Page 11
Cutting his eye at Star, who’d now turned her back on him, Del walked across to the window. She had some front, but that was also what he found most endearing about her. She was a chip off the old block.
Del sighed. If he was truthful, he didn’t know what all the fuss was about. All the girl had done was go into the woods and have a bit of fun. But try telling Bunny that. It was the same every time. He’d suggest she was overreacting, then she’d become almost hysterical. And hysterical women and Del just didn’t go. It was all he could do not to walk out on her and go and have a drinking session with a few of his mates. But instead, like a mug, he always tried to listen and understand. But that was the problem. He didn’t understand. And the worst thing was she became so unreasonable, not listening to sense. Quite frankly, it did his nut in.
He didn’t actually know what was going on with Bunny. She hadn’t been her usual self for a while and her fear surrounding Star was becoming over the top. She’d actually spent the last few nights lying on the sofa. When he’d asked her what the matter was, he hadn’t been much help; his jealousy had gotten the better of him when she’d told him she was tired from too many clients. He’d stormed out and joined Alfie Jennings in a late-night poker game, topped off with copious amounts of the finest whisky.
When he thought about it, Del had a strong feeling Bunny wasn’t telling him the whole truth. Sure, she was tired but there was something else going on as well – yet he knew it was pointless questioning her. He’d only be wasting his breath, which would end up frustrating him. Bunny had always been one to keep things close to her chest – unlike most women he knew who liked to verbalise every thought that entered their minds, no matter how trivial and tedious it was.
What Bunny needed was to get away; perhaps then he could persuade her to bang it on the head, give it all up and be the housewife he longed her to be. Housewife. The thought made him snort. What the hell was he thinking? He’d met her on a street corner and watched her entertaining punters day after day. And he’d accepted what she did when it’d suited him but now that it didn’t how was he supposed to put up a fight about it and take the moral high ground? Bunny had an independent streak running deeply through her – asking her to part with her independence would be like asking her to give up her hands and feet.
Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, Del turned from the window, catching a glimpse of Star watching him. He winked, getting a scowl in return. Del laughed at his daughter, his cheeky grin making his dimples appear. The amount of love he felt for her always surprised him.
Looking at the caller ID of his phone wiped the smile away as quickly as it had appeared. It was Edith. He pressed the lock off button and glanced again at Star. She had no idea about his other life and although she was only seven she was savvy, and he was sure she wouldn’t take kindly to discovering he had a wife.
‘Hey Star. Fancy coming to do a few errands with your old man?’
Star, her grin almost identical to her father’s, beamed. ‘You mean it? What about Mum? She said I had to stay at home with Claudia.’ Star pulled a face at the thought.
‘You leave your mum to me.’
Star laughed. ‘She’ll have your bleedin’ guts; you know that as well as I do.’
Del roared with laughter.
‘Well I won’t tell her if you don’t.’
Star nodded, feeling very special. It was the second time that week an adult had asked her to keep a secret.
‘Anything you see or hear …’
Star interrupted Del, ‘I know Dad. Keep me trap shut.’ Star looked adoringly at her dad. She always had fun with him but this was the first time he’d ever taken her anywhere important. Creeping down the stairs, Star took hold of Del’s hand. She stifled a giggle when she saw a sleeping Claudia in the front room, her mouth wide open. She didn’t know what Claudia would say if she caught them, which made it even more exciting.
Outside, Star let out the laughter she’d been holding in. She clung onto her dad’s hand as they hurried along the tourist-filled Soho street. Even though it was still light, she loved Soho at night. Not that she had much chance of seeing it at this time; usually her mum made sure she was tucked up in bed by eight o’clock.
A few minutes later, they got to the corner of Greek Street where they waited, Del looking at his watch, in-between telling jokes and Star laughing at them raucously.
Del’s phone rang, breaking the moment. It was Claudia. Certainly not someone he wanted to talk to, but he knew it was best not to ignore the phone call. Since he’d known Bunny, he’d known Claudia. At first Del hadn’t liked her always being around, but then he’d seen how much she’d cared, not only for Bunny, but also Star, when she was born. Because of that he’d been willing to put up with her, and slowly he had come to respect and like her. He didn’t much appreciate the way Claudia talked to him, but Bunny had asked him not to react to it. And for Bunny, he’d do anything.
