Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3) Page 5

by Betty Shreffler

  He raised his head, attentive to the jingling bells above the door. A young, very thin woman with jet black hair, laying straight, just below her shoulders, strolled in. He could see her bright green eyes from several feet away and they scanned the shop with intrepid interest. Ah, a witch. No wonder. Alex stood from his project and greeted her.

  "Looking for something in particular?"

  Her bright green eyes focused on him; her head tilted as she studied him. His sorcerer intuition tingled over his neck, shoulders, and arms. She was no ordinary witch; she was a sorceress.

  She stepped closer to him, her tight hands and arms tucked closely at her waist. "I'm looking for the owner, Katerina Salvitto."

  Her tone was too cold, too calculated for his own comfort. "She's not around. I'm the manager. Is there something I can help you with?"

  She lifted her hand and outstretched it. He saw the powder in it, but it was too late, she'd already lowered her head and blew it outward. The powder wafted toward him, seizing him with each breath. His senses distorted as a strange calming sensation took hold of him.

  "Now that I have your full attention and honesty, let's begin."

  Alex stared at her, dazed.

  "What is your name?"

  "Alexander Gavrikov."

  "Who do you work for?"

  "Katerina Salvitto."

  "How can I find her?"

  "She lives at 1205 Orchid Avenue."

  "You've been very helpful. I'm sorry you won't make it through the night."

  The woman turned on her heels. The bells jingled as she exited.


  Cass scented her vanilla-honey the moment she descended the stairs. He inhaled deeply, committing her to memory. She joined him in the living room, freshly showered and clothed. How he wished she wasn't. He admired her petite, muscular frame as it crossed the room to him, where he stood, holding a picture frame of her and two strangers, twice her age. She took the frame from his hand and pointed to it.

  "These are my adopted parents, Lewis and Elaine."

  "I remember you said you didn't grow up around supernaturals."

  She nodded. "Thorne gave me to human parents to hide me from the previous Covenant. Most of them wanted me dead except Vladimir, Eva, and Beatrice."

  She stared at the photo, the memories of when it had been taken filling her thoughts.

  Cass studied her, seeing the emotion sweep over her face. "Do you talk to them much?"

  She shook her head. "I check in every once in a while and that's good enough for them. Eventually, I'll have to come up with something. The fact that I don't age will someday cause problems. I hate the idea of breaking their hearts. They were good parents."

  Cass put his arm around her back as she set the photo on the shelf. He turned her toward him, thumbing her bottom lip and gazing over her forlorn expression.

  "When that time comes, you'll have me. You'll always have me." His thumb rubbed along her jaw. His affectionate touch drifted into her body, soothing the open wounds.

  She stared up at his captivating hazel eyes, his loving expression. He wanted to promise her the world, if only she'd accept him, but she couldn't give him that. Not with her heart still hanging onto Adrian. She lowered her head, her emotions thrashing like an angry sea.

  Cass put his hand to her chin, lifting her face so he could see into her smokey eyes—eyes that were a gateway to her emotions. When he saw the pain and confusion there, he tensed. She still wasn't ready to open up to him. Her loyalty was admirable. If only that loyalty was to him.

  "Don't look at me like that," she begged, his disappointment nearly breaking her.

  "You're torn between us. I can see it in your eyes." His hand held her chin to him as he stared down at her. "Whatever it takes, Kat. I'll show you who you belong with."

  He came down on her lips, roughly, passionately. Her body responded, viscerally, with heat that threatened to consume her. There was no denying his touch any more. Every part of her begged to have him caressing her, touching her, taking her beneath him. This couldn't be just lust. The fire and the need devoured her senses, ignited every nerve and enticed the most intimate parts of her body and it didn't end there. Her heart yearned to open to him, to let him in, to be one with him. In a deep corner of her mind, a quiet voice whispered what she feared—you know you belong with him.

