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Heart's Home

Page 6

by E. Davies

  Logan winced.

  “Yeah, that didn't go well. I mean, I offered him unlimited flights back to visit his friends and family, but he wouldn't have his business needs over there and he wouldn't have connections. He couldn't do much work. He would have had to stop working.”

  Jesus. Starting from scratch would be rough... even for them, I guess.

  “Then, things got... well... a little nasty,” Hunter admitted. “I told him he should be grateful for the chance to live off me... you know, that kind of thing. He... well, he hit way below the belt in return.”

  That piqued Logan's curiosity, but he was too polite to inquire.

  “Then we both said unkind things and went our separate ways. I ended up moving back here a couple months later. Missed it here too much.”

  “And he hates you enough to try to interfere with this?”

  Hunter grimaced. “I don't think so,” he shook his head. “But it's not worth the risk.” His normally bright eyes were clouded with something Logan couldn't yet place.

  Logan shook his head. “Well, that was a bit of a dick move, but I guess you know that now.”

  “I-- yes,” Hunter laughed and shook his head. “Can't let a guy feel sorry for himself for a minute, can you?”

  “Not when he was a dick,” Logan told him plainly, but smiled. “At least you're not that guy anymore.”

  “No, I'm not,” Hunter agreed. “I mean, if we were to date, I'd never ask you to quit your work. It's obviously important to you.”

  I should tell him.

  Logan's heart raced, his stomach twisting with nerves. It felt early in their relationship, but... the fact that he was thinking of it as a relationship at all spoke volumes.

  Hunter interpreted his expression wrong and shook his head. “I'm sorry,” he said. “I shouldn't keep pressuring you when you've already said you're not interested in me--”

  “I'm interested,” Logan interrupted.

  Hunter paused, his eyes widening.

  Logan felt breathless, but he was determined to communicate his needs. “Not necessarily in a long-term relationship, but in more than we've had so far, and that's much... further than I've gotten with anyone else in some time.”

  “Well, I'll take that,” Hunter said. The bottle of wine was gone by now, and the snacks mostly were, too, so he nodded. “Come back to my place?”

  Logan didn't hesitate to stand up and nod. “I'd like to.”

  Hunter took care of the bill with more cash than Logan wanted to see. The drive back to Hunter's place was quiet, but they kept exchanging glances as they went. Whenever they caught each other's eyes, they shared a hidden smile that they both knew meant a sensual encounter was coming, at least.

  For now, Logan was okay with the fact that the sex was not strictly unemotional, and Hunter seemed okay with Logan's unwillingness to go out with him properly. If they dated, Logan had no doubt there would be scandals, social events, and all kinds of things he wasn't interested in, but... this was a workable compromise for now.

  They barely made it in the door this time before yielding to the deep thrum of desire that had been running through them both all evening.

  Hunter pushed Logan up against the wall. He slid one knee between Logan's thighs to keep him in place, and slowly began to grind against his hips. Hunter then ran his hand up Logan's other leg from mid-thigh to his groin, then up his stomach and chest.

  For his part, Logan relaxed into the touch, leaning against the wall and pulling Hunter even closer with a hand on each hip. He then let his hands slide to rest on each buttock.

  “Oh, daring,” Hunter teased, running two fingers under Logan's chin until he looked directly at him. Then, he leaned in to press a slow kiss to Logan's lips.

  More than anything else, that kiss left Logan breathless. He tightened his hold on Hunter, parting his lips and tipping his head to the side a little to let Hunter deepen the kiss. Hunter's tongue and lips were always moving, exploring, claiming him, if even for just a night.

  Logan was fine with that.

  “Nnh,” Logan moaned, the small sound drawn forth from his mouth as Hunter slowly sucked his lower lip between his own, running his tongue lightly over it before nipping and letting go. Then, Hunter repeated the treatment with his top lip before sliding his tongue between Logan's lips, teasing at the tip of Logan's tongue.

  Jesus Christ, the man knew how to make him come undone and they'd only made out once. Was he this good naturally?

