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Dirty Stepbrother - A Firefighter Romance (The Maxwell Family)

Page 34

by Alycia Taylor

  I showered and put on my new clothes when I got home. I wore a red t-shirt underneath the long-sleeved black one and my black leather boots…I didn’t tuck the pants into them; I didn’t think that would be a good look for this crowd. I had stopped earlier and gotten my hair trimmed again and I shaved and when I looked into the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I looked like a kid with the smooth face. I slipped my gold chain over my head and I touched it with my fingers when it came to rest on my chest. I was ready to go and if I do say so myself, I looked pretty damned good. Just let Emmy try to resist me tonight.

  I felt out of place just walking into the fancy old hotel alone. When I got there, I found myself wishing that I had a date. I didn’t want to bring one though. For one thing, I don’t know anyone these days who would have come close to fitting in at this hotel. I also didn’t want to be straddled to another woman all night. I knew what I wanted, and it was Elly.

  I used to feel right at home in places like this, when we were on tour we never stayed at less than a four star. Most of it was a blur though. I spent a lot of that time high as a kite or drunk off my ass. I’d been popping my mom’s Xanax since I was thirteen, and I’d talked her into taking me to the doctor and getting me put on Ritalin. When I wasn’t taking that one I had made a fortune selling it. Sometimes I’m not sure which memories are real and which are some drug-infused delusion. I do remember the way it felt to have audiences rising to their feet and girls screaming your name. I remember what it felt like to be deferred to like you were royalty at a restaurant or hotel…How it felt to pop in on Good Morning America while the teenage girls screamed and cried and begged you to sign their torso’s. Girls like Elly. Sweet, fresh, normal girls.

  I swallowed my reluctance and followed the signs to the “Grand Ballroom.” I showed my ticket to the man at the door and I was asked to step to the side for a photograph. There were a ton of reporters there, snapping photos of their own as well. I was surprised at how many people were there. The party was only for contestants, staff and their dates, but there must have been over two hundred people there. I wondered again if I should have brought a date but then decided that I’m glad I didn’t as soon as I caught sight of Elly. My mouth went dry at the sight of her and I felt the blood from my head running quickly to other places.

  She looked so hot I had no idea how I’d keep from walking up and putting my hands all over her. She was wearing a short little red dress that came to just above her knees. Her legs weren’t long, but they were really well-defined and the sight of them uncovered like that made me want to push my way between them. The dress wasn’t low cut but the tops of her breasts were showing and damn if I didn’t want to touch those too. She had her hair all curled pretty and it hung down across her shoulders and she had on more make-up than usual, but not too much. She was gorgeous and the funniest thing about it to me was that she didn’t seem to have a clue. I found that a lot sexier than a girl who was full of herself.

  She was standing with the two other interns that work the contestant side of the show. I wondered if the guy was her ex that she told me about the first time I saw him, but I’d seen them together since and there didn’t seem to be any history or chemistry there.

  The other girl intern saw me before Elly did. I’m sure she knew something about us by the way she elbowed Elly when I was on my way over. Elly looked up and I saw a flicker of panic cross her face. She turned around the other way and suddenly had a lot to say to and older guy in a suit. What the fuck? I didn’t want to look like a complete idiot so I kept on in the same direction, stopping at the food table and making myself a little appetizer plate.

  “Hi Tristan.” I looked up and saw Elly’s friend, or co-worker, or whatever she was. I can’t ever remember her name.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to congratulate you and say that your last song the other night was amazing.”

  “Thanks,” I told her. I looked up and saw Elly watching us and said, “Too bad everyone doesn’t feel that way.”

  “I think most of us do,” she said, looking in Elly’s direction. “Some of us just can’t put it in worlds. All that matters are the millions of votes you got, right?”

