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Dirty Stepbrother - A Firefighter Romance (The Maxwell Family)

Page 52

by Alycia Taylor

“You’re so fucking hot, baby,” he whispered in a raspy voice. He started moving in and out of me then in a quick rhythm as I moved back against him. His groin was making slapping noises up against my ass as he plunged in deeper and harder. He had a hold of my hips and each time he stroked forward, he would pull me back onto him.

  I couldn’t hold it back any longer; the orgasm hit me again like a ton of bricks and I cried out, “Oh yes! Fuck yeah! Oh god!” The muscles inside my pussy went into an uncontrollable spasm and the wetness gushed out all over him and the tops of my thighs. He kept banging away and I kept cumming, over and over again. Eventually, I collapsed the top half of my body onto the bed, leaving my ass extended up into the air. He slowed down, I could tell he was close, but he still wasn’t ready to cum.

  I felt him reach around then and dip two of his fingers into the pool of wetness between my legs. He ran them across my clit and I swear to God I almost started cumming again.

  “Oh god, Tristan!” I yelled out. I couldn’t see his face, but I know he was smiling. A few seconds later I felt his wet fingers pressing against the entrance to my ass. He was slow and gentle, slipping in one at a time as he continued to fuck my pussy. When he slid out of me I felt suddenly cold and empty. Then I felt him press his cock against my ass hole and I braced myself as he started inching himself in. His cock was saturated with my cum so it didn’t take long before the shaft was buried up to his balls. He started moving again, reaching around and putting his fingers back on my clit. He rubbed it hard and fast while he fucked my ass. I was grunting and groaning and making quite a few unfeminine noises; but again, I didn’t give a fuck.

  He slid a finger into my pussy and moved it around inside of me as he picked up even more speed with his hips. I think I had two more orgasms; his hand was slick with my juices before at last he let out a loud growl and emptied himself into my ass. When he stopped rocking, I collapsed forward onto the bed and he collapsed down on top of me. I felt his lips on my ear and I said, “Wow!”

  “Fuck yeah!” he grunted out. He pulled the rest of the way out of me and rolled off my back. Pulling me over to him he kissed me long and deep. Then he surprised me by saying, “Go on tour with me, please.”

  I smiled and said, “I signed the papers to work it a few days ago. I didn’t have the chance to tell you yet.”

  “Hell yes!” he said with a grin. “A fucking million dollars, a record contract, a tour and my girlfriend by my side. Life is looking up.”

  The word girlfriend tore through me, landing in my chest and radiating out from there in a warm rush of feelings. I didn’t say anything; I didn’t want to break the spell. I just leaned over and kissed him again, hard on the mouth. He wrapped his tongue around mine and as our bodies rubbed together I could feel his cock twitch again as it started to grow and harden. That was good; I was ready for a bonus round.

  MY ROCK #6

  Chapter One


  It had been three months since I’d won Fresh Voices. I was so wasted when I first went on the show that I’d missed the small part about not getting the cash until I finished the tour a year later—which meant one year without making any money. I couldn’t play the bars because I was under contract. For three months, I’d basically been sponging off of Elly. She hadn’t questioned why I hadn’t offered her any money for rent or any of the other bills. I got lucky when I stumbled up on her in that bar…in a lot of ways. I didn’t like taking advantage of her, but figured when I did get the money, I’d pay her back.

  Other than worrying about that, things were going great. I’d never really had a girlfriend. I always thought it would suck to go to bed and wake up with the same old piece of ass every day. It was not that way with Elly, though. Even after all those months, she still gave me hard on every time I looked at her.

  She had her own life and her own things going on, too, so it wasn’t like she was one of those girls who thought we had to spend every waking hour together. Susie had gotten used to me being there, I think. Elly let me sleep in her bed as long as I promised we’d keep the sex noise level down. I’m not sure why she made me promise that though; she was the screamer. Sometimes I was just too much man for her to keep quiet about.

