The Revenge of Excalibur

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The Revenge of Excalibur Page 11

by Sahara Foley

  “Then why are you crying?” He gently wiped the tears from her face.

  Suddenly, Pam found herself in his arms, lips pressed against his, tongue probing, looking for an opening. She wanted more. She needed more. He tightened their embrace, pulling her closer, returning her passionate kiss. They stood there for a minute, or an hour, Pam wasn't sure, feeling his need growing between them.

  Pulling away, breathless, panting, eyes full of regret, Excalibur said softly, “We cannot do this, little one. This is not my breeding form.”

  Pam pushed herself away, hand flying to her mouth. Oh my god! What have I done? “I'm so sorry,” she stammered. “I don't know what came over me.”

  Face hot from embarrassment and passion, she BLIPPED! away to where her father lay comatose. Her knees so weak she could barely stand, she slowly sank to the ground by his bed. She tenderly ran her fingertips over her lips, tasting and feeling the Shalit she was falling for. She hung her head, ashamed. She never acted this way with a man before. She remembered the runaway guards. Did they see me make a fool of myself?

  She sneaked a peek through her bangs at the group of rounded-up escapees. They didn't seem interested in her, still visibly shaken with their ordeal in the tunnel. She smiled. That had been pretty funny. That thought led her back to what she'd done. She covered her face with her hands, rocking back and forth. What am I going to do about Excalibur? She was too mortified to face him again.

  She felt a light touch on her shoulder, making her jump to her feet. Excalibur stood there, peering down at her with one raised manly brow.

  “What a strange creature you are, little one,” he said in a throaty rumble. He reached out and slowly traced her lips, causing shivers to race up and down her spine. “Strange, powerful, and wonderful. You brought out the breeding lust in me, which never should have happened. I can only breed with my own kind, and in our breeding form, which is a physical body much different than yours. From what I gleamed in your mind, the mechanics are the same, just different positions. Some I found very intriguing.” His silver eyes darkened with desire. “I want to breed with you, very much. What I do not understand is how I am maintaining this Human shape, instead of reverting. My only answer is it must be you. You must be holding me in my present form. How is this possible, Pamela?”

  Totally mortified, Pam's face flamed hotter and hotter. “Uh, I have no idea,” she stammered, but she had a sneaky suspicion it had something to do with her blood. Damn, Weesa. Look at the mess they got me in. How she wished she never met them. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have rescued her father. Oh what a tangled web we weave, she thought sadly.

  “We will have to continue this 'discussion' later. In the meantime,” he said with a grin, “I relocated your pet to Lear. She is happily getting acquainted with life forms similar to herself.”

  “What?” Pam asked in surprise, grateful for the change in subject, but his implications made her feel uncomfortable. “There are squid on Lear?”

  “Yes, but I am afraid she will be rather small compared to what lives in the oceans of Lear.”

  My squid was small? I'll have to remember to never go swimming on Lear.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Panth approached Pam, flanked by two Tethians wearing matching robes of blue with green trim, their fur trimmed into elaborate patterns. How can they walk so gracefully with four legs? If it were me, I'd be face down on the ground by now.

  When she first saw Panth lying on the smallish cot, she thought he resembled one of the mythical Centaurs, half horse/half man, but that wasn't the case. Instead, Tethians had legs horizontal to each other. That would explain their huge, wide bodes. Did their legs evolve to support their large bodies, or did their bodies have to adjust to an extra set of legs and arms? Pam shrugged. She doubted they even knew.

  Panth looks stronger, Pam noted as the group stopped and bowed to her. Whatever elixir Weesa had concocted seemed to work.

  “Pamela, may I introduce Osmnto and Ganta,” Panth said formally, with a sweeping gesture of his upper arms. “We are the head of the Teth Rangoon, and the ruling council on Teth. My men informed me of the giant creature in the tunnel. They wish to extend their apologies for running. They are embarrassed at their reaction. What manner of creature was it? I would have liked to have seen it.” He had a twinkle in his brown eyes.

  “It's called a giant squid. I would've run from it myself. They are large and quite ugly.”

  “Hmm, giant squid. Even the name sounds horrendous. We are ready to commence the trial, Queen Pamela. Will you head the court with us?” Hair twitching all over his body, he asked, “And, uh, Excalibur?”

