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Filthy Rich Vampire Playboys

Page 4

by Gisele St. Claire

  “Flynn.” He nodded at me and then left.

  “Looks like you’re already making quite the impression.” I said.

  “Just doing my job. Coffee?” She asked.

  “Sure, why not? Black, no sugar.”

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Why don’t you look around the room and see if there’s anything you can take photos of? The quicker it’s done the better.”

  “Oh, I’m only here for preliminaries today.” My brow creased. “It’s not point and shoot. We’ll go around, you tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll take a few snaps. Then I’ll need to return with my proper equipment, set up lighting etc. Otherwise you may as well just go round with your cell phone camera.”

  Serena chewed on her lip. “Of course. Sorry. I should have realized there was more to it than that. You must excuse me, it’s my first week on the job, and I’m still learning the ropes.”

  “It’s fine. I just needed you to realize that you’ll need to factor in some time to spend with me this week if we’re going to get this done right.”

  God, it sounded like I was making a play for the woman which I so wasn’t. Or was I? Carter was right. She definitely had something, but we’d agreed, this time it was all about friending her, no sex to be brought into things at this stage.

  She returned with the coffees and indicated for me to take a seat at the end of the conference table.

  “So how are you settling in? Carter said you were staying in the hotel?”

  “Carter appears to have a big mouth. You one of his friends then?”

  “Yeah. There are four of us: me, Carter, Jayden, and Smith. You’ll meet the others soon enough I’m sure. They’re like my brothers. Been together since we were young and, well, they’ve always had my back.”

  I took a sip of coffee while a silence descended. I was grateful for the drink as Serena’s blood appealed to my vampire nature, the scent of her hitting my nostrils and the back of my throat. The coffee was a welcome distraction.

  “Had your back about Rose?”

  “You know about her?”

  “Like you said, people gossip. I know more about you than I feel I should seeing as we just met.”

  “Well, it’s not necessarily the truth. That’s the deal with Carbon Beach. Lots of people come here just to take advantage and then leave taking salacious stories with them that might hold 5% actual truth.”

  “Must be difficult.”

  “It’s life. You know my parents then, right? I’ve grown up with it all. You learn to protect yourself. Not let people in, not really.”

  “So, I’m talking to the ‘official’ Flynn, not the real one?”

  “Yeah. Are you showing me the real Serena?”

  She laughed. It lit up her whole face. Those green eyes sparkled and her mouth revealed beautiful white teeth and a tongue I wanted rolling around the tip of my cock.

  What the fuck?

  “Of course you’re getting official Serena. We just met and you’re here for business.”

  “Hmm, sounds interesting. Maybe I’ll have to show you around the place and see if I can get through to unofficial Serena. I reckon she’s fun.”

  “I don’t date people I do business with.” She said tersely.

  “Oh, I don’t want to date you, just could use a new friend.”

  Those green eyes stared at me a beat too long. “What’s with you and Carter and the friends thing? He said the same.”

  “We’ve had a lot of woman trouble. We’re all taking a break—the four of us. So, sorry if you decide you’ve fallen for one of us, or all of us—because we’re off the market for now. You’ll have to go on a wait list.”

  Her mouth dropped open, her lips forming a perfect ‘O’ shape that I tried hard not to think about. Unfortunately my dick tried hard too. My dick won and so I moved myself further under the table so Serena wouldn’t notice it was trying to punch through my zipper.

  “I’m joking.” I said to her still dumbstruck expression.

  “You had me going there for a moment, Flynn. I seriously thought you meant you were taking a break.”

  “Oh, that part’s true. We are. We’re all a little disillusioned with love. None of us seem to be able to find what we are looking for.”

  “And what’s that?”

  My gaze met hers. Usually I’d close down at this point but there was something about Serena that made you want to tell her the story of your soul. Maybe it was those bewitching green eyes?

  “We’re all after the same thing, really. To settle down. But women have a habit of not accepting how close the four of us are. They want us to ditch our brothers, spend all our time with them. We get that. But it has become a non-negotiable for us. You have to accept us all.”

  “Sounds like you all need to share one woman between you.” Serena said, causing my mouth to fall open in that ‘O’ shape. I realized I’d said too much. It was time to close down this conversation because as I took a moment to gather myself, I realized she’d told me nothing about Serena Ripley.

  “Right, tell me what you want me to photograph.” I said, and just like that we switched to strictly business.

  Chapter Six


  Flynn Kelly was not what I expected. I’d been warned of a moody, storm-like quality to him and a locked down attitude. What I’d met was a friendly guy with issues. That dark hair along with those deep blue ocean eyes met for a heady mix and it was hard not to stare at him, not to lose yourself in his gaze.

  The things he said, had me going over Leonie’s testimony. I was sure what she’d said was the truth. I’d developed a skill in telling truth from bullshit, but Flynn seemed genuine too. All I could do was carry on fact-finding until I revealed the whole truth about the goings on of the FRAP boys.

  His face when I’d pretended not to know he’d need all his camera equipment had been a delight. One thing I was enjoying a little too much during my time here was the pushing of the FRAP boys buttons.

