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The Revenge of Excalibur

Page 12

by Sahara Foley

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, feeling sorry for herself, Pam watched in amazement as black steam started seeping out of the ring on Arthur's finger. The steam rose higher and higher until it coalesced into a black cloud, bigger than Treas, but smaller than Excalibur had been.

  The Tethians started groaning again, shuffling around. My Osso, there were three Shalits. This would be the day to tell their children and their children's children about, if they survived.

  Treas slowly rose up to meet the new Shalit. On the ground, a mound of clothing was the only remains of the condemned guards. Treas stopped next to Dia, almost touching. Silver sparks started flying back and forth, lighting up the darkening sky. Just as the silver lightning became faster and brighter, to where Pam had to shield her eyes, a loud POP! was heard, and they vanished.

  Pam sniffled loudly. “What the hell? Where'd they go?”

  “Breeding lust, little one,” Excalibur said, with a gleam in his eye making her nervous. “Dia has taken Treas as her mate, so they have gone somewhere private to breed.”

  “Wait a minute,” Pam said, sitting up straighter. “I thought you and her, uh, you know, were mated. That's the reason you agreed to help me.”

  He gave her a lopsided grin. “She told me she wanted a younger mate. She thinks I am too old. Besides, I already told her I wanted you.” He reached out and picked up her hand, turned it over and tenderly kissed her palm, his silver eyes fastened on hers.

  Pam was thunderstruck, her body shivering in response to his kiss. No. No. No. He's supposed to go off with his mate! Not stay with me. She convinced herself she could handle these feelings, or whatever the attraction was, by knowing it was only temporary. Out of sight, out of mind.

  Excalibur stroked her wrist. “Relax, Pamela. I know you want me as badly as I want you, but I will not rush you.” He kissed her palm again, this time tickling the sensitive skin with his tongue.

  Pam jumped up, jerking her hand out of his, then tried to run off, but ended up stumbling and falling over her chair with a loud clatter.

  Excalibur leapt to her side. He knelt down, lifting her like a feather in his arms. “Are you all right, Pam? Did you injure yourself?”

  The concern, and possibly love, she saw in his eyes frightened her to death. What the bloody hell is going on here? I have to get away from him. In panic mode, she BLIPPED! to the cave on Lear.

  She stood outside the cave entrance, trembling, hand at her throat. What am I going to do? No matter where I go, he'll follow me. I don't want that, do I? She paced around, arms crossed, taking deep breaths, trying to figure out what she really wanted. What will my mum say? Hey, mum, guess what, I fell in love with a Shalit. You remember him, it's Excalibur.

  Confused over her feelings, she stepped inside the cave, then stopped. There was someone already inside.

  Sitting at the table, can of beer in hand, sat Excalibur. Another can of beer appeared. “Sit, little one. We must talk.”

  In a trance, Pam sat, and took a big gulp of cold beer.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Panth and his fellow Tethians looked around in shock. Where did Pamela and the Shalit go? They had their own psychic powers, but it was limited to telepathy. Witnessing the repeated appearing and disappearing of people was disconcerting to them. Now that the trial was over, all they wanted to do was take their people and go home.

  Queen Emeara's voice mentally spoke to them, *Tethian Judging Panel, thank you for your participation in this trial, but our work has not yet been completed. We must inform the palace of what has transpired here. I will be transporting Panth and Pohat to Calen. In the meantime, I need you to oversee the care of the surviving prisoners. I will come back for you as soon as possible.* The silver ship vanished, along with Panth, Pohat, and Arthur's unconscious body.

  Weesa reappeared on the landing pad just outside the massive palace. A few moments later, a small squad of women, led by a limping Tigget, advanced on the ship, weapons drawn. Tigget had been badly injured defending her Queen and King when the Calen men attacked. Even with her best efforts, they were abducted. She would never forgive herself for her weakness. Now, there was a strange ship sitting on their lawn. Are they more rebels coming back to take over the palace?

  A door slid open, and a Tethian, wearing a ragged, dirt-stained robe hanging loosely on his gaunt frame, slowly shambled down the ramp.

