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Page 10

by Charisma Knight

  Adelaide rushed to Daegan and Akaisha, cleaning Akaisha’s wounds as they healed slowly. Hysteon and Kale appeared, joining Komin. A hushed silence fell upon the room as everyone stared in awe at the sight of the magus and his brother.

  “She needs to feed,” Adelaide said. “Daegan, please help her!”

  “Heal Akaisha, hurry!” Komin demanded with anticipation, knowing the deeds of Elizabeth and Valaris.

  “Come on, daywalker,” Daegan coaxed, baring his throat to Akaisha. Wasting no time, Akaisha sunk her fangs into Daegan, his life force, immediately flowing through her veins, providing her with the strength needed to do battle, if necessary.

  “Enough, Akaisha!” Daegan chastised, sensing he would need his strength Akaisha’s wounds immediately healed, and she felt ten times stronger thanks to Daegan’s blood.

  “Hysteon!” Daegan called out. “My friend, where have you been?”

  “’Tis a long story, Daegan,” Hysteon spoke in a firm tone.

  “Daegan, come here,” Komin commanded.

  Entrusting Akaisha with Adelaide, Daegan strolled over towards Komin. All eyes were fixated upon Daegan, some with a sense of loyalty, others exuded utter hatred towards the man.

  “What’s going on?” Daegan breathed, looking Komin in the eyes.

  “Who do you think murdered Biele?” Komin bellowed to the crowd, eyeing Valaris. Once more, the crowd started buzzing amongst themselves, eyes fixated upon Daegan, immediately increasing conversation again as Komin and Hysteon quieted everyone down.

  “Biele was killed by Elizabeth. She cloaked herself by use of magic!” Valaris spat, trying to cover his tracks.

  “Quiet your tongue, Valaris!” Komin shouted, as other vampire elders joined them.”

  “Forgive me, Daegan, but Biele was killed by your brother,” Hysteon bellowed. “Elizabeth and Valaris kidnapped me, stealing the black crystal and utilizing my magic to cover up their evil deeds. Everyone, you have been lied to by these fiends, and justice shall prevail tonight, within these walls.”

  A loud roar from the crowd permeated the castle hall, some in disbelief, some claiming to have known Daegan could not have killed Biele.

  It was in this instance that Daegan roared loudly, his fangs lengthening past his bottom lip, his hands turning to claws as rage overtook his entire being.

  Akaisha gasped in awe at the transformation of the man she loved, was quickly pulled back by Michael and Adelaide when she tried to approach him.

  “Don’t interfere, Akaisha,” Michael warned. “This is Daegan’s fight now.”

  The crowd backed away, leaving Daegan and Valaris in the middle of the hall. Swiftly, Valaris drew his sword.

  “Don’t make me kill you, Daegan,” Valaris warned, threatening to behead his own brother. “I told you not to marry Biele. She was a werewolf!”

  Growls from the werewolves permeated the great hall in response to Valaris’ words. The vampires who were misled hissed venomously at Valaris. A few even approached him, ready to rip him to shreds.

  “Stop!” Daegan demanded. “He’s mine. Put your sword away, brother. I need no sword to slay you where you stand,” Daegan hissed venomously, sending a chill down Akaisha’s spine. “You are a coward, killing Biele on our wedding night!”

  “Daegan, I would have made much progress within the vampire council, more than you will ever know. You grew weak after Biele’s death; remember it was I who saved you from embracing the dawn,” Valaris spat.

  Daegan lunged at Valaris, snatching the sword from his grasp, releasing a painful blow to his brother’s face. Howling in pain, Valaris charged Daegan, slashing his chest repeatedly.

  “See that, dear brother? You are weak! I should kill you where you stand, but before long, you shall bow down to me,” Valaris spat venomously.

  Menacing laughter escaped Daegan’s throat as he lopped his brother’s arm off with one of his large clawed hands. Valaris screamed in pain as blood began to spurt from the socket where his arm was attached. Valaris wobbled, trying to keep up with his brother, in vain. Daegan brutally slashed Valaris’ back, making the vampire’s knees buckle as he fought to control his situation.