  I was surprised that my gut reaction was to like Flynn. He seemed a complicated kind of guy, with layers like onions, that required peeling back with the gamble that they could bring a tear to your eye. He had divorced parents and his girlfriend had left him, moved to London and immediately taken up with a Lord, pregnant within months. It had got to have hurt. But now it seemed there was more to it. That he’d not just been jilted, but that Rose had had to battle the FRAP boys, maybe had tried to assert herself and lost. He’d offered the hand of friendship and I would take it. Onions didn’t sting my eyes, and I intended to get right down to the inner layer of Flynn Kelly.

  As we moved around the hotel, I was surprised at how familiar with the layout he was. Flynn explained that he knew Carbon so well that the hotel was like a second home, where he used the facilities if he got bored on his own, rocking around his huge mansion for mainly one.

  “Don’t you want to get your own place?” I asked him.

  “Sure. Eventually. The thing is, with my father not being home much, I kinda have my own place. There doesn’t seem much point in moving and leaving my current home empty for looters.”

  “I guess you’re right. I’d never thought of it like that.”

  “All four of us are the same. On paper it looks like we’re living with our parents, but really they’re our homes and the parents come back occasionally when they need a touch of R&R. I’ll think about moving out when I find the right woman.”

  “Which won’t be for a while seeing as you’ve all sworn off them.”

  “Well, there’s no rush is there? I’m fine where I am.”

  “It must be strange. Having more money than you know what to do with and then selling photographs for even more. I’m surprised you were willing to accept the hotel job, given your up-and-coming reputation as a photographer.”

  “The people in Carbon are like family. I’ve known Ted all my life. If he wants me to take photographs of his foot, I’m there. Whatever he needs, he can call me for help.
The photography thing—well, it’s hard to know if I’m successful in my own right or because I’m Flynn Kelly. Story of our lives really, the four of us. We’re not sure who we are. Poor little rich boys. All that money and no idea who we are at heart. That’s the truth.”

  Flynn stepped back and rubbed a hand across his mouth as if trying to stop himself from talking.

  “So submit photos anonymously and see how you do. Seems simple enough.”

  Flynn tilted his head toward me and under the intensity of the stare from those eyes I felt stripped bare. “I never thought of that. Why did I never think of that, Serena?”

  He stood, fingers clamping across his lips and chin, deep in thought. “I’ll do that.”

  I nodded.

  “Serena. I have a feeling you are going to change my life. Ted's right, you’re like a breath of fresh air.”

  “Don’t build me up too big, I’m just an Events Manager, not a Life Coach.” I shook my head at him. “It sounds like the only thing you need is someone who’s not going to blow smoke up your ass ‘cause you’re filthy rich.”

  Flynn’s smile dropped clean off his face. If I didn’t know better I’d be scrambling on the floor at his feet looking for it. It happened that fast. “They call us that you know.” His voice quietened. “Filthy Rich and Playboys. The FRAP boys.”

  “I had heard.”

  “They don’t know us at all, and yet someone decided that’s who we were—a collective. With too much money to have any common sense.”

  “Some of you do seem to own that reputation.” I said, poking the wound.

  “Do we? Or have people just made up shit to suit themselves.” He looked around him. “I think I have enough to work with for now. I’ll go home and make some plans and I’ll be in touch.”

  That was it. Flynn was now the closed down man I’d expected.

  I went in my purse and passed him a business card. “My cell number is on there. Call me when you need to come back to take the photos, or,” I paused, “if you need that friend.”

  He nodded and held out his hand again, back to his most professional self.

  “It was nice to meet you, Miss Ripley. Thank you for the advice. I’m going to think on it.”

  “Anytime.” I told him, but his face didn’t move. He’d turned into a beautiful statue and I wondered if I’d got snakes now for hair because I was the one who’d caused it, by pushing too much, too soon.

  He turned on his heel and walked away. Where I’d expected to be glad to see the back of one of the FRAP boys, I actually felt his loss. It was palpable, the room feeling empty as Flynn’s magnetic personality left with him.

  I couldn’t wait for the day to finish. I was ready for a little down time in my room to get my head around what I’d found out and try to fix some pieces of the jigsaw of the mystery picture that was the FRAP boys and Leonie.

  My room was basic but comfortable. Small with a bed, a dresser, and a small tv. We could eat in the restaurant and had an allowance toward the cost of the food, which if you chose wisely covered the cost of the meal. We could also collect food and drink and take it back to our room. I did just that and sat eating pizza, with pieces of paper strewn all over the bed as I tried to work out Flynn Kelly and Carter Cole.

  Flynn was an enigma. He’d had the relationship with Rose and seemed private. Yet this was at odds with the story from Leonie about being seduced and finding her photographs all over the gallery wall. I had no reason to doubt her story but why would he have done this without her knowledge? Put pictures of them in the throes of passion where his friends could see? The indications were definitely there, that the guys were up for sharing. Is that why they’d invited her to the gallery? To see how she responded to the shock value of her photos? To see if she was turned on, or humiliated? Either the guys were playing games or they actually were trying to find a girlfriend who accepted their brotherhood. But were they really after one woman for them all?

