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Interlocking Hearts

Page 14

by Roxy Mews

  “The tablecloth blocks us. No one is bothering us for thirty minutes, and I want to give you another orgasm tonight,” Jon told her.

  “I don’t have any information you want,” she reminded them as Ben lowered her and began to spread her legs beneath the thankfully floor-length tablecloth.

  A soft moan eased out of her and Jon sucked in her breath.

  “I don’t want information this time.” Jon’s hands joined Ben’s on her inner thighs. “I want to finish what I started.”

  “You can’t get too loud, Paisley. There’s enough noise to drown out a bit of sexy talk and some of those hot little mewls I heard you give Jon yesterday, but you can’t cry out when we give you the first orgasm of many more that are coming tonight.”

  She was about to disagree. She really was going to argue, but as strong hands began to work her over, her orgasm preservation kicked in.

  Fingers spread her sex. Ben’s breath on her neck turned to kisses. Two fingers slid on either side of her clit and began a slow rocking motion that had her biting her tongue in half to keep quiet.

  “You like people watching you,” Jon told her, “but we can’t be seen by others here. I’m going to watch you come all over our hands. You’re going to let me watch your pupils dilate as you come. You’ll be coming because you know this is the beginning, and because I’m not stopping this time. I want to feel you around my dick tonight. It’s all I’ve been able to think about, and it’s driving me insane knowing that this”—two of his fingers slid inside her—“was just inches away from encasing me.”

  The fingers sliding around her clit pinched together and tugged against the bundle of nerves. Ben sucked the skin at her neck into his mouth and the gentle lap of his tongue was replaced with the bite of his teeth.

  Jon’s body leaned toward her more as he pushed her legs wider apart. Her feet were trapped in the puddle of her pants on the floor. Working together, the men turned her enough where she could see the rest of the bar still hopping and moving and chattering around them.

  “Oh.” What little air she could pull into her lungs expelled in a rush as each man put a leg over hers and forced her hips forward with how far she was spread.

  The tablecloth tickled the bare skin above her hips. Ben’s arm was still around her back and stroking her higher and higher. She was panting as her arousal grew and grew.

  Ben adjusted for just a moment and Paisley saw her arousal glisten on his fingers in the dim light of the bar.

  He saw her watching his hand and brought it to his mouth. He sucked his fingers in and hollowed his cheeks as he licked them clean. Turning her to face him, he told her, “Jon isn’t the only one who’s going to taste you tonight. We do share our nights, and you are going to stop being a jealousy point between us.”

  His grip on her chin gentled. His fingers slid along her jawbone as he rolled his hand into a fist to tilt her head just where he wanted it. He kissed her.

  Jon continued to touch her, and she cried out into Ben’s mouth, because she wanted to scream at the sensations they were causing in her body. Ben smiled like a cat just realizing he had the key to a pet store full of canaries.

  “Now kiss Jon.”

  Paisley turned and waited for Jon to pull her in, but his hands were busy. So she was the one who reached for him.

  His eyes whirred wider, and his mouth opened for her. She knew his lips were soft, and Paisley rubbed back and forth on the shorter hairs that blended into the full beard of his. Soft and harsh against her palms. Something told her Jon was the same.

  He was made of metallic parts, and hard and fast programming helped him stay away from humans when he desired closeness.

  His brows dipped for just a second and Paisley saw something in him that didn’t want to be sure anymore. Maybe he wanted someone to surprise him, just like she wanted someone to surprise her.

  They surprised each other and Paisley lowered her hands from his face, and unbuttoned his pants.

  His mouth opened further as she released his straining erection to tent the tablecloth over her hand.

  “Fuck,” he cursed as she began to stroke. She used her thumb to massage the drops of liquid that she was squeezing from the tip of him.

  He looked to Ben for help. That was when Paisley did what she was told and kissed him. She leaned in with a soft touch of her lips against his, but kept all her gentleness above the table. With firm forceful pressure, she gripped his cock and extended her fingers to drag just a hint of nail along his thigh as her fist rose to the top of his shaft.

  Jon’s hands picked up the pace, and she cried out into his mouth. Her arm was pulled away from Jon and brought to the other side of her body. To her surprise, there was another cock ready and waiting for her there. Jon stalled, and Paisley turned to Ben.

  Ben tapped a very rhythmic pattern on Jon’s head before Paisley redirected his attention by way of his cock.

  Ben was panting as she pulled him toward her. “This. Was not. How I expected. This. To go.”

  “It’s better,” Jon whispered in her ear.

  Suddenly, a loud sound began to blast through the bar. A band introduced themselves and began a set.

  Ben regained his composure as he leaned his head behind hers again. “Don’t look at us. Watch the room dance, Paisley.”

  She looked out onto the small dance floor near the far end of the bar. Everyone’s eyes were on the band. No one was looking at her. No one knew that she was seconds away from the orgasm that was rising inside her.

  She couldn’t help leaning her head back along the pleather-quilted seat behind her.