  Hunter whispered across Logan's lips, “You can be as noisy as you like.”

  “I will when you earn those noises.”

  Hunter laughed, flicking Logan's nipple through his shirt in a teasing punishment.

  “Nnh!” Logan groaned at the sharp prick of pain, then pleasure. It made his every nerve stand on edge, waiting for even more stimulation. The solid weight of Hunter's thigh and hip against his own half-hard cock through his pants helped, too.

  “Your nipples are rather sensitive, aren't they?” Hunter murmured, contemplating something as he ran a finger down the center of Logan's chest. “Come here,” he finally ordered, sliding a finger through Logan's belt loop to lead him through the house and up to the bedroom.

  Logan followed on this short leash, hardly daring to pull away. Hunter's normally dominant, persuasive personality was intensified by Logan's willingness to be led.

  “Not every man gets to go here,” Hunter murmured, winking.

  Logan nodded, glancing around at closed doors as they passed them. Despite its architectural beauty, the house felt stale and cold. How much of the décor reflected Hunter's personality? “Of course. Don't tell me it's your dungeon.”

  Hunter laughed. “No, but I appreciate the idea. We're going to my bedroom.” Hunter opened one of a pair of double doors with ornate silver knobs and tugged Logan through, then shut the door with his foot and pushed Logan back against it.

  Over Hunter's shoulder, Logan saw the bedroom. It was decorated in dark red with black furniture, a truly elegant but impersonal design. The curtains were drawn, the chandelier above the bed the only sparkling light source in the room. The furniture arranged around included a full living room set by a fireplace and what looked like a mini-library.

  The four-poster bed had a steel frame and red silk sheets, and it drew Logan's eye again. They were going to end up there.

  Hunter opened the drawer of a side table by the bedroom door. He pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs, tossing them across the room and onto the bed before turning back to wink at him.

  “Classy,” Logan teased, but his body burned with desire at the idea of being restrained as Hunter tormented him with more and more pleasure.

  “I thought so, too,” Hunter nodded. “Better than the pink, fuzzy kind.”

  Logan laughed at the mental image of the smooth-talking, serious billionaire trying to cuff him with furry novelty handcuffs. “Now I want to see that.”

  Hunter distracted him by leaning in to press a kiss to the side of his neck. Logan closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side more, quivering with the sharp, pleasant sensation of each kiss and nibble along the sensitive flesh of his collarbone, neck, and then up near his ear.

  When Hunter's tongue flicked along his earlobe, Logan gasped. He clutched at Hunter's back, his nails digging in.

  “You like that, hm?” Hunter whispered against his ear, then let his tongue lightly trail along the rim of his ear to the top before lipping it. Each slide of his lips and tongue made Logan flush with heat and need, scarcely able to keep himself from stripping down and bending over that exact second. He had the feeling Hunter wanted to tease him and draw it out more this time.

  He'd let Hunter do whatever he wanted tonight. It was a pleasure to submit to this man's filthy wishes.

  “As much as I'd like to try something a bit less vanilla with you,” Hunter murmured, pressing another kiss from those warm lips against the sensitive flesh behind his earlobe, then sucking until Logan whined with pleasure, �
��I think I won't.”

  Logan's voice was strained with the self-control he was trying to exercise as he murmured, “Why not?”

  “I don't think you can hold out yet. You're already practically weak in the knees.”

  “I'm n--”

  Hunter drew back from him and he sagged against the wall, scrambling to catch himself with a hand behind himself on the wall. Before he had to support him, Hunter was there again, sliding an arm around his waist. “I knew you were going to try to argue that one. So mouthy.”

  Logan slung his arms around Hunter's shoulders even as he rolled his eyes. Fine. He let Hunter steer him over towards the bed while pressing kisses of desire against his lips and neck the whole time.

  By the time the backs of his knees hit the bed, Logan was practically grinding against Hunter.

  He wasn't sure if he fell of his own accord or whether Hunter pushed him, but either way, he wound up scooting backwards on the bed to get himself more or less centered. Hunter followed on hands and knees like a predator waiting for his chance to devour, consume him for his every pleasure... The difference was, Hunter wanted him to get pleasure, too.

