The Revenge of Excalibur

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The Revenge of Excalibur Page 10

by Sahara Foley

  With purpose, Pam strode toward the middle of the field. “Who is in charge here?” she yelled out.

  The guards stopped talking, looking nervously at each other, but no one spoke up.

  “I said, who's in charge here?” she repeated more forcefully. “If I don't get an answer right now, I'll start frying each of you, one-by-one.”

  All eyes turned to one man, who hesitantly raised his hand. He was shorter and rounder than his fellow Calen guards. “Uh, I guess I am, ma'am. I haven't been able to locate General Mayo.”

  “When was the last time you saw him?” she demanded in a hard, cold voice.

  “Well, ma'am,” the scared man replied, looking everywhere but into Pam's condemning eyes. “The last time I saw him, he was heading to the arms room. That was, uh, some time ago.” He licked his pale lips, shuffling from foot to foot.

  *He must be in the group of guards you took to Lear,* Pam told Excalibur telepathically. *Would you bring them back for me, please?*

  His full lips curved into a mischievous smile as he winked at her. “My pleasure, little one,” he said aloud, then disappeared in a flash of silver, eliciting cries of fear from the prisoners and guards.

  Since Arthur had been declared King of Calen, almost everyone knew of his ability to teleport, but only a handful of people had actually seen him do it. On Teth and Eilsel, the rumors were scoffed at as scare tactics, to keep everyone under control. Now, they knew the rumors were true. But, who were these people? Why had no one heard of them before? Pam rubbed her forehead as the fears and questions echoed through her mind. This is why I hate large crowds. She became overwhelmed with their heightened emotions. How does my father handle it?

  Waiting for the return of Excalibur, Pam observed Panth as he knelt beside his sister, Pohat.

  He tenderly picked up one of her hands, and gently caressed the back of it, tears brimming in his large, brown eyes. He studied her emancipated body. Look what they have done to you, my little sister. He knew he hadn't fared any better, but he was a Teth Rangoon, he had been trained in battle, and was willing to die, if necessary. He had been prepared to die, here, in this evil place, but not his baby sister. She wasn't even part of the military. They should have left you alone.

  Pam watched Panth silently crying over his sister. She grew angrier and angrier. Every prisoner showed evidence of malnutrition, bones protruding through slack skin, and untreated, open, festering wounds. How can this type of inhumane treatment be tolerated? More than a third of the prisoners were dead, or dying, the majority of them Tethians, but a few were Calens or Eilsels.

  Looking at the grisly scene in the tranquil meadow, Pam thought about World War II and the Holocaust. There weren't millions of prisoners, but there were over a thousand, and a third of them would never see their family or loved ones again.

  Pam knew Weesa was trying her hardest to save as many as she could. From the knowledge in her vast computer data banks, Weesa formulated a silver liquid she was administering by air-powered hypodermic pressure. Pam had no idea how it worked, but as each prisoner was either carried or walked into Weesa's hold, they came out looking healthier, more animated, and alive. Unfortunately, there were some who were beyond saving. Pam fervently prayed her father wasn't one of them.

  Chapter Twelve

  Pam stepped back in surprise, a hand covering her partially exposed breast, as Excalibur POPPED! next to her. There were five harried guards with him. She peered behind him. “Emm, weren't there ten before? Where are the others?” Excalibur chuckled, making Pam's stomach flutter. God, I hate the effect he has on me. She just wanted them to part their ways.

  “Yes, little one. The child, who was The One, chose to exact his own revenge. I am afraid he has absorbed them. These men were hiding, like the cowards they are. I was unable to locate the General. Treas told me he fed upon the General first. This man here,” he said with scorn, pointing his sword at an older man with yellow pipping on his uniform, “is his second-in-command.”

  Pam scowled at the older man. “Before I decide your fates, I want to know how many prisoners you've tortured to death, or let die from malnutrition? If you refuse to answer, Excalibur will be more than willing to take the information from your brain, leaving you a helpless, gibbering idiot. A just punishment, if you ask me.”

  The older man peered down his nose at Pam, then turned his attention to the shiny, silver sword the muscle-bound, blond man leaned upon. “Excalibur? You mean the Shalit imprisoned in the sword he holds. It can't hurt me. You would never be foolish enough to release it, not a Shalit,” he taunted.