  “So, you think me weak brother?” Daegan growled, approaching Valaris slowly. “I held you in my highest regard, Valaris,” Daegan said slowly, his eyes burning with anger. “I entrusted you with all my affairs within the vampire council.”

  “Next time, you will know the difference, brother!” Valaris spat, holding his head up high in retaliation.

  “There won’t be a next time,” Daegan said in a low voice before lopping off his brother’s other arm. In pain, Valaris fell to both his knees. “Hmmm, should I leave you like this, brother? Do you think you can survive the rest of eternity as helpless as Biele was the night you murdered her?” Daegan roared.

  Whispers emanated from the crowd, leaving everyone in awe as Daegan prepared for the killing of Valaris.

  “Have mercy on me brother!” Valaris begged. “I was only doing you a favor!”

  “Did you offer mercy to Biele the night you slayed her?” Daegan hissed, picking Valaris up by one hand, sinking his fangs into his brother, eventually draining his life force from him.

  Protests dispersed from those whom Valaris promised eternal life. There were many in which Valaris seduced with power within Castle Daegan, however, Elizabeth was the only one who went as far as to betray Daegan.

  “Elizabeth, you old crone!” Daegan hissed. “You betrayed me, now you must pay the price. Take her off the castle grounds,” Daegan hissed to his loyal werewolf guardians, as he wiped his brother’s blood from his lips.

  At first, Daegan appeared to be a maniac to Akaisha; however, after scanning his aura, she sensed his pain, and his regret of destroying Valaris. Daegan’s brother would never cease in his efforts to destroy him, and Daegan knew it. Suddenly, she felt remorse for the woman.”

  “Daegan, shouldn’t we just lock her in the dungeon?” Akaisha asked.

  “Akaisha, she and Valaris killed Biele. Are you mad woman? She deserves to be destroyed, and I won’t hear anymore in the matter.” Daegan growled.

  Chapter 19

  Elizabeth, were escorted away from the castle grounds in preparation for execution. Akaisha, Adelaide, and many of the loyal servants and cooks stayed amongst themselves, careful not to be involved with the execution. Adelaide clung close to Akaisha, laying her head on her shoulder.

  “Relax Adelaide,” Akaisha coaxed as she stroked the woman’s back in an effort to comfort her. “Something isn’t right.” The daywalker said, scanning hall.

  “What do you mean?” Adelaide shuddered, as a chill caressed her body.

  “Something doesn’t feel right. I don’t understand,” Akaisha murmured.

  “How can executing Elizabeth justify everything?” Adelaide asked.

  “I know your feelings, I hold remorse for her as well. She is evil, and what’s to say she won’t do the same things again to obtain what she wants? She was an antagonist to the rumors of Daegan for many years, now wasn’t she? Somehow, everyone has managed to exist, thinking Daegan an evil, heartless ruler. His name is cleared, and those who wish to remain here within the castle may do so, I’m sure.”

  Daegan approached Akaisha, staring into the depths of her soul. Komin, Hysteon, and Kale approached her as well, informing Daegan who she really was.

  “It cannot be,” Daegan murmured, eyeing Akaisha from head to toe.

  “You know it to be true, Daegan,” Hysteon stated. “Your dreams and instincts confirmed your suspicions quite some time ago,” the magus continued.

  “So it is,” Daegan smiled, holding Akaisha’s head within his hands, planting a kiss upon her lips. “I still don’t understand, magus. We traveled to the thirteenth century to retrieve Akaisha. Biele was murdered only forty years ago.”

  “Correct, Daegan. You must know that sometimes when a soul has been wronged, it seeks certain opportunities to reclaim what it has lost. The universe enfor
ces this. Why do you think you were able to sense Akaisha so easily? The love you both had refused to be destroyed by evil,” Hysteon explained, placing a hand upon Daegan’s shoulder.

