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Figure It Out for Yourself vm-3

Page 18

by James Hadley Chase

  Almost immediately the first head appeared above the edge of the quarry. Then four men appeared. They stopped and looked to right and left. Three other men joined them.

  They were big, tough-looking birds: four of them in red-and-white striped sweat shirts, the kind worn by the fishermen who lounge along the waterfront of Coral Gables. The other three were city characters, in ill-fitting sports clothes, typical street-corner loafers.

  One of them, a short, square-shouldered man, seemed to be in charge. He was giving directions. Four of the fishermen ran off to the left. The remaining men spread out in a halfcircle and began to move towards me.

  Keeping behind the shelter of the bushes, I ran, bent double over the sand, to another line of scrub. Again I paused to look back. The line of men had stopped. They couldn’t make up their minds which way I had gone.

  I decided if I wasn’t careful they might go back to the tunnel and catch Paula, so I moved out into the open.

  A yell behind me told me I had been seen, and I broke into a run. The evening sun was setting fast now, and threw a red glow over the desert; but it was still hot, and running over the hot sand was hard work.

  I kept glancing behind me. The four fishermen had joined in the chase. They were now strung out in a wide arc, driving me farther into the desert, and cutting me off from the Highway. But they weren’t making much progress. The heat seemed to be bothering them more than it did me. If I could keep the distance between us, until the sun dropped below the horizon, I stood a good chance of giving them the slip.

  The idea seemed to have occurred to them, for there came a crack of a gun behind me and a slug zipped past my head.

  I didn’t worry a great deal about being shot at so long as I kept moving. You had to be a pretty good shot with a revolver to hit a moving target, but I kept swerving every now and then to be on the safe side.

  Again I glanced behind me. The figures were falling back now. They kept coming, but I had greatly increased the distance between them and me, and I slowed down, panting a little, and feeling as if I were in a steam-bath.

  I was worrying about Paula. If someone had been left to guard the trucks, she might be caught. But there was nothing I could do but keep on. There was no hope of doubling back. The line of men was too spread out, cutting off all retreat to the Highway. They knew, so long as they could keep me penned up in this half-circle, sooner or later they would come up onme.

  The set-up reminded me of the game of fox and geese. At the moment the line behind me was unbroken. In a little while I would have to turn and see if I could pierce it. But I couldn’t do that until it was dark.

  I went on, no longer running, but moving at a jog-trot. The men behind me had also slowed down, and the distance between us remained the same.

  Away to my right, I could see the first of the foothills. This worried me. Before long, they would make a barrier, and would allow the line of men to swing in on my left. If I didn’t look out I could be trapped.

  I decided to make the attempt to break their line before I got into the foothill country.

  Breaking into a run, I sprinted ahead, then began to wheel sharply to my left.

  There was an immediate shout behind me.

  Glancing round I saw three men pounding across the sand to cut me off. I increased my speed, but I had a lot more ground to cover. I was panting now, and every now and then I stumbled in the loose sand.

  One of the fishermen, a big, powerful guy, could run. His long legs flew over the ground as he headed me off.

  We raced for the gap between the first of the foothills. If I could beat him I would be out in the open country again. If he beat me, I’d be bottled up in a narrowing strip of desert where, sooner or later, I would be trapped.

  I judged the distance and saw he was gaining on me. Gritting my teeth, I increased my speed. I pulled ahead. The other men, all running now, were hopelessly outpaced, but this one guy stuck to me. The gap loomed nearer. I could see him now: see the red, hard face, the sweat running down from under his cap, the fixed grin. He swerved towards me, came at me like a charging bull.

  I tried to dodge, but he was ready for that. He closed in on me, his hands grabbing my coat.

  I swung at him, but he ducked, his arms encircling me in a bear-like hug. We stumbled, wrestled and went down in the sand.

  I slugged him on the side of his head, but it was only a half-arm blow and didn’t carry much steam. He raised himself off me and clubbed down at my upturned face with his fist. I just managed to get my face out of the way and belted him in the chest, a good, solid punch that sent him over on his back.

