Cowboy of Mine

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Cowboy of Mine Page 6

by Red L. Jameson

  The forgiving kitten swiped his whole body along Jake’s hand. Without thinking, he scratched the cat along his feline jaw. After a beat, he stood and walked back toward the barn’s yawning door. A black shadow zipped in front of him, and stopped right where Jake would have kicked the kitten if he weren’t paying attention. He couldn’t help but laugh at the lovable black fur ball.

  Stepping over the kitten, then beginning a dance where the cat kept trying to trip him, and Jake kept trying to get out of the barn, he finally saw the horse tracks. The bastard who had been watching Meredith had tied his horse close to the barn. After inspecting a little more around her drive, with a black shadow accompanying him every step of the way, he saw tracks. One set. Man’s boots. The tracks ran along the front garden and over the porch. The man had stood in front of a window for an extended moment, ensuring no frost where’d stood, transfixed by Meredith, Jake presumed. That confirmed it, damn it. Someone had been spying on her. The lurker also had walked several times around a large contraption on her porch, more than likely the shower she had spoken of.

  Then Jake followed the prints back to the barn, where the man had obviously taken his horse and ridden...west. Back toward town or Great Falls, or, hell, anywhere but here, Jake hoped.

  Yes, Meredith was definitely not mad and a prickle of fear tickled down his spine, making him worry about her in the trees yonder.

  Picking up the tripping kitten, he opened his waistcoat for the fur ball, then strode toward Meredith at a clipped pace.

  He caught up to her quickly. She sat still on the horse, her eyes so wide, her face so pale, even in the moonlight Jake could easily see that. Through it all though, she was bonny, and he couldn’t help but like the fact that she’d snuggled into his coat and plaid.

  But as he neared, her head cocked, some of her rich brown curls poured over to one side. He noticed she was staring at his chest, where the kitten had decided to make a pincushion out of him. Wincing, he extracted the cat and handed it over.

  “So—so, there wasn’t a man? It was the kittens?” She took the kitten, immediately cuddling it close. Her voice was wispy and too soft.

  “No.” Jake got on the saddle behind her again, pulling her close. “Someone was watchin’ you. Watched ye for a long time.”

  He turned the horse around, heading back to town.

  “Wait. Where are we going?” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

  “Back to Laura’s hotel. To keep ye safe.”

  “I don’t want to—”

  “I can understand why ye don’t want to stay there. I do. But your safety—”

  She placed a hand over his and pulled the reins to stop the horse. Jake let her with a sigh.

  Turning more into him, she said, “I really don’t want to.”

  “I understand. I do.”

  “Do you?”

  Her eyes searched his, trying to find an answer, and Jake hated it, but mayhap he didn’t know how she felt, mayhap he didn’t understand.

  She looked down at the kitten biting her hand. “Laura and Tom are good people. I know they are. But they think I’m crazy. They didn’t believe me.”

  “Well, I’ll tell ‘em about the tracks. I saw that someone was at your house. I’ll vouch for you.”

  Her hand had been on his, but she removed it then, looking more forlorn than any person should be. Jake wasn’t unfeeling. He could sympathize. It must be terrible to be thought of as insane. And he wondered if she was considered mad because she felt like she was from another time. Or if she’d said as much. Or was there more to the Mad Mere moniker?

  But how to ask something like that? If she merely felt she was from another time, he was being an insensitive prick by asking about it. Or if he indicated he was from another time, and she wasn’t—well, then she’d think him insane.

  While trying to muddle through his thoughts, she said, “I know you’re trying to look out for me.”

  “Aye—I mean, yes.”

  She finally glanced up, those full violet eyes reading him, studying him unlike anyone else ever had. As if she plucked his heart from his chest and was examining it. After a sigh, she shook her head. “I really don’t want to stay at the hotel.”

  “Is it worth yer life, Meredith? Please, think about—”

  “Why do you care?” Her voice was loud, and the kitten stilled from his mangling her hand.

