Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3) Page 6

by Betty Shreffler

  "Any other concerns we need to address?" When silence and headshakes ensued, she continued, "We'll leave for Colorado tomorrow night. Alaric, can you arrange a flight?"

  Alaric shook his head yes, appearing confident.

  "All right, then. I know there were private conversations that need to take place, so feel free to stick around as long as you'd like. Thorne," she eyed him directly, "would you mind stepping outside with me?"

  Kayci stepped out the door just as an odd sensation spread over her shoulders and arms. She scanned the area, searching for the cause. Raindrops hit her porch roof with soft tings. She glanced at the road where puddles had formed from the last rain storm, over an hour ago. The ominous setting of the dark clouds and the chill in the air had her sorceress intuition signaling an alarm.

  "You're sensing something, aren't you?" Thorne asked as he closed the door behind them. Kayci stepped to the railing and peered into the woods.

  "I am. Not sure what exactly. Could be the meeting with the wolves, the sorceress, or something else. Something seems to be lingering in the air."

  "Your mother had a similar gift that you do. You seem to be able to sense danger before it comes. You're sensitive to nature's warnings."

  Kayci ran her hands over her folded arms as if she could coax the chill out of her body. She glanced at Thorne, her thoughts changing direction.

  "Do you think Katriana would like that you're seeing someone?"

  A soft "tsh" sound came from his lips, clearly humored by her question.

  "Katriana would not hold it against me that I am enjoying a woman's company."

  "When were you going to tell me that you and Sofia were seeing each other?" Her eyes narrowed.

  "Your generation's modern terms are proving difficult for me to understand. What do you mean by the word, seeing?"

  "I mean, what exactly is the definition of your relationship? Have you been intimate?" She crossed her arms as she leaned against the railing, her patience quickly waning.

  He took easy steps to the wooden porch chairs and folded himself into one. His large, thin hand rubbed along his smooth chin.

  "Katerina, the intimate details of my relationships are none of your concern. The same can be said of your relationships. Have you noticed I have not asked the definition of your relationship with Cassius McCabe. Clearly, there is something between the two of you."

  Kayci sighed and shook her head. "You're redirecting the conversation to me. I asked you first. Tell me your definition and then, I'll tell you mine."

  Thorne smiled. Clearly, he understood when he'd been checkmated.

  "I am merely enjoying the presence of an attractive female and her delightful conversation."

  "That's it, huh? How many times have you enjoyed the presence of Sofia and her delightful conversation?"

  "Four times."

  "Four times? Obviously, you've gone to see her then, because she hasn't been to Naples four times? Has she?" Kayci asked, a little too interrogatively.

  "No. She has not. We spent one evening together the first time she came to Naples after we had been introduced. I traveled to Pennsylvania nearly two weeks ago and again two weeks prior to that. Now she has come to Naples for a visit. We spent the evening together last night."

  "You know long distance relationships don't work out, don't you?"

  Thorne's bright eyes sparkled with amusement. "Katerina, are you uncomfortable with Sofia and I's time spent together?"

  Kayci's shoulders dropped as she sighed. "I guess I am. It's weird seeing my father have an interest in a woman and a woman I know."

  "Do you not like Sofia?" Thorne's head tilted as he studied her, invading her emotions.

  "Yes, I like her. It will just take some time to get used to. Don't kiss her in front of me though. That will be too weird. And if it gets serious, I'm not calling her mom."

  Thorne's humored smile grew serious. "I'm a gentleman, Katerina, I would not kiss her in public."

  "What? No, that's totally okay to do in public now. Seriously, you might give her a complex if you don't kiss her in public. She'll think you're embarrassed by her or something. You should kiss her in public. Just don't kiss her in front of me or hold hands or stand too close."

  Thorne laughed and hearing his charming genuine laugh made Kayci smile and let out her own chuckle.

  "Is it truly appropriate to kiss a woman in public now?" She could see the serious question in his eyes. He'd obviously thought about kissing Sofia. That's adorable.

  "Did you not kiss Katriana in public?"

  Thorne shook his head no.