  Her body gave way under his hands. She swayed. His grip firmed, holding her with him. She could never deny it, he'd always know her body wanted his touch, wanted him to have her. If only her mind and heart would share in that same feeling. When he heard his instinct whisper—slow, he eased off his kiss, still holding her in his arms.

  Breath escaped her lips. Her eyes glimmered with desire and vampire thirst. He glimpsed the tips of her fangs as her head eased back from their kiss.

  "Ready to hunt?"

  With her eyes closed, her lips pulled back into a grin. He could see the predator forcing its way to the surface.

  "Yes," she purred.


  Cass leaned against the bar, his arms crossed, a beer in his hand as Katerina dipped her fangs into the neck of her dance partner. She'd brought him to a club called, Blue Moon—a hunting ground for vampires before Safire opened. Watching her seduce and feed would take some getting used to. He understand it to be a vital part of vampirism. He'd dated a vampire once, Desiree, a wildcat who lacked the kind of heart Katerina possessed. He'd witnessed her feed before when they dated, but it was nothing like watching Katerina feed. Watching her caused an intense urge to rip the man's throat out and a caveman instinct to pound his chest and roar, she's mine, before taking her as his. Her predatory seduction only worsened the sensation as he watched her.

  He sensed another werewolf nearing and scanned the humans around him. He recognized him as he neared—the beefy bouncer from the club, Safire. He nodded to him as the werewolf approached.

  "Hey, man. There's a better place than this. It's called Safire, hella good booze, women and music. It's especially catered to our kind. It's open til 2 a.m. Flash your eyes at the door." The wolf handed him a business card. Cass glanced at the name on the front and the barcode on the back.

  "Humans scan the barcode with their phones for an invitation," the wolf explained.

  Cass clicked his tongue against his cheek, his expression giving way to his lack of interest. "Been there. Didn't see what the hype is about."

  The wolf seemed surprised. He leaned in, making sure their conversation stayed between the both of them. "Give the card to one of the staff. They'll take you into the back for the real treat."

  In his periphery, Cass could see Katerina approaching. He lowered the beer onto the counter. Katerina seemed to catch the attention of the wolf in front of him. Cass could sense his nervous tension building. He glanced at Katerina and back at the wolf. The wolf recognized her, he was sure of it. The wolf gave him a farewell nod before she approached.

  "Remember the card," he said, before disappearing into the crowd.

  "What was that about?"

  "A werewolf. Gave me this." He handed the card to her.

  She looked at it, flipped it over, then stared at him, confused.

  Cass shrugged. "He said to give it to one of the staff and there'd be something waiting for me in the back. Humans are supposed to scan the barcode for an invitation." He raised his beer for another drink.

  "That explains how the humans are chosen. I wonder who qualifies to get the card." Kayci removed her phone from her back pocket and typed in the app information from the business card. Safire Selection, it read. She clicked download and pocketed the business card. "I think tomorrow we should pay a visit to the owner. I'd go tonight, but I told Alex we'd stop by the shop. He's expecting us."

  "Lead the way, beautiful."


  Kayci entered the front of the shop, enjoying the nostalgic jingle of the bells and the refreshing scents. She immediately noticed Alex's absence in the retail part of the shop. Her brows furr

  "Alex is probably in the back working on something. Have a look around. I'll be right back."

  Kayci glanced back at Cass' stunning and massive frame as he headed toward the wood work. Her stomach gave a surprising flutter. She looked away as he turned his head to glance at her. She could feel the heat of his piercing eyes on her backside and she had to admit, she liked it. She tilted her head for another glance and caught his smirk.

  Turning her attention forward, she opened the newly built door to the backroom—now the inventory and creation room. Alex was leaning haphazardly against the counter, sweat dampening his skin, a mixture of blood and vomit down the front of his shirt, and a hint of a strange, white foam at the corner of his mouth.

  She rushed over, lowering herself to his side, studying his ghastly condition. "Alex?" she asked, panicked.