  Jake narrowed his eyes, mayhap even pulling her a wee bit tighter to his body, ready to argue with her, even though he had no idea what he’d say, when she shook her head and looked down.

  “I’m sorry. That was rude.”

  “I ken we just met. I know we just met, but—”

  “Will you stay with me? Tonight?”

  He was going to say that it was his job to care about her, but that wasn’t the whole truth. He wanted to know her better, know why she was so doleful. But after she asked her question, her voice trembling just so, his mouth went dry.

  She still wasn’t looking at him and was shrinking from him the longer he didn’t answer, looking like the saddest elf he’d ever seen. How could Jake say no to that?

  “All right.”

  He’d stay on her porch with his Colt. Lord, but he wished he had brought his shotgun too. And, mercy, he was tired. Bone tired from not sleeping the night before. But he’d do this for her. Already, he’d do anything for her.

  Utterly shocking him, she embraced him with a kitten at the back of his neck.

  “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear, making him want to shudder.

  But he didn’t. Barely.

  Just as he was about to mold his body closer to hers, she pulled away, then yet again looked down. This time, though, she held a tiny grin, and his heart warmed. Made him feel right proud for agreeing to keep watch over her. The cold should keep him awake. He hoped.

  He pulled the reins and soon enough was back in her barn. Untying her horse from his, he guided her paint into a stall. Curried the horse’s back a bit, made sure she had enough straw for the night, then returned to Meredith and the kitten still on Moses.

  The other wee black fur ball had finally come out and watched him with gleaming yellow eyes from a nearby stack of hay bales.

  Jake held Meredith by the waist and hefted her on the hay close to the cautious kitten. He pointed a finger at the cat.

  “I’ll win you over yet.”

  The kitten blinked.

  Jake smiled as he pulled his horse into an available stall, unsaddled his gelding, then curried the big horse’s fur too.

  “Can I have some straw for my horse?”

  “Yes. Please, take as much as you need.”

  He nodded his appreciation at Meredith, her eyes always watching him. He wondered what she saw. A man in black, as if he’d just come from a funeral. He felt like it. Ever since his brother died in the battle at Worcester, he felt like he was constantly leaving a burial. He’d had to grieve the loss of his brother, the loss of his country, his mother, so much. Jake also wondered if he looked disgusting to her. She’d never once flinched from him. Never tried to get away from his touch. Never looked at him as if she might wretch.

  But reading behind her sad eyes was difficult to do. He felt her melancholia roll off her. And if he wasn’t mistaken, she was awash in shame too. Couldn’t help but wonder why.

  He was finished with watering the horses and tending to them, so he slipped up to Meredith, scooped her in his arms, then marched toward the house, two little black kittens in tow.

  “I can walk, you know.”

  “I’m not going to let you. Not with the frozen ground under your wee bare feet.”

  She didn’t say anything, and he had to look at her to see her reaction. She just stared. As usual.

  “I’ll put you inside, then I’ll be on your porch, watching for—”

  “No, you can’t stay on my porch.”

  He was going to argue. Again. But she beat him to the punch.

  “You’re doing me the favor of sta
ying with me, making me safe. You have to stay inside.”

  He somehow opened the door to her warm house, took a few steps inside, then placed her on the wood floor. Her cabin was tiny, clean, and smelled like savory food. It was only the one room, one bed.

  He licked his lips, trying so hard not to look at her. Or her bed with the white blankets and pillows. But when she closed the door, all he could think about was that damned bed and her.

  “I’ll keep watch on the chair.” He voice came out as a hard rasp. And he wanted to roll his eyes at the absurdity of what he’d just said. Of course he’d keep watch on the chair. There were only two chairs in her home. Where else would he keep watch? On top of her body as she lay in her bed.

  He pulled off his Stetson and slid a hand up the back of his head, trying to calm his thoughts. In his own time, his hair would be considered short. But in this era, it was in need of a cut, and he wished he looked a little better for her.

  He wished so many things then.

  The kittens had stolen inside and romped around a pillow close to the stove. But they were obviously getting tired of attacking each other, and Jake guessed they’d clean each other, then sleep on that pillow.

