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Mail Order Bride - Westward Changes: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 14)

Page 6

by Linda Bridey

  Deena gave Alice a startled look. “How did you know?”

  “Because I know you and I know how you moon over that man. Out with it. What happened?”

  Deena’s shoulders slumped and she poured out the whole story to Alice. Tears streamed down her face as she spoke and she crossed her arms over her chest. As she finished, she said, “And so now he hates me and he wants nothing to do with me.”

  Alice was astounded at first and then she began laughing.

  “It’s not funny,” Deena said angrily.

  “Oh, sweetie, it is. What you did was certainly brave and yes, a little on the stupid side, but you meant no harm. He’ll come to see that once he gets over the shock of it.”

  Deena shook her head. “No, he won’t. He told me to leave him alone, that he doesn’t want anything to do with liars.”

  “Deena, mark my words; he’ll come around, especially if you go apologize to him,” Alice said.

  “I can’t do that!” Deena protested. “I don’t even want to see him right now.”

  “You have to push past the fear if you really want him, Deena. You have to fight for him and make him see that you weren’t doin’ it to hurt him,” Alice insisted. “At least think about it.”

  Sighing, Deena said, “Ok. I will.”


  When Reckless walked into the sheriff’s office that morning, Rick said, “I want you to come back out to Joe’s with me to see if you can track something for me. Curtis picked up on something and I want to follow up on it.”

  He explained to Reckless about the ferret finding the jewelry and Reckless laughed about Rick scaring Joe.

  “Curtis should have a badge,” Reckless said.

  “Speaking of badges,” Rick pulled one out and tossed it to Reckless. “Mitch gave me permission to deputize you in case I need you to act as one today.”

  Reckless gave him a startled look. “I do not know how to be a deputy.”

  “Sure you do. It’s just like being a bouncer. The only difference is that instead of throwing them out, you put handcuffs on them. You might need them, too,” Rick said. He got an extra pair out of his desk drawer and tossed them to the brave as well.

  “Where’s Jack? Shouldn’t he go with us?” Reckless asked as he tried to figure out where to put the handcuffs. He wore his buckskin shirt and leggings, neither of which had any pockets.

  “Jack has early patrol and won’t be here until later. I want to go over there sooner than later. Ready?” Rick asked as he stood up.

  “Where’s Curtis?” Reckless asked. Usually the ferret wanted to play when he knew Reckless was around.

  “He had a busy night last night, so he’s home resting today. However, I have a trainee with us. I want to try her out and see how she does,” Rick said as he took out one of his younger ferrets from the bag and handed her to Reckless.

  The brave smiled as she squirmed in his hands and then rolled over on her back to have her belly rubbed. “What is her name?”


  Reckless shook his head as he gave Bonnie back to Rick. “You have strange names for your pets.”

  “I name them after important people in my life. Curtis was a fellow Mountie I served with who was killed. He was my best friend. Bonnie was my first lady friend,” Rick said with a grin.

  Reckless laughed as they left the office. “I do not think you should tell Gina that. She may become jealous.”

  Rick said, “I don’t intend to, and don’t you mention it, either.”

  Reckless’ black eyes held amusement. “She will not hear it from me.”

  Rick chuckled as they mounted up and got underway.


  After a brief hello to everyone who was eating breakfast at the Dwyer’s, he and Reckless started working.

  “This is the window that was jimmied. Can you see any tracks leading away from it?” Rick asked. “I’ve done a lot of tracking, but I don’t have your talent with it.”

  Reckless had already started scanning the grass outside the window. With his sharp eyesight, he detected some disturbances and he didn’t like what he saw. Getting down on his knees, Reckless lowered himself downward until his nose almost touched the grass and inhaled deeply. Tallow and buckskin. Moccasins? Oh, please, no, Wakan Tanka. Reckless inhaled again, but with the same result.

  Rick noticed his troubled expression when he rose to his feet again. “What’s wrong?”

