent or shy as he makes out.” I huffed and Remi chuckled. “I’m sorry I worried you. But Remi, I’m confused. You seemed to be gearing up to deliver a punishment…”

  “I was getting too ahead of myself. I have to learn from this experience.” His face squeezed tight.
  “Wait, you’re not going to hurt me anymore?” I couldn’t keep the disappointment from my voice and Remi snorted at me.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I know how much you love that. No, I need to remind myself that timing is everything and right now our heads and hearts are not strong enough for any rough play.” The relief must have been evident on my face. Remi cupped it in his big hands. “I know what you need; I won’t deny you but I also need to keep it to the bedroom. I don’t ever want to be anything other than your equal away from it.”

  I sighed and puckered up and was rewarded with a deeply erotic kiss. I groaned and my cock stirred behind the lace. Remi placed a hand over my groin and squeezed lightly.

  “Izzy and my Dad have decided to collaborate. A French Woolf-Cohen-Ferrand Rainbow Room is to be established. It’s wonderful and we will have plenty of opportunity to visit. I suspect Izzy will have you working on the project to keep your involvement to a maximum.” Remi ran his fingers through my hair. “How does that sound to you mon cher?”

  Remi’s turnabout and now this announcement, made the tears run down my face and I sniffed loudly. “Bloody hell, I never cry this much.” I wiped them away quickly with the back of my hand. “It sounds fantastic Remi; perfect in fact. But Angel’s still coming home with us?” The young man was tethered to my heart already and I couldn’t bear to be separated from him. I hoped Remi felt the same way.

  “Yes, definitely. Marc has promised to get a passport sorted for him. We are naming him Angel Ferrand. Is that ok? It will be better for him if he decides to move back to France.”

  My heart was bursting with joy and I hugged Remi to me in a tight embrace. I kissed the side of his neck murmuring my thanks and apologies and loyalty and love. I wanted him to know it all. “I’m sorry I sent you running back here. It was never my intention to hurt you. I wish I could take it back.”

  “I think it was meant to happen this way Jase. If I hadn’t sought refuge with Henri, the boys would still be imprisoned as his sex slaves.”

  I stilled. “What about the staff?”

  “The Twins have been chatting with them. Seems Henri threatened their families would be harmed if they spoke about what went on in the chateau.”

  “Jesus that man! How did you ever love him?” Remi sagged at my question but I needed him to open up to me. He flopped onto his back by my side and threw a hand over his eyes. I tugged at his arm. “No hiding. I realise this is painful for you, but bottling up is what got us here in the first place mister.”

  Remi exhaled. He shifted on to his side to face me and blatantly looked me up and down.

  “You are by far and away the sexiest man I have ever seen. Red is definitely your colour. How it contrasts against your pale skin.” Remi ran his palm over my hip and across my groin. I inhaled sharply at his touch. “I love that you’ll do anything for me. No matter how much you resent the things I ask of you, you never refuse. Your trust means everything.” Remi closed his eyes. “I ran because I was scared of the depth of my feeling for you. I told you I always found you attractive and I had hoped we might have fun together one day, but then I went and fucking fell in love with you.” Remi ran the pad of his thumb over my cheek. “When I practically declared my undying love for you in front of your mother and you flipped me off so easily, it got to me. I didn’t stop to think that I had spoken out of turn before we had even properly discussed between ourselves what our relationship would look like. No, I disrespected your feelings and barged ahead as usual and it served me right when you shot me down. But I couldn’t get past the idea that Henri had ruined me for anyone else. I told myself that I was perverted beyond what was acceptable and I had pushed you too far.” Remi paused and lay back on the bed speaking to the ceiling. “I should have sought proper closure with Henri and allowed my parents to pursue him the first time around. But he is a forceful character and very manipulative. He had me under his spell and I was naturally drawn back to him.” Remi’s voice broke.

  I rolled on top of him and placed his hands on my arse cheeks. “Oh cousin, don’t blame yourself. Henri pretty much brain washed you just like those poor souls downstairs. His thing is to break people until they become dependent on him. You were a victim both times. You came back to be punished, didn’t you?”

  Remi tentatively nodded.

  “If anyone needs to be punished it’s me though.” I rubbed myself on him. “I’m so hard for you baby.” Remi squeezed my arse tight letting his fingers splay my cheeks apart. I could feel cool air hit my hole and I shuddered. “Oh…”

  Remi fiddled with the thong pulling it tight up and down my crack. He tugged on it bringing my balls close to my body. The fabric teased my cock and the friction was too delicious. I moaned and even to my own ears it sounded sinfully slutty. Remi lifted his head and I kissed him. His tongue ploughed my mouth as his fingers fluttered over my hole. My cock swelled in seconds.