  “You look tired.” Her voice was back to that haunting sound of hers—rough yet feminine. Lovely and a bit wild. “Are you tired, Sheriff Cameron?”

  “Jake. Call me Jake.”

  “Are you tired, Jake?”

  He didn’t answer. Didn’t want to lie to her, but at the same time...he couldn’t just tell her he was so tired his brain ached. Besides, he’d take breaks and walk outside, the cold would help. And thinking about her seemed to keep him invigorated too.

  Meredith pursed her boysenberry dark lips. “I think you’re very tired. Why don’t you sleep?”

  “I should—”

  “You’re here. If someone came on my property, even if you were sleeping, you’d wake in time, don’t you think?”

  He wasn’t thinking. He made the mistake of looking at her. In the flickering candlelight her dark eyelashes looked glossy. Her cheeks took on a pink hue. So bonny.

  “I’m very tired,” she said, her voice dipping low. “I know I probably should be vigilant. I saw a man on my porch, after all. But now I’m so, so tired.”

  “Ye should sleep then.”

  “So should you.”

  He shook his head.

  “Will you lie down with me?”

  She was killing him. Just killing him. He felt his heart contract from her request. His body, though, was overreacting, and he didn’t want her to think less of him for it.

  “I—I’m still scared. Will you sleep with me?”

  Could he say no to her?


  “All right.”

  This time she didn’t hug him as he wanted. But she did give him a smile. “I have egg and bacon pie in the icebox if you want it.”

  He shook his head. For once he wasn’t thinking about food.

  Then she set about getting ready for sleep, putting his hat on the table, piling more wood in the stove, making sure the kittens were sleeping, then she unwrapped herself from his plaid and laid it on the bed.

  Damn. Damn. Damn, he kept thinking all sorts of indecent thoughts, especially so since he’d just met her, barely knew her, and was there to protect her.

  She gave him a toothbrush, and that finally clicked something in his mind to think less desirable thoughts. They brushed their teeth together over a basin. She’d concocted some kind of baking powder and mint paste that tasted great, and the act was innocent enough for his fantasies to simmer. For a bit.

  But once they were done, smiling at each other with their shy looks, she took off his coat.

  Oh, there she was, bonny woman, with her curves, the deep valley between her breasts beckoning him. He turned from her when she started to unlace her stays. She really was getting ready for bed. And he needed to think only of her needing a hero. Not some dog of a man, pawing all over her.

  He heard the squeak of her spring mattress, the covers rippling as she probably got in them.

  “You can look now. I’m ready.”

  Ready, oh Lord, how he wished she was.

  He took a big breath and quietly walked around her home, blowing out the candles.

  “Do you want to take off your waistcoat?”

  Yes. God, yes. That would be a good start.

  He was proud of himself for just taking off his black waistcoat then his boots. When he walked to her bed, in the middle of her little house, he realized then that mayhap sleeping beside her was for the best. After all, he doubted he’d be able to truly shut his eyes, he was so excited.

  He swallowed and made sure to lie on top of her covers. Her wee back was to him. Her slim shoulders covered in her shift poked out from her bedding. Good. Good. It was better not to see her. Well, not see her fae-ish face.

  He turned to lie on his back, feeling his body sink into her bed. It was a combination of springs and feathers and a bit too comfortable for him. His eyes, already feeling like sand bit them, were suddenly closing of their own accord.

  She turned. His body became alert once more.

  He wouldn’t look at her. Didn’t dare. No way in hell or heaven for that matter would he look at her.

  But she ran her tiny fingers along his hand then pulled his arm around her shoulder. She nestled her head, her hair smelling so sweet and floral, on his chest. His arm around her, her arm resting on him, she tipped her face up, smiling.

  “Now I can sleep.”

  Aye, she was truly killing him.

  Chapter 4

  It was so warm, so relaxingly warm. Meredith couldn’t help but smile at waking with her toes not frozen for once. Her blanket was so heavy, but felt so...

