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The Omni Towers Boxed Set (Books 4-6): A Dystopian Fantasy Series

Page 7

by Jamie A. Waters

  “Look, I get it. Testing your limits is great in theory, but the risks are too high. If you want to go to the other tower and try a controlled test, we can do that. Or even better, we could stand on one of the bridgeways while people walk by and see how that goes. But traveling to the surface completely outside the safety zone is too much. It's too dangerous, Ari. What are you going to tell Father?”

  There was a long pause before Ariana replied, “I don’t plan to tell him anything. I know he has my best interests at heart, but this is my decision. I'll discuss it with him afterward, but I've already made up my mind.”

  “You're putting me in a difficult position,” Jason said with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I'm not sure our bond is enough anymore. I'm trying, but your abilities are evolving and growing stronger. Father and I believe a bonded mate may be the only way to protect you.”

  “What?” came Ariana's shocked reply. Sergei leaned forward and saw the two siblings around the corner. They were standing face to face just outside the door to their family's quarters.

  “Kendra's cousin is going to petition Father for permission to court you.”

  Ariana shook her head. “Hayden? What are you thinking, Jason? I know he's your friend, but I hardly know him. Even if Father were to give his consent, I wouldn't agree to it.”

  “Would you rather it be Alec?” Jason took a step toward her. “He petitioned Father a couple years ago, and it doesn't appear his interest has waned. I don't know if I trust him with you, but he's more than strong enough to hold your bond.”

  Ariana froze, and her entire body tensed. “What are you talking about?”

  Jason shrugged. “Father wouldn't allow him to court you back then, but he might consider it now, especially if he knew all the risky stunts you've been pulling lately. Hayden would be a better choice though.”

  Ariana looked away, and Sergei could make out the delicate features of her profile. She frowned and shook her head. “No, Jason. When I decide to give my heart to someone, it will be because it's right. I won't just accept someone on the off-chance a bond between us will protect me.”

  Jason's eyes narrowed. “Fine, but I think you need to get it out of your head that Sergei is a viable option. He's not. He's dangerous to you on more levels than you can possibly imagine. I've seen the way you look at him, and it needs to stop. You need to stay away from him.”

  Ariana clenched her fists and glared at her brother. “I will not discuss Sergei with you.”

  “He could kill you, Ari!” Jason shouted, grabbing her arms and pinning them to her side. “He could slowly drain away everything that makes you who you are, leaving you a shell. Is that what you want?”

  “You don't know that!” Ariana retorted and pulled away from him. “All we have are speculations and guesses. There hasn't been another empath in over a hundred years. We don't know what caused her death.”

  “Are you willing to risk that on a guess?” Jason demanded. “Because I'm not.”

  Her shoulders drooped. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself. “Everyone has me so tied up in this neat little world, and I can't even begin to figure out the truth. I won't keep living like this, Jason. I can't live in fear, wondering if the next person I speak to will be the one who pushes me too far. What use is having these gifts if I don't learn how to use them?”

  Jason threw his hands in the air in a show of frustration. “At least you'd still be alive! Don't think I haven't noticed you've been suffering more than usual lately. It's been getting worse. Dammit, Ari, I just… I can't reason with you. Sometimes I wonder why the hell I even bother. How am I supposed to protect you when you're determined to destroy yourself and take me with you?”

  Without waiting for a reply, Jason spun around and stormed out of the pool area, slamming the door behind him. Ariana flinched at the sound and lowered her head for a long moment. When she lifted it again, Sergei noticed her skin was even paler than it had been in Alec's office. She turned and walked toward the pool, her gait slightly unsteady. It seemed as though the slightest draft would topple her.

  Sergei straightened and prepared to go to her, but she paused. Ariana slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, letting the garment drift down and fall to her feet.

