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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

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by Betty Shreffler

  Cass could see the reluctance in her eyes jumbled with her apparent need for his touch. He reached up, thumbing her nearly pouting lip. Satisfaction erupted when her vampire eyes ignited, revealing more gold. "At least let me touch you. I need it. I've needed you for too long."

  His hand lowered to her back, easing under her blouse, gently stroking her skin. His heart leapt when titillation swam in her eyes. He glanced briefly at her perfect mouth and then leaned over her and devoured the lips he'd thought so much about.

  She snagged his lip and released it slowly. His moan filled her mouth as he ravaged it, bringing his tongue in for more of her. She matched his passion, gripping his arms with caged desire. Her hand grazed his chest on her way to his jeans. The moment she touched his swollen erection, it throbbed achingly, craving release.

  As her hand massaged him, he felt himself swell larger, her excited moans sending shocks of arousal over his body. He pulled back from her, closed his eyes, and let out a heavy breath, controlling his need for her. He opened them and peered down at her with fierce wolf eyes. His modest fangs were visible between pursed lips.

  "Keep that up and I won't be able to restrain myself."

  Taking her wrists firmly in his hands, he placed them above her head and pressed himself against her, feeling her fiery warmth.

  He wanted to strip her, touch every part of her, plunge himself deep inside of her, and feel her surrounding him, but he wouldn't take her like this—not when she still loved another, not in her state of emotional confusion. He needed all of her; he needed her love as much as her body. It was the only way he could properly claim her.

  He stared down at her hungry gaze. Damn, this is going to be torture.

  He placed slow, soft kisses on her collarbone, her neck, licked at her ear, nibbled it, smiled at the giggle that escaped her mouth. A serious expression formed on his face as he rested his eyes on hers. "You're a beautiful woman, Kat. I selfishly want you all to myself."

  Kayci's body warmed with emotion. The sincerity in his expression along with the adoration in his eyes, crumbled every last wall she had up against him. His words reached deep, soothing the loneliness and emptiness she'd harbored for nearly two months.

  "Cass, I…want you to stay."

  "I know you do, beautiful, and I will. I won't be going anywhere."

  He leaned down, taking her mouth to his, giving the tender touch he knew she needed. He released her wrists and shifted himself to his side, taking her with him. Slowly and intimately, he ran his hands over her hip and lower back.

  He pulled away to look at her and saw the first spark in her eyes—the spark of emotion that meant she was opening up to him. He stroked her face gently, strumming his fingers through her soft, loose curls.

  That's it, Kat. Let me in.

  Chapter 5

  "Don't watch me change," she squealed.

  Cass grinned. "Why? I want to see that beautiful ass of yours."

  Kayci rolled her eyes and stormed into the bathroom with her clothes. She returned with a fitted t-shirt and pajama shorts. She'd tossed her hair into a messy bun atop her head.

  Cass admired her as she walked out. "I like it. You look comfortable."

  She stepped onto the bed and laid next to his outstretched legs.

  "I see you already made yourself at home." She pointed to his bag by the wall.

  He glanced at it and nodded. "Dropped it off before I came to find you at that club."

  "So, you plan on staying here then."

  "Yep." He smiled as she rolled her eyes.

  "I'll get the blanket and pillow so you can sleep on the couch."

  "Nope." He leaned back against the headboard, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes. "Sleeping right here. You can try to move me. I'm sure I'll be entertained by it."

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing. She moved across the bed and ran her fingers gently across the skin below his armpit. He jumped in surprise and let out an uncontrolled mixture of a growl and laughter.

  "You are ticklish," she giggled.

  He instantly pinned her down on the bed, running his fingers across her belly, touching softly, just enough to cause a tingling sensation where he touched.

  "I'll find the spot. I'll touch all night if I have to."

  She giggled as he ran his fingers across her belly button. She jerked in response and let out a burst of laughter.

  Her smile and laughter lit him up and made his heart leap with pleasure. He wanted to keep that smile on her beautiful face as much as possible. He leaned down and kissed her. Her body relaxed in his hands. He moved his tongue into her mouth, flicking it across hers. Her fangs tickled his tongue, enticing him. He moved his hand to the top of her shorts and eased underneath. He slowly ran his fingers across her skin, taking his time in reaching the warmth and wetness he knew he'd feel below.