  That’s when she realized her blanket wasn’t that at all. But a very large, oven of a man who had one leg wrapped around hers, one arm firmly nestled around her waist, his front to her back. He pulled her even closer, even though they were as close as they could be. While clothed.

  Her body sizzled from the intimacy, from Jake mostly laying on her. Last night, he’d been so brave, so effortlessly comforting. She’d asked Jake to sleep with her, because, like usual, her mouth acted before she thought of repercussions. But she’d been so grateful when he’d said yes. Then she’d been turned on, especially as he’d peeled off his black waistcoat, revealing rippling muscles under his dark button-up shirt. What would it be like to touch those muscles? Well, she’d promised herself, she’d keep her hands to herself.

  And she had. Kind of. However, his hands were everywhere. Goody, she almost giggled.

  Meredith finally opened her eyes. It was still dark outside, but there was enough morning lavender light she could see her white chemise riding up her thighs. How had she wiggled free from the coverings? Well, she was decent. Kind of. In her own time, she was decent. Here, she’d be considered a whore. Well, just add that to her other names.

  God, this really was the best way to wake up, in a man’s strong arms. No, in Jake’s strong arms, held so closely she didn’t need the bedding. Oh, it was nice.

  Really nice.

  He nuzzled the back of her neck with his whiskered jaw. Probably doing that on accident. More than likely he was still sleeping. Slowly, carefully, she turned her head enough to see from her periphery that Jake’s eyes were indeed closed. It must have been the moon helping her see, because she made out his dark lashes. They were so long and made shadows on his cheeks. She guessed that the tips were blond, which made her wonder if he had been born blond.

  His whiskers were mainly dark, but she did see a few sparkle a lighter color around his relaxed sensual mouth. Mixed into that was a few shining reds. Wow, he was breathtaking up close. His jaw line and cheekbones cut his face into rugged yet handsome features. He had a blade of a nose she liked a lot. She wanted to touch it.

  When was the last time she’d wanted to touch another?


  She’d met her
long-term boyfriend, David, when she started going to graduate school. He had been too. He’d been her first for so many things. And her only. She’d thought she’d loved him. But now, after ten years of bitterly waiting, of wishing he’d choose her, of trying so hard to be good enough, she wondered if she ever had loved David. Or maybe she’d just loved the challenge.

  Sick though, that. But she may as well be honest with herself. Now.

  Ironically, before she’d come to the Montana Territory in 1887, she had tried to break things off with David. But he’d even managed to steal that from her. She couldn’t in the end say, “Well, I finally saw the light and got rid of him.” No, he’d tossed her aside, similarly to how he’d treated her for years, as if she were a piece of garbage. Not even worthy enough for a face-to-face conversation. Nope, he’d ended it in a Twitter feed, so the whole world would know.

  Leave it to a psychologist to mess you up better than anyone else, Meredith thought.

  Jake, again, pulled her closer. This time his nose rubbed against her neck.

  That felt so good. To be touched and held felt so freaking good.

  And it was at that moment she never wanted to think about David again. Never wanted to think about ten years wasted waiting on him. Never wanted to think about her past.

  Not while Jake held her.

  Sure, he was sleeping and would wake, then push her away. But in the meantime, why not indulge a little and cozy up to a man who had steel for legs and possibly an oak chest and stomach. And...Oh! Something else on him was very hard as well, pressing into her backside.

  Well, it was the morning. And when he’d wake, he’d push her away. His erection wasn’t for her.

  But she could pretend, couldn’t she?

  She could fantasize she was young like him, that she hadn’t made too many mistakes in one lifetime. That he wanted her. He wanted her.

  Gingerly, she held his hand over her rounded stomach. Shouldn’t she be embarrassed her belly wasn’t exactly flat anymore? She hardly knew what to think, liking his touch more than anything else.

  He stirred once more, this time making a groggy moan. He rocked his hardness against her. And she let him. Her breasts tightened and felt too full. Between her legs had already been hot with his presence so close, but now, now she was on fire. She wanted him.


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