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Brothers of Blood (Fall of a King Book 2)

Page 39

by James Fuller

  “This is not for discussion, Meath. Daden will accompany you and help see the deed done.” Zada voice was firm. “You two do not have to like it and I do not expect you to become friends, just see the task to completion and then go your separate ways if need be.”

  Meath thought to argue the point further but decided against it. It would get him nowhere. “As you see fit then.”

  Zada handed Daden a small, ivory ring. “This is a key to Salvas; do not lose it, for few still exist. Now go, and I will pray your safe return.”

  Daden walked passed Meath, his steps full of anger. “I will meet you at the Dragon’s Cave.” He muttered and was gone.

  Titus went to Meath and clasped his hand. “I do not think you are ready but I pray that you are. Remember all you have learned, for you will need it against your brother.” Their eyes locked. “If a moment arises to strike him down, take it no matter what the cost, show him no mercy, for you will get none from him.” With that, Titus walked away.

  Next was Tabitha, tears sliding down her soft, pink cheeks. She was about to speak, but Meath silenced her with a finger to her lips. He wiped the tears away and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. He pulled her close into a tight embrace. “I will return,” he whispered.

  “Do not linger from me for long,” she replied and walked away.

  “Do you really plan on retuning?” Zada asked when they were alone.

  Meath wanted to tell her he would return only to take Tabitha away from this place, but he did not. “If I survive, yes, I shall return.”

  Zada’s face beamed as a mother’s would from hearing such words. “You will be warmly welcomed and a place of your own will be made ready for you. The Alma-Mater will no longer be where you stay.”

  “We can worry about that when the time comes.”

  “Of course,” she paused. “I hope that when you do return to us, that we may begin a new...”

  Meath held up his hand, cutting her short before she could finish. “I need to be going.”

  Zada nodded. “Yes, of course.” She held her head high once more. “May your steps be swift and keep you out of harm’s way.”

  “Doubtful,” Meath said as he turned and walked away.

  “So did the ‘hero’ get a good send off?” Daden mocked as Meath reached the cave entrance.

  Meath eyed him sadly. “You do not have to come along. Once we are out of Salvas, feel free to do whatever it is you want to do. I can do this on my own.”

  “Believe me, I would if I could.” He spat and placed the ring upon his finger. “Hold onto me as we step into the cave, if we are not linked when we go through the veil you will not survive to see the other side.”

  Meath rested his hand on Daden’s shoulder and they walked into the depths of the cave. A blinding flash erupted from the darkness and Meath was forced to shut his eyes, yet still the light seemed to penetrate through and felt like it burned his very mind.

  Before he realized it, the light was gone and all was dark. Slowly, he opened his eyes and was surprised to be facing the opposite direction and the cave mouth lay in front of him, yet the colors beyond did not hold the same vivid touch upon his sight.

  “Come on, the sooner we start the sooner we will be finished.” Daden exited the cave.

  Meath moved slowly, his legs felt shaky and his body tingled and pulsed queerly. “I do not feel right, something is wrong.”

  “Travelling through the veil always disorientates the body. You will be fine shortly. Just try not to fall on your face.”

  “Daden, stop,” Meath ordered and the wizard halted in his tracks, but did not turn to face him.

  “What is it?” Daden replied snidely.

  “You do not need to come with me, no one will know. Stay out here, or go elsewhere for a time. I do not want your help nor do I need it, nor do you wish to give it. So let us save ourselves this headache.”

  “If it were that simple I would. I have no wish to be part of this but I have no choice,” he replied, his tone losing some of its edge.

  “There is always a choice.”

  Daden spun around, his eyes burned with frustration and he stalked towards Meath. “I do not have a choice, if I do not go with you they will kill...” His words caught in his throat and he quickly looked away.

  “What are you talking about, Daden?” Meath asked, his concern heightening.

