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Mail Order Bride - Westward Changes: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 14)

Page 21

by Linda Bridey

  Deena blushed and thought once again how romantic Eddie was without his realizing it.

  “I am very honored to be your wife, Eddie. And you look so scrumptious in that tuxedo,” she commented.

  He held her a little closer and said, “Thanks, honey. I’m so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  Deena kissed him and everyone who looked on smiled at them. Joe had the photographer come along to the reception this time since there had been some improvements to cameras recently and they weren’t as cumbersome to haul around. The photographer snapped a picture at that moment and it was a picture that Eddie and Deena would treasure, he was sure.

  As Lacey danced with Joe, she noticed that he was preoccupied. “Is everything all right, Joey?”

  His hazel eyes shone with love as he looked at her. “I’m fine, honey. Just remembering our wedding day.”

  She smiled. “I couldn’t believe it was happening. You were so handsome. I’d never seen anyone so gorgeous before.”

  Joe’s smile turned bashful. “Thank you, darlin’. You know, as soon as I met you I knew that there would never be anyone else for me again. I was right, too. I’ve never looked at any other woman in that way and I never will. I love you, Mrs. Dwyer, and you’re even more beautiful than you were the day we married.”

  Their kiss was slow and tender and the photographer caught that, too.


  The meal was a riotous affair with a lot of laughter as people told stories about Eddie’s somewhat wilder days intermingled with stories about stunts he’d pulled with horses. His parents shared embarrassing childhood stories, while he put his hands over his face and laughed. Joe hadn’t prepared a speech since he could say what he wanted without one. Joe’s speech was interrupted by smart comments from Rick, which made it even funnier.

  Deena and Eddie cut their cake and were nice about feeding it to one another, although Eddie did put a little dab of icing on the end of her nose, which made them laugh. More dancing commenced and they whirled around the dance floor along with other couples. Joe tried to get Minx to dance, but she flat-out refused until Reckless ordered her to in sign language.

  “Fine,” she said and stomped out to the dance floor.

  Joe grinned as he followed her. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such a reluctant dance partner before,” he said. He was surprised when she assumed the correct position and commented on it.

  “Uncle Owl taught me. He said it might be useful someday,” she told him.

  As they moved around the floor, Joe found that Owl had taught her well. She was graceful and moved smoothly. Joe thought how incongruous this was compared with her fierce expression and had a hard time keeping a straight face.

  Eddie kept her out on the dance floor for the next song after Joe had winked at him over her head and motioned towards her. Minx had almost refused to dance with him as well until she saw Reckless watching her with his arms folded over his chest. His immovable expression told her that she’d best behave herself.

  Deena watched sister and brother and didn’t understand what kind of hold Reckless had over his sister that would keep her in line so well. She couldn’t help but be amused, though. She watched her husband dance and admired the way he moved confidently across the floor and her thoughts turned to the night ahead. Her cheeks became warm and then her eyes met Eddie’s and she could see that his thoughts were much the same as hers. When the dance was over, he let Minx go and came back to Deena.

  “Mrs. Baxter, would you like to say our goodbyes and start our honeymoon?” he asked.

  “Mr. Baxter, I would like nothing more.”


  Joe’s cabin was situated on a high ridge in the side of a mountain. It offered breathtaking views and was well appointed. The term ‘cabin’ didn’t really apply because it was as nice as most houses. It boasted three bedrooms, a full kitchen and a huge great room filled with good quality furniture.

  Deena looked around in wonder. “He really is very rich, isn’t he?”

  Eddie had been there quite a bit over the years and was used to it by now. “I thought the same thing the first time I came here. When he invited me up here, I thought it was just some hunting cabin. I couldn’t believe the place.”

  Deena moved over to one of the large windows. It was dark out now, but she could imagine what it would look like at sunrise. Tomorrow will be the first morning I’ll be Mrs. Baxter. The thought filled her with joy and she smiled.

