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Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights)

Page 22

by Amber Dane

  “Yet, that did not stop you from murdering your own sister, did it?”

  Aric ignored Danielle’s shocked cry.

  Thomas had a choking fit. He was caught. The damn Norman knew. Thomas knew his reaction had sealed his fate. There was nothing left. Begging was out. He made a move to step near Aric to interrupt.

  Balwain slapped the flat of his sword with disgust across the back of his knees and Thomas went back down on both knees. Thomas shot the angry knight a pleading look, his wide eyes skirting from Aric’s dark gaze to the big sword, fearing the angry knight would behead him right there.

  Aric’s voice cut through his rising terror.

  “As unfortunate as that may be, know this, man. It is just that relationship and her wish, which saves your hide and gives you, how shall I put it, mercy.” Aric let his words sink in. When Thomas all but shot a relieved look, still laced with his terror upon Danielle, Aric moved to block his vision of her.

  “This will be the last time you look upon her. You shall be stripped forthwith immediately of the lands this relative’s father had so generously given your sorry arse and cast out. Your exile will give you plenty enough time to think of the many wrongs you have committed. Be grateful that you leave here with your head intact. And Thomas,” Aric approached the kneeling man,” consider that a boon too because of your cousin, my wife.”

  Thomas screamed as guards grabbed him and lifted him up to remove him from the hall. Thomas let out a bellow and Danielle wished she’d a moment to have closed her eyes, but everything happened so fast.

  Thomas had wrenched his way out of the guards clutches, the dirk out of his tunic and raised above his head when Aric’s sword found its way into his belly, slicing through flesh and bone up to his evil heart. Shock and horror colored Thomas’s face and he let out a piercing gasp as Aric made a twist with his arm and withdrew his sword. Thomas and his entrails hit the stone floor just as Aric reached Danielle’s side. He spoke to Balwain as he grasped her arm.

  She was stunned as he pulled her behind him. She must not have been moving fast enough for suddenly he drew her up into his arms and carried her the rest of the way to their chamber.

  Chapter 30

  Once there, the shock waning, she pushed at his shoulders. “Put me down.”

  He didn’t until he reached the bed where he set her on the edge. Aric reached out and brushed his fingers against her unmarred cheek to catch a tear.

  Danielle hadn’t realized that she’d been crying yet again. She met his somber gaze with the anger still lingering within them. Yet, his words were spoken softly.

  “I am sorry you had to see that, Danielle. His crimes were too grave against not only our King, but to you. I must be honest with you and ask your forgiveness for my lie. I knew he would never have left here alive.”

  She shivered with a nod and wrapped her arms around her chest. Aric grabbed a cloth and wet it from the nearby washbowl.

  After cleansing her free of the blood, she moved away from him a space on the bed. .

  When he reached for her, she stopped him with her hand on his forearm. Aric could feel her tremors in that warm touch. He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and hold her forever and tell her everything would be all right.

  He held her gaze and waited.

  Her eyes shone brightly as she watched him. Even though she had tried, deep down she’d known. Aric was a warrior. A Norman knight born to fight and a man bred to lead and lord after all. There was only so much he could stand or allow.

  She vowed right then to never interfere again when he was making judgment upon someone. His mail was splattered with the remains of the battle and his long hair, wet and loose hung around his dark, handsome face.

  She took note of his bruises.

  The purple bruise forming on his jaw, the cut on the back of his hand when he’d removed his scabbard and sword and set them next to the trunk at the bottom of their bed to clean her wounds. He looked haggard and sweat beaded his brow.

  Her heart felt like it was being squeezed by a tight fist and she wanted to feel his arms around her. He was now wavering on his feet and she knew it was his battle to fight against the effects of his head wound.

  He needed her to take care of him.

  Danielle was unsure what she wanted to do first. Scream at him.

  Clean him free of his bloodstained armor. Hug him. Kiss him.

  She chose the latter and leapt into his arms.