  I checked my cell. Carter hadn’t called me yet. He probably wouldn’t. I guessed he was a serial charmer and had worked his way onto another victim by now. It was a shame, because as my investigation got under way maybe I’d be better off staying with one of the guys in luxury, rather than in this cramped little hotel room. Then again how would that look to the rest of the staff here at the Dream? As much as it sucked, I was in the right place for now.

  I decided to make sure I accompanied Flynn on his photo shoots like I’d said, even though I knew he was more than capable of doing his task without me. I needed him to drop that guard again and somehow bring the conversation around to the question of intimate photography. I’d find a way. It was why I’d been given this job in the first place. I was the best.

  So, Carter may or may not call me. Flynn I was seeing at work. I picked up the files on the remaining two, Jayden and Smith. These two were party boys. If I wanted to get an in with them I would have to seek them out. I remembered that Leonie had said she’d met Smith when he’d come for a massage. First thing in the morning I’d check the diary and see if he was booked in. Then I’d somehow accidentally bump into him.

  In fact, I decided I couldn’t wait. I left my room and went to the reception of the spa. “Hi, ladies.” I said to the women behind the counter. The spa opened until midnight with rooms for treatments and the ultimate in hotel spa luxury: steam rooms, saunas, and an infinity pool that was half indoors and half under a glass roof and heated. That second half extended out over the hotel so those in the pool or resting on the outside of it could see the ground below. Luckily it didn’t overhang traffic because it would sure be distracting to look up and see people swimming above your head. Instead it looked over the hotel landscaping.

  “Hey, they got you working late?” One of the women said.

  “No, it’s just my brain doesn’t know when to quit. I’m thinking about offers. Could I check out the current bookings to see where to focus my attention?”

  “Sure.” She keyed in a few things and went through different screens and then showed me how to access what I needed. Then her attention was diverted by a client.

  I quickly scanned through the bookings. Smith Henderson was booked in every Thursday morning at eleven.

  The receptionist looked over my shoulder. “If you could get us a few more customers that aren’t like that one, we’d be grateful.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Sounds like there’s some gossip there?” I placed emphasis on the last word to encourage a loose tongue.

  “We keep losing staff because of that one. You’ve heard of him, right? Total party boy. One of the FRAP boys as they’re known around these parts. He keeps seducing the masseuses and then they leave as soon as he dumps them.”

  “Really? Well in that case I think I’ll make sure as to have a word with Mr. Henderson as that’s not good for the hotel’s reputation. Maybe we need to look at who we employ too?”

  “Well, you didn’t hear it from me.” She said. “But it would sure be good to not have him sleazing around the place.”

  “Is that how he comes across? A huge sleazeball? Because I can work with that?”

  She shook her head. “Unfortunately no. He comes across as one super nice guy. It’s obviously his MO. Total sugar and spice. Then BOOM, they’re dropped like hot massage stones, usually after he’s shared them with his friends.”

  “The more I hear about these men, the more my opinion of them drops.” I lower my voice. “I’m working with Flynn Kelly right now, doing photos for the website and new brochures. What’s your opinion on him?”

  “Quiet. Good for that group. Seems to keep them from going completely out of control. He’s the one that will stay sober and put his mates in a cab when they’re so drunk they don’t know which way is up. I don’t know what he sees in them, why they’re so close. He’s like the black sheep of the group, the odd one out.”

  “I heard a rumor that they once all got together and were found unconscious in Jayden’s place with bottles of blood
around them. That they’d been doing some ritual stuff, like devil worship or something.” The other receptionist said moving closer to me.

  “Really?” My ears pricked up. This was something I could work with; if the party boys took their partying too far if they got bored. I wondered if they’d ever done anything with a female like Leonie present, like a blood sacrifice? It sounded very much like four bored men with no limits on excess.

  “Well, it certainly sounds like they aren’t boring.” I said. “But I’ll be having a word with Mr. Henderson.” I looked at the receptionist who’d told me the first lot of gossip. She bit her lip.

  “Don’t worry, nothing I’ve been told tonight will be divulged. I like to make my own opinions on people, but thank you so much for confiding in me. If we’re going to keep The Dream as the place to visit we can’t do with a constant turnover of staff.”

  I said my goodbyes and returned to my room. There I made a note in my personal diary of the time and then opened my laptop and went into my online diary which was viewable by my colleagues. I altered my working day so that I was off Thursday and working Saturday instead. The advantages of flexible working—Ted had told me that as long as I covered my hours and they were in the best interests of the hotel, I could work when I thought best. Thursday morning I now had a date with the spa—and Smith Henderson, although he didn’t know this yet.

  That just left Jayden Bryant. I figured he would be the hardest one of all to infiltrate. He’d fucked and abandoned Leonie without seemingly pausing for breath. The more I read about him, the less he endeared himself to me. I guessed I’d really have to act when it came to him. Make sure my true feelings stayed off my face.

  My cell beeped, and I picked it up.

  Carter: Want to come to a party Friday night and meet the gang? You can check out the room I offered you ;)

  I quickly typed a reply.

  Serena: Maybe to the first; you wish to the second.


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