  Excalibur looked at Pam with a quirked brow, a smile playing on his lips. Her fingers itched to softly trace them, and she fought with herself to keep her hands at her sides. She mentally shook herself. Get. A. Grip.

  She shrugged her shoulders, saying, “It's your call. This is your show now.”

  Excalibur stared down at the older man, his warm smile turning menacing, then he vanished. The bright, sunny sky darkened, and a giant-sized, black cloud, full of silver lightning, filled the sky over Bindkall Prison.

  The older man started trembling, eyes wide with fear. “By Osso's mate, it's a Shalit, and it's loose! Run for your lives!”

  Before he bolted, a deep, rich, bass voice that shook the ground, thundered, “Do not move. Anyone who does will die instantly and in horrible pain. A pain you cannot imagine.” The foreboding cloud disappeared, the booming echo of the deep voice slowly fading. Once again, the blond man with the silver sword stood next to Pam.

  Not one being in the peaceful meadow moved. Even the prisoners were frozen where they stood, faces etched with shock at what they just saw. A Shalit was among them!

  “Are you ready to answer the question now? I am getting a little hungry.” The Shalit grinned at the older man, wagging his eyebrows.

  Pam slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing out loud. Especially when she saw the trail of wetness traveling down the Calen's pants leg. The terrified man had pissed himself.

  His pale face flushed with different shades of pink. The frightened, now embarrassed leader, turned toward a group of guards standing close to where Daisy and Pohat lay in their webbed cots. “Bookad,” he said brusquely, “you are the keeper of the records. Answer this female, immediately.”

  A thin Calen jumped, glancing back and forth from Pam and the Shalit. “Um, Colonel,” he stammered, shifting nervously on his feet, “without my computers, I cannot give you an accurate count, but I can estimate to within a few thousand, sir.”

  “Then do so, Bookad,” Excalibur thundered, making the ground shake again.

  “Er, well, over the past six-thousand-year history of Bindkall Prison, 23,600,000 prisoners have died or been tortured to death, sir. Within a few thousand, one way or the other,” he said with a hint of pride in his voice.

  Pam's lips thinned, glowering at him. “Are you proud of that fact, Bookad?”

  The frightened accountant squirmed under her intense gaze. Clearing his throat, he said, “No, ma'am. As I am the keeper of the records, it is my duty to know the facts. If I sounded prideful, it is only in the capacity of my job. That is all.”

  Panth pointed one of his hands at the man. “You mean it WAS your job.” Sweeping his arm across the field toward the area where the dead were temporarily moved, he said, “No more shall you have Tethians to starve and dissect. We put an end to this prison, today.” Weary from his outburst, he dropped his arm, and leaned over his last surviving sibling.

  Pam nodded her head. Yes, we will put a stop to this. She turned back to the Colonel. “What's your name?”

  Standing as arrogant as he could with wet trousers, he said, “I am Colonel Tewet, Calen Assistant-In-Command to General Mayo.” Sliding his eyes up and down her body, he said snidely, “And who are you? By what authority do you attack us?”

  With clenched fists, about to get in the weasel's face, Excalibur laid a restraining hand on Pam's shoulder. “She is
Pamela Breckinridge, daughter of your King, the King you falsely imprisoned. She is also releaser, as well as friend, of the Shalit, Excalibur. And soon, she shall be the Releaser of many more Shalits. We, too, have been imprisoned long enough.”

  Pam heard a small mental gasp, then a weak voice entered her mind. *You are the daughter of Arthur?*

  Who's that? Pam wondered, glancing around the field, until she noticed a female Calen staring at her with the most amazing blue eyes. From where she stood, Pam could tell she was in very bad shape. This must be Daisy. Pam slowly nodded her head in acknowledgment.

  *As the only blood relative of Arthur who has survived, you are in command, Pamela Breckenridge.* A hush fell over the milling, talking people, as Daisy mentally broadcast her decree. *I, Emeara, Queen of Calen and Eilsel, place the ruling power in your hands, until such time as Arthur can resume his position. Rule well, my daughter. Show no mercy to these cowards who tried to kill your father, and I fear, have killed me…* Her eyes fluttered shut.