  Seeing the weapons aimed at him, he stopped, with his arms in the air. “I am saddened to inform you that Queen Emeara is dead, and King Arthur is in a critical state, requiring medical assistance.”

  Tig didn't wait to hear anymore. Clenching her jaw, she fired on the Tethian, then stunned, watched the beam ricocheting away. Cigsbah! Who is this person? A voice drifted from the ship, one she recognized and prayed she'd hear again.

  “Tig, my old friend, 'tis I, Daisy. Arthur is inside, and he needs help. He has endured too much torture, and now, his physical and mental state is in jeopardy. I have brought Panth and Pohat to help him. Panth and Arthur shared the same cell, and they have become friends. Treat him accordingly. As for me, Pohat and I shared a cell, but even with her best efforts, I did not survive. My mental energy has been absorbed, and I am now a part of Weesa, the ship you see in front of you.”

  Tig holstered her weapon, then ran up to the silver ship, flinging her arms around it. “No!” she wailed, tears sliding down her face. “Daisy, you cannot be dead. Oh, Osso, what shall I do without you?”

  The Daisy part of Weesa tried comforting her best friend. Checking his body for wounds from the Ultilear beam, Panth stood transfixed as Tig started simmering with a silver glow, then she turned back to her normal pale Calen color.

  Wiping her eyes, Tig turned toward Panth. “I apologize for shooting you. Daisy told me she placed a force-field around you. I am glad she did, otherwise you would be dead. Is Arthur inside? We must get him in the palace as soon as possible.”

  She started to motion some of her women fighters over, when Weesa said, “Arthur is now in his bed, and Pohat is there to assist him. See to her needs, Tig. Panth, it is imperative Arthur survive. Our worlds need his leadership. You and Pohat must do whatever is necessary to bring his memories back. I will stay in mental contact, if either of you needs me.”

  Panth followed Tig to the famous palace Tethians heard about, but none had seen. It sparkled like a jewel under the bright sun. He stared in wonder at the bright green grass, colorful flowers, and the vivid blue sky with a few wispy white clouds. His planet was hot, brown, dusty, and windy. They had flowers and trees, but only the wealthy could afford to keep them alive. Their agriculture was centered on growing the foods they needed to survive.

  When the Calen scientists realized they'd created a new sentient lifeform, they found the closest viable and uninhabited planet to dump them on. Teth. And that is how they became Tethians. Teth wasn't as environmentally friendly as Calen or Eilsel, but no one really cared. They would either learn how to live, or die trying.

  Looking over the unfamiliar terrain, Panth felt great pride in his people. They had learned to survive. Over the centuries, they learned to terraform the uninhabitable parts of Teth. Even their physiology was evolving to the planet. Tethians appeared extremely hairy to the Calens and Eilsels, but each generation, more children were born with less and less fur. One day, they might actually look like an Eilsel. Would we get treated with the same respect? Panth wondered. He seriously doubled it. No matter what they evolved into, they would always be thought of as third class citizens, and uneducated barbarians.

  He stepped into the palace. Even though he'd seen the interior through Arthur's memories, he was still awed. The palace was as gleaming inside as outside, with beautiful pale, pink walls and floors, and a double staircase winding gracefully up both sides of the room. The furnishings were simple, but lush. Portraits and landscapes adorned the walls.

  Panth peered down at his ragged, filthy clothes and his dirty, matted hair. He felt embarrassed and out of place. He looked beh
ind him. Am I leaving a trail of grime? He didn't see anything, but that didn't make him feel any better. He climbed the staircase, being careful not to touch the bannister, then proceeded into Arthur's bedchamber.

  He stopped in the doorway, taking in the ornate bedroom. Shame suffused his body, causing his fur to ruffle. While he'd been trying to heal Arthur's mind, he'd seen all of Arthur and Daisy's private moments in this room. He still felt the swirling emotions of their passion and lovemaking.

  He shifted around nervously, scratching at the biting mites. His gaze fell on his sister, sitting at a small table next to the bed where Arthur laid. She held a piece of meat, chewing away, a contented smile on her face. The smell assaulted his nose, making his mouth water and stomachs grumble. He hurried over, sat beside her, and began stuffing his face with mouthwatering morsels.