  Both men moved in unison. Jon’s fingers thrusting inside her went from keeping pace with the music, to double time, to faster than any human. Her legs tried to close, but these men held her tight and she could only squeeze down on the hard cocks in her hands. She held on for dear life as the men bit her neck at the same time Ben pinched her clitoris.

  Luckily, the band’s singer hit a high note just as Paisley hit hers. There was no way she could have covered up how loudly she cried out.

  The orgasm swept through her body. It was a damn good thing these two were holding her down, because she wanted to strip off her clothes right there, and she would have if they hadn’t been filling her hands.

  She slowed her strokes on their cocks as she came down from that climax, panting to the beat of the music and the throb of her pussy around Jon’s fingers.

  Keeping his fingers in motion, Jon licked his lips as he leaned in to ask, “I know you were opposed to going up to our room with us. Is there a chance you would reconsider and let us continue this in a place where we don’t have to wait for the singer to be loud to make you come?”

  Paisley didn’t want to trade sex for information, but she wanted penetration, and this was the hottest thing she’d done in years.


  Paisley grabbed her leg where Jon’s finger shocked her.

  “You haven’t said yes yet.” He pulled his fingers from her swiftly and turned her face to his. “Blow into my mouth again.”


  “I’ve been monitoring your blood alcohol content at every sexual encounter. I used your moan last time.”

  Paisley wasn’t sure what kind of kink this was, but she went along with it.

  “Point oh eight. She’s not intoxicated, but it’s holding steady. I can’t say she won’t spike higher after she had all that blood rushing through her system. Dammit.”

  Jon pulled from her and buttoned up his pants. To her horror, Ben was doing the same. Mr. Hottie threw another fifty on the table and both men started to slide out of the booth.

  Paisley’s mouth dropped open. They had better be fucking with her. They got to the edges and slid out to the dance floor. Then they turned and left—the—bar.

  Paisley scrambled to pull her pant
s back up and gave herself a hell of a wedgie. She didn’t bother to pull it out, because she had to run to catch up with the two guys that damn sure weren’t going to leave her hanging again.

  She caught up to them as the elevator doors were starting to close. Paisley made it just in time to get her fingers between the sliding metal.

  The door was heavier than she expected and her fingers must not have been big enough to turn off the sensors. The elevator began to clamp down.

  “Owowowow.” She started working her fingers from her other hand into the door.

  Then sweet relief came to her when Ben pushed the metal sliding slabs apart.

  He pulled her in and looked over her hand. “Looks like it’s going to bruise, but nothing more.”

  “Let me see.”

  Ben pulled her hand over to Jon, like he was passing a pad of paper to him. As the doors dinged closed without body parts being crushed this time, Paisley’s hand began to glow blue from beneath.

  “What is that?”

  “Osteograph. Works kind of like an x-ray, but without the stuff that would kill you.”

  “I didn’t break my fingers.”

  “Hairline fractures are difficult to detect. We are just making sure.”

  Jon stopped glowing and pulled her hand up to his lips. Her fingertips tickled against his facial hair as he kissed each knuckle.

  “You shouldn’t go sticking your fingers in places they don’t belong.”

  “You shouldn’t go sticking your fingers in places they do belong and not finish the job,” Paisley grumbled.

  Jon and Ben looked at each other and didn’t say anything. Paisley wondered if there was some kind of mechanical communication they were working with.

  Had to be. They looked like they came to an agreement about something. Gripping Paisley’s shoulders, Jon spun her around to face Ben.

  “We won’t take a woman to bed who is intoxicated. Our lovers should want to be there. And they should do so with a clear head. Not to mention it’s easier to hurt someone when they are numb. We would love to take you to bed with us, but we don’t want to cause you pain.”

  “You’re going to be the one with blue balls after not finishing. But you can knock this off, because I am perfectly aware of what is going on and completely frustrated by what isn’t.”

  Paisley noticed they were not even starting to give in to what she was flat out demanding. She was never one to beg for sex. She was a good-looking woman, and if someone was taken or not interested, it wasn’t like it took more than a little cleavage to have another suitor knocking down her door. Even faster if she offered the rear entrance.

  This lack of play should have made her simply go back to the bar and pick up her game where she started. That was what she would have normally done.

  But something Coral had said to her wouldn’t go away. She wanted to find something when she had sex the next time. She didn’t want to go downstairs and get drunk and forget. She wanted to see what would happen if she stuck around. Something about these two had her mixing up her routine.

  They had already completely changed her life by getting her fired from her job. She had a chance to make the world somewhat better for people of the robotic persuasion and wanted to take advantage.

  Jon and Ben expanded her circle of knowledge. They helped her see another side of the mechanically advanced. Ben saw a friend in Jon rather than a piece of metal to be owned and controlled. It was a lot like the relationship she had with Coral. She couldn’t begin to imagine what they’d gone through during the War of the Allies last year, but they came out of it with each other. She wanted to do more, because if these men could see such worth in each other, surely she could help the rest of the country see it too. It gave her hope.

  All this emotion before they’d even penetrated her. She had to see if that translated when they were all naked. So she’d start. She stripped from her shirt and bra in a second. The air in the elevator wasn’t cold, but her nipples peaked at their gazes. The men weren’t grabbing for her. They didn’t tell her to stop either.