  “No!” Pam screamed. Even in his comatose state, Arthur moaned loudly on his cot as his wife's words sank in.

  *Quickly, bring Daisy on board,* Weesa ordered. *Hurry, to my medical hold!*

  No one moved, not even Pam. They were stunned by their dying Queen's decree. Excalibur waved his sword, and Daisy disappeared.

  On shaky legs, swaying as he rose, Panth stood, then bowed to Pam. “With Emeara's decree, you are also the Queen of Teth. I welcome you, Pamela, daughter of my friend, and King, Arthur.”

  The remaining seven-hundred Tethians who were able to, either bowed or nodded their heads toward Pam. To Pam's surprise, even some of the Calen and Eilsel prisoners bowed to her. Well, that makes sense, she thought. They were probably too outspoken about General Mayo and his band of thugs. What bewildered her most were the guards who bowed to her. How can I ever trust them? What types of brutality have they exacted against their prisoners? She knew they were only trying to save their own butts. It didn't matter anyway. Even without the guards, the majority were willing to accept her as their ruler.

  Queen? Pam tried swallowing the growing lump in her throat. What do I know about running a government? I'm only here to rescue my father. How the hell did I end up being Queen?

  Peering down at the sneering Colonel, Excalibur ordered, “Bow to your new Queen, Tewet.”

  With tight, white lips, an imperial lift to his head, he declared, “We, of the military, acknowledge no authority but our own twelve leaders.”

  For having urine stains on his pants, he sure is mouthy, Pam thought, just as a flash of silver neatly severed the Colonel's head from his shoulders.

  Pam jumped back, mouth open wide, a scream stuck in the back of her throat. The headless body flopped over; kicking and jerking, blood spurting from the severed neck. Loud cries of terror echoed over the meadow as Pam's heart beat frantically. She never saw anyone beheaded before. Clutching her throat, she stared down at the head, where it stopped rolling in front of her feet, eyes glazed, staring up at her. She shuddered, nudging Colonel Tewet's head with her tennis shoe, until his face was looking in the opposite direction.

  *If his body offends you, little one,* Excalibur said gently in her mind, *I will remove it.*

  Pam shook her head, swallowing several times, trying to keep herself from upchucking. I can't show weakness, or no one will listen to me. Standing tall, wiping sweaty palms on her jeans, she looked at the faces staring back at her. Clearing her throat, she said loudly, “This body will be a reminder of what happens to anyone who disobeys me. Now, who is next in command?”

  At that moment, Weesa BLIPPED! away, causing Pam and Excalibur to turn around, as they felt the mental energy she released for the teleportation.

  *Weesa? Where are you? Why did you leave?* a frightened Pam mentally asked. How am I going to do this alone? Certainly, they didn't expect her to depend on Excalibur. I'm surprised he hasn't found his mate and left already.

  “Weesa has gone to Lear. She is trying to save Daisy's life. She will return.” He peered down at Pam with his hypnotic eyes.

  Is that concern I see reflected in his silver eyes? She shook her head. Nah, it must've been a reflection of the sun.

  A small Calen male advanced toward Pam, stumbling over his feet in fright. Bowing, he said, “My Queen, I am Captain Remos, next in command. I am at your service.”

  Yeah, Pam thought, only to save your own skin. She turned toward Panth. “Are you strong enough to take a trip to Teth, and back, with my friend here?” She gestured toward Excalibur.

  Panth bowed his head. “Yes, my Queen.”

  “Since most of the injustice and grievances have been perpetrated against your people, it is only fitting your people will decide the fate of these men. Go, and return with your leaders and top soldiers. Then, we shall have a trial.”

  The guards started shifting and muttering among themselves. They knew of the atrocities they performed here, never thinking they'd be held accountable for their actions.

  Excalibur winked at her. “Well done, Queen Pamela. I shall be happy to convey whomever you want, the whole planet, if you so desire.”

  Pam started blushing, images of his hard, naked body flitting through her mind. That's what she really desired. “Uh, no,” she stuttered. “Just the Tethians Panth feels would represent them best for the trial.”

