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Forbidden Fire 2 (Taboo Erotica) (Burning Harem)

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by Anya Merchant

  Forbidden Fire 2


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  It was morning, and once again, Kevin was waking up slowly. The sun was already up and shining through the cracks in his window shades, and the memory of the events the day before slowly came to him as he pulled his legs out of bed.

  He got dressed, feeling like he was more exhausted than he should be after a full nights rest. There was something else on his mind that he couldn’t shake, an inescapable feeling of wanting to follow up on Annette, and whatever was left of the fire brigade.

  The house was empty. Kevin’s adoptive mom had made him breakfast before she’d left, and written him a small message, a heart with a smiley face next to it, on a yellow sticky note next to the plate. Looking at it made him feel strange, as though his mom’s love was stronger than ever, and he wanted it more than ever.

  Kevin grabbed a piece of toast and a couple of strips of bacon off the plate, heading for the door as he ate them. He slipped into his sandals and headed outside, feeling the dry summer heat start to sap the moisture out of his body almost immediately as he left the air conditioned house.

  The fire station was on the other side of town. Kevin walked slowly taking in the scenery around him as he went. Chaseville was the town he’d grown up in. It was small, unassuming, and very traditional. He knew his neighbors, and they knew him. He cared about everyone there, as though they were all one big family.

  Almost everything of interest was right off the tiny little downtown strip. There wasn’t much, a few grocery stores, a movie theater, a couple of bars and other businesses, but it was home to Kevin. He hadn’t spent much time out and about since he’d gotten back from college, and as he walked down main street, a flood of nostalgia and memories washed over him.

  Off to the side and in the direction that he was headed was the wreckage of the Dreis Building. Kevin passed by it slowly, looking carefully at the aftermath. The big office building had been the only one lost in the end. The fire was out, and it looked as though an industrial plow had pushed the wreckage into as neat of a pile as could be managed.

  Lindsey’s house looked to be mostly intact, other than a couple of spots that looked like they’d been licked by flames on the outside. Kevin wondered for a moment about the other people affected by the fire, the people who had died in the Dreis Building, or lost their livelihoods.

  He walked faster, turning his head towards the road. The fire station was about a mile further down, a neat and tiny red building with an attached garage, right next to a small gas station. Across the top of the front of the building the words “CHASEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT” were written in white, stenciled letters.

  Kevin walked in through the open garage door slowly. There were sounds coming from the inside of it, and they grew louder as he drew closer.

  “So you plan on fighting all the fires yourself? Is that your plan, Annette?” A voice new to Kevin rang out like a bell through the air, youthful and musical.

  “I’m looking for fire fighters, not kamikazes!” Annette was yelling back at the other woman. “You’re just going to get yourself killed, Kayla.”

  “I’m not! You don’t know a thing about me!” yelled the other girl.

  Kevin walked over to where the argument was coming from, around the side of a big fire engine. Annette was standing with her arms crossed, facing a younger girl and frowning. The girl had a mean scowl on her face and was pointing her finger at the female fire fighter as though in the midst of a callout.

  “Uh, hey there,” said Kevin. “I hate to interrupt, but I…”

  “You what?” The girl whirled on Kevin, and he watched as all of the anger and frustration on her face melted away. She blinked once, and then smiled gently, as though she was embarrassed with herself for lashing out.

  “I’m here to volunteer,” said Kevin. “As a fire fighter.”

  The girl’s smile grew broader. Kevin took a closer look at her, and realized that he knew who she was. Her name was Kayla Kent, and she’d been a grade ahead of him at Chaseville High. She was short, with blond hair, big breasts, and the fit body of a former cheerleader.

  “Get out of here, kid,” said Annette. “I’m telling you the same thing I told Kayla. I don’t need new recruits that are just going to be a liability.”

  Annette pushed by the younger girl and walked towards Kevin. She had a confident, powerful air about her. That, combined with her beautiful features and the icy tone in her voice, made it hard for Kevin to meet her gaze directly.

  “Annette,” he said. “With all due respect, I saved somebody yesterday. “

  “That’s right, he did!” said Kayla. “And I can save people, too!”

  Kevin smiled at her wryly, a little annoyed by the way that she was trying to piggy back onto his appeal. He looked back to Annette, and then held out his hand and swept it across the fire station.

  “Is it really just you here, now?” he asked.

  Annette didn’t answer directly. She sighed, rolled her eyes, and then turned away from him. The female fire fighter was wearing casual clothing, a baggy maroon sweater with tight black leggings, and Kevin couldn’t help but check out her nice butt as she stepped across the room towards the door to the main station.

  “You both have one chance,” she said. “Get inside, and I’ll give you your first test.”

  Kevin looked at Kayla, and saw her holding back ecstatic joy. She held her hand up, and after a moment, he high fived it.

  “Good work, Kevin,” she said. “Remind me to thank you for it later.”

  She slipped down the narrow aisle between the fire engine and Kevin, letting the breasts inside her hot pink sweatshirt graze across him as she did. He blushed, and then followed after her and Annette.

