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Page 13

by Sapphire Knight

  “You wanna play? I’m gonna fuck you up for pissin’ my Ol’ Lady off. Then I’m gonna let Twist here see if he can twist some shit in ya.” He glances at Twist and I use it to my advantage. I leap forward and clip him in the temple. He didn’t even see it coming. He falls to the ground and I nod at Twist to secure him if need be. Twist grabs the gun up quickly and tucks it in the back of his pants.


  Chapter 11

  Oh my God, what happened? I try to open my eyes but am blinded by the light. I blink a few times and try to wipe my face but don’t move. What the hell? Why am I tied down? I coax my eyes open and come face to face with a scary looking guy. His green eyes sparkle with mischief as he looks me over. I blink a few more times again trying to clear my vision better. It’s the guy from when I attacked Cain. I never should have snorted all that blow, it made me crazy paranoid inside. Ugh, what am I going to do now? I need to figure a way out of this. I can’t believe that stupid bitch made me think that kid was mine! And what the hell was Tate doing here? If he goes to his father, Gizya is going to be so angry.

  “Wake up, pansy ass, quit that fake sleepin’ shit. Time to talk, since you had the balls to show up here.” I open my eyes again and swallow deeply. This is so bad. Fucking cocaine! I’m tied to a little, hard desk chair and am in the grimy bathtub of the bathroom in the motel. This place looks like it probably hasn’t been updated since the seventies. There’s plastic sheeting over everything and it makes me sick to my stomach to think of what it could possibly be used for.

  “Look, I was mistaken before, I’m sorry I came to bother y’all, but I need to get back,” I say slowly and Twist starts to laugh low, graduating into a full-on belly laugh. He leans over and grips his stomach. He turns slightly and I can see my gun in the back of his pants. Great, just great. He leans up and turns to face me again. An evil look crosses his face and he looks like a psycho. I gulp loudly and try to breathe normally. My nose hurts horribly and feels like it’s clogged. I wonder how many times they hit me. My jaw is throbbing, I’m sure it has one hell of a bruise on it.

  “Oh, you got jokes now, huh? After threatenin’ a bunch of bikers you think you gonna just up an’ walk out this, bitch? That’s rich, even for a rich boy! No, ya see, ya pissed off the wrong muthafucker. You lucky Cain didn’t whale on your ass until you were dead. He’s the club fighter, you idiot.” He looks at me with distaste and shakes his head in a chastising manner.

  “I’m sorry, look, can I just talk to him about this. I was messed up on blow when I came here. I would never come bother you all if I was sober. I swear.” I’m trying to not die and either these bikers will kill me or Gizya will have his men dump me in one of the lakes.

  “Ah, so Gizya’s got you hooked on his shit just like he was tryin’ to do with my club. When was the last day you didn’t do a little of his blow, anyhow?” That’s a good question actually. I started doing it regularly in the morning before class about two months ago when I got really busy and stressed out. I can’t believe I started doing it every day without even realizing. It’s all this crap with the baby, and then seeing Cain with London the other night just set me off and I did a lot more than usual today. I have to get out of here somehow. He pulls a large hunting knife from a sheath attached to his waist and starts to clean out his fingernails. The blade is black, long and looks extremely sharp. Please stay away from me with that knife. I can feel something wet drip down the side of my head. I don’t know if it’s blood or my sweat.

  “I have money I can get you if you get me out of here,” I say pleadingly and he looks up from his nails. He puts his knife away and raises his eyebrows at me. People always want money. He cocks his head and his eyes grow dark.

  “I thought you were the smart one, with how Gizya talked you up the other day. You a dumb one, offering me money to let you go. For what? To betray my club? To betray my brothers? That’s not how it works where I come from, you don’t fuck each other over for an extra dollar bill. You already told us you gonna run back to Gizya when you get the chance. Don’t worry, we already called Tate and let him know everything that went down. He’s gonna stop by and say hi.” I pale at his words. The last thing I need is Tate to come and find me like this. He does think I’m his best friend though, so hopefully he will believe me and not what these guys decide to tell him. Twist turns toward the door and yells into the room.