  Sergei froze, unable to do anything but stare at the gorgeous woman in front of him. She was slender, with high breasts, a tiny waist and long legs that seemed to go on forever. He'd seen her in a bathing suit, but the full view was staggering. Ariana raised her hands and began removing the pins from her hair. It tumbled downward in a canopy of soft, midnight-colored waves, past her shoulders and halfway down her back.

  Dropping the pins to the ground, she slowly stepped into the water. As she dove beneath the surface, Sergei shook off the lust-induced fog and approached the pool. Ariana moved like a mythical mermaid, her earlier unsteadiness a distant memory. Seeing her like this made it easier to understand her desire to be near the water. Her element surrounded her, protecting her and infusing her with strength. Here, she became part of the water. But Sergei also recognized the loneliness of her existence and the unmistakable need for something more.

  He reached down and pulled off his shirt. The thought of entering the water wasn't altogether appealing, but it was what she needed. He kicked off his boots and removed his pants, pausing at his undergarments. Her innocence was unmistakable, and Sergei hesitated. She was curious about him, but he needed to be careful. This was about reassurance and connection. As much as he might be interested, he wouldn't push. Not now.

  Sergei entered the pool, surprised to find it warmer than he expected. He wasn't sure whether she sensed his approach or the disturbance in the water, but Ariana broke through the surface with a gasp. Confusion and surprise crossed her face at the sight of him, and she looked around the room to see if he was alone before focusing on him again. Her brow furrowed as she treaded water in place, but she made no move to come closer to him.

  “Sergei? What are you doing here?”

  He frowned, noting the deepening water and trying to determine how far he could go until standing would be an issue. “To make sure you were all right. I was concerned.”

  “Really?” Her eyes softened, and she slowly swam toward him. She gave him a shy smile and then paused, suddenly becoming aware of her nudity. Submerging herself deeper into the water, she blushed, bringing a rush of color back into her cheeks. “Um, you shouldn't be here. I'm not— I thought I was alone.”

  He gave her a slow smile. “You have nothing to worry about, solnyshka. It is dark underwater, and I will not look if you do not wish it.”

  She cocked her head and her eyes narrowed. “You already looked, didn't you?”

  “A man could no more manage to avoid looking at the sun if it were in front of him.”

  Ariana laughed, a light, musical sound that lightened his heart. She swam closer, her eyes trusting him to keep his word and not look again. He held her gaze until she was inches away.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hello, Ariana,” Sergei replied, brushing her wet hair away from her face and tracing the line of her jaw. She tilted her head, leaning into his hand. Her responsiveness was intoxicating, especially given her innocence. He brushed his thumb across her cheek, noting that even though her skin was cool to the touch, he could sense an inner fire within her. “I trust you are well?”

  She nodded and hesitantly pressed her small hands against his bare chest. He forced himself to remain still as he suffered from the heady aphrodisiac of her touch. “I'm glad you came.”

  Sergei placed his hands over hers. “I heard what your brother said. I am not a good man, but I will not risk hurting you. Is he correct? Am I dangerous to you?”

  Ariana closed her eyes and lowered her head. He pulled her against him gently, enjoying the sensation of her body pressed against his. She didn't resist. If anything, she seemed to crave his touch.

  Her voice was a soft murmur when she answered. “I don't know. I should
be upset you were eavesdropping, but I'm not. The truth is, we don't know anything for sure.” She bit lit her lip and looked up at him. “There's something about you that calls to me. If you were dangerous to me, would I be drawn to you?”

  “Like a moth to a flame,” he murmured thoughtfully, searching her face for some clue as to how she was feeling. She seemed more like herself and less affected by whatever the energy had done to her earlier. If he had a negative effect on her, he couldn't see it. But then again, the water might be acting as a barrier. “You will tell me immediately if you begin to feel unwell.”

  She blinked at the command in his voice and nodded.

  At her agreement, he relaxed slightly. “Do you need to swim?”