Del stuck his tongue out at Star, who giggled again.
‘Yes Claudia. How can I help you?’
Star felt as if she was jumping on air as her dad held the phone away from his ear, knowing Claudia was giving her father a mouthful. It was so exciting. Now she wouldn’t have to watch movies wishing she was part of them, it was like she was in one of her own.
‘Listen Claudia, she’s with me. No need to panic.’ Del paused for a moment then added, ‘I’ll do what I frigging well like with my own daughter. Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do.’ Del cut the phone off, feeling anger swell in him.
Seeing a black Mercedes driving up the road swerved Del’s thoughts away from Claudia. He nodded, then cautiously looked around as it pulled up slowly by the side of him. Opening the back passenger door of the car, Del gestured for Star to get in before sliding onto the seat next to her.
‘All right mate, I think we need to talk, don’t you?’
As the man in the passenger seat turned round to speak to Del, Star covered her mouth. It was the man from the woods.
‘This is my daughter Star, by the way.’
‘Nice to meet you, Star.’ Teddy Davies smiled, giving Star a knowing wink.
Alfonso Garcia stared down at his penis in horror. There were tiny red spots around the rim of it and a splay of spots down the shaft, putting Alfonso in mind of the dot-to-dot puzzles he use to do as a child. Fuck. He knew he should’ve been more careful with the whore he’d picked up last week, but the idea of having a latex wall between him and a juicy bit of pussy hadn’t appealed to him; so he’d taken the chance, and now he was going to have to deal with the consequences.
Shit, it was Edith. What the fuck was he going to tell her? There was no way she was going to let him get out of sleeping with her, but he couldn’t risk passing it on, that was if he hadn’t already done so. He’d been a fool. He could’ve messed up everything, all for the sake of a cheap hooker.
The worst part was that the only person Edith ever slept with was him. Del wouldn’t touch her with the proverbial – which meant that, if she had got it, she would know exactly where it had come from. Then Alfonso could whistle a sweet bye-bye to anything he thought was coming his way.
Edith walked into the bathroom. ‘There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you, like David bleedin’ Livingstone looking for the lost world.’
‘Don’t exaggerate, Edith, there’s only the bedroom and the bathroom to look in, and here I am.’
‘Well that’s as may be, but you didn’t come when I called you; for all I knew you could’ve left me.’
‘Leave you? Don’t be silly, Edith darling. The only way I’d ever leave you would be if death itself parted us.’
Edith giggled childishly, making Alfonso grip onto the side of the oversized rolled top bath. The temptation of putting his fist down her throat was very appealing. His penis was throbbing and an almighty itch was beginning to start, feeling like it was coming from the centre of his urethra, so the last
thing he could deal with right now was any of Edith’s girly shit.
Before Alfonso had finished his thought, Edith rushed towards him, spreading her flabby bat-winged arms wide. Not noticing the corner of the bathmat turned up, Edith stumbled forwards, losing her balance, then finally tripped over the mat. She fell, knocking Alfonso into the gold-tapped tub.
Alfonso flew backwards, hitting his head hard on the porcelain. As the blood ran from his head he yelled loudly, not being able to keep control of his rage, and Alf Garfield’s voice slipped out.
‘You fucking fat stupid bitch! I’ll kill you.’
The moment the words had come out of his mouth, Alfonso immediately regretted them. Edith stood over the bathtub staring down at him, her eyes a mixture of hurt and puzzlement.
Her voice was quiet and the shrillness that usually resided in it was gone. ‘Why did you just speak like that?’
‘I … I’m sorry Edith. I just got a fright.’
Edith narrowed her eyes suspiciously. ‘But you didn’t even sound like you.’
Alfonso knew he had to play this very carefully.
‘If you want the truth, Edith, I’m angry with you. Hurt, angry and disappointed.’
Edith’s puzzlement deepened, along with the crease in her forehead. ‘Disappointed?’