  Tig stood, hands on hips, glaring down on the smelly pair, nose wrinkled in distaste. “You seem more concerned with yourselves than helping the King.”

  Panth glanced up, chewing, then swallowed. “When he awakens, we will assist him. Until then, we must eat.” He held his arms away from his body. “We have been almost starved to death. Ask Daisy if Weesa can supply us with more of the rejuvenation solution she used on the other prisoners. And I would like some more of the drink Pamela gave us in the cell. It was quite delicious.” He picked up another piece of meat, tearing it with his teeth.

  Tig's nose wrinkled in disgust, stomach rolling with revulsion, the smell of cooked meat assaulting her senses. They eat like animals, she thought. Civilized people do not eat meat. “Who is this Pamela? What prison do you speak of? What has happened to Arthur?”

  Several small, silver flasks of silver liquid appeared on the table. *Tig, we will bring you onboard and explain what has happened since we were kidnapped,* Daisy said mentally. *Panth, please visualize what Pamela gave you.*

  Panth thought about the cans of warm liquid with small pieces of meat and other items he couldn't identify. But it tasted good. Two lidless, silver cans with silver liquid appeared, steam rising into the air. He took a tentative sip. It didn't look the same, but the flavor was just as he remembered from cell 376. He downed the whole can in several gulps.

  Hearing a soft POO! noise, he looked around. Tig was gone. He shook his head, relieved. He didn't like her hovering over him, condemning him. She had no idea what he and his sister had been through. He shrugged. It didn't matter. Right now, his main concerns were feeding his starving body, making sure Pohat was all right, and healing Arthur. Still, who would have thought I would end up here? What a strange turn of events.

  Pohat took one his hands. “Panth, do you realize we are the first Tethians to visit the palace? Is it not magnificent?” Her brown eyes were enormous, surveying the opulent room.

  Panth squeezed her hand as he continued chewing on a huge mouthful of roasted Dam meat. His heart overflowed with joy at seeing his sister again, but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that they were the only two of their family who survived. History was being made here, but it came at such a high cost. With the help of Pamela and the Shalit, life for Tethians would never be the same.

  Because of what happened with the Shalits, and Arthur and his daughter, a legend was born. Panth and his sister would be a part of the retelling. Looking around the peaceful setting, it was hard to reconcile what they just experienced with where they were. If he hadn't seen Pamela, the Shalits, and the destruction of Bindkall Prison, he would never have believed it himself.

  He glanced over at Arthur. My friend, how much of what you endured will you eventually wish you didn't remember? I wish I could forget myself.

  Arthur moaned, turning over on his side, a tear slipping out of his closed eyelid. Panth's eyes widened in understanding; Arthur remembered. In his subconscious level, he'd heard and witnessed everything that happened. Will I be able to help Arthur come back, and if I can, will he want to? Will his conscious mind be able to handle the grief and pain he underwent?

  Imagine being shot with the awesome power of a Shalit encased in Husken Silver, focused through an Ultilear. Panth shuddered, tearing off another piece of meat. How can anyone's mind come back from that? Be assured, my friend, I will try.

  * * *

  Aboard Weesa, Tig was sitting in the captain's seat, as Daisy mentally transferred the events that happened since they were kidnapped. Tig's mind was racing, trying to keep up with the overwhelming amount of input. When Daisy finished telling her about Arthur, Tig leaned over, head in her hands, weeping. Her body shook with uncontrollably sobbing.

  Daisy's face peered down at her friend. She blinked in surprise. It was not like Tig to cry. They had known each other all their lives, and she'd only seen Tig cry twice. The second time was when she found out Daisy was dead, and now a part of the Weesa, and the first time at Daisy's wedding to Arthur. Why, Tig is in love with Arthur. How had I not noticed that before?

  The answer came from the twin brains she was now joined with. *Because you were too much in love with him to notice.*

  And I still am, Daisy thought sadly.

  *As all of us here are, Daisy,* the twin brains said in a melodious mental voice.