  Aric caught her to him with a look of welcomed surprise and met her heated kiss with his own. He relieved the pressure, mindful of her bruised lips. The kiss went on for a long time, and then she pulled away to pull him down onto the edge of the bed.

  Aric felt a pang in his heart at the wetness in her eyes and wiped another one away. “Sweet, Danielle.” Her silent weeping tore him asunder. He cupped her face. “I am sorry.”

  He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a hot, brief kiss next to her ear. “Please say you forgive me.”

  She surprised him when she said, “There is naught to forgive, Aric. You showed my cousin mercy by giving him the chance to be heard. Like you said, he chose his path long ago. I was just saddened to hear that he was responsible for Rose’s death. I understand your reasoning in not telling me. ‘Tis awful to see that they ended their lives for naught.”

  “For greed and selfishness, Danielle. Neither could see past it.” He tilted her face up to his and caught a tear with his thumb. “Though I am still saddened that you had to see such a sight in our home.”

  He reached out, his fingers under her chin and turned her face from side to side inspecting her for any more bruises. He wanted to kill Thomas all over again.

  She smiled at him and winced from the pain of her lip. Aric leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “I think we are both the worse for wear and in need of a long bath.”

  She gave him a sweet smile as she reached up to cup his cheek. Aric closed his eyes, wanting to savor the feel of her. He lay back on the bed with her still in his tight embrace.

  After a short while, Danielle scrambled off his limp body and stood over him with her hands on her hips. Then she frowned. He’d succumbed to his wound. She gathered his legs and after a bit of effort got them on top of the bed before planting a kiss on his warm forehead. She then left the chamber to call out for their bath and his squire.

  Chapter 31

  During the fortnight that followed the removal of all the bodies and Thomas’s from Gravane, the manor returned back to normal and Aric healed completely. Much had happened in the short weeks.

  Danielle found out that Aric had sent Thomas’s documents on to William’s court within the first week after they’d spoken their vows.

  Although much to his chagrin under Danielle’s care and her order to remain abed, Aric at first had argued with her and then she’d turned on that charm of hers. And he’d bent to her will. He told himself he’d only done so for the way she wore her heart on her sleeve.

  He cared too much for her to crush her plan to care for him and so he had allowed their chamber to serve not only as his sickbed, but the temporary hall as he heard most business matters that could not wait.

  Most of the morning affairs were spent with her hovering next to the bed while he was propped up and held meetings with his seneschal and Balwain and to hear the reports from the villagers. Whom never failed to bring a gift or two or three with them in offering to speed his recovery and show their thanks for unity in the village.

  Aric was glad he’d healed quickly and the meetings returned below stairs once again. For the large pile of blessed tokens were starting to take over their chamber. Through it all, Danielle had beamed at each new one as though it were a gem.

  He would never fully get used to her easy way with the serfs, but he understood it. Mayhap one day he would grow accustomed to it.

  He thought she had blossomed before, but after Thomas’s death, she had truly opened up and he li
ked it a great deal. His hair had begun to grow back and he was pleased.

  He shifted his weight to the other foot now as he stood before the great doors, waiting. The midday meal would soon be served. Aric thought of what he would do to her tonight. They had been so busy with all that had happened over the past couple of weeks that he’d been lucky to get a chaste kiss in passing as she went about seeing his good health restored with no interference or unnecessary exertion. One of the reasons he was glad to get back to training his men. He needed that too.

  A small voice drew him from his inner thoughts and Aric looked down to see Little Jacob holding his wooden sword that the two of them had just carved earlier this morning. This one slightly larger than the last as the boy had gained much skill working with the other knights. Tousling the top of the little guy’s head, Aric returned the huge grin with one of his own.

  Danielle watched the pair from the hall’s entrance.

  He claimed to all he’d suffered worse than Little Jacob at the hands of her touch that he remain abed. She had not seen him smile this much in the entire time since they had married. Yea, he had scowled at her plenty during his healing, yet she noted the teasing glint in his dark heated gazes. Danielle had known that Aric had obliged her when he took to the bed to heal fully and she was glad that he had.