‘Yes, Edith. Look at this.’ Alfonso awkwardly struggled out of the tub, pulling himself up with the help of the hanging towel on the rail. Unceremoniously he pulled his linen trousers down to reveal his throbbing penis in all its red-rashed glory. ‘Look … there.’
Edith stared down, then lifted her eyes up to meet Alfonso’s gaze, her face turning a deep shade of red. ‘I hope that ain’t what I think it is, Alfy.’
‘So do I – because the only way I could have got this is from you.’
‘Oh no you bleedin’ don’t. I ain’t been born blonde. This ain’t got nothing to do with me.’
‘That’s what you say, Edith, but how else did …’
Edith cut him off, mid sentence. ‘Listen to me. I’ve been married for longer than I bleedin’ care to remember so I’ve heard all the bullshit there is. Don’t try to pull no wool over my eyes, Alfonso. You’ve been shag-nasty; dipping your dick in some dirty cow when me back’s turned. But I ain’t going to stand for it. It was bad enough having to suck it up with Del. But let me tell you, darlin’, I ain’t no one’s mug; especially some toerag like you. Now do one. Get out of me face before I get the hotel security to throw you out.’
Impulsively, Edith grabbed hold of the rinsing glass on the side, throwing it in Alfonso’s direction. He ducked, turning to see it smash on the far wall as it shattered into tiny fragments.
‘You stupid bitch.’
As Alfonso charged towards Edith she ran for the bathroom door, but only managed to open it slightly before Alfonso slammed it shut, pressing his body onto hers.
He could feel her breathing hard, wheezing away as he pressed her up against the door. He gritted his teeth, spitting his words out savagely.
Alfonso growled. ‘Don’t push me Edith, otherwise you’ll be sorry.’
‘It won’t be me who’ll be sorry after I speak to Del. You’ve as good as hanged yourself, mate.’
Alfonso grabbed Edith’s hair, pulling her head back before banging her, face forward, into the wooden door. She screamed, her top lip opening up in a bubble of blood. Bringing her head back once more, Alfonso yanked again on her hair and laughed nastily.
‘Do me a favour. What are you going to tell him, eh? That you and me have been screwing behind his back? Oh I’m sure he’s going to like to hear that. If I’m hanging, babes, you’ll be swinging right next to me.’
Through a shroud of tears and blood, Edith blubbered a reply. ‘He’ll never believe you.’
‘Oh no? Well let’s just tell him then. Go on babe. I dare you. But don’t forget, sweetheart, I’ve got less to lose than you. All that will happen to me is I’ll take a few clumps and then I’ll be on me way. But you?’ Alfonso grabbed a roll of fat from underneath Edith’s armpit, squeezing it hard, causing Edith to yelp loudly. ‘You, you fat greedy bitch, will lose everything.’
‘He wouldn’t dare. I know too much about him.’
‘Then tell him.’
Alfonso swivelled Edith around. He curled up his nose in disgust as he witnessed the blood-drenched snot running down her chin. He could see the fear in her eyes.
‘Things are going to change round here. You ain’t going to call the shots no longer, not if you don’t want me to tell our little secret to Del.’
‘You … you wouldn’t, not if you care for me.’
‘Care for you? Are you having a bubble?’ Alfonso leaned in nearer, spraying saliva onto Edith’s face as he spoke.
‘Let me tell you something, Edith, I cared for my own shit more than I ever cared for you. Look at you, you’re a disgrace. You make me sick. Every time I was near you it was like there was a bad stench.’
‘You’ll be sorry, mark my words.’
Slamming her head back against the door, Alfonso shouted.
‘Ain’t you heard what I’ve been saying? Don’t threaten me darlin’ – you’re not making the marches anymore. This is how it’s going to go. Until I decide what to do, I’m staying here. From now on, you don’t give me orders. You don’t tell me what to do. Don’t ask me what I’m doing or where I’m going. And as for sleeping with you again, babe? I would rather stick my cock in a cold studded metal vice before I put it near your rancid pussy again. Then when I’m ready to tell you what I want, we can work out a nice arrangement.’