  “Yo Cain! Your toy is awake, how 'bout you come deal with this shit so I can have fun with him later.” He turns and smiles a big, wide smile with his teeth showing. My stomach drops and I shiver. Don’t puke. God, I hope Tate can help me out of this.


  I hear Twist yell for me from the bathroom. I can’t believe that fool, Cameron, came here, has he lost his damn mind? You don’t just roll up on a bunch of bikers with a pole. That shit will get you killed. Tate seriously needs to get his ass back here. Cameron was knocked out for almost nine hours.

  “Hey, brother, you talk to Tate?” 2 Piece asks as he hands me the Dr. Pepper he got from the vending machine.

  “Thanks, 2,” I say as he sits on one of the beds. I pace the carpet for a second then look at him.

  “Yeah, he should be here any minute. I can’t believe this fuckin’ yo-yo came up on me like he did. I missed the whole fuckin’ day with London cause of some dumbshit.” Not to mention my fuckin’ back is hella sore. London’s gonna flip the fuck out when she sees the mark the pole left.

  “Yeah, pretty fucked up, man, never would have guessed he’d have it in him. He looked like a scared pussy at the club. Speakin’ of pussy, brother, I hear your girl has a friend named Avery. Hook a brotha up, man!” I shake my head at him; his mind is always on getting in panties. I used to be the exact same way until I saw my sweet cheeks all grown and sexy. That bitch has me hooked.

  “Where you hear 'bout that bitch from, anyhow,” I ask him curiously and he shrugs.

  “Fuckin’ London was talkin’ bout her girls the other day when y’all asked if we wanted to go to the club, remember.” I nod, I remember exactly what he’s talkin’ bout.

  “Ah, that’s right. After we take care of this shit I’ll see if maybe they wanna grab somethin’ to eat. London’s always hungry from my kid. I know Avery works though, brother, so she may not be available.”

  “It’s cool, man, just check with your Ol’ Lady. When you gonna get her tatted, anyhow? The brothers have always thought she was cool as hell, so you have our support.” I grin at him. My baby is cool as fuck, of course they all like her.

  “Thanks, man, but gotta get her to agree to it first. I haven’t asked her to be my Ol’ Lady yet, too much shit been going down to get a good chance.”

  “Cain, you don’t need a good chance, just ask her when you done fuckin’ or whatever. You good in the sack then she will say yeah. You suck then she may tell you to get gone, knowin’ London’s loud mouth!” He starts chuckling and I punch him in the arm.

  “Ow, fucker! I’ll play arms if you want, you been a pussy lately, not lifting.” There’s a knock on the door and I grab my Glock. 2 Piece stands across from me with his .45 out.

  He nods and I holler, “Yeah!”

  “It’s Tate!” I nod to 2 Piece to keep his piece trained on the door while I open it. You never know what could be comin’ through a door when you live the club life and deal with sheisty fucks. I’d like to say I trust Tate but I’m not all the way there yet. I mean, he’s Russian Mafia, not exactly glowing credentials. Not that I can judge or anything. Tate and Niko walk in with their hands up to show they are unarmed.

  “'Sup, man,” I say and fist bump Tate then Niko.

  “Hey, you still have him?” Tate asks and they both look at me eagerly.

  “Of course, Twist is waiting to play with him.” He nods and walks toward the bathroom. We all follow, curious. Cameron gets so excited when he sees Tate walk in, I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes in his pants.

  “Oh! Tate! Thank God! Tell them to untie me, this is lud
icrous!” Cameron practically yells as soon as the bathroom door is opened.

  “Sorry, Cam, I can’t do that. I hear you’ve been doing my father’s drugs. I don’t understand why, Cam, I thought you were my best friend? I looked at you like a brother but you went behind my back. Why?” Tate stares at him and Cameron looks from Tate to Niko. It looks like Cameron is trying to quickly come up with something Tate would want to hear. He looks at Niko next to try to get help from him.

  “Niko, come on, please! Get me out of here. I’ll tell Gizya you helped me and he will reward you.” Niko just shakes his head and glances to Tate for instructions. Ah, good loyal guard, I like Niko. Tate looks down at Cameron and explodes.