  She was right, that was all that really mattered. “Damn straight,” I told her. I looked back over at Elly and realized that for a woman who seemed to be trying to avoid me, she sure looked at me an awful lot. Molly wandered away then and I was forced to talk to a few of the other contestants and a couple of musicians. I spotted Elly again, this time she was sitting alone at a table. I started towards her and she saw me again and got up. What the hell was her problem? She started towards the back of the hall and I followed her. She turned the corner and darted into the ladies room.

  I pushed open the door and followed her in. I was happy to see there was a padlock on the door. I flipped it over and looked back at her.

  She was looking indignantly at me and she said, “No way, I’m not having sex with you in here.”

  I laughed, “You think I followed you in here for a quickie?”

  “Well, that’s what happened the first time we met.”

  I took a step forward and she took one back. She acted like she was afraid of me almost and I didn’t understand it. I’d never hurt her.

  “I didn’t follow you in here for sex. I just want to talk. Elly, why are you avoiding me?”

  “I’m not avoiding you,” she said.

  “Okay then why the fuck are you flat out ignoring me?”

  “I’m not,” she said. “I told you, we just can’t be seen together.”

  “Why? I see you talking to the other contestants here. Why the fuck am I any different?”


  “Because what, Elly?”

  “Because if anyone finds out that we’re having sex we could both be in a lot of trouble.” I don’t think she meant to blurt it out like that. She put her hand over her mouth and then looked underneath the two stalls, checking for feet.

  “Why? What kind of trouble?” I asked her.

  “Tristan, there are rules that say no one who works on this show can date or sleep with the contestants. They lay those rules out for us very clearly at the beginning of all of this. We even had to sign a copy of them so they know we fully understand. There’s no gray area there…If they catch us….I can lose my job and you will get disqualified. I don’t want to be responsible for that.”

  “Let them kick me off. After the way I blew it away last week my agent’s phone has been ringing off the hook. Fuck ‘em.” I hadn’t really heard from Mitch but I had done show business long enough to know that if his phone hadn’t started ringing with offers for me yet, it would soon.

  “Okay, maybe you don’t care, but I do,” she said. “This internship is really important to me. It’s important to my career…I need this. I can’t afford to get fired. All of the producers are here tonight, even the big wigs. I can talk to the other contestants and not feel nervous about it because I haven’t slept with any of them. I’m looking at a promotion if I don’t screw this internship up.”

  “Good to know you’re only avoiding me because of the sex. Since you’ve already got it down pat, it shouldn’t be a problem to just keep sneaking around, right?” I told her with a grin as I took another step towards her.

  “Stop it!” she said, taking another step back and coming into contact with the wall.

  I wanted to fuck her right there. I fucking love sex and I don’t care who cares how I live my life. Mostly though, since I started having it with Elly, I remembered what it was like to do it with a warm body. The way she moves and the noises she makes…she’s not so out of her mind that she may or may not remember it. I know she remembers me…I took one more step to close the space between us. Her cheeks were flushed and I could hear her breaths quickening. I started sliding her little dress up then, dragging my fingers along her thighs as I did. I expected her to push me away, and when she didn’t, I got braver and I slipped my
hand underneath and slid my fingers down into her panties. I put one finger against her slit and she moaned. Then I used two fingers to rub against her hard clit and she moaned louder. Then I slid those two fingers in her suddenly moist pussy and I moved them back and forth. She let out a groan and suddenly she was up on her toes and her lips were on mine. She slid her tongue inside my mouth and I felt my cock jerk. We kissed like that while I caressed her sweet pussy for a long time. We may have even gone further, but there was someone knocking at the door.

  “I’ll be right out,” Elly called in a strangled voice. She pulled away from me and slipped into the stall. I washed my hands and she came out and washed hers. Then she pulled open the bathroom door a crack and said, “It’s clear, go!” I started to slip out and she said, “Tristan!”

  I turned towards her and she said, “Your place after the party.” I grinned and slipped out and into the men’s room just before a stuffy looking old lady came around the corner. I had to stay out of sight for a few minutes until my cock was ready to rest again.