  With a knowing smirk, Excalibur strode over to Panth, his matted, blue fur twitching every which way the closer the Shalit approached. They disappeared with a soft POO.

  Pam sighed in relief. Now that Excalibur's allure was gone, she could focus on more important matters than sex.

  She was concerned about her father, but with everything else happening, she hadn't had time to see him. Finally, she squatted next to him, mentally scanning his vitals. His bodily functions were fine, although very weak. His mind caused her the greatest concern. He seemed to be in a coma, but she didn't understand why. His thoughts were going off in different tangents. She shook her head, not sure how to help him.

  Reaching down to hold his hand, to let him know he wasn't alone, silver sparks started arcing from the ring he wore on his pinky finger. She jerked her hand back. What now? she wondered. A strong mental voice she never heard before invaded her mind.

  *I am Dia. Do not try to release me, or remove me from your father's hand, Pamela. He is not in a sound mental state. My silver and power are keeping his memory intact. Without me, I fear he will lose his memory forever. Tell Excalibur I stay in this ring by choice, not because I must. If he demands my release, tell him I will come out when I am able. Your father will awaken soon, and I hope his mind will be again as it was.*

  *Pamela, pay attention,* Weesa admonished. *Several of the guards are escaping behind the building. I am unable to assist you as I am on Lear. Daisy is alive, and well, inside me. Excalibur is ready to return from Teth. I will instruct him about the escaping guards. He will track them down when he returns, so you need not concern yourself.*

  Is that a hint of sarcasm? Pam wondered, studying the huddled group of nervous guards. Hmm, there is definitely some missing. Quickly glancing toward the prison, she saw several of them disappearing around the corner. “You are not going to escape your punishment,” Pam yelled, then BLIPPED! behind the building.

  Fifteen men were running pell-mell toward the black hole in the mountain caused by Weesa's Ultilear.

  “Just where in the hell do you think you're going?” Pam demanded in a loud, booming voice. Almost as loud as Excalibur, which startled her, as she didn't think she could yell that loud.

  A large chunk of the men stopped in their tracks, frozen with fear, but the four in front, nearest to the tunnel, kept going. They saw their freedom, beckoning. * Ok, assholes, let's see how you handle a giant squid.*

  Suddenly, loud screams and yelling echoed out of the tunnel, and four men ran back out, followed by ten Tethians. Behind them, large, black tentacles undulated in the air and slithered along the ground, searching for prey

  A soft chuckle in her ear caused her to spin around, almost falling over. Excalibur wrapped one of his muscular arms around her, holding her steady and close. Too close. Pam's breath caught in her suddenly dry throat.

  “Quite a pet you have acquired, little one. Reminds me of my first love.” He chuckled again, eyes dancing with amusement.

  Pam was lost in his eyes. She felt the heat building up between their bodies. Just as she was tempted to wrap her arms around his neck, and pull his head down for a deep, passionate kiss, he stepped away, leaving her panting in frustration.

  “Do not let your pet eat the Tethians. They were only trying to capture your prisoners.”

  At that moment, with a loud, high-pitched squeal, a giant, black squid flopped out of the tunnel, tentacles rippling in every direction. Pam stared at it aghast. “Did you just say it reminded you of your first love? Really?”

  Excalibur gave her an endearing, lopsided grin. “Well, not really. Your pet is prettier than she was.”

  Pam started laughing, then stopped when she saw no hint of joking on his face or in his eyes. Who is this strange creature I'm falling madly in lust with? Images of him having sex with a squid made her stomach turn. This is why I need to stay away from him. He's an unknown, and I don't like unknowns. I just want my plain, simple, boring life back. No matter how lonely. A part of her knew she was lying.

  Seeing the conflicting emotions on Pam's face, Excalibur burst out laughing. “Got you, didn't I?”

  “Why, you, asshole,” she said indignantly, then she laughed so hard she had tears rolling down her face. To her dismay, she found she couldn't stop. She knew it was a reaction to everything that happened to her today.

  Alarmed, Excalibur asked, “Little one, are you all right?”

  She nodded her head, hands over her mouth, trying to hold back the laughter, but it kept pealing out.


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