  Pam nodded. She just wanted to get this whole fiasco over with so she could see how her father was doing. Not hearing an acknowledgement from Excalibur, she glanced over, but he wasn't paying any attention. His eyes were glued to the silver ring on Arthur's pinky finger, a frown creasing his brow.

  “Excalibur, will you sit on the court with us?” she asked, nudging him with her elbow.

  He had a faraway look in his eyes as he looked away from the ring, peering up at the sky. Then he gazed down at her with a faint smile. “Yes, little one.”

  His smile made her heart and stomach go all fluttery again. Stop it, girl. We have a trial to conduct. Quit thinking about having sex with an alien. That kiss had really thrown her for a loop. The only word she could think of was WOW! He lit her up like a sparkler; instantly hot and needing to be put out.

  She followed Panth to where the guards were arranged in rows, sitting on the ground in front of a large table, flanked by two smaller ones. The two Tethians she'd been introduced to indicated two empty chairs between them. She sat, feeling small compared to their massive bodies. God, what were their names? She couldn't remember, her mind being occupied with the lingering kiss from her Shalit. My Shalit? Where did that come from?

  She was interrupted by Excalibur scooting into the chair on her right. She gulped, his masculine, sweaty smell overtaking her senses. *They are Osmnto and Ganta, little one,* he whispered seductively in her mind.

  Pam jerked her head toward him, eyes wide, cheeks hot again. He'd been reading her mind. She squirmed, looking away, her body responding to his proximity. Trying to look anywhere but at him, her eyes inadvertently landed on his lap. She swallowed several times, staring at the tautly, stretched, short tunic covering the upper portion of his muscular thighs. She could just make out the outline of what she desperately desired. The more she stared, the more prominent it became. She almost started drooling.

  *Why are Humans embarrassed about normal, bodily functions?* he asked, peering down at himself, then over to her flushed face.

  *Never mind,* she hissed back mentally. *You wouldn't understand.* Sex between a man and woman is normal, but not between whatever he is and me. Oh why, did I agree to going with Weesa?

  A loud pounding echoed across the field, jarring Pam's attention back to the proceedings. Silence descended on the meadow, all eyes turning toward the towering Tethian. “By the authority of the Queen of Calen, Eilsel, and Teth, I, Panth, a leader of Teth, convene this trial of Bindkall Prison personnel. Let all sides be heard. Judgement will rest in the hands of the Tethians.”

  Pam sat, listening to witness after witness. Former prisoners testified about the horrible abuse and starvation, while the guards either defended their actions, or turned against their previous leaders. And on the sidelines, prisoners struggling to stay alive, died. Pam shifted in her seat. What a godawful strange trial.

  For each accusation filed against Captain Remos and his loyal guards, they just as vehemently denied any guilt, blaming their actions on General Mayo. General Mayo ordered the abuse of the prisoners. General Mayo ordered the mind probes. But, it was actually the brain that caused the majority of the deaths, feeding off the life force of the mentally probed and tortured prisoners.

  Weary of the shuffling of blame, Pam rose quickly to her feet. With clenched jaws, she scowled at Captain Remos. �
�Captain, how can you not take responsibility for your actions? It's so easy to point your fingers at someone who isn't here to defend themselves. By your own admission, over 6,500,000 people have died from starvation alone.” Pointing to the rows of emancipated prisoners lying on their death beds, she continued, tears shimmering in her eyes, “More of them are dying while you lie to the court. How well you must have followed your orders. Since The One is not here to testify in his defense, and he has since transformed into a Shalit, we will let Excalibur speak on his behalf.”

  A booming voice rang out, “I will speak for myself, Pamela.”

  People started yelling and screaming as Excalibur, with a wide smile, pointed skyward. Pam stared in wonder at a small black cloud. Not very large is it? Not compared to Excalibur, anyway.

  “I am Treas, and I charge General Mayo, Colonel Tewet, and Captain Remos, as well as every guard here, with the repeated offense of intentional murder. I admit to my part in the taking of lives via my mind probes, but I was a prisoner as well. I was trapped in a container I could not escape. I would have been put to death, had I not complied with General Mayo's orders. Every order brought him closer to his quest for power and control. Even though I was created to obey, I did destroy General Mayo for how he treated me. And my brother has destroyed Colonel Tewet.

