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Dirty Stepbrother - A Firefighter Romance (The Maxwell Family)

Page 105

by Alycia Taylor

  For me? I thought, but then reconsidered. Don’t kid yourself. He’s probably just as happy that you’re gone. You took care of the headache that was your relationship with him basically for them. Now they can really be one big, happy family of three. No questions asked, just what my father had always wanted.

  That’s when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

  I stopped to listen and turned my head toward the sound.

  The voice certainly didn’t sound like my father. In fact, it actually sounded a lot like… “Tyler?” I asked, squinting my eyes in the darkness. I was able to pick out his muscular shape coming toward me.

  “Ashley?” he asked, in a far more hopeful voice then I had expected. He quickened his pace toward me, slid next to me on the sand and wrapped his massive arms around me.

  The two of us stayed like that for a moment and when we pulled away, I leaned in to kiss him.

  The familiar taste of him was luscious. After the day that I had, I wasn’t sure if I would ever get to feel his lips against mine or drag his sweet nectar from himself unto me.

  Once our lips touched, my hands came up to grasp his face before I pulled him forward and deepened the kiss.

  Our tongues entwined with one another, while our lips locked and after a moment, his arms came to encase me once again.

  We continued to make out for a little while, as I ran my hands up and down the length of his massive shoulders until I could make out his magnificent form. I felt extremely pleased to have him in my arms again and I knew that I could not risk losing him.

  However, I had many questions and so, eventually and slightly begrudgingly, I pulled away from him.

  He tilted his head and stared at me with a question on his mind, but he didn’t say anything. He just stared at me in the darkness.

  I smiled back at him and asked, “You didn’t get kicked out or anything did you?”

  He laughed. “Are you kidding? They couldn’t fucking kick me out if they tried.”

  I giggled at his confidence. “Then what are you doing here?”

  “Looking for you,” he answered in a soft way, but had a twinge of attitude, as though the explanation was obvious and I was an idiot for not realizing that.

  I couldn’t help but beam. “That’s really sweet, Tyler, but I’m not going back.”

  He shrugged. “Fuck it. Neither am I then.”

  I laughed, but when he didn’t say anything else, I turned my head with question and answered, “Really?”

  He nodded. “But if we intend to be bad asses, we should probably go get your car; or at least get a ride back to the house so that we can get my car. It’s not like I don’t have the money to sustain us for a little while.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had never expected that he would join me. I just thought I was running away from my father, and Tyler would have to be the sad casualty. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

  “Really?” I asked and I saw the shadow of his head nod as he chuckled and before he was even finished moving, I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his.

  I felt the wetness of them and the desperation of his kiss and I knew that he was telling me the truth. There was no doubt in my mind that he was really going to join me in my pursuit and I couldn’t wait.

  Suddenly, this adventure got a lot more interesting.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  When we broke away, I asked her what happened and she explained what a fucking dickhead her father was to her. I told her what had happened when I had gotten back to the house.

  Of course, I left out the part about my mother and the fact that I suspected her father might have done something to harm her, but we did have a conversation about what would have been a fight, had I let it progress that far.

  “Are you all right?” Ashley asked me, her eyes widened with concern.

  I laughed and swatted the air in front of me before I answered, “I’m fucking fine.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t know what got into my father. I would have never guessed that he would have resorted to violence. Not like that.”

  I chuckled slightly. “Yeah, me neither.” I showed her my broad grin, which I hoped was visible in the darkness. “I don’t know. I have to say that in a really twisted way, I’m kind of proud of your old man.”

  At this, she hit my arm. “What is wrong with you?” she demanded in a teasing voice.

  “I’m just sayin’…I didn’t think the asshole had it in him. I thought he would scurry away from a fight, but he kept coming back. He actually chased me.” I laughed.

  Now, her voice was teasing and slightly condescending as she answered, “You were the one who ran away from him?”

  “Fuck no!” I exclaimed as I felt my jaw drop and she laughed, playfully scooping herself up out of the sand in order to run away from me.

  I returned her jovial expression before once again, I made my way back on my feet and began to chase her.

  At this point, however, I wasn’t really sure I could actually do anything. My body was aching and seriously lacking nutrients. I hadn’t eaten anywhere near my calorie count and all I had done since the stupid competition was run around and fend off fights. My body was exhausted.

  But I certainly didn’t want to look weak and so, I growled to hide the shot of pain that I felt when I pivoted to one side and then ran after her, while she let out a shrill shriek of giggles.

  I chased her around for a while, before my body realized that I seriously could not function again until I received something to eat. I hurried up and grasped her tightly around her petite waist.

  She let out another deafening laugh and kicked up sand as I pulled her back and up, before setting her back down. “I got you…” I said with a grin, as I collapsed on the sand before my legs actually gave out.

  It didn’t take long for Ashley to curl up next to me. Breathing heavily from the strain of running, I could feel her breasts heave against my chest each time she inhaled and exhaled.