  “Hysteon,” Daegan murmured. “I had a dream a while ago, viewing Akaisha as she stands before me now. I dreamed of her even before abducting her from Egypt. Am I going mad? Have demons claimed my soul at last? The murder, Biele’s murder still haunts me, making me feel as though I live a dream.” Daegan breathed, closing his eyes.

  “Daegan, calm yourself my friend. You are paying the price, and will continue to pay by returning all that was lost to those, forcefully brought to this castle. It will take years; however, you can rectify some of the wrong brought about by you and your brother. Bring peace to those whom hover on the edge of the living and spirit world. You must put them to rest. Guilt will continue to assault your conscious, due to the slaughters of innocents when you embraced the darkness, but in time, you will ease that pain. You have been given a second chance with Biele-Akaisha; do not take it for granted. “

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Hysteon,” Daegan muttered, sitting in a chair. Akaisha rushed to his side, holding him tightly in an effort to provide strength to him.

  “You must find the strength within, Daegan,” she whispered softly into his ear. “I’m here for you and will never leave your side.”

  “I’m cursed,” Daegan groaned, holding his head in his hands. “Curse Valaris from preventing me to embrace the dawn!”

  “Embracing the dawn, Daegan, is that all you can think about?” Akaisha seethed. “Surely you aren’t the coward your brother was!”

  “Watch your tongue, woman!” Daegan bellowed, realizing the truth hurt.

  “You’d rather embrace the dawn than to stay and fight for those who have been loyal to you, and for me?” Akaisha hissed. “You are no longer alone, Daegan. I’m here for you, let me in and drop this harsh demeanor of yours. Show the softer, gentle nature that exists beneath that façade of yours,” Akaisha pleaded.

  All eyes were fixated upon Daegan, awaiting a response. Akaisha knelt before him, staring into the depths of his eyes, as she held his hands within hers, filling his being with positive energy.

  “I love you, Daegan, with all my heart,” she projected into his psyche, without saying a word. It was then that Daegan embraced warm memories, and the feeling of love flowed from his heart once again.

  “I love you too, my sweetest Akaisha. Please forgive me for acting like a coward. As long as I have you by my side, I will fight until the end of my existence,” Daegan promised. Looking around at a few of the faithful werewolves, vampires, and servants, Daegan extended his deepest apologies for his harshness as he stood, looking everyone in the eye.

  “Can everyone find it within their hearts to forgive such a cruel lord and master?” he asked. Voices erupted into laughter as everyone spoke among themselves, happy to know Daegan’s soul would find some solace.

  “We have already forgiven you, Daegan,” Michael said, smiling brightly. “Why do you think the werewolves never revolted?”

  “This reminds me,” Daegan stated. “Send the word out to other covens that peace has been restored to Castle Daegan.”

  “Word has already reached the other werewolf clans,” Komin breathed. “We must coordinate a meeting of all covens, so everyone will know the truth.”

  Daegan and Akaisha cleaned the hall, with the help of the servants and werewolves. Michael’s family was proud warriors who saw it worthwhile to continue guarding the Daegan clan with their lives.

  “Sunrise approaches!” Komin said. “The traitorous witch has been executed, now we need to succumb to deep slumber. It has been a tiring night.”

  A few daywalkers who chose to stay at Castle Daegan approached Akaisha, offering peace.

  “If there is anything you shall need, please do not hesitate to call upon us,” Morgan spoke softly, reaching out for Akaisha’s hands, happy to be released from Valaris’ harsh sexual treatment. “I’m happy to know my body is now my own,” she murmured softly, as she turned to exit the great hall.

  Megan planted a kiss upon Akaisha’s cheek as she hurried, in an effort to catch up to her sister. Rhiannon emerged from the crowd, shooting Akaisha a seething look. “Daywalker, we have unfinished business.”

  “Rhiannon, I banish you and Kailin from my castle.”

  “Whatever for, my Lord?” Kailin asked.

  “Akaisha is my mate, and if you continue to pursue her in such a manner, I will lay you both to waste.” Daegan said through gritted teeth. “Actually, leave Castle Daegan on this night. Any vampire who dines on the flesh and blood of humans, I want out of my castle. Accompany them off the premises,” Daegan said to his guards and a few of the werewolves who obliged.

