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Page 7

by Charisma Knight

  “I’ve been searching for you the entire morning. What have you been up to, child?” Elizabeth approached Akaisha, her hands behind her back. “Have you had a chance to eat?” she asked pretending to care about Akaisha.

  “I wasn’t very hungry this morning,” Akaisha admitted, scanning the woman’s aura. “I was simply taking a stroll of the castle grounds and enjoying the sunlight. I’m not used to spending my time indoors.”

  “Well, I could imagine you would have some minor adjustments to make for your new life,” Elizabeth said dryly. “Come, I have asked Helen to prepare a meal for you. You should eat something; you need to maintain your strength.”

  A red flag rose within Akaisha’s mind. Not trusting Elizabeth at all, she politely dismissed herself, seeking the confinements of her bedchamber, away from Elizabeth.

  “You aren’t going to eat, Akaisha?” Elizabeth asked, bewildered, and pissed off by Akaisha’s defiance.

  “No, I told you, Elizabeth, I’m not hungry at the moment.” She stared deep within the woman’s soul, suddenly knowing the truth. Elizabeth intended to harm her.

  Akaisha avoided Elizabeth for the remainder of the day. The very thought of Elizabeth sickened her. Her visions, becoming increasingly clear, convinced her to seek out Daegan. She would pay him a visit to his chambers as soon as the sun set. Akaisha made the mistake of lying down for a few hours before sunset, allowing sleep to claim her. She dreamed not of Egypt, but of Daegan and Biele’s wedding night.

  * * * *

  Happiness flourished between the couple as Hysteon spoke the words that would bind Daegan and Biele together forever. Daegan carried Biele to their bedchambers, eager to consummate their marriage. Before courtship began, a persistent knock came from the door. One of the vampire elders demanded Daegan’s presence within the lower east wing. Unfortunately, it was a demand Daegan could not refuse. Kissing his beloved Biele, Daegan left her unattended. After his departure, the double doors were forced open. A large, faceless man charged the bed in which Biele lie.

  Before he could approach her, Biele jumped up in a flash, retreating to the other end of the bedchamber in an effort to transform into wolf form to defend herself from her assailant. Unfortunately, the large man wrestled Biele to the ground, punching her several times, dragging her to the bed. Struggling for her life, Biele howled in pain as her assailant greedily tore into her flesh, draining every drop of blood from her body, and eventually snapping her neck.

  Chapter 13

  Akaisha awoke with her hands at her throat, gasping for air, scanning the room. Shaking, she lit the candles along the wall, fighting to control her breathing. Pacing back and forth, recalling the dream, she hissed at the very thought of her being murdered. It was as though she were in Biele’s place; she felt every ounce of hatred, his hot breath upon her skin, and the increasing pressure around her neck. She recalled the searing pain of his incisors ripping through her flesh, and the brute force her assailant used, eventually snapping her neck.

  Shivering, Akaisha changed her clothes, brushed her hair, and entered the corridor. The slaves had already lit a few candles so they could see in the dark. She passed Helen on her way to Daegan’s chamber.

  “Hello Akaisha, how have you been? I have not seen you around much lately. I hope all is well,” she said.

  “I couldn’t be better,” Akaisha lied.

  Deciding to trust no one, except her instincts, Akaisha quickened her pace to Daegan’s chamber. Standing outside his chamber, she began to wonder if this would be a waste of her time. Anxiety gripping her insides, she decided to retreat to another part of the castle. As she was walking away, Daegan opened the door.

  “Wench, what are you doing outside my door?” Daegan muttered. “Aren’t you supposed to be with Elizabeth?”

  “Lord Daegan, may I have a moment of your time?” Akaisha asked, witnessing a sudden shift in Daegan’s character.

  “Come in,” he gestured. “Have you returned so that we may pick up where we left off?” He grinned, pouring a glass of wine .

  “Oh, none for me,” Akaisha insisted.

  “So be it,” Daegan muttered.

  “Lord Daegan, surely you know of the revolts the werewolves lead in various parts of Europe.”