  “I am afraid these tracks were made by moccasins. I recognize them as such and the scent is unmistakable. It is the tallow used to cure the buckskin that I smell. They must be new moccasins, otherwise, the scent of the tallow would be gone,” Reckless said. “I’m afraid one of us is involved, or at least someone wearing moccasins. These tracks are fresh and they were covered well enough that most would not detect them.”

  Rick smiled. “That’s why I asked for your help. I knew that if anyone could find anything, it would be you.”

  He coaxed Bonnie from his bag and sat her on the ground in the area Reckless had sniffed. He told her to do the same. Bonnie cast around and then took off, streaking across the yard. Rick and Reckless raced after her.

  “Crap! I didn’t expect her to do that!” Rick said. “She’s still learning.”

  “Do you think she is actually tracking something or just running for fun?” Reckless asked as they neared a thicket.

  “I don’t know, but we have to catch her before she gets lost in there,” Rick said.

  He whistled to Bonnie, but she didn’t halt as she’d been trained to do. Rick swore and both men put on speed. Just before the trees started, Bonnie stopped and began searching for the scent again.

  “I guess that answers your question. She really is on to something, but I can’t let her go running through the forest like that,” he said as he caught Bonnie and put her in the bag.

  She wasn’t happy and made grunting noises at him.

  Reckless smiled and said, “She sounds like an angry woman. Do not worry. I can pick up the trail from here. I will let you know what I find.”

  “You don’t want me to go with you?” Rick asked.

  “If the tracks lead where I think they do, you showing up there will do more harm than good. I can find out much more on my own. Just give me Bonnie so I can have her lead me to the right person,” Reckless said. “I will meet you back at the sheriff’s office.”

  Rick was leery about letting Reckless take Bonnie, but not because he didn’t trust his nephew. It was Bonnie’s unpredictability that made him hesitant. Reckless arched a brow at Rick and held out his hand. Slowly, Rick gave Reckless the bag.

  “I will take good care of her,” he promised, and then began running through the trees.

  Rick lost sight of him and sighed. Turning around, he went back to the house and decided he was going to ask if there had been any Lakota around the place than who normally visited.


  Eddie gave Joe a fierce scowl as his friend laughed so hard that he couldn’t breathe. He’d told Joe about what had happened with Deena and was already regretting it.

  “It’s not that funny, Joe. I can’t believe she did that to me.”

  With supreme effort, Joe regained control and said, “Oh, yes it is that funny. I kept tellin’ you that she was interested in you, but you wouldn’t listen. All of that could have been avoided if you’d listened to me. You have to admit that it was very creative of her. You should be flattered.”

  “Flattered? She made a fool of me, Joe. I’m not flattered one damn bit,” Eddie said.

  “Eddie, c’mon now. Don’t you see? If Deena was willin’ to go to those lengths to get your attention, she must really like you. She might even be halfway in love with you. If it were me, I’d be flattered.”

  “That’s you, Joe. I don’t like people who play games like that,” Eddie said. “How would I ever trust her again? No, I’m not gonna take that chance.”

  “Eddie, just think about it and don’t be mean to her when you s
ee her. She probably feels bad enough,” Joe said.

  “You’re just a softie when it comes to women,” Eddie said.

  Joe cocked his head at Eddie. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But, I’m impressed with Deena’s initiative. I can’t help it. Don’t let your pride get in the way of happiness, my fine friend.” Joe got up to leave Eddie’s office. “Well, I have to go to town and take care of some things. Think about what I said.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Eddie said as Joe walked out the door. He sat back in his chair with a sigh and tried to figure out what to do.


  After the breakfast shift was over, Deena left because she was on a split shift that day and would come back to work for the supper shift. She went back and forth about going to see Eddie to apologize. Deciding to bite the bullet and do it, she started out towards the horse ranch. As she rode, she rehearsed what she would say to Eddie, but nothing sounded right to her.

  She was close to the ranch when she saw Joe riding towards her. Deena wished a huge crack would open up in the ground so she could jump in it and disappear. Eddie was sure to have told his best friend about what happened. Maybe if she kept her head down, Joe would just pass her by without talking. No such luck.