  Chapter Twelve


  I spent the rest of the evening telling myself that as soon as this party was over, I was going straight home. There was no way that I was going over to Tristan’s apartment and I can’t imagine why I said that I would. Okay, I know why I said I would. For Christ sakes the guy had his hand down my panties only seconds before and damn does he know what he’s doing down there. I feel like such an incredible pervert every time I look at him, especially tonight. I haven’t seen him dressed up so nice since he was twenty years old and on the cover of every magazine at the supermarket counter. Back then I’d imagine that the day would come when I’d know what it was like to kiss him. Now I know what every stinking part of him is like and I crave it…

  I made the rounds, mingling with Jake and meeting his beautiful girlfriend who according to Jake is a director of children’s films. I finally got to meet Molly’s boyfriend who seemed like a really nice guy and I got to meet Keith’s life-partner, another good guy.

  Jake introduced me to some other producers and directors too and I felt my professional circle growing as the night went on. I was excited by that, but still having trouble getting thoughts of Tristan off my mind. He had done what I asked and stayed away from me while I did my thing and he did his.

  Every so often he would catch my eye and give me a long, slow once-over, ending it by running his tongue slowly across his lips. He was so damned sexy. How was I honestly supposed to resist a man like that?

  The night was still young when I left the party and I got in my car. It seemed almost like it drove itself automatically to his apartment building. I’d seen him slip out about a half hour before and I’m not positive but I think he winked at me when he did. I still needed to talk to him about exclusivity. I really hoped he wasn’t screwing those nasty skanks I saw hanging around the night I went to see him play in the bar….or anyone for that matter. If I wasn’t going to be anything else to him, I’d like to at least be his only piece of ass.

  I tried to talk myself out of doing this all the way up the stairs. I even told myself it wasn’t too late to run after I’d knocked on the door. When he pulled it open, shirtless and in a pair of loose fitting pajama pants, I knew I wasn’t going anywhere except inside.

  “Hey,” I said, trying not to stare at his bare chest.

  “Hey,” he didn’t bother not trying to stare at mine and it was still covered. Sometimes I thought it might be fun to have that kind of confidence and to really not give a shit what people thought. “Come on in. I wasn’t sure you were going to show. I thought you made like a rabbit.”

  I stepped inside and said, “I wasn’t sure either. I honestly thought about not coming. I really shouldn’t be here.”

  He put his arm around me and turning me around in a circle he said, “Sure you should be. See, it’s just you and me here. No hidden cameras or tape recorders. I’m not going to turn you in because I’d like to have a million bucks. You’re not going to turn me in because you like your job. I think we’re both safe, no one else has to know.”

  I was on auto-pilot by that point. My body had taken over the second I walked into his apartment and it was already responding in all kinds of ways to the sound of his voice and his arm around my shoulders and his breath against my ear. I nodded and let him lead me over to the couch. Before we got there, I tried to think of something clever to say, anything. I wanted to have a conversation with him. I didn’t want to just walk in and have sex. I actually decided that I wanted to get to know him…or maybe I thought if we talked first, and maybe after, it would seem less like we were doing something illicit.

  “Did you have fun at the party?” I asked him.

  He leaned in and put his lips on my neck. I felt the vibration of his lips as he said, “Mm Hmm,” against my skin.

  “Did you get to meet the executives?” I squeaked the last part of that out because now he was nibbling my neck and his fingers and thumb were tweaking my nipples through my dress.

  “Mmrrggrr…” was what he said. I have no fucking clue what it meant but I did know that he was trying hard to end the conversation. He’d pulled my dress up around my waist and was working it up over my breasts. I couldn’t think of another question to ask so I pulled my arms up and let him slip it off of me. He undid my bra then and looked at me. A sound came out of his throat, something like a growl. It touched that place deep inside of me and my panties were suddenly wet.