  Remi flipped us and pinned my arms above my head. “Leave them there.” He sat up on his knees between my spread legs and tugged on the waistband of the thong exposing the head of my cock. I glanced down. “Fuck that looks obscene.” Remi had positioned the elastic under my balls shoving everything upwards. A bead of come made the tip of my dick glisten and I swear I could see the blood pulsing through my veins making my cock throb. I was so excited I thought I might come if Remi so much as blew in my direction.

  “Don’t come.”

  My cousin the clairvoyant.

  He shimmied out of his clothes and returned to his spot between my thighs. “Hmm, I really love these.” Remi flicked my nipple bars and I practically lurched off the bed. “Intense huh?” Remi shifted around until he’d repositioned us and he was straddling my thighs. His balls and cock were perfectly aligned with mine and he wriggled a bit driving us both wild. Once he stilled he sat up so he could twiddle my nipple bars and I writhed beneath him.

  “Feels so good Remi. Gahhh!” I was going out of my mind crazy with lust for this gorgeous, complex man currently tormenting me. All the worries of the day slipped away as Remi bombarded me with amazing sensations. It was pure ecstasy and I never wanted it to end. Remi kissed me. He ran his fingertips down the insides of my arms making me squirm until he reached my pits. He nuzzled one then the other inhaling deeply.

  “Love your scent.” He growled before twirling his tongue in the soft creases of skin. He took his time on one pit then the other making me giggle and sigh and catch my breath and moan and grind into him until I was a mess of raging need.

  “Fuck me, Remi. Please I need you.” Remi was tonguing my nipples, laving away at the sensitive nubs until I was bucking my hips and keening with the desperate need for release. “I can’t…you need to…oh God yesssss….” Remi had gripped both of our cocks in his huge fist slowly pumping them up and down; up and down. “Gonna come, oh God stop, want to feel you in me. Come in my arse Remi. Make me yours. Make me dirty.” I tugged at the thong to get it off. Remi caught it and brought it to his face inhaling deeply before dropping it to the floor.

  “My slutty cunt, hold your knees.” I gripped my knees to my chest. Remi swallowed then hawked up a glob of spit right on to my hole. He pushed it in with a finger. It stung but in the best of ways. I was barely adjusting when he added another finger. I remembered the lube was by the side of the bed and fumbled for it. I heard the crinkle of a condom packet and bemoaned the fact I wouldn’t feel Remi bare inside me. Remi grabbed the pump and lubed himself up. “I’m making my cock nice and slick for your hole. Gonna make it so good for you.”

  Remi licked up the side of my neck leaving a wet trail all the way to my lips. He nipped the bottom one between his teeth sucking it into his mouth. Then he swirled his tongue around mine and kissed me until I saw stars.

  “Look at me.” Remi huffed hot breath across my face. I opened my eyes only to be dazzled by his handsome face. “Want to watch you as you take my cock.”

  I felt the head of his dick nudge my now sloppy hole; my eyes went wide a
s he pressed his hips towards mine and his fat dick breached my body. I panted and gripped my knees harder until he was all the way in. Remi chuckled at my grimace but made no effort to move.

  “Feel so full. Need you to fuck me.” I couldn’t hold on to my legs anymore and let them flop to the bed. The movement jabbed Remi’s cock against my prostate and I cried out. “Pleeeeeeease.”

  He threw my legs over his shoulders gripping my hips and jamming in further. I screamed. He dragged his cock slowly out of me setting all my nerve endings alight from the friction. I whimpered and clenched trying to get him to hurry up but all he did was look at me and smile. I began to pant. My cock was practically purple it was so engorged and I noticed a little puddle of pre-come had pooled on my stomach. I swiped at it and painted my lips. I liked to tease him as much as he enjoyed tormenting me.

  “Filthy boy.” Remi muttered as he licked the residue off my mouth. The action jabbed his cock along the sensitive walls of my arse and I keened with pleasure. Everything he did drove me out of my mind. Remi loved to hurt me in lots of ways but this exquisite torture was somehow worse. I needed him to fuck me more than I needed my next breath. As if he could read my mind, Remi jerked his hips and shot his cock deeper into me. It was bliss.

  “More. Show me how much you want me.” I taunted him. I clenched and he hissed. I touched my cock and he smirked and shook his head.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to come without touching your cock.”

  “Yeah baby, do it.” I smacked my head back into the pillow and bucked my hips. Remi got a hold of my thighs and raised me up onto my shoulders ploughing his cock deep into my body. He was strong enough to keep me like that while he thrust in earnest. Every jab connected his cock to my gland creating the most incredible sparks of pleasure that lit up my entire body. Remi twisted us until he was flat on his back and I was straddling him. I placed my hands above my head and bucked like a fucking rodeo star. Remi howled and I whooped.


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