  “That’s a start Daegan,” Komin said smiling. Daegan turned to his mate, a strong feeling of hope flowing through his veins.

  “Do you still miss Egypt?” Daegan asked Akaisha, a look of worry slowly forming upon his handsome features. “We closed the portal; however, I’m sure Hysteon can find a way to return you, if necessary.”

  “I told you, Daegan, I wish to be here with you. I miss my precious Egypt, but I cannot help to feel tied to you, to this time. I plan to seek my family out when I travel to Egypt, since all within my family are vampires, with the exception of my mother.” Akaisha lowered her head, praying Queen Isirica allowed her father to provide her with the gift of immortality. “I don’t wish to return for good, but only want to see if my parents are alright.”

  “Are you absolutely sure?” Hysteon asked.

  “It would serve me no purpose to return to the past. I will miss Egypt, and all that I once knew. My future is bright, and I know I will see my family again, I can feel it.” Akaisha beamed as Daegan gathered her in his arms, planting kisses upon her cheek.

  Together, the couple walked to Daegan’s bedchambers, quietly talking amongst themselves, experiencing blissful joy. Once inside the bedchambers, shedding the confinements of their clothes, Daegan gently pushed Akaisha onto the bed, covering her body with his. Akaisha’s body responded with every caress, and every kiss Daegan planted on her body.

  Passionately, Daegan made love to his mate, unlike other times when they ravished one another in explicit carnal desire. Her love for him reinforced his will to overcome the dark nature of his existence. Finally, after centuries of darkness, all doubts he possessed slowly melted away as he and his mate succumbed to the sleep of the vampires.

  Chapter 20

  It seemed like an eternity when Akaisha returned to the Valley of the Kings. Her father’s precious kingdom now lay in ruins, and her family now seemed like a distant memory. She was certain their paths would cross, for they were immortals. Surely, they searched for her once discovering she was missing. Upon entering what was left of their home, a skull splitting vision engulfed Akaisha. A man, not of this land approached her father, the Pharaoh. The full moon shed its light on the inhabitants of the courtyard, as Queen Isirica looked on in great concern, fearing the outsiders, and for good reason. Venomous words were exchanged, and the Pharaoh’s guards rushed to his side, as Valaris revealed his face, an army of vampires behind him, cheering him on as he rushed forward in pure bloodlust, thrusting a sword deep into Nanatuthamen’s chest.

  “What do you seek in our land?” Queen Isirica demanded, as the Egyptian guards fought to protect her. Nanatuthamen insisted she stay inside, but Isirica was determined to stand by her Pharaoah.

  “I am your new Pharaoah, but never will I be a powerslave. I will live on!” Valaris hissed, as Nanatuthamen fell to his knees and the guards fought among themselves. “Now, summon the mother of your sky god, Horus.” The bloodthirsty vampire slowly approached the queen and her guards….

  * * * *

  “Noooo!” Violently jolted out of her sleep by the terrifying dream, Akaisha howled in agony, as though the sword had pierced her chest instead of King Nanastantuthamen’s, awakening Daegan, his feral red e
yes scanning the room for possible intruders.

  “Akaisha!” Daegan called her name in vain; unfortunately, his cries falling upon deaf ears, for it would appear as though Akaisha was trapped, hypnotically between this realm and her own. To his horror, he realized Akaisha saw things he could not see. The daywalker violently thrashed about, her fangs elongated, biting her own lips, heartache carved on her once peaceful face.

  “Magus!” Daegan called at the top of his lungs, until Hysteon and Kale pounded upon the door of the bedchamber.

  “Let us in, Daegan!” Hysteon yelled.

  Reluctantly, Daegan dashed from the bed to open the door.

  “What is wrong with her?” Hysteon asked, helping Daegan to calm Akaisha.

  “I don’t know, Hysteon. She awoke in this manner, and there is nothing I can do to help her!” Daegan hissed.


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