  "Yes. It is perfectly acceptable to kiss Sofia in public. She'll appreciate it. It will make her feel as though your relationship is being made publicly exclusive."

  Thorne nodded, clearly processing the new information. He sat back in his chair and returned his thoughtful eyes to hers. "Now, share your definition with Cassius."

  "Before the incident with Natalia…" Kayci's chest tightened as the memory of Adrian in the coffin flashed through her mind. She closed her eyes briefly and took a breath. "Cass came to warn me that Natalia and the Southeast clan were working together. He also claimed that I'm his mate. I didn't believe him. After the incident, I told him to go back to his clan. That I didn't want to see him again." Kayci's head lowered as the emotions flooded her. "I missed him and regretted it from the moment he left, but finding a way to release Adrian was more important to me. Cass came back for me yesterday. Determined to prove to me that I'm his mate. I can't deny that there is something between us. I can't describe it. It pulls at me, refuses to be squashed no matter how hard I try. My attraction to him is barely controllable and the longer I'm around him, the more difficult it is becoming." Kayci raised her head. Her eyes widened. Did I seriously just admit that to my father?

  "Do not feel embarrassed. I had the same feelings for Katriana. There was no keeping us apart. If Cass believes you are his mate, if you truly are his mate, then you'll never be able to squash the feelings that run deep. Katerina—" His fatherly tone escaped his lips.

  She raised her head to meet his gaze.

  "Your emotions for him do run deep. I can sense them."

  "What about Adrian?" she whimpered.

  "Adrian is a grown man. A strong man. If you find a way to free him, he'll learn to live with a broken heart."

  Kayci shook her head. Her skin tightened uncomfortably against her body. "I can't hurt him. I don't want to hurt either of them."

  "The one who will be hurt the most will be you, if you are not honest with yourself about your true feelings."

  Her fangs pinched her lip. The light transition swept over her. She knew her eyes were gold. "I can't choose between them."

  "Katerina, you can't fear—"

  Her front door opened gently and Thorne stopped mid-sentence. Cass' sinful eyes studied her face, clearly concerned about her emotional state. His expression transitioned as Liliana pushed the door open wider and stormed past him onto the porch. Cass joined the three of them.

  Thorne glanced at Cass, then stood to his full height, a couple inches taller than Cass.

  "Cassius, may I speak with you in private?"

  Cass glanced at Kayci and then returned his gaze to Thorne, unaffected by the fatherly glare in Thorne's eyes.

  "Katerina, I'm heading back to the condo. Will you walk with me?"

  Kayci turned in step with Liliana, glancing back at Thorne and Cass as they both took seats on the porch.

  "Everything all right?" Kayci asked, as they neared Liliana's car.

  "We've rarely had time to get to know one another. I do, however, respect your leadership skills and the care you put into protecting our species, all three species, but I have to admit, I don't think you deserve Adrian."

  Kayci's eyes widened, shocked by her sudden directness and the words she'd just spoken.

  "What do you mean? I don't deserve Adrian?"

  "While you were outside speaking with Thorne, Cass and Alaric e
ntered into a heated discussion. Cass made it very clear that you're his mate. I see the way you two have always looked at one another. Adrian doesn't deserve to be lying in a coffin, his spirit in another world, his loyalty to you, while you're gallivanting around town hung up on a werewolf."

  Kayci's jaw dropped. No words came out. She closed it and narrowed her eyes at Cass sitting on the porch, having an in-depth conversation with her father, no doubt about her. She returned her gaze to Liliana.

  "How did that come up in conversation?"

  Chapter 8

  Ten Minutes Prior…

  Cass leaned against the archway to the kitchen as he watched Katerina's perfectly round ass walk out her front door to privately speak with her father. It didn't matter what the woman was doing. He found her beautiful whether she was angry, sad, or the confident woman he'd just witnessed leading the Covenant. The comment she'd made of it being their job to protect the Covenant and his Clan made his chest swell with pride. His mate had traits that could put good men to shame. Her loyalty, bravery, and compassion couldn't be matched. His brows furrowed as the question crept into his mind. Am I good enough for her?

  Cass' thoughts dissipated as Alaric approached him with a look of curiosity in his eyes.