  “Howdy, Deena,” Joe said with a smile.

  “Hi, Joe,” she said bashfully.

  Joe felt sympathy for the woman. “Deena, don’t be embarrassed. I think what you did was very inventive. Don’t give up on him. He’ll come around. I think you’d be good for him and he’s a good man.”

  Joe’s kind words brought tears to Deena’s eyes. “Thank you, Joe, but I don’t think he’s gonna forgive me. I’m gonna apologize to him anyway. It’s the least I can do.”

  Leaning over, Joe gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Be persistent, Deena. You have his attention so keep it. Trust me. I know Eddie better than anyone. He’s not hard hearted, just hard headed. You have to spell things out clearly for him. Unless it’s to do with running a ranch, he doesn’t pay attention to much. Keep at him. Good luck. See you soon.”

  “’Bye, Joe,” Deena said.

  Heartened by Joe’s words, Deena continued on her way again. The ranch came into view and Deena was struck by its beauty. She hadn’t been out this way in a long time. Gently rolling pastures were green with the new grass. All of the fences on the property were a bright white along with the barns and bunkhouses. The main house sprawled out in the center of the ranch. It was only a single story, but two long wings jutted out from the central part of the ranch-style mansion.

  As she rode down the lane leading to the house and barns, Deena saw horses dotting the landscape and smiled at the beautiful animals. She took a chance that Eddie would be in the first barn since that was where she knew his office was located. Tying her horse to the hitching post outside, Deena smoothed her skirt and squared her shoulders before entering the barn.

  A beautiful black colt was hooked to a pair of cross ties. When he saw Deena, he tossed his head a little and whickered. Deena smiled and went over to him. She made sure to stand to the side of him so he could see her plainly. She held out a flat hand so he could sniff her and get her scent. He inhaled and let air out of his lungs in a big whoosh, making Deena chuckle. She kept up a quiet, running conversation with him so he would get to know her voice and realize that she was not someone of whom he had to be afraid.

  She assumed that he was on the ties to be groomed and looked around for a grooming kit. Deena loved grooming horses and couldn’t resist the impulse to do so now. She pulled a curry brush from the kit and began brushing the colt. She talked to him the whole time, telling him how handsome he was and about her morning at the restaurant. The colt stood calmly while she worked and at one point put his head down and appeared to doze.

  Eddie came out of his office and walked to the main barn floor. He froze when he saw Deena brushing Leo. Eddie had to get her away from the dangerous animal, but he didn’t want to startle either one of them. As he tried to figure out how to do that, he noticed Leo’s relaxed posture and watched as Deena brushed him with a dandy brush. Then he tensed as she went around to his face and gently brushed it. Deena took a handkerchief from a pocket and wiped around the colt’s eyes to make sure they were free from any dirt or eye discharge.

  In disbelief, Eddie watched her completely groom Leo from head to hoof. She turned away from Leo and would have gotten out the mane and tail comb, but she saw Eddie standing by the barn door and froze. He wore an expression that reflected both annoyance and admiration. Pursing his lips, he motioned her over to him. Deena walked slowly towards him. She felt a little faint as her heartbeat sped up.

  “How’d you get him to do that?” he asked.

  Deena looked into his eyes and said, “Do what?”

  “Stand for you like that. He’s a dangerous horse, Deena. It’s a fight to get him to do anything and he hates everyone except for Emily. He’s bitten a few people very badly and we can’t even begin to get a saddle on him unless he’s hobbled. Forget riding him; there’s no way to get anyone on him,” Eddie said.

  Deena looked back at Leo and said, “Really? He didn’t give me a bit of trouble.”

  “I know. I saw the whole thing,” Eddie said.

  Deena smiled. It pleased her that Eddie had watched her. “You did? You should have let me know you were there.”

  Eddie said, “And take a chance that I’d spook him and he’d hurt you? No way. Watch.”