  Daegan sat his goblet down, staring at Akaisha with much intensity. “I know, that’s why I brought you here, remember Akaisha?”

  “I need to inform you, Lord Daegan, none of the guardian werewolves plan to revolt against you. I spoke with Michael, who has known you for years,” She informed Daegan.

  “What could you possibly know of another’s intentions?” Daegan sneered.

  “I’m clairvoyant, and I have the ability to read people,” Akaisha murmured.

  “I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary, with the exception of a werewolf that approached me while with Elizabeth.” Akaisha told him.

  Stroking his chin, Daegan stared with an intense gaze.

  “What is your take on the matter?”

  “Elizabeth chased him away. She didn’t want me to have contact with him. I’m really concerned for your well-being Daegan.”

  “Well, well,” Daegan purred. “What change has overtaken you?” he asked.

  “There have, well…I dream, Lord Daegan. My dreams guide me. Someone intends to harm you, and has wronged you for many years.”

  “How do you know of this?” Daegan asked, his eyes widening. “You speak of things you can’t possibly know!”

  “I told you, Lord Daegan, I’m clairvoyant. I used to have visions of the future, now visions of the past haunt me as well!”

  “Surely, you plot against me!” Daegan roared.

  “I would never. You are the one who kidnapped me from Egypt. Remember?” Akaisha insisted.

  The vampire snarled.

  “Alright, you have forced my hand, Lord Daegan!” Akaisha spat. “Biele, your bride was brutally murdered on your wedding night! You carried her over the threshold of a bedchamber, not this, but another, that has long since been sealed off, as you could no longer bear its existence. Furthermore, the vampire council required your presence that evening. Someone broke in, and killed her in your absence!”

  For the first time since her stay at Castle Daegan, Akaisha witnessed a weakness within Daegan. His face was full of pain, his eyes, dull and sad. Tears formed, streaking his face. The man turned away, not wanting Akaisha to see him in such a state.

  “Lord Daegan, please. I’m so very sorry about Biele. I will help you find the person responsible I give you my word,” Akaisha promised, close to tears herself.

  “In these visions of yours, do you see the killer?” Daegan inquired, his voice cracking with emotion.

  “No, Lord Daegan, it is a mystery to me. I know for sure it was not you.”

  “So, daywalker, you’ve heard the rumors?”

  “Yes. The person responsible is a cruel, soulless creature who deserves their punishment ten times over,” Akaisha stated firmly, not realizing why she felt so strongly about this ordeal.

  “For some reason, Akaisha, I believe you. I must. My instinct tells me to follow you in the path you choose.”The vampire turned towards her, closing the gap between them.

  “I’m glad you came to my bedchamber tonight,” Daegan whispered, staring deep into Akaisha’s eyes.

  “Me too,” she whispered, feeling the sudden pull towards Daegan. The time she spent with him in his bedchamber was nothing compared to what she now felt. The air around them seemed to be romantically charged, and a feeling of déjà vu engulfed them.

  “I should be going now,” Akaisha murmured, hoping Daegan would prevent her from leaving the bedchamber. She could stay with him all night long, just talking to him, however the timing was completely off. He needed time to absorb all that she had told him.

  “I suppose you do,” Daegan stiffened, trying to cover up his tenderness. “I’ve much to attend to this evening,” he said, searching the depths of her brown eyes. His jaw clenched tightly, an
d Akaisha could see the muscle twitching, something that attracted her deeply to the man.

  Daegan smiled, looking down at the floor, amused at her girlish behavior. She had a way about her that melted away his pain and anger.

  “Akaisha, don’t back into the door frame, luv. I don’t wish to stay up all night tending to a nasty bruise on the back of your head. I don’t think I could survive another night alone with you.” He grinned, looking away.

  “Yes, wouldn’t want to do that, now would I?” she laughed nervously, suddenly feeling like such a dolt. She turned on her heel, rushing out of the bedchamber, embarrassment burning her cheeks. Now, she wanted nothing more than to vanish from Daegan’s sight, praying he would forget how she almost ran smack-dab into the doorframe.