  Elly had gone to every one of my aftercare appointments with me, and being with her keeps me out of trouble. I knew if I was alone I’d get bored and go out looking for a piece of ass. That would inevitably lead me to a bar or a club, and before you knew it, I’d be wasted again. I didn’t want to be strung out when I got that million dollars and started recording. I didn’t want this opportunity to go up in smoke or up my nose. I didn’t want to have to trust someone else to handle my money again because I was too strung out to do it myself. I didn’t ever want to go back to where I was. I had worked too hard to pull myself up out of that gutter. I guess I was still there in a way, financially, but I could at least stay focused knowing that was going to change soon.

  Those three months flew by. Between rehearsals and all the aftercare appointments, I was busy all the time. When I wasn’t busy and Elly was, I’d spend time at the beach, jogging or just walking along the shoreline. The day before we were supposed to leave to go on tour, I was lying on the bed watching Elly get dressed while I had all of these thoughts. We’d been having sex all morning. I told Elly there were positions we hadn’t tried yet and she hadn’t believed me, so I showed her several of them. She wouldn’t doubt me again. She had on a pink tank top and a pair of pink boy shorts that fit her round little ass just perfect. If we hadn’t just gone a couple of rounds, I’d have been all over her again.

  “Should we go get the stuff from your apartment before we go on tour?” she said as she shuffled through her closet looking for something to wear. “You’ll at least need your clothes and stuff, right?”

  Fuck, just when things seemed to be going so well. Elly still had no idea that I got kicked out of my apartment. I planned on telling her at first, and then I didn’t, and the longer it went on, the more awkward it got…so I just never did. I know I was being a chicken-shit but it wasn’t like it really mattered right then, anyways. She had already said I could stay here.

  I sat up and said, “You need to finish packing your stuff today, right? I’ll go get mine while you’re doing that. I’m just going to grab clothes and shoes…stuff like that. You don’t have to go.”

  “Okay, I don’t mind helping though; I’m almost finished packing mine. Well, I still have to get the rest of this stuff ready for storage but….” Damn she was fine. I was thinking about packing hers again myself…and I don’t mean her suitcase.

  I got up all the way off the bed and went over to her. I needed to go right then before she got dressed or she would insist on helping me and I didn’t want her to find out like that. She was so hard to resist though, and my cock was straining in her direction all on his own. When Elly was around, especially when she was almost naked like she was right then, it was like my cock constantly stood at attention.

  I walked over and grabbed her and pulled her into my naked chest. He breasts crushed against me and I squeezed her hot little ass with both hands while I kissed her. When I broke the kiss I ran my lips across her ear and said, “You wanna go another round before I go?”

  She giggled and pushed me back. “No, we really have too much to do. It’s already almost noon and we haven’t got anything done but sex.”

  “Sounds like my kind of productive day….”

  “Tristan! I don’t want to have to rush in the morning. If we get our stuff finished we can go a few more rounds tonight,” she told me with a smile. She was trying to pacify me and it worked. I had to get that other shit done anyways.

  I grinned at her and said, “Alright, I’m going.”

  I bypassed the shower and pulled on my jeans and a t-shirt. If I took the time to shower, that might give her time to get ready to go. I didn’t want to be put on the spot and have to tell her about losing the apartment. I wanted to tell her in my own way, on my own time.
There’s no way she wouldn’t figure it out if she went with me. I know, I sound like a paranoid tweaker. I guess I should have just told her, but I really didn’t want to.

  “Okay, I’m going to run over there now. I won’t be long.”

  “Can you get everything you need on the bike? You really should wait for me and we’ll take my car.”

  “Like I said, I’m just getting my clothes. I can carry a duffel bag just fine.”

  She shook her head at what she thought was my stubbornness and stepped closer and gave me a kiss. I grabbed her ass again and tried to slip my tongue into the seam of her lips. She pushed me back, and giggling again, she said, “You’re hopeless; get out of here.”

  “I’m going, jeez, baby! Crack that whip.”

  She made a silly whip sound. She was such a dork sometimes. It was part of what I really liked about her.