  He reached back and pushed a pile of crap on the couch over to the side and then he pushed me back so I was sitting down. He pulled my panties off and pushed my legs open. Then he lowered his head and kissed my lips. I shivered and let my legs fall open further. He looked like he was just breathing me in for a second and I thought that was a little strange but then his tongue dove in and I forgot all about it. He started with small licks with the tip of his tongue. His hands were massaging my thighs as he licked me and I felt him grip me tighter as his tongue started tracing long, slow strokes up and down my slit, teasing my lips apart.

  He looked up at me and grinned and then in a rare moment for him of speaking during sex he said, “Put your hands on your tits.”

  I didn’t question it, maybe because they were aching to be touched. I cupped one in each hand and began teasing my hard nipples between my fingers as I threw my head back against the couch and lost myself in the pleasure of it all. Tristan went back to work thrusting his tongue into me and then licking strongly upwards until it met my clit. He’d circle it with his tongue a few times before sucking it into his mouth and practically making me scream with delight. I was pulling hard on my nipples now and bucking my hips and the more excited I got the harder he licked and sucked.

  I was moaning, probably too loudly but it was his fault. He had his tongue pressed hard against my clit when I suddenly felt his hand move from my leg and his fingers dip deep into my pussy. He pushed and pulled them in and out for a bit and then he switched, putting his tongue back inside of me and moving it back and forth as he rubbed circles around my clit with his fingertips.

  My breaths were growing deeper as he rubbed tighter, faster circles around my clit while still working on my lips with his mouth. He reached up with one hand, wet from my juices and replaced my own fingers on my nipples with his. He pulled his tongue out of me and licked a long path up my slit sucking my clit into his mouth again and this time holding it there, flicking across it with his tongue. His pace was steady and I could feel the orgasm coming to a head. I arched my back up off the couch as it hit and my body went into an almost convulsive, wild, rippling state as my moans were replaced with panting and my thighs closed on his head as he continued to suck on my clit and ride out the orgasm with me.

  I was still shaking as he stood up and pulled me to my feet. He kissed me hard, wrapping his hands in my hair and pulling our lips together so that his tongue could nearly reach down my throat. I was grateful for his body to lean against. My legs were so unst
eady I wasn’t sure if they would hold me for long. He sat down on the couch then and pulled me down towards him. I straddled him with a knee on either side and I was so hot for him and so lost in what we were doing that I didn’t even consider a condom. I slid my soaking wet pussy down over his cock and when he hit bottom I felt an actual shock of pleasure jolt through every part of my body. He gasped as I pulled back up, almost letting him fall out of me and then sliding back down, impaling myself on his hard cock. God, he felt so fucking good, it was no wonder I was suddenly a sex addict.

  I played with him for a minute, but his hips started moving up to meet mine and his hands slid up and grasped my breasts and he began to knead and squeeze them, exciting me even more. I started grinding into him harder, moving my hips back and forth as he replaced his hands on my breasts with his mouth licking and nipping at my nipples and the tender skin around them. He was making me moan and pump up and down on him even faster as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in tighter. With my chest pressed into his face it caused my hips to angle downward so that each time I moved forward on his cock, my clit would rub against him. My pussy was gushing wet and my juices were running out of me and coating his cock. He grabbed my hips and started thrusting back towards me, driving his cock in deeper.

  “Oh fuck Elly! You’re so fucking hot!” The sound of his sexy voice while he plunged into me drove me wild and soon I was in a frenzy bouncing up and down on his cock as he left his tongue suspended in the air, catching one of my nipples every so often as my tits bounced up and down in his face. I gasped each time his cock bottomed out inside of me and I was right there on the verge of coming, but I wanted more. I let him bury his cock inside of me once more and then I let it slide out of me and stood up. He was looking at me like “What the fuck?” I smiled and turned my back to him. I straddled him again, letting his cock slip back inside of me, but now my legs were on the floor and I was facing away from him. I heard him groan and felt his hands slide up and grab my tits. I took that to mean he liked the position.


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