  I scrambled to my feet in time to stop his rush with a jab to his face. His head went back, and I sailed in, punching with both hands. I caught him on the side of his jaw and his knees buckled. A long, looping right-hand punch sent him to the sand.

  The way was open now, but my breath had gone, and I could scarcely move one leg after the other.

  ‘Hold it!’

  The menace in the voice made me turn.

  The short, square-shouldered character had come pounding up. In his right fist he held a .45, pointing at me.

  I stopped.

  ‘Reach up and clasp some cloud!’

  My hands went up. It was a relief just to stand there and get my breath. With any luck at all, Paula would be well out of the way by now.

  The fisherman I had knocked down got to his feet. He came across to me, a sheepish grin on his face.

  ‘Frisk him, Mac,’ the broad-shouldered character said.

  Mac ran his hands over me, found the .25 and tossed it to his companion.

  ‘That’s the lot, Joe,’ he said and stepped back.

  Joe came closer; his small eyes probed my face.

  ‘Who are you? Ain’t seen you before,’ he said, puzzled.

  ‘Malloy’s the name.’

  ‘That’s the guy she was telling you about,’ Mac said, showing interest.

  Joe scowled.

  ‘Yeah; that’s right. Poking your snout in Barratt’s affairs, were you?’ he demanded, pushing the gun at me.

  ‘Well, yes; put it that way if you like,’ I said. ‘Didn’t he tell you?’

  Joe grinned.

  ‘You got us wrong. We ain’t Barrett’s boys. We’re a little private party all on our own.’

  The five other men came pounding up, panting and gasping for breath. They closed round me threateningly, but Joe waved them back.

  ‘Mac, take these guys and finish the job. I’m taking him to the cabin. When you’re through, come on back.’

  Mac nodded, motioned to the other five men and set off across the sand towards the mine, leaving me alone with Joe.

  ‘Look, pally,’ Joe said, making a stabbing movement with his gun, ‘just do what you’re told, and you’ll be all right. I don’t want to make a hole in you, but if you tempt me, I’ll do it.’

  I was now calm enough to study him. He was about forty, with a round, fleshy face, small eyes, thin lips and the heaviest five o’clock shadow I’ve ever seen. Although he was short, I could tell by the build of his shoulders, by the short neck and the size of his hands, that he was as powerful as a gorilla.

  ‘Go ahead,’ he said, ‘and keep moving. I’ll tell you when to stop.’ He waved vaguely towards the foothills. ‘You’ve got quite a nice little walk, so stretch your legs. If you even look over your shoulder, I’ll plug you. Understand?’

  I said I understood.

  ‘Get going, then.’

  I started off, not knowing where I was heading, hearing him behind me, too far away to make a grab at him, but close enough for him to hit me if he squeezed the trigger.

  I was asking myself who this mob was. Where did they spring from? What was the job they had gone back to finish? I thought with satisfaction that the chances were they’d run into Mifflin and his boys.

  That’s the guy she was telling you about.

  Who was she?

  We were in the foothills now, and t
he going was hard. We were climbing. Every now and then Joe would grunt, ‘Take the right-hand path,’ or ‘Bear to your left,’ but he didn’t close the gap between us, and there was nothing I could do but keep walking.

  By now the sun had dropped below the horizon, and the light was fading. Before very long it would be dark. That might give me an opportunity, but I knew I had to be careful. Joe looked as if he had been born with a gun in his hand, and it would have to get very dark before I took any chances with him.

  ‘Okay, pally,’ he said suddenly. ‘Park yourself. We’re going to have a breather. Turn around and sit down.’

  I faced him.

  He was about four yards away from me, and sweating like a pig. The uphill climb in this heat didn’t agree with him.

  He waved me to a rock while he picked one for himself, sat down stiffly, glad of the rest.

  ‘Have a butt, pally,’ he went on taking out a pack of Lucky Strike. He took one and tossed the pack to me. ‘What’s it like—in that mine?’ he asked, lighting his cigarette and blowing a stream of smoke down his short thick nose.

  ‘Not the kind of place you’d pick for a vacation,’ I said, lighting a cigarette and tossing the pack back to him. ‘It’s full of man-eating rats.’