  When he reached her slit, he dipped inside, and instantly grew stiff when her body jerked with pleasure. She thrust her hips forward, bringing him in deeper. He gave her what she wanted, caressing and massaging her until he found the spot that drove moans from her lips.


  "Do you want me?"

  "Yes," she breathed.

  "What do you want to do to me?"

  Her head arched back as her fangs extracted.

  "Take it, Kat. Take what you want."

  Her dark gold eyes opened, hungry with lust and vampire need. She leaned toward him and sank her fangs into his neck. The tiny, painful pricks complemented his yearning desire, arousing him further. Her eager and ravenous need for him filled him with satisfaction. When she pulled away, he saw the gratification and rapture in her eyes. He enjoyed being the one to give it to her. He leaned back, lifted his shirt over his head, and tossed it to the floor. He laid her down with him, holding her against his chest. She nearly purred with pleasure.

  Kayci ran her fingers along the indentations of his roped muscles and firm, tan skin, still reeling from the taste of him. She trailed her finger down over his belly button to the dusting of hair that led to the massive erection hidden under his jeans. She reached the edge of his jeans and trailed her finger across his abdomen, tempted to feel him in her hand. She conceded to her will, easing under his jeans. His hand took hold of hers, stopping her just within reach. His voice was low, rough with need. "If you continue, I won't be able to stop myself from having you. I don't think you're ready for that."

  "It's only fair. I need to feel you too."

  Her words broke him. He knew it then, he'd never be able to refuse her. He moved his hand and watched her curious eyes as she slid her hand over him. He leaned his head back as the pleasure coursed through his body. With each stroke of her hand, she took more of him, rendering him helpless, consumed by the satisfaction of her touch. He let out a deep growl with the last satisfying stroke.

  Seeing his glazed eyes and sated expression stoked the scorching fire growing in her belly. His hand reached up, cupping her face as his tongue slipped into her mouth, caressing her tongue with his. When he pulled away, she saw it, there was love in his eyes. It startled her as much as it gave her ecstasy. His glossy, hazel eyes burned right though her, studying her. She studied him just as closely, admiring his affectionate gaze.

  "I want to know more about you."

  He leaned one hand behind his head and wrapped the other around her waist, rubbing her side with his thumb. She closed her eyes, focusing on the slow, sensual touch.

  "I'll tell you anything. What would you like to know?"

  She opened her eyes, glancing at his chin. "How you got that scar?"

  He stopped rubbing her. She instantly longed for his caress to continue. He looked away, thoughtful. She'd clearly asked about a difficult topic. Even though it obviously pained him to talk about, he took a breath and turned to her, willing to give what she asked for.

  "Logan and I lost our father and uncle because of werewolf culture and hierarchy. Our father, Oliver, and his brother, Gavin, were bot
h alphas, like Logan and myself. They were close growing up until Markus began favoring Oliver. It was known that Markus planned to pass clan leadership to Oliver. Gavin resented Markus' choice and chose to challenge Oliver for the position. Logan and I were young pups at the time our father died. As we grew to adulthood, it became obvious to our clan that we were alphas. We quickly became new threats to Gavin, who would soon take Markus' place.

  "Gavin challenged Logan first. Logan wasn't the fighter I was. I was young, ruthless, spent a lot of time pack fighting, had become good at it. I was angry with Gavin for challenging Logan, so to protect Logan, I challenged my uncle for leadership. During the fight, Gavin took a fatal wound. He didn't survive. I automatically rose to his position as next-in-line clan leader. I knew Logan wanted the role more than I did. If Logan wanted the role, our culture requires him to challenge me for it or I have to willingly step down. I chose to back down and hand the reigns over to him. He was the better choice for it. He's caring and has a knack for politics and business. I didn't care about anything at the time, and my uncle's death weighed heavily on my hands. I became rebellious, pack fighting often, spending a lot of time in the woods, hunting, drinking, bedding too many women."