Still defiant, although in pain, Edith scoffed. ‘Oh don’t tell me, Alfonso. You’re talking about money – well sorry to disappoint you, but I ain’t got any. Not a pot, babe. I don’t hold the purse strings, it’s all Del, and he won’t let go of his money in a hurry.’
‘Then you’ll have to find a way of getting to him, won’t you?’
Edith’s face curled up, her voice full of scorn and bitterness. ‘You really don’t know him at all. The only way to separate him from his dough would be a bleedin’ bullet in his head.’
Alfonso stepped away from Edith, pushing her to one side to open the bathroom door. He turned to her and stared hard.
‘Then a bullet in his head it is.’
‘Come on then, move it. If we’re going to get this plane we need to get a bleedin’ jog on.’
Del Williams stood at the bottom of the stairs of Bunny’s flat, dressed casually in a floral Armani shirt and dark blue Gucci jeans. He wasn’t entirely convinced that what he was wearing didn’t make him look like a muppet, but Bunny had bought the clothes for him. Up until now he’d kept them tucked away at the back of his walk-in closet, but today he’d brought them out, feeling it was the right day to wear them. Anything to humour her.
She’d been in an odd mood since Star had done her disappearing act and it’d taken him all his persuasion skills, along with the help of Claudia, to convince her to come to Marbella with him.
Even though Star had been the cause of the upset, she hadn’t been much help in smoothing anything over; in fact Del reckoned she’d done everything in her powers to make Bunny stay. If it hadn’t been for Claudia laying down the law, he probably would’ve been going on the plane on his own. Tears had been spilt and even an uncharacteristic tantrum had been performed on the new kitchen floor by Star.
Though he couldn’t blame her. The girl wanted to come. Del wanted her to as well. He hankered after the idea of showing her off to his friends and acquaintances. Star was something he’d done in his life that he could say he was truly proud of. But one thing she could never find out about was his other life. Not just yet, anyway. And if he did take her across to the villa in Marbella, she would know.
He watched Star walk down the stairs with a glum face, carrying one of Bunny’s Louis Vuitton bags. He chuckled warmly as Star scowled at him.
‘Star, baby. Come and say goodbye to Mummy.’ Bunny’s fa
ce was full of love as she looked at her daughter. Always enjoying hugs from her mum, no matter how cross she was, Star ran into Bunny’s arms.
‘Promise me, Star, that you’ll listen to what Claudia tells you.’
Claudia butted in. ‘She won’t have any choice, will you missy?’
Star scowled up at Claudia, making everyone roar with laughter and lightening the tension in the air.
‘I’ll be back soon. But call me any time, day or night. I don’t mind. Remember to brush your teeth and try not to read so many of them adventure books.’
‘Blimey Mum, anyone would think you ain’t going to see me again.’
The smile on Del’s and Claudia’s face fell as they watched the fear come back into Bunny’s eyes.
‘I need to make a stop. Pull over here John-Jo.’ Del tapped his driver on the shoulder, signalling him to park up on the yellow double lines. Bunny turned, her eyebrows raised in surprise. ‘What now? Won’t we be late for the plane?’
‘Seeing as I’ve charted it I think it’ll wait, don’t you?’
‘But …’
‘I’ve got to pick up some papers from him, otherwise no one will be going anywhere.’ Del tapped her on the leg then added, ‘It’ll be fine. Stop worrying.’
Bunny looked unconvinced, but then what did she know about travelling? This was all new to her and if she had her way she’d be at home with Star. At the thought of her daughter, her stomach turned over. She had to try to stay calm. Like Claudia had said, ‘Nothing’s going to happen on my watch, darling.’ Bunny knew Claudia she was right – but then why did she have this overwhelming sense of anxiety?
She had to snap herself out of this. She hadn’t been sleeping well, which she was sure had something to do with it. Maybe Del was right, this holiday was something she, they, needed.
‘Won’t be a minute, babe. Then it’ll be sea, sun and …’ He leaned over and kissed her. ‘Maybe you’ll have to help me out with what the last s will be.’ Del smiled, getting out of the car with the sound of Bunny’s giggle echoing in his ears.