  Eddie had lit some lamps around the place and looked at his new wife in the soft, warm light. She was radiant in her wedding dress and he was again struck by her beauty. Walking over to her, Eddie looked out the window for a moment and then down at her. His wife, the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with stood by his side and his desire was stirred by the way she looked and the scent she wore.

  He reached out and grazed his knuckles over her cheekbone. Deena smiled up into his eyes and he was mesmerized by her dark gaze. He took in everything about her appearance at that moment; her golden curls piled on top of her head, soft tendrils escaping to brush her neck, eyes luminous with love, sweetly curving lips and slightly pink cheeks. Everything about her excited him and he wanted to remember every second of this night.

  Deena sensed the change in him and her body responded. The intense way his deep blue eyes looked her over made her pulse race and her breathing increased a little. He shrugged out of his tuxedo jacket and draped it over a nearby chair before putting his arms around her waist. She’d grown to know his touch over the past two months, but there was a more possessive feeling as his hands pressed against the small of her back.

  His desire showed clearly in his eyes and it ignited her passion for him. When his mouth pressed against hers, Deena gave herself up to Eddie, no longer feeling compelled to keep her physical reactions in check. All of the restraint she’d exhibited in the past was gone and she let go of her inhibitions as the kiss became more intense.

  Eddie wanted everything to be perfect for her so he let her set the pace. He wasn’t expecting her immediate response to him, but he wasn’t complaining. She undid the buttons of his shirt and spread it wide. Eddie wasted no time in helping her undo her dress and step out of it. The sight of her in her white silk slip drove him wild and he growled as he pulled her against him again.

  Running her fingers through Eddie’s hair, Deena turned it from neat to messy, the way she liked it best, and shivered when he bit her earlobe. She moaned as his hands roamed everywhere and then he picked her up and carried her into the master bedroom.

  He set her gently on her feet and in passion-roughened voice said, “I want to make love to you, Deena. We’ll go slow and—”

  Deena kissed him while she ran her hands over his chest, her response banishing any lingering restraint Eddie had. She welcomed him into her arms and together they entered a sensual world in that cabin high upon the mountain, far away from any intrusions from the world below.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Why would you come to me with this information?”

  Scotty Myers and Darryl Franklin looked at each other and smiled.

  “Let’s just say that we’ve got some scores to settle and let it go at that,” Scotty said.

  The other man in the room steepled his fingers and smiled slightly. “I see. And why should I believe you?”

  “Because we’ve grown up around here and we know what we’re talkin’ about,” Scotty said. “Right, Darryl?”

  Darryl nodded. “That’s right. We’ve known where they are for years.”

  “You mean before the fire?”

  “And after that,” Darryl responded. “I was there once and I remember the way back. Scotty’s never been there.”

  “Nope, but I can help you set up a trap for a couple of them if you need to,” he said.

  The other man said, “I’ll keep that in mind. I understand that there are a few who have integrated into white society. We’re not really inter
ested in them.”

  Scotty cocked his head at him and said, “Well, you might be interested to know that they still go there on occasion, so they haven’t cut ties with them. I’ve overheard some things at the bar. You can be sure that half-breed doctor knows, too. I heard that his white family helped them escape from the army after that fire. They might know, too.”

  “We’ve already questioned the people out at the Samuels’ place several times. We’re convinced that they haven’t had any contact with them. The children there grow quite distraught over it, which tells me that they really don’t know where they are. Children will break after so long, but not them. No, none of them know.”

  Scotty wasn’t convinced about that, but he wasn’t going to press the point. “Even so, the mayor’s in good with them and I know damn well he knows where they are.”

  “We know he does, but he’s not talking and he’s got enough clout somehow to hinder us. I’m not sure how, but he does. I’m investigating that, too.”

  Darryl leaned forward and said, “You don’t need to worry about him anymore. We have proof that he knows where they are and that he’s been there recently.”

  “Oh? Tell me about this?”

  “Not until we get our money,” Scotty said. “Our reward.”