  Ariana shook her head, trailing her fingers over his chest in exquisite torture. “No, I usually only need to spend a few minutes in the water to completely reinforce my shields.” She tilted her head and smiled. “I would imagine it's not as comfortable for you as it is for me.”

  “No, but I will not complain about having your body against mine.”

  Her eyes widened, and she looked down to where she was touching him. Ariana started to draw away, but he pulled her close again, not willing to let her go yet. If she had any idea how tempting she was to him, she'd do more than just try to pull away.

  Instead, he cupped her face and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. She closed her eyes as he tilted her head back, the inky darkness of her lashes contrasting with the fairness of her skin. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead again, trailing light kisses downward and brushing the edge of her mouth. Her lips parted a fraction, and he hesitated, desire and duty warring within him. If he didn't stop now, he wasn't sure he'd have the willpower in another few minutes.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and that was the deciding factor for him. Pure and complete trust shone in their depths. He wanted her, but he didn't deserve that level of trust.

  Sergei ran his thumb over her lips. “You are far too tempting, solnyshka. If you are finished with your swim, I will exit first and get you something to cover yourself. I do not trust myself with you, not like this.”

  Ariana tilted her head to study him and reluctantly pulled away. She pointed toward a small closet against the wall. “There are some large wraparound cloths on the shelf by the door.”

  Sergei nodded and turned away, exiting the pool. He was probably a fool for not pressing his advantage, but sometimes the chase was just as fun. He smiled, feeling the heavy weight of Ariana's gaze on him, just as he'd watched her earlier.

  Ariana admired the firm lines of Sergei's body as he climbed out of the pool. There were several scars on his back from some sort of old trauma. They had already healed, but she still felt the desire to trace their path downward with her fingers until they disappeared into his waistband. She moved closer to the edge of the pool, keeping her body submerged.

  He grabbed a couple of the large wraps and headed back toward her. When he was close enough, Sergei closed his eyes and held out the cloth, waiting expectantly. She stood and slowly exited the pool, the water running down her body but the effects leaving her restored. As she moved closer to him, he remained motionless with his eyes closed. True to his word, Sergei didn't peek.

  But she did. He stood in front of her wearing nothing but his wet undergarments which left very little to the imagination. Her eyes traced the lines of his muscular body and her fingers flexed, wanting to follow the same path as her gaze. Water dripped down his body, and she could almost sense the energy contained within those small droplets as they traveled downward.

  She took one of the cloths from his outstretched hand and wrapped it around herself. Once it was secured, she stood on her toes and brushed a kiss against his cheek.

  He opened his eyes and glanced down at her. “Better?”

  “Much,” Ariana agreed and bent down to pick up their discarded clothing. “If you'd like to use one of the drying tubes, they're in the dressing area.”

  He glanced over at the small rooms. “Do you use them?”

  “No. The drying tubes take away too much of the moisture. I usually just let my skin dry naturally.”

  Sergei considered her words for a moment and wrapped the other cloth around himself. “I will not risk it.”

  Ariana paused, touched by his offer. Not only had he come all the way to the pool area to make sure she was okay, but now he was refusing the comforts of a drying tube simply for her benefit. Shaking her head, she wondered how he could possibly think he wasn't a good man. She held the bundle of clothing to her chest, not wanting him to leave just yet but unsure of the normal protocol.

  “Would you like to come in for a bit? My family's quarters are right through that door.”

  He paused, studying her for a long moment before nodding. “I will not stay long though. You need to rest for tomorrow.”

  She led him through the side entrance of her family's quarters and glanced back at him. He moved like a confident predator, taking in every small detail at once. Her family's quarters were one of the larger ones, since they'd been one of the original families aligned with OmniLab. As such, her personal quarters consisted of several rooms where she could live as independently as she wished while remaining under the protection of her family. Her brother's rooms were directly across the hall from her, and her parents lived at the opposite end.