  The inside of the fire department was not what Kevin had been expecting. It was clean, and neatly decorated. The floors were polished hardwood, and everything, even the fire pole extending down from the lodgings on the second level, matched the style and décor. Kevin could pick up on a woman’s touch in the way the interior had been decorated, and it made him feel even more confused about the state of the fire brigade.

  “On the ground, now!” Annette was yelling, and slapped her hand against the wall with surprising strength and ferocity. “New recruits do pushups!”

  Kevin didn’t hesitate, and fell to the floor in a single movement. Annette began pushing the two of them like an angry drill sergeant, screaming for both of them to keep time and yelling out the number they had done. Kevin felt his arms begin to ache as the lactic acid built up in them. Kayla was the first to give away, but he only managed about a dozen more before collapsing into a heap.

  “What’s a matter, recruits?” asked Annette. “Is this too much for you?”

  Kevin managed to look up at her. He didn’t say anything, but felt as pathetic as he assumed he must look.

  “If one of your fellow fire fighters went down in a building, you would have to lift the weight of their body along with seventy pounds of equipment.” Annette walked over to Kevin and set her foot on his back. “Is that something that you can do right now? Is it?”

  Kevin tried to push h
imself up one more time with the added weight, and didn’t even manage to get himself an inch off the ground. He began to feel doubt creeping into his mind, along with a powerful feeling of failure. Every muscle in his body ached, but he felt a second wind rush across his body, and with an immense amount of effort, he managed to lift himself.

  “…Good.” Annette looked at Kevin, and then glanced over at Kayla, who was spread eagle on the ground, panting heavily. “Get up. Both of you.”

  Kevin stood and followed behind Annette, along with Kayla. She led them around the corner and up a set of stairs. There was a room at the top filled with rows of identical looking cots, each of them with a tiny bed stand cabinet to one side.

  “Pick out your beds, and get comfortable,” said Annette. “New recruits don’t usually begin living at the fire station until after their training is complete, but we’re short staffed right now, as you can see.”

  Kevin looked over at Kayla. She was smiling, but there was a somber edge to the expression that made his heart twinge.

  “Any questions?” asked Annette.

  Kevin shook his head, and Kayla said nothing.

  “Great. I’m going to take a look at the extra equipment we have. Get comfortable.”

  She turned and left the room. Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as though it was much easier to relax when not under Annette’s watchful eye. He walked over to one of the cots and sat down on it.

  “She’s not always this irritable,” said Kayla. “In fact, usually she’s funny and playful. We were friends, or acquaintances, at least, before I joined up. I think her attitude has to do with… well, you know.”

  Kayla was leaning towards him, and the outline of her breasts pulled at Kevin’s attention. He forced himself to look up at her face, a hot feeling spreading through his body along with the realization that the two of them were alone in the bunkroom.

  “So all of the other firefighters… did they just quit, or…?” Kevin swallowed as he asked the question, feeling the newfound responsibility he was taking on beginning to weigh down on him.

  “Deserted, more like,” said Kayla. She walked over to the cot he was sitting on and sat down next to him. Her perfume smelled sweet, and Kevin couldn’t help but look at her body more.

  “Most of the old firefighting squad members were here in name only,” said Kayla. “They were just men pretending at it, and when the fire broke out in the Dreis Building, Annette was the only one brave enough to show up.”

  “How is that possible, though?” asked Kevin. “I mean, there has to be-“

  “There were.” Kayla smiled as she cut him off, and set her hand down on his knee. “Oh trust me, there were. The old squad, the good squad, had its own crisis last year. Remember the warehouse fire over in Bethel?”

  Kevin nodded, feeling his body tingle with excitement as Kayla slid her hand further up his leg.

  “It only killed… I mean, only two of Chaseville fire fighters died in it, but it was enough to convince most of the older guys, the ones with families, to retire, and focus on what matters…” Kayla looked at Kevin as though she was about to cry, and suddenly, he felt like he was probing a very sensitive place inside of her.

  “Hey, hey, it’s okay… it’s okay.” Kevin pulled her against him without really thinking about it. Kayla rubbed her hand along his chest and then looked up with him, just barely managing to blink back the beginnings of tears.

  “You’re right, it is okay.” Her voice had shifted in a way that caught Kevin off guard, with a sultry, seductive undertone to it. “We have you here now, Kevin.”

  Her hand came to a rest on Kevin’s crotch, and almost as though a starting pistol had gone off, he felt his cock springing into action underneath it.

  “Are you a real man, Kevin?” asked Kayla.

  He felt his mouth open wordlessly in surprise, but managed to slowly nod.

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Kayla slid her hand inside his shorts slowly, keeping her eyes locked on his as she did. The look on her face, so incredibly sexual and personal, made her touch even more exciting for Kevin.

  Annette’s footsteps could be heard downstairs in the lobby. Kevin felt a little nervous, but also thrilled by the idea that the two of them could be discovered. It was the last thing he wanted, and he knew it would stop his firefighting career before it had even started, but Kayla’s hand felt so good, and he couldn’t make himself stop it.