  Their companion took out an envelope of money from a desk drawer and tossed it to Scotty. “There’s five hundred there. You’ll get the rest once we’ve successfully apprehended them.”

  Darryl grinned. “Thank you. Joe recently brought a young Lakota girl home with him. She’s the sister of Reckless, the bouncer at his bar. No one really knows why she’s there, but she’s never really been seen around town or out at Joe’s before.” Darryl relished the thought of exacting revenge on Minx after she’d humiliated him and gotten him fired. Turning in her tribe was the best and most satisfying way of doing that.

  “Interesting. Where’s this camp?”

  “Not too far from where Reckless and his wife live. Several miles, five maybe.”

  A sigh came from the man. “We’ve already scouted that area. There’s no camp out there.”

  “You’re not looking in the right place then. Did you go to the canyon?” Darryl asked.

  “Yes, but there’s nothing there but walls and mountains.”

  Darryl laughed. “It’s inside the canyon. That’s why you can’t find it. You have to go inside it.”

  A fist slammed down on the desk. “Damn it! They’ve been there all along! Those sneaky savages.”

  “Now, look, I don’t want my name mentioned at all. I’d be killed, if not by them, by one of their sympathizers,” Darryl said.

  “Same goes for me,” Scotty said.

  “Don’t worry, gentlemen. You will never come up in any conversations about this band,” they were assured. “Now, be back here at first light so you can show me how to get in there.”

  “I don’t need to go with you since you know about the canyon. There’s a hidden passageway into the place. You might have to feel along the walls with your hands at first until you find it, because if you’re standing back from it, it can’t really be seen. But they have sentries and they’re deadly, so watch out for them. I don’t really know where they’re stationed because you can never see them,” Darryl explained.

  “All right, but I’ll come looking for you if we can’t find it,” the man said.

  Darryl nodded. “Ok.”

  Sergeant Carter Douglas followed the two men to his office door as they left and closed it again. Sitting down at his desk, he thought about how much this would advance his career to finally bring the rogue band under control once and for all. He laughed to himself and decided that he would take Audrey out for dinner to celebrate.


  The morning after the wedding, Lacey was on her way to the kitchen to get some tea for Minx. She’d started with morning sickness a week prior, but it hadn’t been very bad until now. Minx had come to the barn like always and started cleaning Leo’s stall, but the smell of manure had set off a bad bout of vomiting.

  “Hi, darlin’,” Joe said as she walked through the dining room. He sat at the table reading a newspaper. “Whatcha doin’?”

  “Getting something to settle Minx’s stomach,” she said. “She’s really sick this morning.”

  “Aw, poor kid,” Joe said.

  “She was cleaning stalls and the manure got to her.”

  “Oh.” Joe sighed. “Do you think she’d be better off up here at the house?”

  “She’s going to fight tooth and nail about that, Joe. She’s so stubborn,” Lacey said with a laugh.

  “Tell me about it. I hope Emily doesn’t get like that when she’s that age.”

  “Me, neither. I’ll go get her some tea. She’s in Eddie’s office right now.”

  “Ok, honey.” Joe was starting to rethink whether bringing Minx there to live was a good thing for the girl. If he’d have known at the time that Minx was pregnant, he wouldn’t have done it. But she loved her job and to take her away from it now was going to be difficult on both sides. “Why can’t anything ever be simple?” he lamented and went to work on a breeding chart.


  At lunch time, Minx took a walk around the pond and sat to eat under a tree. She ate a chicken sandwich Addie had made her. It was bland and wouldn’t upset her stomach again. A stomach that was growing. It was a good thing that her clothing fit loosely to begin with. Minx knew that she would need bigger clothes eventually, however.

  She saw Charlie start walking in her direction and groaned. Enough is enough, she decided. The time has come to talk to him about all of this. She didn’t dislike Charlie. He was funny and thoughtful and while he wasn’t handsome like Joe, he was far from bad-looking. His sandy brown hair and brown eyes were appealing. He would make some girl a good husband. Just not her. Minx wished he had a girlfriend so he would leave her alone.