  His eyes opened to slits. He mumbled his words, "Henbane…sorceress…powder."

  It wasn't enough to understand what had happened, but the word henbane was enough to snap her into action.

  "Cass!" she shouted, her chest swelling with fear.

  He was there in seconds, his feet thundering across the floor. He entered the room, absorbing the situation.

  "What's happened to him?"

  "In the shop, find me cinnamon and cedar."

  Cass was gone in an instant. Kayci jumped to the new cabinetry and rummaged through the herbs section, while trying to keep her fumbling hands steady. She pulled the angelica leaves, calamus, and citron from the cabinet. Cass returned just as she began crushing the herbs in to a bowl.

  "Good, now burn them in the incense there," she pointed.

  Cass moved briskly, lighting the incense with the nearby lighter and placing it near Alex.

  "What else?" he offered.

  "In the cabinet marked tonics, hand me the bottle labeled lemon balm."

  He quickly found it and set it next to her. She opened it and poured the contents into a glass, then added the now crushed and powdered herbs in with the tonic. She concentrated, waving her hand over the glass, pushing her magic into it.

  "Sana in corpore. Aufer a mortuis vas."

  She leaned down next to Alex, bringing the glass to his lips. "Drink," she coaxed.

  Alex could barely lift his head. Cass reached behind him, holding his head upright as Kayci lifted the glass and poured the liquid into him. She set the empty glass aside and wrapped Alex in her arms. Her chest ached and her body shook with fear. "Please don't die, Alex, please."

  A deep, raspy inhale came before a phlegm-filled cough escaped him. He spat more liquid and gasped for more air.

  Cass grabbed the nearby glass and took it to the sink, filling it with water. He handed it to Alex.

  "Here, drink this."

  Alex reached for the cup and gulped the water vigorously.

  Kayci rubbed his back as the color returned to his face.

  "Thank you."

  "What happened?" Kayci asked.

  "A sorceress came into the shop. She's looking for you and she's not friendly." Alex drank more water and pulled himself into a straighter sitting position. "She blew a powder toward me and I blacked out for several moments. When I came to, she was gone and a terrible burn had settled in my chest. I began coughing and then spitting up blood. An hour later and I probably would've been dead. There was henbane in that powder."

  "Thankfully, you were able to tell me that." Kayci's jaw tightened. "This sorceress—what do you remember about her?"

  "She's thin, jet black hair, and bright green eyes. Looks like she could be the sister of Drima."

  Kayci's head lowered. She'd killed Drima in her fight to save Adrian and Cass. Drunk on dark magic, she hadn't been thinking at the time. She brought her hand to her forehead and rubbed it.

  The warmth of Cass' hand touching her leg brought her back from her ugly thoughts.

  "Don't. It was an accident. Drima chose to risk her life by helping Natalia. If you hadn't killed her, she would've helped Natalia kill you."

  Kayci raised her head to look at him. The tenderness in his eyes softened the heartache in her chest.

  "He's right, Kayc."

  She eyed them both, looking back at their compassionate stares. "It's still another unwanted death on my hands."

  "If Drima was anything like her sister, who just tried to kill me, then you may have done the world a favor."

  Kayci rubbed the tension in her neck. "She wants revenge. Losing someone you love can make you snap. I know all too well."

  "What are we going to do about her?" Alex asked, concerned. "She already tried to kill me and no doubt, she's coming to kill you."

  Kayci frowned. "I'm not sure yet, but we do need to get you home and get you cleaned up. We'll close the shop early. Come on." She slipped an arm around his back, lifting him with ease.

  He stumbled backward before gaining balance. Cass put a hand on his shoulder to help stabilize him.

  A jingle came from Kayci's phone and she let go of Alex to answer it. She looked at the screen. Vladimir.

  "Everything all right?" she asked.

  "I'm calling a meeting. I've had a vision."

  "My house, thirty minutes," she said.