  The wizard lifted his head once more; tears running freely down his face. “There is so much more going on, Meath, than you understand.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I cannot, they will kill her, Meath... they will kill her...”

  “Who? Who will kill who?” Meath pressed.

  “Kara, they will kill Kara damn it!” He cried, the hatred he had for Meath all but gone.

  Meath stepped back as Daden grabbed his shoulders desperately. “She is already dead; Hector killed her.”

  Daden was shaking his head. “That was a lie, Meath, a damnable lie!” he pulled away from Meath. “They told you that so you would go after Hector and kill him. In the hopes of you using the dragon dagger to steal his powers, but they did not anticipate Hector would be strong enough to escape.”

  “What?’ Meath gasped.

  “Kara,” he paused and collected himself, “she discovered what they were doing and was going to tell you everything. They found out and had her imprisoned within the catacombs before she could get to you.”

  Meath took a step back. “How can I trust what you are saying?”

  Daden chuckled. “Good question, but why would I lie to you, Meath? You know I dislike you, but I only disliked you because Kara had a soft spot for you and I was jealous of that. I have loved her since as long as I can remember and on the journey to find you we connected in a way I could have only dreamed of. Until we found you that is, then her attention turned to you.”

  “I had no intention of that,” Meath confessed awkwardly.

  “It is not your fault, Meath. Kara is a kind soul and felt sorry for you and was only trying to help ease the process. It was my jealously that was the problem - I was a fool, I know that now.”

  “What was Kara going to tell me? What are they really doing?”

  Daden sighed. “I do not know all of it, she would not tell me. But there is something I do know that you should,” he paused, struggling with the words. “Your friends, they are still alive.”

  The words nearly knocked Meath from his feet and he stumbled back, his face turning ashen. “What did you say?”

  “They are still alive, Meath, they were never killed. We were told to lie to you so you would forget about escaping,” Daden confessed shamefully. “They figured if you thought they were dead, that you would more willingly conform to their needs.”

  Meath felt his blood boil and his anger overtook him. He grabbed Daden by his leather jerkin and swung him near the edge of the cliff. “Tell me everything!” He screamed. “I swear I will drop you to your death, you son of a bitch!”

  Daden did not even flinch as his feet barely held ground beneath them. “Help me save her, Meath, and I swear on my very life we will tell you everything we know.” Daden’s voice was full of desperation but Meath knew it was not for himself.

  Night had fallen over the magically protected town. Bright, colorful stars littered the darkness above in random order. The moon hung low, its faint light casting eerie shadows upon the world beneath it. Most of Salvas’ inhabitants had already settled down safely in their beds for the night, to dream of what tomorrow may bring them.

  Meath and Daden stood at the entrance of the dragon’s cave, giving themselves a few moments to work past the disorientation that came with travelling through the veil. Grim purpose etched their faces.

  “We will have to find a way to get into the catacombs. There are only a select few who can open the doorway,” Daden explained.

  Meath pulled his pack off his shoulders and began routing through it. “I know someone who will open it for us.”
r />   “Do you really think Stefan will do this?”

  “He will have no choice in the matter,” Meath pulled the dragon dagger from his pack. He truly hoped he would not need it and that Stefan was the comrade he had come to believe he was, but if he was not, then Meath would use the dagger to convince him.

  Daden’s mouth fell open. “Thane’s dagger! I thought Hector took it from you?”

  Meath smiled coldly. “They are not the only ones that know how to tell lies.”

  Daden’s eyes lit up. “Hector did not escape did he? But how did you know?”

  Meath smiled back. “I will tell you later…let us get Kara.”

  “I am afraid I cannot allow you two to do that,” a deep voice said from the pathway.

  Both wizards turned to see a dark figure moving towards them.


  “You did not truly think Zada would not plan for this did you, Daden?” Ednar asked, blocking the pathway. “I had hoped you would not be so stupid and yet…here you are.”

  “Just move aside and let us pass, no one needs to know we were even here,” Daden told him.