  Charlie reached her and asked, “Is this seat taken?”

  She smiled a little. “No.”

  He sat by her and picked at the grass a little. “Are you feeling better?”


  “How far along are you?”

  It was the first time any of the grooms had brought up her baby. “A little more than three months.”

  “Where’s the father? He doesn’t come around.”

  “He is in jail because he raped me,” Minx said bluntly.

  Charlie’s eyes widened and his mouth opened and shut without him saying anything. “I didn’t mean to pry. I’m so sorry,” he finally said.

  “Yes, you did. You wanted to know if I was still seeing him because you like me and wanted to make sure there was no one else.”

  Charlie chuckled. “I guess I’ve been pretty obvious.”

  “Very. You are a nice man, Charlie, but I am not looking for anyone. I am sorry,” Minx said.

  “Sometimes things like that happen when you’re not lookin’, you know?” Charlie said.

  Minx sighed. “I am pregnant with a baby I do not intend to keep. Why do you want me?”

  “You’re giving the baby away?”

  “Yes. I do not want the baby of a rapist.”

  Charlie looked over at her and said, “But this baby is half you, Minx. You’re a pretty wonderful person, so I think that your baby would be great, too.”

  Minx felt anger build inside. “No one understands. I have nightmares and every day I have to carry a reminder of it. What happens when the baby begins to move? It will be worse.”

  “You’re right, I don’t what that’s like and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. If the guy wasn’t locked up, I’d kill him for you. I’m sorry you’re having nightmares. Maybe with some time, that’ll get better.”

  Minx looked up at him and said, “I don’t know if there can ever be anything more between us than being friends.”

  Charlie blew out a breath and looked out over the pond. “Why?”

  “You should find someone else.”

I don’t know if I can, Minx. I love you.”

  Minx rose to her feet swiftly, but Charlie went right with her. “Please, just listen to me,” he pleaded.

  “There is no point listening to you. You cannot really love me,” she said, as her black eyes flashed fire.

  “Why? Because you’re pregnant? That doesn’t matter to me. I’ll wait until you’re ready, Minx.”

  “I do not know if I will ever be ready. Besides, I do not think I am attracted to you.”

  Charlie looked at her with a mixture of anger and hurt. He walked away several steps, turned back around, came back to her, and looked at her again. Minx arched a dark brow at him. Once again he walked away and came back.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said and kissed her.

  Minx shoved him from her roughly and looked at him with fury. “Why did you do that?”

  “To see if it was true.”

  “I have told you it is true.”

  “You didn’t give me much of chance.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Just be still a minute,” he said.

  Minx giggled. “So you are trying to prove something?”

  “Yes, damn it. So just hold still.”

  This amused her so she did as he asked. She had no fear of him. Charlie wasn’t sure if she would actually let him kiss her again, so he was a little hesitant about it at first. He was curious and disappointed, but he wanted to make sure that there was no chemistry between them.

  “Now, I’m going to kiss you and I mean really kiss you, so don’t hit me or scalp me or anything like that, ok?”

  She giggled again as she looked him in the eyes. “Ok.”

  “You’re sure?”


  Charlie cupped her face in his hands and enjoyed the smooth texture of her brown skin. She was so beautiful with her long black hair and black eyes. She had delicate eyebrows and high cheekbones and he longed for her. Before she changed her mind, he pressed his lips to hers and put an arm around her waist. She didn’t protest, so he grew bolder and pulled her closer.

  Minx felt a stirring of something as Charlie kissed her and was surprised. This was not like when she had kissed Mike. She’d enjoyed it a little, but she hadn’t felt any kind of attraction. Kissing Charlie was different, however. She began responding to him and it shocked Charlie to find that he suddenly held a wildcat in his arms. Then Minx abruptly broke away from him and Charlie reeled from the sudden abandonment.


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