  “Look around you. These are your people. Their wasted bodies struggling to stay alive from the confinement they, and I, were forced to endure. I will exact revenge against your tormentors, here, and now, if you so desire. Why expend further energy listening to lies from such men? Remember, only a few hours ago, these same men pleading for leniency, played cards, and watched your people die, uncaring.”

  All eyes turned toward the Calen and Eilsel guards. Some started wailing, blubbering in fear. Only a few of them had seen the brain absorb his hapless prisoners, but every guard had heard the hair-raising screams. They used to laugh, making bets on how long a prisoner would last. Now, they were facing the same type of painful death.

  Pam read the fear in their minds. Good. They deserve what they dished out.

  Excalibur rose, his face somber. “Treas, you are not responsible for orders you were created to obey. With your transformation, you were able to break free of your programming. General Mayo deserved a death sentence, and it is fitting you were his executioner. As Shalits, we do not harm other life forms, unless necessary. Let us watch how your fellow prisoners handle justice.”

  Panth nervously scratched at the matted fur around his face. The other twelve Tethian Rangoons, sitting at the smaller tables, fingered the weapons at their waists. Children grew up hearing about the evil Shalits, but no one really believed they existed. They were just stories told to frighten them. Now, the Tethian judges were looking at not one, but two of them. How could they trust a Shalit?

  “Judging Panel, you have heard the evidence. What is your verdict, and, if need be, punishment?” Pam held her breath, waiting. She had no idea how their judicial system worked. If it were up to her, the remaining officers and guards would die a horrible death.

  The twelve Tethians nodded heads at each other, waving their arms around, or thumping the table to make a point, but not one word was spoken. When some of their fur started fluffing and rippling, Pam knew they were in a heated debate. Not being able to hear their conversations made Pam feel uncomfortable.

  She'd always been able to hear anyone she wanted, but these Tethians were blocking her. She suddenly understood what it felt like to be normal, and she didn't like it. She always cursed her powers as they made her an outcast on Earth, but here, she fit right in. That little insight left her stunned, pondering what it meant for her future.

  Finally, a Tethian with varying shades of gray fur stood. “I, Conas, head of the Judging Panel, speak our decision. All are guilty. All must die.” As he took his seat, a loud groan erupted from the two hundred guards, who were sitting on the ground in front of the tables.

  An Eilsel guard jumped to his four feet, yelling, “Tethians, are we not brothers? Other than our lack of fur, are we not the same? Do not condemn us.” Pointing his hands in all directions to the Calens closest to him, he declared, “The Calens were in charge, and should be held accountable. Not us.”

  A weak, female Tethian voice came from a row of webbed cots. “I am Pohat, sister to leader Panth. I sat as my sister, Cohut, was beaten and raped by Calen and Eilsel alike, until she no longer wished to live. And my brother, Panth, sat as our other brother, Ganga, died by the same mistreatment. This is what I think of the Eilsel proposal.”

  The pleading Eilsel's guilt-written face turned paler. He knew he was doomed. He'd been one of several guards who violated the Tethian leader's sisters. They had taken great pleasure in demeaning them in any way they could. He thought Pohat was one of the many dead bodies piling up on the other side of the field.

  Suddenly, he grabbed his head with all four hands, wailing in pain, dropping to his four knees, and then rolled over, dead. Greenish fluid gushed from his ears, nose, and mouth. His brain had been incinerated.

  Out of nowhere, a shiny, silver ship appeared, right next to the ominous black cloud. “I am Emeara, your Queen,” Daisy's voice floated across the field. “The Judging Panel has decided the guilty parties must die, and I concur. What transpired here must never be allowed to happen again. The remaining eleven leaders who maintained this prison must be found and executed as well. Before you decide on their mode of execution, remember Treas was imprisoned as well, and made to perform unthinkable acts of torture. I propose instead of wasting their combined mental energy, let Treas absorb them, so they will always be a part of him.”

  The Tethian panel cringed in fear. Being absorbed by a Shalit was one of the most horrifying ways to die. There was no honor in that type of death.