  “Are you kidding me right now, Cam? Do you hear yourself? You are trying to get my closest guard, and obviously closest friend, to go against my wishes. I am going to be The Big Boss of the Russkaya Mafiya soon, why go against me? You know how I treat those who stand in my way. I BREAK. THEIR. FUCKING. KNEES!” Cameron’s eyes glow with fury and jealousy.

  “You are nothing, Tate! Walking around so fucking high and mighty, I got sick of it! I went to your father because he is the true Boss! He put me to work and brought me into the organization. Unlike you, always keeping me at arm’s length. Konstantin saw my good qualities and even rewarded me. You want to know why I was always gone. Because he trusted me with his shipments and distributing them to the rich. Me, Tate! ME! Not you. You wonder why he keeps you out of it; he doesn’t want you involved. You’re always crying about it being legit. Well, news flash, Tate, Russian Mafia Boss’ don’t do legit! Selling weapons is still breaking the law,” Cameron yells at Tate and a dark look comes across Tate’s face. Ah, looks like Tate-the-Boss has shown up. Tate snaps his fingers at Cameron then Tate turns to Twist and nods at him.

  “You may take care of this, but if you do not kill him, call me and I will send Niko to finish up.” Twist grins and nods at Tate. Tate looks back at Cameron and Cam glares with hatred at him. Tate walks over to him and spits in his face and says something in Russian. Then he turns and leaves the room. That’s one way to ruin a friendship. We all follow him out, except Twist.

  “What are we going to do about your father?” I ask Tate as we hear screams come from the bathroom. We both glance at the door then walk further into the motel room. Looks like Twist has already started.

  “I don’t know. I need to speak to my brother, Viktor. I will get back to you, Cain. Thank you for holding him and not killing him immediately. You are turning out to be a valuable asset to my organization. I will call and update you with what we decide happens to my father.” I shake his hand and put my other hand on his back. I know this has to be a tough call for him and his family; but betrayal of any kind is like cancer and will spread through his family.

  “Alright, Tate, sounds good, man. Call if you need any help with shit and we will see what we can do.” He and Niko both nod at me and 2 Piece, and then leave. 2 Piece turns to me excitedly.

  “Okay, man, call London about Avery!” he says as soon as the door closes. I shake my head at him and grin.

  “Fuck, brother, you need to calm your shit. Go jack off or you’ll bust in your pants like a twelve-year-old,” I chuckle low and rib him.

  “Shut the fuck up, I can handle my shit. I’ve only had one chick and that was from Gizya’s little meeting. I’m used to getting club pussy on the regular. This little run is fuckin’ with my dick schedule.” I start to laugh at him, he’s so serious when he says this.

  “Your dick has a schedule, huh?” I rib him and pull my phone out so I can text London.

  Me – I need to feed my baby momma. you hungry?

  Baby – I am your baby momma and yes, I am always hungry! Give me food!

  Me – You’re so fuckin cute sweet cheeks. K. can your girl Avery tag along

  Baby – I don’t know, why?

  Me – Cuz 2 pce wants a pce lol

  Baby – OMG too much info! I bet she would like him though and she’s always down for some fun.

  Me – Txt her n let me kno. k

  Baby – I just did, she said hell yeah. She will be here in about 20 minutes. I’m assuming we are eating soon?

  Me – Yeah we are on our way

  Baby – <3

  Me –

  “Let’s go, bro, she said Avery’s on her way to her crib in 'bout twenty.” I grab my drink off the table, jacket and beanie, and skull bandana to tie around my face. It’s freezing outside so I’m bundling up as much as I can.

  “Nice, I hope she’s hot.”

  “She’s alright; you will think she’s hot, though. London said she thinks Avery will like you and that she’s down for some fun,” I say and climb on my bike. I start her up with a nice purr. Only thing better would be a heated seat for my nuts. 2 Piece gets on his shiny, black Fat Boy and revs her up. I roll slowly out of the motel’s dirt parking lot and head toward London’s place with 2 Piece rollin’ right beside me.

  We arrive and my baby is standing beside her car jumping up and down. Crazy chick.

  “Hurry up, honey bun, I’m freaking starving!” London says as soon as we park the bikes.

  “Come get on my bike. Avery can sit bitch with 2 Piece,” I yell at her and stay sitting on my bike.

  “Hell no! Have you lost your mind? It’s freaking freezing, we can just take my car!” She’s so damn stubborn.