  His small eyes bugged out

  ‘Rats? I heard there were rats, but I didn’t believe it.’ He squinted down at his cigarette. ‘See any reefers while you were in there?’

  ‘About a couple of million of them. I didn’t stop to count them, but that’s a conservative guess.’

  He grinned, showing small, broken teeth.

  ‘Jeepers! As many as that, huh? I told her that’s where he kept the stuff, but she wouldn’t have it. How are they packed?’

  ‘In boxes. Who is she?’

  He scowled at me.

  ‘I’m the guy who asks the questions, pally. You answer them.’

  I had a sudden idea.

  ‘What’s your racket?’ I asked. ‘Hi-jacking Barratt?’

  ‘You guessed it, pally. We’re taking that stock of reefers. We have our own little organization now.’ He stood up. ‘Okay, let’s go. Straight up the hill, and keep right. Get going.’

  We went on up the hill. It was almost too dark now to see where I was going, but Joe seemed to have eyes like a cat, He kept jerking out directions, warning me away from rocks and shrubs, as if he could see as easily now as in the sunlight.

  Suddenly he said, ‘Hold it.’

  I stopped and waited.

  He gave a shrill whistle. A moment later a light flashed on a few yards in front of us, and I could see, carefully hidden behind a screen of trees and bushes, a cleverly concealed log cabin, built into the side of the hill.

  ‘Neat, huh?’ Joe said. ‘We built it ourselves. You’d have to walk right on it before you knew it was there, and by that time you’d be as full of lead as a church roof. Go ahead. Walk right in.’

  I went ahead.

  The door stood open and I walked into a large, roughly furnished room. Standing before a log fire, her hands behind her back, a cigarette in her full red lips was Mary Jerome.


  A white moth fluttered around the storm lantern hanging from a beam in the centre of the room, and cast an enormous shadow on the floor. It zoomed away from the light, fluttered rather helplessly round the room, and, as it passed Joe, he reached out, slapped it to the floor and put his foot on it

  I didn’t pay any attention to what he was doing. I was looking at Mary Jerome; the last person I expected to find in this cabin.

  She was wearing a red-and-yellow cowboy shirt, a pair of canary-coloured corduroy slacks, and her dark hair was hidden under a red silk bandana. She was paler and more fine-drawn since last I saw her, but she was still lovely to look at.

  ‘Hello,’ I said. ‘You may not believe it, but I’ve been hunting all over for you.’

  ‘Pipe down, pally,’ Joe said. ‘No one asked you for a speech. Sit over there and keep quiet.’

  He poked the gun into my spine, pushed me over to an armchair facing the fire.

  I sat down.

  ‘Where did you find him?’ Mary Jerome asked.

  Joe grinned at her, obviously very pleased with himself.

  ‘He was in the mine. We spotted him coming out of the upper tunnel. He bolted into the desert, but we caught up with him.’

  ‘Was he alone?’

  ‘Why, sure.’

  ‘Then why did he run into the desert?’

  Joe frowned at her, ran his fingers through his short, crinkly hair.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘If he wanted to get away, he would have run towards the Highway, wouldn’t he?’ she asked patiently.

  Joe’s face lost its animated expression. He turned to snarl at me.

  ‘What’s cooking, fella? Weren’t you alone?’

  ‘Why, no. I had a girl with me,’ I told him. ‘She’s gone for the Law.’

  Mary lifted her shoulders in a resigned shrug.

  ‘I give up, Joe,’ she said in disgust. ‘You make a mess of everything you handle.’

  ‘For crying out aloud!’ Joe said, his face turning red, ‘How was I to know?’

  ‘Never mind; but you better do something about it.’

  ‘Yeah.’ He pulled a face, glared at me. ‘Jeepers! It means walking back to that damned mine again. Can you look after this fella?’

  She nodded.

  ‘I’ll take care of him. You’d better hurry, Joe.’

  ‘Want my gun?’

  She took the heavy .45 and balanced it in her hand.

  ‘Get going, Joe.’

  He looked over at me.

  ‘Don’t kid yourself she can’t use that rod. She can.’

  He went out of the cabin.