  She was coming to know his way of thinking pretty well. Like now, as her fierce warrior went through the great doors, his dark head swung back around and his hot gaze riveted her to the spot. The look in them sent a tingling of heat to her belly with the promise of his intent in that smoldering gaze. Danielle caught her breath.

  She ached for this touch.

  It had been hard to watch over him, bathe him in their bed, see his arousal and not do anything about it. He turned and walked out with Little Jacob at his side.

  Danielle resumed her task of seeing to the manor with Edie following behind her. All Hallows Eve would soon be upon them in the coming sennight.

  She had come to learn so much about Aric over the past several days.

  His father, had been a great and loyal vassal to the king’s father and then to King William himself during his dukedom and had lost his life on the battlefield. His mother had followed soon after from a broken heart, leaving him and his sister, Liza alone. William had taken the orphans in.

  Afterwards, Aric had worked his way up under William, and trained and fought to gain what he was rewarded. Liza had been married off to the English lord she’d fallen in love with and the couple had identical twin boys, whom Aric longed to see again soon. They planned to do so in the coming weeks on their journey to visit Egway and Gent.

  The perfect time to tell him her news. She carried the babe well and her body had not changed yet too much. But her breasts had and she knew he’d soon notice. Danielle entered the hall just as the servants prepped for the mid-day meal, setting up the trestle tables and linens.

  Danielle waited for Aric to return from the practice field. The hot water of her bath had cooled and she was reluctant to climb out. She reached for the cloth on the chest next to the tub and found the material in front of her face. She gasped.

  Aric grinned down at her. “Is this what you seek?”

  She stood and snatched the cloth from him. Would she ever get used to him sneaking up on her?

  “Probably not.” Came his teasing response.

  “Oh!” Danielle exclaimed.

  His smile widened and his eyes took in her nakedness as she stepped from the tub. “Your outspoken quirks are endearing to me, Danielle. Never lose that.”

  She shot him a wide eyed look, flushing before ducking her head to take the towel from him. “Thank you.”

  His large chest was bare and he was already absent his scabbard and sword. Danielle frowned as she stood before him and wound the cloth tightly around her wet body.

  ‘How long were you here?”

  His words caused molten heat to flood her core. She was nigh shaking with her rising desire for him.

  “Long enough to know you tarry too long for this ravenous man’s appetite.” He told her and pulled her against his bare chest.

  Danielle squealed in surprise, her hand pressed to his sweaty chest. “You have no patience, Aric.”

  Aric laughed and carried her to their bed and sat down on the edge of it, pulling her onto his lap. “One would have to be made of stone to wait much longer with a luscious body as this so close, Danielle.”

  She blushed further and Aric was pleased. His thumb touched the beauty mole next to her mouth before caressing the soft skin under her chin. “I fear I must admit I was jealous of your wash cloth and soap.”

  Danielle laughed at the scowl on his handsome face. Then stopped as his movement over the towel slid over the sensitive tips of her breasts. With a sharp intake of breath she asked, “Just what are you doing?”

  His hot breath fanned her face as his hands continued to move the soft cloth over her body. “Drying you off.”

  Danielle closed her eyes to the exquisite feel of his hands and the soft cloth against her wet flesh. Her hands rested on his shoulders. “You pleased me with Edie and I wish to thank you, Aric.”

  He slid the cloth lower, to her thighs. He knew what her aim was. To distract him but he would have none of it. It had been too long since he’d felt her heat wrapped around him. His bath could wait. They would take one together after he finished pleasing them both. With his lips just above her left nipple, he responded. “You are welcome. ‘Tis a good match. Your Edie pleases my Balwain. Had I not been in favor of the union, I fear he would have run off with your pretty maid.”