  Logan raised his hands above his head with an inviting wink, then separated them to point one hand towards each of the bedposts above his head.

  Hunter took the unspoken permission and caught one wrist, pulling it into place and fastening the cool metal of the cuff around Logan's wrist.

  Logan shivered his protest at the temperature. When Hunter mercilessly went for the other wrist, locking them both to the corner bedposts, Logan whined in protest and shivered.

  “It's metal. It'll warm up,” Hunter told him with an exasperated grin, then let his finger trail down Logan's arm to his chest, then over to his nipple. He brushed it through fabric again. “Now, I get to see how sensitive these are...”

  “Oh, Jesus,” Logan whispered. Hunter was about to find out that he'd been right when he guessed they were one of Logan's sensitive spots. His whole body responded well to pleasure; a skilled touch made him come undone with desire before his cock was even touched.

  Hunter gave a small, wolfish grin again. He unbuttoned each button of Logan's shirt methodically, studying every inch of skin that was revealed. Finally, he let the tip of his finger barely graze over the warm, pink flesh of the nub.

  Logan's nipple hardened in response, his body thrilling with need for more than that, but as Hunter continued on to brush the second nipple, he kept it light.

  “Jesus,” Logan groaned again. This would take all night if Hunter wanted to take his time, and now that he was locked to his bed... he'd be helpless to wait for Hunter's pleasure.

  Hunter chuckled. “I don't want you coming in your pants,” he teased. “I'll speed it up.” He made good on his word immediately by scooting down the bed a little further, bracing one hand near Logan's side.

  When Hunter's lips closed around his nipple, Logan was sure he was going to die and go to heaven. The heat that flushed through him made him blush and gasp, and Hunter's skillful little sucks and twirls of his tongue made his cock stiffen all the way within his jeans, the erection growing uncomfortable.

  By the time Hunter switched to paying attention to the other nipple, raising his spare hand to keep tweaking and running his circle in a finger around the first one, Logan was arching his hips desperately, trying to grind against Hunter's thigh.

  “Nnh-nnh,” Hunter scolded, his moan sending a slight shiver through Logan to add to the rest of the sensations making his nerves spark. Hunter let the nipple pop out of his mouth, and then kissed his way down Logan's stomach to his waistband. Logan was aching for any kind of touch now, so the brush of Hunter's lips against his cock with the denim of his jeans and the thin fabric of his underwear in the way was almost too much.

  “Oh, fuck,” Logan groaned, turning his head this way and that as he realized he couldn't even bite down on anything except his own upper arm to stifle the sound – and even that wouldn't work too well in this position.

  Hunter made quick work of unfastening his jeans, hooking his thumb into both waistbands to slide his clothes down and off his legs, pulling them easily over his feet along with his socks to leave his lower half naked. “Don't hold back.”

  Logan nodded. His breath hitched in his throat as Hunter leaned back down to kiss his way up from the inside of Logan's knee and along his thigh until he reached his erection. The hard cock responded well to the tongue that teasingly trailed up and along the underside from base to tip, then back down again before Hunter leaned further down to envelop his balls in that hot, wet mouth for a few moments, darting his tongue between them and making Logan squirm slightly.

  Hunter promptly gripped Logan's hips to hold him to the bed and more or less in place. “No cheating.”

  Logan moaned his protest. He wanted to fuck those beautiful lips, watch his own length sliding into and out of Hunter's smart mouth, but Hunter was forcing him to wait until he wanted him to do so.

  “I know,” Hunter teased. “You'll have to be a bit more patient...”

  Logan whispered, “I don't want to be.”

  “That's why you're the one chained to the bed and I'm the one about to fuck you,” Hunter grinned, lapping the swollen head of Logan's cock for good measure – and to shut down any arguments.

  The move worked and Logan made a sharp sound of neediness, curling his toes into the bed and trying to raise his hips. The move was futile against Hunter's insistent hands keeping him down to the bed, though.