  Panth stood, banging the table with his fist. “Our Queen has spoken. My fellow Tethians, is her proposal agreeable to you?”

  A few shared glances and nods later, they said simultaneously, “We agree!”

  Panth looked toward Excalibur. “Do you agree to allow your brother to execute the prisoners?”

  “It is his decision, not mine,” he said, shrugging his broad shoulders.

  How strange, Pam thought. He's been wrongfully imprisoned himself, yet he doesn't want to get involved.

  *No, little one,* Excalibur told her telepathically. *You do not understand. I was imprisoned because of fear and misinformation. What happened to Treas was done deliberately, and with intent to use him for their own purposes.*

  Being held prisoner, whatever the reason, still seemed the same to Pam. She didn't think she'd be that forgiving, especially after centuries of being trapped in a sword. Excalibur is right. I don't understand. Her life on Earth seemed a whole lot simpler.

  As Pam, Excalibur, and the other judges looked on, the black cloud, known as Treas, shrank in size, lowering toward the ground over the huddled, terrified guards. As the cloud got closer, a few of the guards tried breaking free, but transparent wisps, almost like gray fingers of smoke, wrapped around them and dragged them back, screaming and kicking. Pam thought she was prepared for the absorption process. How bad can it really be? Watching the flesh slowly melt off the thrashing bodies, to be sucked into the cloud, she understood the horror of the punishment. I was wrong. It's horrible and grotesque.

  Stinging bile rose in the back of her throat, and she swallowed several times, trying to stop from vomiting and making a fool of herself. Glancing around, Pam noticed the same reaction from everyone present, except Excalibur. He stood there, impassive, arms crossed over his chest.

  “Treas is absorbing them at a very slow rate,” he said nonchalantly. “He could absorb them in seconds, but he chooses to make them suffer. Not that I blame him.”

  Pam looked away, rubbing her forehead, a blast of mental anguish assaulting her mind. As the doomed prisoners were screaming in agony, they were also mentally broadcasting their intense pain. A type of pain Pam had never experienced before. I shou
ld've fried their asses. It would've been more humane.

  “No, little one,” Excalibur said sternly, staring down at her. “ 'Humane' is an Earth term, which means to find a civilized method of destruction, or handling of a situation. That concept does not apply here.” His expression softened as he smiled at her. “I should like to visit your world again, though not contained in silver. From what I saw of your planet, I liked it.”

  *Pamela, I am leaving the silver ring now,* Dia's voice whispered in Pam's mind. *I can do no more for your father. He is stable, but I am afraid his memories are gone. Perhaps the Tethian, Panth, can continue his ministrations. Tethians are excellent at correcting mental aberrations. I have grown fond of your father, Pamela. It saddens me to see everything he has lost, his children, his memory, and his beloved wife, Daisy.*

  “What?” Pam exclaimed, shaking her head in confusion. “That can't be. She just spoke to us. She's aboard the Weesa.”

  “I'm sorry, Pamela,” Excalibur said gently, laying his hand on her shoulder. “Daisy spoke to us as a part of Weesa. Unfortunately, her physical body was beyond repair, so Weesa had no choice but to absorb her into their consciousness. That is why they went to Lear. They needed the power of the Husken Silver to complete the transformation.” Seeing the tears forming in Pam's eyes, he said, “Do not be sad. Daisy will live forever now, as a part of her ancestors, Emeara and Olso, and Weesa.”

  Pam gazed up at the sky, tears streaming down her face. “I'm so sorry, Daisy. This is my fault. If I'd' have gotten here sooner, instead of fighting with Weesa and Excalibur, we could've saved you.”

  Daisy's voice replied sweetly, *Worry not, Pamela. This was my destiny. You did what you were supposed to. My only regret will be not feeling your father's arms around me.*

  Pam was devastated. So much had happened to her today. Not only did she just lose a step-mother, she also lost her step-brother and sisters. And her father lay comatose, his memories a thing of the past. He didn't even remember her mum, or the exciting adventure they shared when they discovered Daisy and Excalibur. To top this whole crazy day off, she was Queen of three planets, and just watched the most horrific execution in history. Oh, and let's not forget I have the hots for an alien life form. She didn't know if she could take anymore.


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