  "How's immortality treating you?"

  Cass shrugged his shoulder. "Time will tell if there are any effects. Nothing to complain about so far."

  Alaric nodded. "What brings you into town?"

  Cass' brow raised. "Not sure that's any of your business."

  Alaric seemed taken aback by his response as if he had every right to know why Cass was in town.

  "Cassius, Adrian is a good friend of mine. He's a good man. He's not here to keep you from making a move on Katerina, so I'll do it for him. She's taken. You should steer clear of her."

  His and Alaric's conversation had caught the attention of the other Covenant members.

  Might as well let it be known.

  "Alaric, right?" He nodded. "It's unfortunate that your buddy is stuffed in a coffin. I don't like it anymore than you do, because it's left Katerina suffering and desperately searching for a way to release him. I'd rather he be out so she doesn't have to suffer, feeling guilty about what happened to him, and that way, I can tell him myself. Katerina is my mate. I won't be leaving, or leaving her side, now, or in the future. The woman sitting out there," he pointed to the door, "is meant for me, not Adrian."

  Alaric's shocked expression held steady, no words escaping his lips. Vladimir moved in to join them.

  "You sure of this?" Vladimir asked.

  Cass raised his chin. "Damn sure. My instinct declared it the moment I met her."

  Vladimir nodded, his eyes drifting off in thought.

  Frederick slid in, unnoticed. "Fancy that, a wolf being mated to a vampire sorceress."

  Cass glared at Alaric's dark gleaming eyes. "Fancy that," he agreed.

  Heels clanked across the floor. Liliana stomping to the front door put Cass in motion.

  "Excuse me, brother."

  Cass moved past her, reaching the door before her. "Any reason you're in a hurry to leave?"

  Her lip raised, revealing her fangs. "Move out of my way, wolf. I'm going out to speak with Katerina. Don't need your permission to do so."

  Cass tilted his head, humored by her arrogant attitude. "Katerina needed some privacy with her father. I'd appreciate it if you gave it to her."

  "You sure do have the loyal lapdog trait down, don't you?"

  Cass' brows pinched inward. "Something I said or did that caused this sudden distaste for me?"

  "You're arrogant, a womanizer," she looked him over with disapproval, "you need a haircut and have poor taste in clothes."

  Cass grinned, humored by her petty insults. "Let me guess. You're a dear friend of Adrian's too?"

  "Katerina doesn't deserve him. He loves her and while he's trapped, she's prancing around with the likes of you." If her expression alone could scald him, he'd be charred.

  Cass leaned in closer, his menacing wolf eyes glaring into her golden vampire ones. He lowered his voice, specifically for her to hear. "You can insult me all you want, princess, but you don't know a damn thing about what Katerina deserves, so keep your crude trap shut in that aspect, if you know what's good for you."

  He revealed his fangs as he leaned back. Fed up with her, he stepped toward the door. He reached for it and opened it slowly.

  The moment he saw the pain in Katerina's eyes, his chest tightened. He glanced at Thorne, evaluating the situation. His skin crawled as Liliana grazed him in her urgent quest to push past him. She forced the door open and rudely stepped onto the porch. Cass joined the three of them as Thorne stood.

  "Cassius, may I speak with you in private?"

  Cass glanced at Katerina, evaluating his mate's well-being before matching Thorne's fatherly glare. He nodded. As Katerina and Liliana stepped off the porch, headed to Liliana's car, he settled into the chair next to Thorne, prepared for the father-to-mate conversation he knew was coming.

  "Katerina tells me you've shared with her that she is your mate."

  "I have, and before stepping outside, I shared that important detail with the rest of the Covenant, excluding Alex, who already knew."

  Thorne nodded. "I see."

  Cass watched the formidable, old vampire purse his lips in thought. He seemed to be studying him, but not just his body language, something more. His instinct grumbled, awakening from sleep. The old vampire might be harboring an extra ability.

  "If there is something you'd like to ask, please do. I'm an honest man."

  Thorne nodded as if acknowledging something he already knew. "The McCabe men are." Thorne shifted in his seat. "Cassius, do you love Katerina?"