  I got on the bike and rode through the city. The weather was changing into fall and the breeze was nice and cool. We don’t really have autumn in L.A. in the classic sense. It stays pretty warm until late October most years and then the leaves usually blow off of the trees in the Santa Ana winds before they have a chance to change colors. If they are tough enough to cling on, they’ll turn a light yellow or brown more often than they will orange or red. I used to love the traveling during the fall when I was a kid. We’d pass through one of the Midwest towns and the trees would be so bright with orange and red leaves that they looked like they were on fire. I also liked it when we’d go back east or to Canada and it would be close to Christmas time and there would be a blanket of snow all over everything. I loved California—the oceans, the weather—but sometimes it was nice just to see and experience something different. When I was younger, I liked the travel because I didn’t have to be in town with my parents. The only time my life was good back then was when I was on the road or onstage. I had a whole fantasy life built up in my head, and when I was out on the road, I could almost believe in it myself.

  I got on I-101. I didn’t need to go that way, I could have gone straight through town, but I was taking the long way around. I needed my ocean right then. I loved the feel of the cool ocean breeze that blew across the city that time of year. Sometimes I think I like the ocean so much that I should have learned to surf or fish…something. None of that was conducive to my childhood, though, and by the time I was grown, I was wasted all the time. I couldn’t work up much motivation to learn anything new. Besides, it was hard to picture myself fitting in with the men who sat on the docks with their poles or the surfer’s with their bleached hair and sunburnt noses.

  I was enjoying the early afternoon ride along the ocean, but mostly I was stalling. I wasn’t really looking forward to going back to the old apartment, with or without Elly. I just didn’t want to run into Buck. Besides the fact that it was embarrassing that he’d evicted me, I knew I still owed him three month’s rent. Buck might let it go for a while, but he had business partners and they were professional slum lords. They owned properties all over east and south L.A. and had lawyers on speed dial. I didn’t need that shit right then. I guess I shouldn’t have worried so much about it. It wasn’t like I had anything for them to take if they sued me. You can’t take shit from someone who doesn’t have it.

  Still, when I finally got there an hour after I left Elly’s, I parked the bike around back so that Buck wouldn’t see it and I snuck in the back stairwell where I knew the lock on the door had been broken for over a year. I made my way up to the second floor and then used the opposite stairwell that landed right next to the storage closets where the rest of my shit was stored. So far, I got lucky, no sign of anyone. As soon as I had that thought, I saw Mrs. Petrillo, the old woman who saw me naked the day I chased Elly out in the hall. That was months ago, but I could tell by the way her eyes widened when she looked at me that she hadn’t forgotten.

  “Hello Mrs. Petrillo,” I said with a smile.

  “Tristan,” she said, disapprovingly. I kept smiling until she was past me and then I finished heading down the stairs. When I got to the bottom, the storage doors were on my right. I unlocked the door to mine and went inside. I started going through my clothes and realized I needed some new clothes. During the show, they gave us a clothing allowance. Everything I had at Elly’s came from that. This shit was all years old and probably wasn’t worth taking. I needed to take something with me though, or Elly would get suspicious. I picked up a duffel bag and stuffed as much into it as I could. The only thing I took other than my clothes were the notebooks I used to write down my music; some of it was drug-addled crap, but some of it was salvageable. And I took a big shoebox of some really old stuff I’d kept from when I was in the band and touring. I didn’t need it, it was just sentimental shit, but who knew if my stuff was still going to be there in nine months? I doubted it. They’d sell it all or throw it away by then. I didn’t really care; by then I’d be able to buy new shit—better shit.

  I threw the bag over my shoulder and was stepping out of the closet when I came face to face with Buck. He was standing there waiting for me with a pile of paperwork in his hand. I didn’t doubt that Mrs. Petrillo called him as soon as she hauled her fat, old ass up the stairs to her apartment. Fuck! I couldn’t catch a fucking break.

  “Hey, Tristan.”

  I swallowed my attitude and said, “Hey, Buck! How the hell are you?”

  “I saw you win that show, congratulations. You’re going to be a star again.”

  “Thanks, cool shit, huh?”