  “Babe, ain’t no way both mine and his legs gonna fit in that little ass car of yours. I have to sit pretty much in the back seat as it is. If you just hurry up then we can get there already.”

  “Ugh! If I get Pneumonia you are soooo taking care of me! I want Calhoun’s by the river please.” She runs to my bike and I give her a big chaste kiss on the lips as soon as she’s close enough to me. I see Avery run over to 2 Piece and his bike. She smiles big and he reaches his hand out to help her on his bike.

  “You can have whatever you want, sweet cheeks. But why are you starving? You didn’t have a snack?” I swear I need to spank this girl a few times so she eats more.

  “No, I wanted to wait until you got back so we could eat together,” she says as she climbs on the bike.

  “Baby, I’m glad you wanted to wait, but you have my kid in there. You need to worry 'bout feedin’ that baby first. You make me wanna spank that ass 'til it’s pink.” She snuggles into my back and I start to back the bike up again. Shoulda done this shit first then let her climb on. We freeze our asses off on the drive. Thank God I have some leather work gloves or I think my fingers would break off. We should have just crammed in her stupid little car. I’m not admittin’ that shit to her though, I’d never hear the end of her razzin’ me 'bout it.

  We get seated in a little booth and all try to thaw out some from the ride. I order a long neck Budweiser and 2 Piece orders draft Bud light. Avery orders a draft also and my baby has a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. Maybe I shoulda got a coffee with a shot in it or something to help warm me up. I scoot closer to London and lean her up against my chest with my arm wrapped around her.

  “So, London, did you decide 'bout comin’ home?” 2 Piece asks and I want to reach across the table to strangle him. I can’t believe he brought that shit up already, he’s gonna get her pissed, and I want some pussy after this.

  “Yes, I’ve been thinking about it. I just got here a few months ago though. I know I can take the same classes online now that UT accepted me and I enrolled, but I also would feel bad about leaving Emily so soon.” Avery clears her throat and looks at London.

  “You know, London, if you really want to go, Em will be fine. I will keep a close eye on her, she is going to marry Tate and she also has Elaina now,” Avery says and I could kiss her on the cheek. Thank God, someone to talk some sense into London.

  “Who’s Elaina?” 2 Piece butts in and asks both London and Avery. London speaks up first.

  “That’s Emily’s twin sister she didn’t know about. Elaina crashed her car into Tate’s, almost killing Emily. It was all an ac
cident but freaked everyone out. Now they are like two peas in a pod. It’s weird, it’s like she was cloned. But Elaina’s a party girl and a little wild so she’s more fun to go out with. Emily’s always home with Tate now anyhow, so Elaina parties with me and Avery.”

  “Ah, no more partying for you, baby momma,” I say and kiss her lips softly. Avery lets out an “Awww” when she hears me call London my baby momma.

  “That’s so awesome, I’m so happy for you guys! When London told me, I thought I was going to pass out! Four and a half months and you can’t even tell, lucky bitch!” Avery smiles at London and London replies by sticking her tongue out at Avery.

  “Geesh, you and Emily with sticking out your freaking tongues! Cain, bite her tongue for me please, she only let me do it once and won’t let me do it again!” Avery says and licks her lips at London. Looks like I’m not the only one admiring my girl. London huffs.

  “Yeah, because this bitch actually bit me! I thought she would just kiss me or mess around but she freaking bit me! I almost punched her,” she says and they both start laughing. 2 Piece grabs Avery’s hand from where it’s resting on top of the table.

  “Hey, I’m down with biting,” 2 Piece says to Avery and grins at her. She grins back and leans in to kiss him. Wow! London wasn’t kiddin’, guess Avery likes my boy after all. London looks at me and smirks, so I wink at her. The waiter shows up and we order. London tries to order half the menu but I finally get her to order only two entrees with the promise to share mine with her. This baby is gonna come out lookin’ like a little roly poly. He’s gonna be so cute, just like my sweet cheeks.

  After an entertaining dinner, and making love slow and sensual to my woman, we snuggle up to each other in the middle of the bed. London’s still naked and I love every minute of it. I love to feel her swollen tits pressed up against my chest and to be able to rub all over her soft skin.


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