  Ednar laughed. “No one would know would they? Are you daft? You really think you could get to Kara without being caught? Come now, Daden, even you know that is impossible.”

  “So what are you to do?” Daden asked bitterly. He could feel the strange tingle of power that was radiating throughout the air.

  “Well, the dagger is a welcome surprise, so I will need to return it to Zada. But I am to give you one chance to turn back.”

  “And if we do not?” Meath cut in, gripping the smooth, ivory blade tightly.

  “I am hoping it will not come to that, Meath,” Ednar replied coolly. “I would not want any harm to come to either of you... or Kara.” He turned his eyes to Daden as he spoke.

  “The only way you will get this dagger is when you pry it from my lifeless corpse!” Meath growled and charged.

  “Fine by me,” Ednar snarled.

  Two ice shards tore through the distance; Meath threw himself to the side but not nearly swiftly enough. One shard buried itself into his shoulder and the other sliced the side of his neck. He crashed into the rocks and quickly rolled to the side as three more ice blades shattered off the rocky ground where he had been.

  “How did Zada ever think you would be able to stop Astaroth?” Ednar muttered as Meath struggled to rise and flames came to life in his hand. “You are not worthy of the bloodline that flows within you.”

  A torrent of air exploded from Daden’s hand and ripped Ednar from his feet like a lone leaf in a storm. He crashed into the hard earth and tumbled end over end as Daden’s attack refused to relent. The wizard’s arms flailed and crawled for a handhold, but there was none that could stay up to Daden’s rage. Only when the fading screams stopped did Daden lower his hand halting the violent winds.

  Daden stared at the cliff’s edge. “I killed him,” he whispered.

  “For that, I thank you,” Meath groaned behind him. His neck wound was not life threatening but his shoulder wound needed attention quickly.

  “I have known him nearly my entire life,” Daden stared down the cliff side as the broken body spewed out upon the rocks. “There truly is no coming back here when this is over now.”

  “We need to get to Kara, before someone else comes upon us,” Meath reminded him.

  The mention of Kara’s name took the remorse from Daden’s features and he finally turned to face Meath. “That looks painful.”

  Meath grimaced. “So good of you to notice, would you mind pulling it out?”

  Two dark figures sprinted through the trees on the outskirts of the town, a clear destination in mind. Before long and without further mishap, they were standing outside the ancient archives.

  Meath shoved open the door and stalked inside, Stefan scrambled to his feet at the sudden entrance. His expression quickly softened to one of confusion. “Meath, what are you doing here? I thought you were gone already?”

  Meath pulled the ivory dagger from his belt. “And I thought we were friends.” Stefan’s eyes widened in terror, he fumbled back crashing into the chair behind him.

  “What are you talking about? We are friends, Meath!” He cried, but it was too late - Meath had him by the scruff of his thick brown collar. “Why are you doing this, Meath? Daden help me!” Daden simply shook his head.

  “You lied to me!” Meath held the dagger tip under Stefan’s chin. “You said you would tell me everything that you knew! I trusted you!”

  “I did tell you everything I knew, I swear it!” Stefan cried, his eyes pointed down trying to see where the dagger was. “What is this all about?”

  “Kara’s not dead; she is being held prisoner in the catacombs!” Meath shook the druid violently, rattling the poor man hard enough that his teeth chattered.

  “What?” Stefan stammered out. “Why would they...”

  “Do not play dumb with me, Stefan. I will not be made a fool of again.”

  “I knew nothing about it, I swear it to you,” Stefan gasped out.

  Meath searched the druid for any hint of betrayal, but he could find none within the man’s pale blue eyes. He released him and sheathed the enchanted dagger. “I am sorry for that, Stefan, but I had to be sure.”

  Stefan stepped back and smoothed the ruffles in his robes still shaken. “I... I guess I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. Now what is this about Kara being alive and a prisoner? Why? What are her crimes?”