  The feel of them against my skin caused me to feel horny. Yet, my need for food superseded my mojo, which was superseded still by my need to have my point be heard. “Seriously though…I wasn’t running away, I was prioritizing.” I shrugged as she looked at me. “I didn’t give a shit about him. I was looking for you. That’s all I care about.”

  She looked at me strangely and I felt a rush of emotion. I both hated this feeling and loved it at the same fucking time.

  I didn’t want to feel this way about her at all, but because I did and I was fairly certain that I didn’t have a choice in the matter, all I wanted was to help her with everything and anything.

  Ashley had helped me more than anyone I had ever known and I was getting used to the attention she gave to me. As much as I would have never admitted it, I didn’t want the attention to stop. I wanted to go with her, wherever the hell she ended up going, and I wanted to be there for her no matter what.

  It was in that moment, in the darkness, where I was barely able to see her eyes, when I realized that she was more like me than I had ever realized.

  Even though she had at one time been able to count on her mother, for the entirety of her adult life, she had also been on her own. Her father hadn’t made anything easy for her especially after her mother died. And now she was trying to start her life, completely separate from her family and from the excitement I heard in her voice when I told her that I would go with her, wherever the road may take her. I was convinced that she was now searching for some kind of anchor; someone she could count on and rely on, no matter what.

  Despite what I would have admitted to anyone, even at the time, I wanted to be that anchor

  So, while I was staring into her eyes, I pulled my hands up and rested them solidly on her shoulders before I made myself perfectly clear. “Ashley, you are the only person in this world that I fucking care about and I am going to do whatever I can to help you.”

  I saw her smile at
this and after a few more seconds, she said in an earnest tone, “Thank you, Tyler. That means more to me than you know.”

  I snickered at this and carefully drew my hand down her cheek. “I wouldn’t count on that,” then I grasped her chin between my finger and my thumb, brought her face toward me and kissed her.

  She moved her head a little to the right in order to receive the kiss more fully and once our lips connected, I brought my other hand up and grasped her face, willing her toward me with the slight pressure I applied.

  Her lips were swollen and juicy against my own and her tongue was curious. She parted her mouth and I could feel the excitement and desperation as she pressed in closer to me.

  Ashley’s tongue lovingly swiped itself against the roof of my mouth, which caused a chill to run down my back. I shuddered just before I smiled behind her lips. I wasn’t quite sure why I was quite so intoxicated by her love, but I knew that I just couldn’t get enough.

  I grasped her tighter and pulled her closer. After everything that had gone on between us today and the relief I felt prolonged by the knowledge she still wanted me, when everyone else I had ever known would have thrown me away, I couldn’t hide the passion and intense desire I had for her.

  Through receiving the taste of her on my lips, I was able to block everything else out. I no longer cared about anything, unless it had to do with Ashley.

  I no longer felt hungry or fatigued; all I wanted was to feel her fucking sexy body up against mine as I showed her exactly how much she meant to me.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  After a few moments of intense, excited lapping of our lips and twisting of our tongues as they searched wildly inside of our mouths, I felt Tyler pull me down onto the sand and immediately begin to unbutton my blouse.

  I could feel his strong, powerful hands kneading against the fabric of my clothing, pressing slightly against my skin, as he hurried to remove my shirt.

  I giggled and tugged at his chin, deepening the kiss that we were immersed in, as my legs writhed under him and wound around his massive form.

  Even fully clothed, I could feel his mighty, virile body flexing and thumping with excitement, as he finally, blindly was able to fling open my shirt.

  In a matter of a second, his hands attacked my bosom as though starving for the feel of them. He pressed his massive hands into the cups of my breasts with a solid grip, before he massaged them knowingly.

  The tingling feeling that began to course throughout my body, which was only made more prevalent by the sifting sand underneath me, caused my back to arch and the depths of my pleasure to let out a satisfied moan.

  The sound of it was swallowed by his kiss, which still attached itself to my lips with fervor. The taste of him completely primed and intoxicated my body with a sense of euphoria that only Tyler could provide, while the familiar and needed sensation of his hand on my breasts continued to stoke the fire that was beginning to roar inside of my womanliness.

  I felt my pelvis thrust up toward him as each of our hands continued to explore the other’s body, while a warm moisture excreted from the apex of my legs.

  After a few moments, Tyler moved his hands off of my breasts, before he easily slid my legs down so he could slink his mouth further down my body.

  While his hands kneaded my side and stomach in a way that caused the warmth I was already feeling to build to a level where I forgot the entire world, his lips sealed my sexual fate by easing their way against my soft skin in slow, wet bursts of erotic energy.

  His lips moved off of my mouth slowly and carefully eased its way down toward my neck, and then sprinkled themselves against my chest.

  The slightly lightheaded feeling that he provided to me ran throughout the entirety of my body and made me want to laugh out loud, just to release some of the pulsing energy that I felt.