  “Mm, good,” Hunter nodded, squeezing Logan's hips until he relaxed to the bed again and stopped pushing against him. Then, he leaned down to envelop the head of Logan's cock in that sinfully good mouth. He slowly sucked in the length while glancing up to maintain eye contact.

  Logan scarcely breathed again, unable to break that intense gaze. He stared, watching his own cock disappear into Hunter's mouth repeatedly, the suction almost too intense – but not quite. It was perfectly gauged to what he could handle, and even as he felt his orgasm drawing close, he drew his mouth away, letting the wet, throbbing length pop out of his mouth.

  “Jesus, why?” Logan whined as the cool air touched his hot arousal, and if his hands weren't goddamn cuffed to the bed, he could reach out to stroke himself off in half a dozen jerks of his hand, but the asshole grinning smugly sure as hell wasn't going to help him--

  “I hope you're ready now,” Hunter murmured, still smirking. He leaned over Logan to swipe the bottle of lubricant off the table next to the bed, then scooted back and pushed his way under Logan's legs, raising them until Logan's thighs were draped over his shoulders.

  “Nngh, please,” was all Logan groaned, and he was rewarded with the older man's slick fingers sliding into his tight hole a moment later.

  “Begging will get you a long way with me. 'Half-desperate, hanging on the edge, every inch of you burning with desire' begging, that is.”

  Logan swallowed his gasp as Hunter slid a finger in and out, then another, setting a firm rhythm as he rubbed the pleasurable nub inside him until he ached with all he had for release. Hunter's mouth was already so fucking close, why couldn't he let him finish this way?

  “You feel so ready for me already. You can't stop twitching,” Hunter chuckled, finally sliding those fingers out again and wiping them off.

  Logan squeezed his eyes closed for a moment, trying to get himself under control so he wouldn't come the second Hunter slid that big, gorgeous cock into him. On that note... He opened his eyes to enjoy the sight of Hunter unzipping his pants and working his cock out.

  Oh, the cocky bastard. Logan had been naked for him twice now, but Hunter still kept his clothes mostly on. It made Logan's heart race more. The reminder of who was in charge made Logan feel hotter every time fabric instead of bare skin rubbed against him. Besides, he liked the way Hunter looked him over like the tastiest morsel in the world when he was undressed.

  Hunter's cock was hard already, but he settled back a little an
d gazed up and down the length of Logan's body, watching him as he stroked it leisurely.

  “You gotta hurry up,” Logan moaned. “My balls are gonna turn blue.”

  “Oh, I'll make sure they don't.”

  Logan licked his lips and shifted his legs on Hunter's shoulders a little, watching that cock stand to attention at the sight of him. That did wonders for the ego. Hunter rolled the condom on with ease, stroking himself again once or twice before easing forward again and kneeling on the bed.

  Logan's legs were still draped over Hunter's shoulders as he pressed the tip to Logan's entrance, then slid in with little fuss this time. Logan had half-expected him to tease him again. I hardly know what to expect with him, but I like that, too. Fuck, he's a dream come true...

  “Oh, yeah,” Logan moaned, the warmth and full feeling never growing old. This was only the second time Hunter had been inside him, but he already preferred it. Simply being restrained did wonders for how sexy he found the situation; not being able to touch Hunter lent a whole new dimension to their encounter.

  Hunter grinned, sliding in and then out, pushing his way in steadily so he didn't hurt Logan with his sheer size. “Fuck, you're so tight...”

  “Impressive,” Logan grinned, curling his fingers into fists and tugging against the metal cuffs. The extra prostate stimulation was making his cock ache.


  “I meant me.”

  Hunter laughed but reached down to twist a nipple as a little punishment that made Logan whine, his eyes squeezing shut and hips arching. “None of that sauce, you.”

  “Pl-Please, come on... if you're gonna do that, you gotta help me out,” Logan whispered, begging his partner for the night to give him more than that.

  “I don't have to do anything,” Hunter pointed out as he set his hips into a fast, deep rhythm. He clearly didn't think either of them could hold out for long after the foreplay they'd enjoyed.


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