  A twinge of jealousy tickled her gut at the words, bedding too many women. He seemed to catch her reaction, clearly pleased with it.

  "Did you ever want the leadership role back?"

  Cass shook his head. "I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be." He winked at her.

  Her cheeks warmed. "So, you're actually the real alpha of the Northwestern Clan?"

  "No, Logan is."

  Kayci frowned. "And you don't think you would have been a good leader? You're incredibly selfless, caring, and protective. I think you'd make an incredible pack leader."

  Cass pulled her to him, laying her head on his abdomen. He ran his fingers through her hair, tugging on the strands at the end, sending little sparks of pleasure through her body. "I don't care about being leader. I'm comfortable being the guard dog."

  Kayci chuckled. "Nice title, but you're more than that, so much more." She turned to her side, nuzzling her cheek against him, her eyes heavy with sleep.

  "Come here, beautiful." She eased into his nook as he wrapped his arms around her. She sucked in the scent of him. His luscious, earthy scent could liven the deepest, darkest parts of her.

  "You're the one that's beautiful," she whispered sleepily.

  The corner of his mouth raised. This woman was everything he needed—everything he wanted. She filled the broken pieces of him. He knew he would do anything for her, anything to keep her happy and satisfied, because as long as she was satisfied, then he would be too.

  Kayci woke in Cass' arms. His grip was still firm, holding her protectively against his own body. It warmed her how much he cared for her. He really was an incredible man. She lifted her head, watching him sleep. He looked as handsome in sleep as he did awake. She ran her finger across his full, delicious lips—lips that gave delectable kisses. He stirred beneath her touch, yet too drowsy to wake.

  She glanced over to the nightstand to see the time. The photos of her and Adrian stared at her, an instant reminder of her betrayal. She pulled away from Cass, her guilt worse than she could bear. She slipped out of bed and quietly found her way downstairs, her vampire eyes giving her direction in the darkness. She grabbed the blanket off the couch, tucking it around herself as if it could protect her from the guilt jackhammering her gut.

  Twenty minutes of lying on the couch, yearning to be in Cass' arms, had her mind and emotions battling for victory. Her eyes darted back and forth in the darkness, her emotional turmoil leaving her restless. She wasn't sure what was worse—the guilt or the nightmares.

  Footfalls came down the steps, followed by the living room light switch being flicked on. Alex frowned at her. "Why are you sleeping on the couch? Where's Cass?"

  "In my room, sleeping. What time is it?"

  "11 a.m."

  "That's it?" Another eight hours before she could escape from her house, from Cass. She sighed heavily.

  "What's going on?" Alex pushed her feet out of the way and scooted onto the end of the couch.

  "Part of me—a big part of me," she corrected, "wants Cass here and wants to get close to him, but I still love Adrian and miss him. When I'm with Cass, I forget about Adrian and my problems, it's blissful, but as soon as thoughts of Adrian return, I feel incredibly guilty and want to avoid Cass. I'm struggling with what to do."

  Alex shook his head. "Okay, that's more than I can handle. There's too much going on inside that head of yours." He leaned into the couch cushion. "Did you ever stop to think that with Adrian being gone you have the opportunity to explore what is between you and Cass? And I believe deep down, you want to explore it."

  He was right, even if she didn't want to admit it out loud.

  "If you find a way to release Adrian then you can choose who you want then. But right now, there's a wolf in your bed who came all the way from Colorado to be with you because he cares deeply for you. Give him the credit he deserves."

  Kayci sat up, her emotional turmoil diminishing as they spoke. "When you say it like that, it puts things in a different perspective." She stared off, thoughtful. "Perhaps I should take some time for myself. I could use a break from researching dark magic."

  Alex smiled at her. "I could use a little help at the shop and the Covenant needs you now, more than ever. It's still fragile with the new members and the Southeast clan no doubt still wants their immortality serum."

  Kayci nodded in agreement. "Headed to the shop now?"

  "Yeah. Opening at noon."

  "I'll stop by tonight."

  "Good. Bring Cass. Show him around town. Go out. Have fun. I need the old Kayci back. I can't keep rooming with you, if you're going to be so depressing all the time."