  Cass' chest swelled with emotion. He should probably be taken aback by the direct question, but that seemed to be the theme tonight. Might as well lay it all out there. "I do love her. She's incredible. I couldn't have imagined myself a better mate."

  Thorne rubbed his thumb along the other enclosed hand. He seemed to be struggling with his thoughts. "I can sense that your feelings run deep for her."

  Awe, there it is. The old vampire's ability. He was right. "Then, you know my intentions are honest, despite my reputation."

  Thorne glanced at Katerina. They both watched her and Liliana's discussion. Clearly, something about the conversation had her rattled.

  "Yes. I know your intentions are genuine. You couldn't lie to me if you tried."

  Cass sat back in the chair, his shoulders relaxing. "Then, the purpose of this conversation?"

  "You must know she still loves Adrian? She's torn between the two of you."

  Cass' teeth grated. "I know. The only way I know how to prove to her that I am her mate is to show her how much I love her and need her. It's proving difficult. She's loyal to Adrian and from what I'm learning, he's a genuinely good man."

  Thorne chuckled. "He is a good man, but he's not her mate. You are. It will break her heart to break Adrian's, but she'll never be truly satisfied if she chooses him."

  Cass glanced at Thorne's expressionless face. "Do you honestly believe that?"

  Thorne turned to him, again reading him like an open book—a feeling he wasn't accustomed to.

  "Yes, I do. I know all about you, Cassius. I make it a point to know my enemies and my friends and everyone in between. I know you killed your own corrupt uncle to protect your brother. I know you stayed by your mother's side when she died. I know you chose to save Katerina over immortality and the possibility of curing your grandfather's disease. I know you will always do what is right and just even when it hurts you to do it. I know you're as good of a man as Adrian, but you don't want others to know it. You'd rather they think you're arrogant and volatile. The reputation gives you an edge and with the world we live in; with our three species, an edge is a valuable asset."

  The corner of Cass' mouth raised. "You're even smarter than you look, old man."

  Thorne's lips pu
lled back into a grin. "I've been around long enough to learn a thing or two."

  A slap across a cheek sent Thorne's and Cass' bodies into defensive mode. Each of them stood, attentive to Kayci and Liliana's discussion.

  "How could you say such a thing?" Kayci pulled back her hand. Guilt pummeled her stomach, but it was too late to take it back.

  "I do love him. It kills me that he's stuck in that coffin, in a different realm alone or alone with Natalia. I nearly drove myself to insanity trying to find a way to bring him back with dark magic. I know you care about him, Liliana, but you have no right to say the things you've said."

  Liliana's shocked and bulging eyes filled with anger. "If you ever decide to let him out, try not to rip his heart out the moment he steps out of the coffin."

  Liliana turned her back on her, opening the car door wide, causing Kayci to step back, as she pounced into her vehicle. Liliana gave her a reproving glare as she pulled away.

  How dare she say that I never loved him or cared for him or that I brushed him aside the first chance I got?

  Kayci turned toward the house, her emotions swirling like a hurricane. She clenched her fists to the point that blood seeped beneath her nails. If only I could cry to let these damn emotions escape my body!

  Cass stepped off the porch, ready to take her in his arms. She scowled at him, refusing his touch even though she desperately wanted it. She stepped past him, avoiding his affectionate gaze. "Keep your distance. You've done enough tonight."

  Cass glanced at Thorne, his shoulders tense and his chest aching with the need to soothe his mate. He watched her back as she stormed into the house.

  Thorne tilted his head and gave a reassuring smile. "Don't take it personal, Cassius. She has the Gavrikov temper. Her mother's side of the family," he explained.

  Cass followed Thorne into the house. He caught the end of Katerina biting into Alaric with her words.

  "Your sister is impossible!"

  Alaric's cheeks warmed from his last feeding. "She's opinionated and cares for Adrian deeply."

  Oh hell. Cass could see the word deeply sink right into her veins. They were no doubt boiling now and he could sense her reaching her breaking point. Cass put his hand on her waist. Her fiery eyes scalded him, yet her body responded, relaxing ever-so-slightly.


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