  “Yeah, very cool shit,” he said. Buck rarely cursed. When he did, it sounded like a bad line out of a crappy movie. I had to wonder if he was somebody’s brother-in-law or cousin at the management company. That had to be the only way he got this job. He was in no way comfortable enough with being an asshole to work for these guys. “I have some paperwork for you, Tristan.”

  Shit! He held it out and I wondered what he’d do if I refused to take it. It didn’t matter either way. I took it and at a glance I could see that it was legal stuff. “Maybe you can pay what you owe from what you won on the show, huh?”

  “Yeah, for sure. I won’t get it until I get back from being on tour….”

  He looked uncomfortable again as he said, “Oh…that sucks. They’re going to take you to court if you don’t pay it in thirty days.”

  Fuck. “Alright man, I’ll see what I can do.”

  “They added interest.”

  Of course they did. It didn’t make any fucking difference what they added or subtracted. I didn’t have it either way. “Okay, Buck, thanks.”

  “Hey, Tristan,” he said when I turned away to leave.


  “I’m pulling for you, man. I think you’ve got a lot of talent.”

  Shit! The guilt trip…. “Thanks, Buck. I’ll see you around.”

  “Yeah, take care,” he said. I’m sure he was thinking, ‘I’ll see you in court.’

  I took the long way around again on the way back to Elly’s place. I took the I-10 and got off on the exit for Malibu. I rode my bike and parked it down near the pier. I was feeling anxious again. I was going to have to tell Elly if they took me to court. There was no way I’d be able to keep hiding that from her. I guessed if she threw me out during the tour, it wouldn’t really matter; I’d still be put up in a hotel on the show’s dime. The problem was that I was getting attached…to Elly.

  When looking for just a pier without the hubbub of a ferris wheel or the line that constantly seems to be snaking out of Bubba Gump's on the Santa Monica pier…Malibu is where it’s at. It’s just pure beauty and relaxation. No noise, no crowds; if you want to hear your thoughts, you can. I wasn’t interested in hearing mine right then…I just wanted to find a sense of peace. Since I stopped using, I’d only been able to do that two ways: with Elly or on the beach. Elly could work wonders on my anxiety but she’d also ask questions, none of which I wanted to answer right then. So instead, I stood against the guard rail and looked out over the ocean. I
blocked all the shit out of my mind and listened to the water crash against the rocks and the cry of the seagulls fighting over food off in the distance.

  I don’t know how long I stayed on the beach. I wandered up and down the pier for a while and watched the old fisherman reel in their paltry catches, then I took off my shoes and walked on the beach for a while. I finally convinced myself that I couldn’t stall forever and headed back. When I got back to the apartment, I let myself in with the key Elly had made for me. I could hear her and Susie in the bedroom talking about girl stuff and giggling. Susie already had a temporary roommate lined up for while Elly was gone. She couldn’t afford to pay for the place alone and Elly didn’t want to have to worry about it while she was gone for almost a year. So, she was packing all of her personal stuff to store until she got back so the new roommate could use her room.

  I dropped my stuff down next to the couch and sank down into it. I thought about going in there and telling her about the apartment…I really did. I just had a feeling that I should. But I talked myself out of it again. I didn’t want to do it in front of smart-ass, nosey Susie. In her defense, I was a smart-ass to her, too. Still, I didn’t like people to know my business.

  I sat there for a long time, almost an hour, and I don’t think they even knew I was there. I could have been the fucking Son of Sam and slipped in there and killed them before they knew anything was going on. They were talking the whole time. How do women find so much to talk about? I finally pulled myself up to go in and kick Susie out so I could talk to Elly. As I stood up, my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Ethan, the runner up from the show. He said the tour contestants were going out to dinner and he wanted to know if I wanted to meet up with them. I figured it wouldn’t hurt…besides, it gave me an excuse to put off telling Elly about my living situation, again.

  Chapter Two


  It was after four in the afternoon and I was still packing. I didn’t even realize I had so much crap. I didn’t want to leave any of my stuff out, though. I wasn’t overly possessive, but Susie’s friend that would be staying with her was a guy. I doubted he wanted frilly stuff in his room.


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