  I listened to him crashing through the bushes on his way down the hillside. It would take him the best part of half an hour to reach the mine.

  By that time Mifflin would have arrived.

  Mary Jerome moved away from the fire and sat in an arm- chair facing me, but on the far side of the room. She dropped the gun into her lap and leaned back, resting her head against the padded back of the chair.

  I considered the possibility of diving across the room, but decided there would be nothing in it for me except a slug through the head.

  ‘It seems a long time since we met,’ I said. ‘Was it you who told Paula I was in the mine?’

  ‘Yes. Don’t ask me why. I guess I’m going soft.’ Her voice sounded weary.

  ‘Who’s this guy, Joe? A pal of yours?’

  ‘Not exactiy.’ She raised her head and stared at me. ‘You’re bursting to ask questions, aren’t you? Well, go ahead and ask them. I’m through with being smart. I’m pulling out of here. I thought I could handle Joe, but I can’t.’

  ‘Let’s pull out together.’

  She shook her head.

  ‘Nothing like that. Joe wouldn’t like it, and I can’t afford to get on his wrong side. We’ll wait a while. If he doesn’t come back, you can go.’

  ‘But suppose he does come back?’ I said and moved cautiously to the edge of my chair. ‘What’ll happen to me?’

  She shrugged.

  ‘He won’t harm you. Joe’s not like that. He’ll keep you here until he’s ready to pull out himself. You don’t have to worry.’ She lifted the gun and pointed it at me. ‘Sit back and relax. You’re staying here until Joe gets back.’

  That didn’t worry me a great deal, as I felt pretty certain Joe wouldn’t come back.

  ‘Just where do you fit in this set-up?’

  She give a bitter little smile.

  ‘Can’t you guess? I’m Lee’s wife.’

  I sat forward again and stared at her.

  ‘Dedrick’s wife?’

  ‘That’s what I said.’

  ‘But he’s married to Serena Marshland.’

  ‘He married me first.’ She reached for a box of cigarettes, lit one and frowned into the fire. ‘Lee can take a little thing
like bigamy in his stride.’

  ‘You mean Serena’s marriage was a fake?’

  ‘Yes. Of course, she didn’t know at the time. She knows now,’ and again she smiled bitterly.

  ‘Did you tell her?’

  ‘I told her father.’

  ‘Was that why he went to see you at the Beach Hotel?’

  She raised her eyebrows at me.

  ‘You found that out? Yes, that’s when I told him. I had to have money. I was cleaned right out. He gave me a thousand dollars to keep out of sight.’

  ‘Now don’t rush this. Suppose you begin at the beginning. When did you marry Dedrick?’

  ‘Oh, about four years ago, I forget the exact date. It isn’t anything I cherish. Being married to Lee isn’t a romantic dream. I met him in Paris, and fell for him. He’s the kind of heel most women would fall for. I don’t know why he married me, but he did. He always had plenty of money, and never seemed to do any work. I guess his money attracted me. Well, I got what I deserved.’ She flicked the cigarette into the fire, and reached for another. ‘I found out he was smuggling dope into Paris. Joe worked with him. He persuaded me to help him too.’ She smiled at me. ‘You don’t know how persuasive he can be. Then he met the Marshland woman. I hadn’t an idea what was cooking. He was often away for weeks at a time, and I thought he was handling a consignment. Then without warning, he disappeared. Joe and I were left holding the baby. Joe tried to carry on, but he just hadn’t what it takes. The police nearly caught us. We managed to get out of France, and came here. That was when I found out he had married Serena Marshland. I went to Barratt. You know about Barratt?’

  I said I knew about Barratt.

  ‘He wants watching,’ she said, her face hardening. ‘He fooled me all right. He said Lee had married Serena Marshland to get her money, and as soon as he had it, he would return to me. He asked me to co-operate; to keep away from Lee and give him a free hand. Like a fool, I believed him. I was staying at the Chandos Hotel, and on my way back from seeing Barratt I was shot at. I knew then that Barratt was going to get rid of me, and I moved to the Beach Hotel.’ She glanced at me, asked, ‘Are you enjoying this?’


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