  Daegan crossed his arms, continuing to watch the doorway in which Akaisha departed, shaking his head, smiling, wondering what had just happened between them.

  Chapter 14

  Akaisha’s heart sank to her stomach as she walked with urgency through the large castle. She was more than willing to mend clothes like the slaves, cook, or wash garments. Hell, she would be happy cleaning out the stables if necessary. At this particular moment in time, she prayed for the earth to swallow her. Not knowing why or how she felt this way towards the man whom she thought to be cruel, she just knew she did not want to make an ass out of herself again in front of him. Her cheeks were still flushed with embarrassment when she bumped into Elizabeth.

  “Hello, child! Where have you been hiding?” Elizabeth clucked, in her usual aggravating tone.

  “Oh, just around, becoming acquainted with a few of the werewolves,” She nervously confessed.

  “Why child, you are beet red? What has happened to you? Have you a fever?” Elizabeth inquired.

  “I’m feeling a little under the weather, Elizabeth. I’ll be fine in no time, I usually recover quickly.” Akaisha smiled forcefully.

  “Why don’t I make you a cup of hot tea? Go upstairs, and relax. You are not a slave, so why worry about anything?” Elizabeth asked smoothly.

  “You know, Elizabeth, I believe I will lie down for a while, but the tea isn’t a necessity,” Akaisha said, not wanting Elizabeth to prepare anything for her.

  “Are you sure?” Elizabeth asked, raising a dark eyebrow.

  “Oh, I’m quite positive. Perhaps later on, I will take a stroll around the castle grounds. It appears to soothe my nerves,” Akaisha admitted, as her thoughts suddenly drifted to Daegan. “Maybe I’ll venture past the walls of Castle Daegan.”

  “Yes, child, I’m sure it does,” Elizabeth murmured, suspicion forming upon her face. “Please, do let me know if you are in need of anything. I don’t mind taking care of you.”

  “Thanks Elizabeth.”

  “I don’t think you should journey past the castle walls, as it is not safe. You’re an outsider and it would be best for you to have an escort,” Elizabeth chastised.

  “I’m sure I can protect myself,” Akaisha charged, as the woman exited the room, but not before shooting her a strong glance.

  Once free from Elizabeth, Akaisha searched for Michael, but he was nowhere within the castle, that she knew of, or perhaps he had transformed, and was out protecting the castle grounds from outside invaders. Either way, Akaisha was desperate to speak with him once again.

  Fluttering around in the kitchen, she began talking with a few of the cooks, who allowed her to taste the most succulent pheasant they prepared. Adelaide, one of the cooks, convinced Akaisha to take a plate to her room. This was the same dish prepared for her the first evening at Castle Daegan; however, she was too upset at the time to appreciate the food.

  Eagerly, she assisted in cleaning the kitchen, as this was a great of keeping her wandering mind occupied. With a great deal of persistence, she finally made Adelaide agree to let her help cook the next time a meal was prepared.

  “You don’t give up, do you, Akaisha?” Adelaide grinned.

  “It is not within my nature to simply give up.” Akaisha grinned, finishing her half of the cleaning.

  “You haven’t even finished the meal I prepared; you must promise you will finish it, when you finally have a chance. I welcome the comments,” Adelaide stated proudly.

  “Oh, this is the reason why I’ve waited Adelaide; I plan to take it to my room. I’m going to disappear, and maybe even read a book or two.”

  “Well here, stubborn one, take this ration, it’s heated. I won’t hear of you eating cold food,” Adelaide muttered. “Now, go, eat!”

  “Thank you so much, Adelaide, it is much appreciated.” Akaisha smiled as she exited the kitchen. Akaisha was glad she broke away from Elizabeth. Many warm-hearted folks dwelled within Castle Daegan. They all appeared eager to assist her, and they were pure of heart.