  Danielle smiled with the memory of Balwain standing before them. She had been as elated as her maid and friend when Edie had stood there blushing crimson until Aric had given his permission and their blessing of the union. She was happy that the two would build their home on the ridge. Aric’s fingers brushing lightly over her stiff peaks drew her back. Balwain’s love for her maid had shimmered in his eyes and Edie’s had shone the same emotion right back.

  Danielle felt tightness in her heart and sucked in a breath when Aric’s tongue licked her between the valley of her breasts.

  Aric cared for her, this she’d known on the day of Thomas’s death and even more so now over the past few weeks.

  But love her?


  She told herself that even if he never came to do so, the fact that he cared for her ought to be enough. But it wasn’t and Danielle could not stop the pained gasp that escaped her lips. She felt him stiffen against her.

  He lifted his head and met her gaze. “Did I hurt you?”


  Aric frowned seeing tenderness and sadness in her eyes. He caressed her cheek. “What bothers you, sweet Danielle?”

  Embarrassed over her silly wishes, Danielle moved to kiss him. But his hold held her. She knew by the look in his eyes he would not relent until she said something satisfactory.

  “’Tis just that I missed you, Aric.” she told him with a smile and his hold softened.

  “Aye, I missed you too.” Something was not right, yet he gave her a lopsided grin and with practiced seduction continued to dry her between her thighs.

  Danielle closed her eyes and let her thoughts return to the delicious feelings his hands were strumming across her flesh. Her heart bled, but her body hummed. She loved him to her very soul and welcomed the day he returned her love.

  Aric removed her from his lap and laid her back on the bed. Her eyes were still closed, her dark long lashes fanned above her high cheeks. He reached out to the curve of her belly and she quivered under his light touch.

  She responded to his touch, but he could still feel the tension that remained. Something was wrong and it bothered him. Aric lay on the bed next to her, the cloth under them both and traced lazy circles around her right distended nipple, he kissed her ear and asked tenderly, “Are you sure you are well?”

  His hot breath in her ear sent every nerve in her on a
hot path straight to her center seeking the fulfillment only he could provide. Danielle’s eyes flew open. “Yea. I am well.”

  Aric pinched her nipple and was pleased to see the passion flame again in her eyes. Still something was missing.

  Danielle bit her lip as his hand smoothed down to her belly, and back up to cup her breast. Heat radiated through her, the ache nigh unbearable and she wanted him inside her. She slid a hand down in between them and started to untie his braies. His hand stopped her. She cupped his face and leaned up to kiss him, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her. She gave him a quizzical look.

  “Do you not wish for my kiss?” Danielle tried to affect a stern tone. If he did not hurry, she did not know how much longer she would be able to keep her emotions at bay.

  “I will always want your kisses.”

  Aric knew something was wrong and he would know what it was. She was holding back. He wanted all of her. He needed all of her and he would have no less.

  “Look at me.” He commanded.

  Danielle did not wish to for she did not want him to see her tears and she silently cursed herself. She would not allow her silly wishful thinking to ruin this beautiful moment. She opened her eyes and tried to kiss him again. Tears burned her eyes when he stopped her yet again.

  “I would have all of you here with me when I make love to you, Danielle.” Aric insisted and what he saw in her gaze clenched his heart.

  “I am here with you,” she said on a breathless pant and reached for him again.

  He pinned her with a direct unreadable stare and she inhaled sharply. His fingers slid along her jaw in a soft caress before taking her chin softly in his hand to hold her there while he leaned down and planted the most gentle of kisses upon her mouth.

  When she was able to catch her breath from the soul rendering invasion of his mouth and tongue, she stiffened when he said softly against the side of her mouth. “I told you once before. You do not lie well, Danielle.”

  Danielle’s eyes shot to his.

  Aric sucked in a breath seeing her eyes fill with tears. Something twisted painfully in his chest. He would see her happy. He felt the tension leave his body the moment he made up his mind to do just that. Sliding his tongue up the side of her neck to her ear, he said hotly against her lobe.


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