  “I remember you, you know,” whispered Kayla. “From high school.”

  She ran a finger over the tip of Kevin’s cock, smiling as she felt the wet pre-cum oozing out of it.

  “I… remember you too,” said Kevin.

  “All of the guys were lining up to date me.” Kayla began pumping his cock inside of his shorts, the noise of her hand ruffling the fabric rising on the air with forbidden eroticism. “But you never were in that line Kevin, were you?”

  “Oh man…” moaned Kevin. It was true, he had never been one of Kayla’s many suitors, but it had primarily been due to a lack of confidence on his part. Kayla had been the ultimate catch, one of the hottest cheerleaders, with intelligence to back up her beauty.

  “I want you to support me in what we’re doing, Kevin,” whispered Kayla. Her hand was so soft, and she knew exactly how to stroke it up and down his rod to really drive him wild. “I want you to be my firefighting boyfriend!”

  All Kevin could do was lean his head back in response. He felt like he might as well be dreaming, and the pleasure that was shooting through his cock and into his body was beyond anything he was ready for.

  Kayla was enjoying the control she had over him. She slowly began pulling his shorts and boxers down, crouching in front of the cot and letting her face draw close to Kevin’s cock. He could feel her hot, humid breath blowing against the sensitive skin of his tool, and had to focus on his breathing in order to keep from cumming immediately.

  “Is this what you want me to do, Kevin?” She brought her lips up to the tip of his rod, and gave it a gentle, soft kiss. It was almost as though a bomb of pleasure had gone off inside Kevin, and he couldn’t resist reaching behind Kayla’s head and pulling her mouth forward, onto his cock.

  “Oh god, Kayla,” he moaned. The former cheerleader was eager to suck him off, and Kevin could tell from the way her lips and tongue worked their magic that she was experienced.

  Kevin felt himself automatically taking control, bouncing her head back and forth and letting her lips coat his dick with wet, heavenly warmth. He felt his own hips begin to move in time with Kayla’s head, and after a minute, both of his hands were on her head.

  He was fucking Kayla’s face as though she was an eager slut, willing to do anything to please. Kevin almost felt like he was masturbating and just using her mouth in the place of his own hand. The only thing that set it apart was the way Kayla moved her tongue, and how she kept an airtight seal around his rod. She wanted to get him off as badly as he wanted to get off.

  “Oh man, Kayla,” whispered Kevin. “I’m about to…”

  She pulled her mouth off his cock and began to jerk it up and down with her hand. Kevin’s tool began to erupt, spraying gobs of white, sticky cum into her mouth and onto her face. It was indecent, and it was something that he had never imagined he’d get to do with Kayla back in high school. The pleasure that raced through his body was a shock to his system, and as the final few spurts came out, he collapsed back onto the cot.

  Kayla wiped her face off on the inside of her sweatshirt, and then leaned over Kevin and kissed him on the cheek. She looked composed and in control, and it made Kevin think that the entire seductive episode had been something she’d planned deliberately, as though she was trying to make a point.

  “Annette will be back in soon,” she whispered. “You should get yourself cleaned up.”

  Kevin nodded, and watched as she walked through a door on the other side of the bunkroom, her butt wiggling suggestively with every step. This was it, Kevin thought to himself. T
his was his new life as a fire fighter.


  True to Kayla’s words, Annette made her way up to the bunkroom about ten minutes later. Kevin stood to attention as she walked in, and wondered if there was some kind of salute that he should be doing.

  “Let’s go,” said Annette. “I have the spare suits out in the equipment room downstairs. All I need is to size one up for your body.”

  “Alright,” said Kevin. Annette had a resigned expression on her face, as though she still wasn’t sure what to make of him. She walked over to the fire pole, and in a single movement that was much more erotic than intended, she wrapped her legs around it and spiraled down.

  “Whoa…” said Kevin. He walked over to the hole in the floor slowly, and after feeling the texture of the pole, he climbed onto it and slipped down.

  “It’s one of the perks of the fire station,” said Annette. She was smiling, the first one that Kevin had ever seen on her face.

  “Nice,” he said. “I was never much of a fan of stairs, anyway.”

  Annette walked with him across the bottom lobby and led him into a room behind the garage. There were a number of mannequins inside, each of them decorated with the heavy firefighting suits.

  “Alright, put your arms out,” said Annette. As she spoke she pulled at Kevin, moving his body to where she needed it to be and running her hands across his chest without waiting for his consent.

  “Uh, are you…?”

  “Taking measurements,” said Annette. Kevin felt his skin tingle slightly at her touch. She was right up close to him, and Kevin couldn’t help but notice the curves of her body at that proximity.

  The room suddenly felt hot, and tense. Kevin could hear Annette’s breathing as she pulled the tape measure across his body. He tried not to stare at her breasts, which were poking against the fabric of her sweater, but it was hard, and as Annette’s hands began to drift down his waist and onto his legs, it became even harder.

  “Do you know why you’re here, Kevin?” asked Annette. Her voice was soft, but challenging. It felt like her words were cutting through the air like a knife through a curtain.


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