  Once into the confines of her bedchamber, Akaisha locked the door. Candles dimly lit her dwellings. She humbly admired the exquisite tapestries and elaborate furniture. Daegan had exceptional taste, and it would appear that some items within the room were seemingly familiar to her. Actually, many items within these castle walls appeared to grab her attention, Akaisha thought as she nibbled at the tasty morsels. Sitting on the bed, Akaisha recalled her prior conversation with Daegan. The very thought of him made the place between her thighs moist, and brought heat to her cheeks. Akaisha jumped as someone knocked on her door. “Who is it?” she asked, upset at the fact someone had interrupted her fledgling fantasy of Daegan.

  “It’s Daegan,” he called through the door in a firm voice.

  Akaisha’s heart skipped a beat as she dashed over to the drawer to obtain her brush. Her hair must have been a mess, and she wanted to look her best for Daegan.

  “Akaisha, are you in there?” Daegan demanded persistently.

  “Yes, please give me a few moments,” Akaisha called, her heart beating stronger with each passing moment.

  Checking her clothes for crumbs or stains from the scrumptious meal Adelaide prepared, Akaisha opened the door. A questionable gaze met Akaisha as she gestured for Daegan to come in.

  “What were you doing, daywalker?” Daegan asked, as a sly grin formed slowly upon his lips. “Hopefully, I’m not interrupting anything,” he murmured huskily.

  Translating his accusation caused her face to blush; she could not deny the thought of pleasuring herself when thoughts of Daegan had indeed crossed her mind. Her eyes met with Daegan’s and it was at that moment, he knew her every thought. The wench was going to pleasure herself while thinking of him!

  “Close the door, Akaisha,” Daegan commanded in a low, husky growl. “Lock it!”

  Moisture pooled between her thighs as she knew her prayers were about to be answered. There was one reason why Daegan would take initiative, visiting her bedchambers this evening. Closing the door, and locking it, Akaisha turned to speak.

  ”Continue facing the door, ” Daegan demanded. Obeying, Akaisha started to tremble, not with fear, but with anticipation as she slowly turned to face the door. She willingly awaited Daegan’s sweet torture on her flesh. She couldn’t hear him, but she felt his presence as he slowly approached her.

  Daegan closed the gap between them, pressing his hard body against Akaisha’s petite, voluptuous frame. She exhaled sharply as Daegan’s erection throbbed against the small of her back. Pulling her hair back, he slowly pressed his lips against her neck, allowing his hot breath to scorch her skin. Akaisha felt as though her entire body had been set on fire as Daegan explored her luscious curves.

  His hands fumbled with the fastenings of her elegant dress, exposing her beautiful breasts, causing Akaisha’s incisors to lengthen. A moan escaping her lips, she pressed against him as he hiked the silk fabric up to her buttocks, his large hands traveling to her aching pussy. Daegan’s tongue seductively marked a trail of fire from her earlobe down to her shoulder, causing Akaisha to shudder, almost to the brink of orgasm.

  Reaching behind her, Akaisha boldly caressed Daegan’s bulge, causing him to tighten his grip on her thigh
s. Daegan slid a hand between her thighs, slowly playing with her swollen clitoris, bathing it in her juices. Her scent mercilessly assaulted his nostrils as he inserted a finger deep inside Akaisha.

  Chapter 15

  Akaisha’s knees weakened as she grabbed the wrist of the hand that gave her such pleasure. Grazing her neck with his incisors, Daegan eventually drew blood, heightening Akaisha’s pleasure. A moan from her lips turned into a low growl, similar to that of a jungle cat.

  “I’m going to devour you, daywalker,” Daegan promised in a husky tone. “But first, I intend to feast upon the tasty flesh between your thighs,” he threatened, causing Akaisha to buck her hips with need. Despite Akaisha’s protests, Daegan withdrew his finger from her weeping pussy, making her turn to face him. Gently, he pushed her against the door, lowering himself before her, parting the silky folds of her drenched pussy. Holding her dress around her waist, Akaisha stared, with anticipation into Daegan’s eyes.


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