  As Tig's crying subsided, she sat up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I am sorry, Daisy. I did not mean to break down.” She sniffled a few times, wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “Where is this Pamela? Arthur never knew he had a daughter on Earth?”

  “Correct, Tig. The revelation was a shock to me as well. But the most amazing thing about her, she has the same powers Arthur does. Because she is female, she has one power her father does not. At this moment, she is deep in a, er, a conversation with the Shalit, Excalibur. He is deeply in love with her.”

  Tig bit her lip. “I do not understand. What power could she possible possess that Arthur does not?”

  Daisy smiled warmly. “To hold a Shalit in whatever form she chooses, without Husken Silver, or blood. But she has not learned that yet.”

  A shiver ran up Tig's spine. Why would someone want to control a Shalit? She shook her head. “I still do not understand. How can a Shalit love a Human? They do not have the same thought processes. They are two different life forms.”

  “Ah, Tig, on that you are wrong. You have never personally known a Shalit, but they share the same emotions as us. His physical shape is not important, as he can obtain any form he chooses. And that is where the magic lies. When Pamela used her blood to release him from the silver, neither one of them knew the consequences. Neither did Weesa. Her blood forged a bond between them, and now, he belongs to her.”

  Tig's bushy brows creased in confusion. “You said she did not control him by her blood. So, what is this magic that you speak?”

  “Even though Pamela's blood formed a bond between them, her blood is not what controls him. It is the power of love. It is a concept we, the Weesa, have been trying to understand ourselves. The Shalits are an energy-being, what we shall refer to as light energy, or love. Love and hate are the two most powerful energies in the universes. When Pamela freed Excalibur from his prison, his love energy bonded to her. This could never have happened if there were not some feelings on her part.”

  Daisy's face turned serious. “That is why we must make sure The Others are never released. They are hate energy, and will wreak havoc on every lifeform, in every galaxy, if they are free. That must never happen.”

  Tig shook her head. “I still do not understand how a Human can control a Shalit. Or why a Shalit would want to be controlled by a Human.”

  Daisy smiled mischievously. “Emotions are not as black and white as that, Tig, my friend. Pamela will make her own choices, and never fear, Excalibur is not her puppet. He knows how to handle her.”

  * * *

  Panting, sweating, Excalibur flopped over on his back, lying on the furs covering the cave floor. They hadn't even made it to the bed. Turning his head, he gave Pam a self-satisfied smirk. He was enjoying this breeding form. He was experiencing sensations he never fe
lt before. He reached out and tenderly stroked the damp, silver streak in Pam's hair. He loved being able to feel her hair, her skin, every part of her body.

  Picking nervously at the fur draped across her lower body, she glanced shyly at the man, or Shalit, she somehow fell in love with. She hadn't meant for this to happen. She'd done everything she could to keep him at a distance. She sighed. I might as well come to grips with my feelings. It was inevitable. She'd been lusting for him the moment she slapped her eyes on his hot, hard body. Just thinking about his body, made her want him again.

  She let her eyes roam over his sculpted chest and muscular arm. She wanted to stay hidden away in their little cave, but she had responsibilities now. The prisoners needed to be returned home. Some type of government needed to be put in place, and she had to see how her father was doing.

  The temptation was too much, and she slowly stroked her Shalit's chiseled chest. Is he really mine? The sparkling diamond in her grandmother's weeding ring caught her attention. What kind of future do I really have with him? He can go anywhere he wants. Now that his breeding lust has been satisfied, there isn't any reason for him to stick around. She bit her lip. She wanted a future with him, but not out here.

  “Excalibur, did you mean what you said about going back to Earth?” Pam lightly brushed the hairs on his chest.

  “Could Earth be more beautiful than what I see right now?” he answered, gently stoking her arm, causing her skin to break out in goosebumps.

  “You know what I mean,” she retorted, tweaking his nipple, causing him to groan in pain, or pleasure. Pam wasn't sure.

  Excalibur leaned up on one elbow, his smoldering silver eyes slowly traveling from her lips to her nipples. After a few minutes of causal appraisal, he said, “Yes, little one, I do. But, only if you agree to accompany me.”


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