  Instead though, I focused on rubbing my hands against his shoulders and his arms, taking great joy in feeling the right ropes of muscles that spread throughout his entire body. Every inch of him rippled fluidly, while his broad chest heaved with excitement and anticipation.

  Tyler seemed tense, but that was only because he was focusing on making this yet another exceedingly magnificent experience.

  It hadn’t quite occurred to me when Tyler had taken off his shirt, but as my fingers got their fill of his luscious, perfect body, I was so glad that he had. I needed this kind of access to him, in order to feel the true sensation of the beauty that the two of us were creating.

  Simply feeling his taut body, seizing over me and making me feel almost powerless to resist his charm, laid the foundation for the essence of our lovemaking.

  After all, I would have never agreed to have sex, right here in the open on the beach, no matter what time of night it was. But right now, with the calming sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the cool sand easing its way around the very form of our bodies, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else in the world.

  As long as I was with Tyler, I was happy.

  When his wandering, protruding lips finally made their way to the outskirts of my nipple, I did squeal out with a sense of excitement, before I smiled at him and showed him the glimmer in my eye when he looked up to see if I was all right.

  He shot me a seductive simper before he moved back, grasped a good hold on my side so that I could not wriggle out of his grasp and carefully began to suckle on the swollen pink tip of my nipple, making me once again writhe with excitement.

  However, he kept his body weight on me, so no matter how much I shuddered, I was unable to break the fluid sensation of expounding excitement that he was easing onto me.

  “Oh…Oh God…Yes…” I moaned, feeling a surge of wetness continue to seep out from my womanliness, almost every time Tyler continued with his slow, wonderful torture.

  Eventually, my eyes closed, so that I could focus on every touch more intently and I felt my heartrate begin to increase, as well as my breathing.

  By the time Tyler had broken away from the first breast that his tongue seduced and began to ease his way down, to take my second breast into his devilishly skillful mouth, each inhale I took was filled with a small gasp.

  I kept my eyes closed as my fingers coursed over his large, encompassing back, while my nails dug lightly into his skin on the way back up, causing red claw marks to appear behind them.

  After a little more suckling and some talented fondling, I felt his teeth clamp down on my breast, ever-so gently, but just enough to cause me to yelp in a sensation of both excitement and pain.

  However, when the next breath came, it was accompanied by a laugh and a slight groan of pleasure which told Tyler he hadn’t done anything that I wasn’t enjoying. With both of my nipples now piercingly hard, he curved his lips around my breast once more, before pulling away slowly and moving down my flattened stomach.

  I giggled while I felt him begin to fiddle with my shorts. Acting on instinct once again, I felt my legs snap closed, but once he undid my pants, he backed up and took off his own shorts, before he put his hands on either side of my legs and almost roughly parted them. He slid his body between them, so that I had no other choice but to surround him.

  Then he sneered at me, before beginning to easily run his hands up and down my legs, which caused me to quiver and tense.

  I wanted to laugh, but I resisted and just focused on enjoying the moment. I groaned and writhed around in the sand, feeling its coolness against my bare back and kicking up onto my chest.

  I hardly noticed anything else at that point, other than Tyler’s awful teasing.

  He pulled his hands up until they reached the cuffs of my shorts, just about the place where my wet, womanly sheath began to get warm and tingle, before he would drag his hands back down and then start the process all over again.

  “Oh…” I groaned, tossing my head from side to side, before sitting up and pressing myself against his exposed, hardening manhood.

  My body called out to
him, wildly and ravenously and all I wanted right now was to feel him filling my golden flesh with his highly desirable, growing loins.

  However, taking charge, he immediately pushed me back down. He grabbed my legs and, before I could even fully realize what he was doing, he grasped my shorts and underwear, tearing them off and tossing them to the side.

  When he began to position my body back to surround his own, we were both completely naked. Our skin felt warm next to each other and I was very excited that I was finally able to enjoy the reward of having him close to me.

  Even though I was carefully positioned below him, I was able to see his hot bulging shaft, just before he pressed it against my downy nest of curls.

  The extreme heat that I felt radiate from it, along with the moisture that I felt between my legs because of it caused me to gasp, while my body once again flung itself toward him.

  He chuckled, as though he could tell exactly what I was thinking and so, he once again placed his hands against my thighs, but instead of splitting my legs open, he kept them close to him while he started to rub against me.

  I gasped again, feeling the extraordinary power behind his prods, before moaning at the intensity to which I wanted him to make his move inside of me.

  I wanted him and I needed him. There was literally no other way to describe it. At that moment, I was completely sure if his engorged flesh did not release the mountain of emotion that I held pent up inside of me at that moment, I would surely explode.

  I gasped, “Please…Tyler…I need you…” My body pushed toward him again in a desperate manner, feeling the impression of emotional overload continue to build.

  He chuckled at me, but after only a few more strokes, he grasped his manly rod in his hands and directed it perfectly so that he was able to impale me with a force that caused me to yell out.


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