  Kayci shoved him. He laughed.

  "I'll see you tonight."

  Kayci stumbled through the kitchen after nearly a year of not cooking in it. She managed to cook two eggs after ruining three. Her ham was slightly burned on one side and the toast charred. She lathered a bunch of butter on it, hoping to smother her mishap, growled in frustration, then tossed it out and popped another in the toaster. The next batch came out better and she buttered them lightly then placed the toast on the plate. She carried the plate into her bedroom and grabbed all the spell materials and photos and shoved them into the drawer of her nightstand. She set the plate on top of it.

  Cass must've smelled her cooking. He'd already gotten up and found the shower. He came out just as she was sitting on the bed. He had one of her towels wrapped around his neck and nothing else on. He stood in the door frame, filling it entirely. She swallowed the lump in her throat at the sight of his naked body. She'd seen him before, but today, she was seeing him with new eyes.

  Water droplets he'd missed trickled down his roped muscles. His skin was taut from the shower and his manhood hung delectably from a well-trimmed patch of hair between his thighs. She knew she was eating him with her eyes. She licked her lips and tried hard to keep her attention on his face.

  "I made you breakfast."

  Cass grinned, hearing the lust in her voice. He crossed the room, grabbing the briefs he'd tossed on the bed and put them on, all the while watching her hungry eyes avoid him. He tugged his cotton pants on over them and joined her on the other side of the bed.

  "It smells delicious."

  He leaned over her, resting his palms on each side of her and gave her lips what they were begging to have. She gave a slight moan as their lips parted. His body reacted instantly.

  "Thanks for breakfast." He rubbed up her thigh, letting his thumb caress gently over her, feeling her warmth. She closed her eyes and tilted her head, a breathy moan escaping her. Feeling his arousal quickening, he gently pulled his hand back, remembering to take it slow. Her eyes shot open. The mixture of desire and disappointment pleased him.

  He nuzzled her soft cheek and gave a nibble to h
er ear, before swinging himself around her, landing on the bed. He pulled the plate from the nightstand and grabbed the ham first. A little more well-done than he liked, but it didn't matter. She'd gone out of her way to surprise him.

  "It's good."

  Kayci laughed. "It's been almost a year since I've cooked. I won't take it personal if you have to choke it down."

  Cass shook his head. "It's just what I needed."

  "How'd you sleep last night?" She shifted her body to lay on her belly and face him.

  "Better than I have in two months. Alex said you've been having nightmares. Did you have one last night?"

  She shook her head. When she had slept last night, she'd slept soundly in his arms. "No. It's one of the better night sleeps I've had in a while too."

  "Your nightmares are about Adrian, aren't they?"

  She nodded. He could see the pain in her eyes. Jealousy and the need to squash that pain surfaced in him. He set the plate down. "Come here, beautiful."

  He pulled her closer as she rose to come to him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as he wrapped the other hand around her waist. "I get that you care for him and miss him. That's the kind of woman that you are, but you can't take on all the guilt of what happened to him. You can't keep punishing yourself for wanting to live."

  She closed her eyes and let out a breath, as if his words were the cure for the pain she'd been carrying. The guilt and shame that'd taken refuge in the darkest part of her mind scattered like rats under a flashlight.

  She leaned into him as he opened his arms for her. She folded into his nook and laid her head against his shoulder, his delicious scent filling her as his warm hands caressed her.

  "I'm glad you're here."

  Chapter 6

  Alex kneeled in front of the shelf, placing the most recent tonics he'd made onto the new cedar wood shelves. Kayci had done an exceptional job of getting the shop reconstructed and remodeled, even had her own hand in the layout and design. He didn't know what the shop had looked like before but the current design was a modern, earthy, chic style. Floating cedar shelves surrounded the walls with lotions, soaps, stones, herbs, tonics, and charms galore. A few books scattered the shelves, tucked elegantly between some of the items, leading folks to shop around and read them. The center of the store had a handmade cedar table that curved in a zigzag design. Atop the hand-crafted table were options of pottery and jewelry. At the front window of the shop were wood carvings of bowls, vases, and unique pieces that needed a creative eye to decide how to use them.


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