  She turned to Alex and Cass as she tucked the phone in her back pocket. "Vladimir's had a vision. He's called a meeting."

  Chapter 7

  Her bright green eyes stared into the puddle just beyond the yellow house with maroon shutters displaying the numbers—1205. Her fingertip dipped into the puddle and the water rippled before displaying an image before her. The image of a crowded room appeared with five vampires, a vampire sorceress, two witches, and a wolf. She leaned down and listened to the air around her as the image played out before her.

  Kayci stepped toward Sofia, nearly tucked away in her office, trying to make herself less noticed.

  "I didn't know you were in town," Kayci said, surprised by her presence.

  "I arrived a couple nights ago." Sofia's cheeks gained color as she glanced at Thorne, who stood talking with Alaric. Kayci caught the subtle change.

  How did I not notice?

  "I assume you've spent that time with someone."

  Sofia nodded, a lovesick sparkle appearing in her eyes.

  An odd sensation swirled in Kayci's gut. She wasn't sure how she felt about this new discovery yet. Thorne must have sensed her seesaw emotions. He stepped into the conversation, a perfect gentlemen in his gray suit with his hands resting behind his back.


  Kayci gave him a knowing look.

  "We should talk after," Thorne requested.

  Kayci nodded. "I agree."

  Sofia appeared to notice the underlying tension between them. Her expression grew serious and she fidgeted with her skirt as she looked away.

  Wanting to end the awkward tension, Kayci turned to the others. "Now that everyone is here, would you like to share your vision, Vladimir?"

  The room fell silent.

  Vladimir stepped forward, addressing them all. "The Southeast clan plans to make a move against the McCabe clan. They may even be joining with another clan. That part of the vision was unclear."

  Cass' relaxed body tensed. His folded arms dropped and formed fists. The message had clearly incited his protective instinct. Kayci glanced at him, offering an affectionate half-smile.

  "Alex," she looked at him directly, "we'll have to close the shop for a few days." She glanced at the others. "The Covenant is going to Colorado."

  "What about the sorceress?" Alex asked.

  The others, clearly confused by Alex’s interjection, stared at her expectantly, awaiting the details.

  "A sorceress came into Wymsical Treasures today and asked Alex about me and then attacked him with a potion intended to kill him. Cass and I arrived in time for me to counteract the spell. It's possible that this sorceress is Drima's sister and that she's come here for revenge."

  "That's serious," Alaric pressed.

  "I know, but her coming after
me isn't our biggest problem. The potential attack from the Southeast clan is a larger threat. No doubt, they're after the immortality serum that Logan and the McCabe clan possess."

  "Do you think it's safe for you or Cass to go to Colorado if the Southeast clan is desperate for the serum?" Sofia sounded worried. "You're the only two beings that have the blood that's needed for more serum."

  Kayci twitched at her motherly tone. Nope, not ready for that.

  "I appreciate your concern, Sofia, but it's my job to protect the Covenant and all of its members and it's Cass' job to protect the McCabe clan. We'll be there, front and center, to negotiate with the Southeast clan."

  Sofia's eyes sunk in with concern, yet she didn't argue.

  "No worries, lass. The wolf," Frederick's eyes danced over Cass, "and Katerina are our best bet. We know Katerina won't die from a wolf bite, and muscles here," he waved his thumb in Cass' direction, "now regenerates. In my opinion, we're better off with them there."

  Kayci nodded. "Hopefully, there'll be no need for combat. We'll see what they want and let them know the dangerous actions they're taking by trying to force the hand of the McCabe clan. They likely see both of us as weak because of our leadership transitions. We need to make it clear that we are quite the opposite."

  Cass eyed her proudly. A suggestive smile crossed his face as though her confidence aroused him. It sent a quick shock of pleasure down south. She noticed Liliana watching them with a disapproving eye. As a flicker of guilt tickled her belly, she looked away from Cass' captivating hazel eyes, returning her attention to the others.


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