  “Zada has her held within the catacombs below. Her crimes are for wanting to tell Meath the truth of his friend’s fate.”

  Stefan’s eyes lit up and looked to Meath. “They still live?”

  Meath’s jaw firmed and he nodded.

  “This is wonderful news!” He beamed, but just as fast his mood soured. “But why would they lie to you about that?”

  “We do not have time for this right now.” Daden interjected. “We need to get to Kara and get out of here.”

  “How do you plan to get down to the catacombs?” As the words left Stefan’s mouth realization struck him. “You want me to get you down there.”

  “I know it is a lot to ask, but yes,” Meath confirmed.

  Stefan shuffled about the room in frantic thought. “They will know it was me. They will imprison me or... worse.”

  “Come with us then,” Daden said. “We will all leave this place.”

  The words hit Stefan like a well-placed blow. “Leave Salvas?” The words seemed foreign to him. “But this is home, I do not know if I could just...”

  “We need you, Stefan. Kara needs you,” Meath told him. “This is not right and you know it.”

  He fidgeted with his robes as he paced, a silent battle being waged within. “I... I will help you,” he looked around the room at all the tomes and scrolls and sighed, “and leave all this knowledge behind.”

  “It is a worthy sacrifice,” Meath told him.

  “I know.”

  They went through the empty corridors to the intricate mural that led down to the catacombs. The trio stopped in front of the two massive dragon sires locked in combat. Stefan pulled a ring from his belt pouch and held it up to the aperture of one of the beast’s hearts. Meath placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder as he sunk the ring’s stone into the fissure and turned. A soft click echoed from deep within and the two great beasts relented in their endless battle, separating and revealing the stairs that led deep within the catacombs.

  The air was colder than Meath remembered and an eerie shiver ran up his spine as the descended the dusty stairs. The stone-pillared chamber they entered was still of all movement and a musky smell assaulted their noses from the ancient artifacts that resided within.

  “I have only ever heard rumors of down here,” Daden whispered, his eyes trying to take in all the relics, scrolls and tomes around him.

  “I have heard most of the rumors; they do not do justice to what is actually down here.” Stefan replied. �
��The cells are down one more level,” Stefan explained, leading them down another corridor. “I have never been beyond this floor. I do not know what awaits us beneath.”

  They were about to turn the corner when torch light halted their advance. Stefan peered around the bend and caught sight of someone guarding the passageway they needed to use to get to the cells below.

  “Weston’s guarding the way,” Stefan whispered. “There is never anyone down here.”

  Meath looked to Daden and back to Stefan. “Looks like Zada did more to prepare for this.”

  “What are we going to do then?” Stefan asked. “There is no way to get by him without confrontation.”

  “I guess we get to have a confrontation then,” Meath replied bitterly. “Is there another way to get to the other side of the hallway?”

  Daden walked boldly around the corner and continued toward the doorway that would take him to Kara. The man guarding the doorway quickly turned to regard him.

  “Daden!” Weston shouted. “You are a fool to have come here, just turn around and go back and I will say nothing of this!” It was nearly a plea.

  “Just step aside, Weston,” Daden called without slowing his pace.

  “You know I cannot do that, Daden. I have orders to kill anyone that comes this way. Do not make me have to act upon such an order,” he pleaded again and began to lift his hands.

  The tip of Meath’s dagger touched under the man’s chin. “Just calm down and you might just live through this,” Meath said, flashing the dragon dagger in front of the wizard’s face and pushing him down to his knees.

  “You do not understand what it is you are doing!” He bellowed. “There are things at work here that you do not understand!”

  “We are saving a friend from a foul bunch of liars, I need know nothing more,” Meath growled, his fist connecting with the wizards face dropping him to the cold stone unconscious.

  “That will not keep him out for long,” Daden said.

  “Does not have to, just long enough for us to get Kara and get out,” Meath pushed opened the stone portal leading to the next level.


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