  The groom walked towards Leo and the colt became nervous and started prancing in place. Eddie got within five feet of the horse and he squealed and presented his hindquarters to Eddie, a clear warning to stay back. Eddie backed off again.

  “See? I’m gonna rename him Holy Terror. That’s what we call him most of the time, anyway,” he said as he came back to stand by Deena.

  Deena gave a snort of derision and walked towards the colt. “Men,” she said.

  Eddie wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but he didn’t like her going near Leo.

  “Deena, don’t do that,” he said and grabbed her arm.

  Leo went berserk when he saw Eddie take hold of Deena. Had it not been for the crossties holding him back, Eddie had no doubt that the horse would have charged him.

  “Eddie, let go of my arm. He doesn’t like that,” Deena said. His touch set her heart to beating harder.

  Eddie released her and Deena began talking to Leo and walking towards him again. The colt began settling down and making whickering noises to Deena. Reaching his side, she ran her hands over his black coat and soothed him until he stood quietly once more.

  “I’ll be damned,” Eddie said. “Can you put him in his stall?”

  “Sure. Which one is it?” Deena asked as she took a lead rope from a hook and attached it to Leo’s halter.

  “Third one down on the left. Watch him around the horse directly across from him. They don’t get along very well.”

  Eddie stepped well back as Deena undid the crossties and began leading Leo. The colt walked along placidly beside Deena. As they got closer to the horse Leo didn’t like, the colt squealed and reached towards the other stall as if to nip the other horse. Deena let out a sharp, “No!” and Leo recoiled from the other horse.

  Deena put the colt in his stall and closed the door before walking back towards Eddie. He tried not to notice how pretty Deena was, but didn’t quite manage it. She hung up the lead rope and he said, “Come to my office.”

  Deena swallowed. She knew that she was going to be dressed down by Eddie now, not only for her deception, but for interfering with one of the horses. Reluctantly, she followed the man she’d been infatuated with for so long. She’d wanted his attention, but not this way. The only consolation at that moment was that she got to watch his rear end move in the jeans he wore. Jeans were becoming more popular since they were more durable than regular pants. She thought he had a very nice rear end and then dragged her mind away from that kind of thinking.

  “Have a seat,” Eddie said as they en
tered his office. He shut the door and sat behind his desk.

  Deena looked everywhere but at Eddie. It was funny how she couldn’t look at the man she’d spent so much time staring at for the past two years. She liked his office. It reminded her of Eddie; an organized mess. Various pieces of small tack hung on the walls along with pictures of horses and landscapes.

  Eddie watched her gaze travel around the room and then sighed. “Deena.”

  She snapped her head back around to look at him and it seemed as though someone had constricted her around her middle, making it a little difficult to breathe.

  “I don’t know what to do about you,” Eddie confessed.

  Deena remained silent. She didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “You pull a huge trick on me, embarrass me, make me angry, and then walk in here and handle a horse that only a little girl can do anything with like you’ve been doing it for years. What am I supposed to do with all of that?” he asked.


  Eddie leaned forward and put his elbows on his desk. Deena felt herself flattening her back against the chair more in an attempt to move a little farther away from him. “Are you gonna say anything?”

  “Um … I’m sorry?” The speech she’d rehearsed on the way to the ranch had fled her mind at the first sight of Eddie and now it was as if her mind was made of mush.

  “For which?”

  “Just the first part,” she said.

  “And the second?”

  Deena suddenly found her voice and asked, “Why should I apologize for doing something that no one else could do? It seems like you should be thanking me.”

  Eddie couldn’t stop the smile that crossed his face. He had to admire her pluck. “Ok. Thank you for grooming and putting Leo away.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Sobering again, Eddie said, “Can you explain about the first part?”

  “Why should I bother? You made your feelings very clear last night, Eddie,” Deena said.

  “You came here for a reason today, right? What reason is that?” Eddie asked.

  Her gaze never flinched as she said, “I just wanted to properly apologize for what I did. I’m very sorry. I didn’t do it as a joke or to hurt you.”


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