  Ariana pressed her hand over the palm plate next to the door to open it. Sergei strolled in, prowling through the main living area and studying each object carefully. Fascinated by his movements, she placed their clothing on the table by the entrance and watched him explore. She loved her home, but she didn't often have visitors, preferring to keep her living space private. She'd never considered how her home would appear to someone unused to living within the towers.

  She'd chosen to decorate with dark blues and cool whites, with subtle hints of earth tones thrown in for balance. Numerous plants were around within the room, while a marble fountain stood in the corner making soothing gurgling noises. In a way, she supposed it reflected her alignment with the elements. The decorations were relatively simple compared to some, but she found her home peaceful and relaxing.

  “You have a beautiful home.” He leaned over to examine one of the more exotic plant specimens more closely. “I have not seen this plant before. What is it?”

  She smiled and moved to stand beside him. Reaching out, she held her hand over one of the closed blooms and infused it with a trace of earth energy. A swirl of color exploded as the bloom opened, giving the appearance of a bird in flight.

  “It's called a Bird of Paradise. It's not native to this area, but I fell in love with some images I saw of it. Jason was able to procure some seeds from the vault so I could grow it.”

  Sergei's eyes widened, and his gaze darted from the plant to her and back again. “Your energy can grow plants?”

  Ariana hesitated, her hand trembling slightly. She was so unused to being around outsiders that she'd momentarily forgotten to suppress her more astounding abilities. She began to pull her hand away, but Sergei grabbed it. His expression was serious as he studied her.

  “Ariana, you must tell me. You can do this with all plants?”

  She swallowed and nodded. “Most plants. It's an earth talent. That’s how we grow most of our food in the towers. We cultivate the plants and procure more seeds to store in the vault. There might be some plants that don't respond to me though. I don't know. I'm not registered as an earth talent. I thought because you were in Alec's office today… I thought you knew.”

  He was silent for a long moment, studying the flowering plant. “No. We suspected you had ways to grow food without genetic modification. We just did not know how. Your people are not forthcoming with information.”

  Ariana paled, astounded the Coalition hadn't known, and she wondered if this was supposed to have been kept a secret. If she had just betrayed her entire race in a moment of thoughtlessness, she'd never forgive herself.

; She swallowed, wondering how Lars and the other exiles could have lived with them for so long and not shown them. “What are you going to do?”

  Sergei looked at her and arched an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  “I don't know,” she admitted with a frown. “I can't read your emotions very well right now.”

  Sergei placed his hands on her waist. With a gentle but firm grip, he pulled her closer and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. When he eased back, his gaze was tender. “I will do nothing that will put you in harm's way. However, I must consider the implications and possibilities for my people. I have no choice when so many suffer on the surface.”

  Ariana bit her lip. “I know my people can be secretive, but please don't hold that against us. For centuries, we've been persecuted, studied, tortured, and killed simply for being different. Trust doesn't come easily to any of us, especially with outsiders. But this alliance between our cultures is a beginning. Please don't let me be the reason it falls apart.”

  “A heart such as yours is impossible to resist,” Sergei murmured and ran his fingers through her damp hair. “Do not worry. We are still learning about each other. I can be a very patient man.”

  Her shoulders slumped in relief, and she let out a pent-up breath. She hadn't realized how much she'd feared his reaction. “Thank you, Sergei.”

  Sergei caressed her cheek. “I will travel with you tomorrow to the river. For now, you should rest. Can you sleep now?”

  When she murmured her ascent, he nodded and pressed another kiss against her forehead. “Good. I will change and let myself out. Sleep well, Ariana. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  Chapter Five

  Ariana pressed her hand against her stomach, trying to stem her excitement and breathe through the equally intense emotions around her. In an effort to distract herself, she peered out of the protected and darkened window. The landscape was mostly barren, with a sprinkling of abandoned or collapsed buildings before more large stretches of nothing. It was a beautiful but harsh world, almost alien in comparison to life within the towers.


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