  She dropped her pants. Her underwear hadn’t had a chance to get situated correctly, and she felt a hundred times better getting her panties off.

  Nudging off her shoes, she pulled her legs from her pants and kicked all of her clothes into the corner of the elevator.

  Jon reached over and zapped the control panel.

  “What did you just do?” she asked. “Are you going to make me blow into your mouth again?”

  “I made sure Ben and I were the only ones who got to see this show. And yes. Your tolerance is good, but I want to make sure you’re with us. If you’re not, we’ll stop.” Jon tilted his head and looked her over. “Obviously, the blood-borne diseases are not an issue for me, but I want you to know that Ben is vaccinated, and my skin transplant has been altered enough to not be an issue. Are you sufficiently protected? Or do we need to procure some Plan P pills?”

  Paisley nodded. These were the questions she wanted to answer. These questions meant she was about to get her hands on some more robocock. “I never miss a shot and we’re good to go without the anti-conception tablets, I’ve got it covered. Can I blow into your mouth now? Because I’m really ready to get to blowing other parts of you.”

  After another quick test, she’d dropped to point oh seven, and hallelujah they were still on board. The elevator didn’t stop at a single floor before they reached the top of the building. The doors slid open, and revealed an empty hallway.

  Paisley stuck her feet back into her small heels and walked down the hall with her head held high. She knew her legs and ass looked fantastic when she wore nothing but heels.

  The hotel was kept at a very moderate temperature, but the air around her skin felt hotter. She heard the rustle of clothes and she turned around to see both men following. Ben had her clothes in his arms.

  She didn’t say anything as she made her way to the two doors and stood between them. To her right was their room. To the left was hers.

  She crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall, spreading her legs to add even more power to her stance.

  “Your place or mine?” she asked.

  Jon zapped his own door and held it for her. She was about to take the few steps across the threshold, but Ben dropped her clothes and picked her up instead.

  “You know that part about sweeping a girl off her feet is just an expression, right?” She looked over Ben’s shoulder and saw Jon kick her clothes just inside the door before putting the do not disturb sign on the outside and throwing the interior lock.

  “This is just to ensure I keep you off balance.”

  She was about to say something witty back. Banter was the best part about having fun with sex, but she saw Jon duck down beneath her body. She bit her lip, waiting for him to do something to all of her exposed skin. But she heard a zipper and felt his hands against her side.

  “Is he taking off your pants?” She tried to lean over and see. If he was touching this man’s cock, she was damned if she was missing it.

  “He’s helping make sure you don’t have a chance to run. And he knows my heart is pounding and I can’t wait another second.”

  Paisley was about to ask him what he meant, but she felt Jon’s hand slide between her legs. A moan left her lips before her whole world flipped.

  She was lifted in the air and when she came back down, her legs were wrapped around Ben. She sank on his cock in one fast hard thrust. She was grateful for the orgasms as she slid slickly down him, even as he stretched her to her limits.

  There was no way she could breathe. She was too full and the pleasure engulfed her entire body.

  Ben opened and shut his mouth twice before finally admitting, “I’ve wanted this ever since I saw you taking such care with the mechanics at the repair shop. I knew your body would be as soft as your heart.”
  Paisley would have spoken, but hands began to climb up her spine. Jon’s fingers sparked against her skin, and his touch sizzled with more than just her arousal. She felt her pussy clamp down in rhythm with the crackle.

  “Turn up your watts,” Ben told Jon. “She can handle it.”

  Then his touch was hotter, her skin popped under the tips of his fingers. Everywhere he touched became more sensitive. Every bit he zapped was more alive. When he tunneled his hands into her hair, he stopped the electricity and scratched her scalp ever so lightly. Goosebumps raced down her whole body and she shivered.

  Ben throbbed inside her and began to move. Paisley dug her nails into his shoulders, and her heels into his ass. She had to hang on.

  “Please tell me you’re not stopping this time.”

  Ben kissed her. His tongue tangled in her mouth and they only pulled back when she had to breathe.

  “I couldn’t stop now if I wanted to,” he told her.

  Paisley felt a body press against her back. Jon. His chest hair brushed against her sensitized skin, and she felt her pussy clamp down on Ben just from the touch of both of them together.

  Jon’s hands snaked around the front of her. She leaned back against his chest. She released her hold on Ben and reached behind her instead. Her hands wound around Jon’s lush hair, and together they cradled her.

  She didn’t worry as she let go. Something about them together made her feel like she was flying. Turning her head, she took Jon’s kiss as he began to step back. Ben’s slow steady thrusts didn’t stutter even as Jon’s hand reached down between the two of them. His fingers split over her clit and began to slide in rhythm with Ben.

  The orgasm was a soft wave of pleasure that she floated on as she flew between them. Her cries were captured by Jon’s kiss.

  Jon’s smile was predatory as he nodded to Ben.

  Ben pressed against her core, and Jon held still as she rode the aftershocks of her body. When they pulled apart, Jon was staring at her. His eyes whirled open. She’d never seen so little of his iris as he took her in.


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