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The Kylie Ryans Series: Girl with Guitar, Girl on Tour, Girl in Love (extended edition)

Page 21

by Caisey Quinn

  His eyes never once left hers as he lowered her onto the blanket. He was still staring into her soul with that stormy hazel gaze she loved so much as he sank himself into her warm, wet opening. Fighting the urge to close her eyes, she wrapped her legs tighter around him as he pressed in and pulled out. Desperate for his mouth, she used her elbows to rise up and kiss him once more.

  When she let her body relax, Trace’s hands moved to her shirt, and she saw the gleam in his eyes. Holy hell, he’s going to rip it right off.

  “Wait,” she said, grabbing his hands with hers. “Don’t. It’s my favorite.” She maintained eye contact while unbuttoning it as quickly as she could.

  “Mine too,” he said softly, right before he finally broke their stare to lower his mouth to her exposed breasts.

  There was no fighting the moans that escaped her as he pulled each of her delicate nipples into his mouth. “You feel so good inside, Trace. Oh God. It’s like—” He cut her off with a hard thrust that shoved an exhalation of pleasure from her throat.

  “It’s like what, Kylie Lou?”

  She shook her head and bit her lip. Part of the reason she didn’t finish was because of the intense orgasm about to rip through the center of her. The other part was because of fear. Fear of how he’d react or feel about what she’d come to believe. To know.

  It’s like you were made for me.

  “WILD ENOUGH for you?” she asked into the stillness when they’d finished and regained the ability to breathe and speak normally.

  Trace turned his head towards hers. “I was teasing you earlier. Everything I do with you is wild for me. Slow and sweet, hard and rough, kissing, holding hands, slinging mud, all of it.” She would’ve grinned but his expression was so serious she didn’t know what to say. “Babe, I know what the tabloids say. Hell, some of it’s true. But I’ve never done this, any of this—” he paused to wave a hand between them, “with someone I actually gave a damn about. Or even with anyone I didn’t give a damn about for that matter.”

  Now she did grin. “Aww, Trace. You give a damn about me.” She placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

  He laughed, the deep, sweet timbre of it sending a welcome shiver through her. “Yeah, I do.” He kissed her back, a slow brush of his perfect mouth against hers. He gripped her hips suddenly, rougher than she expected.

  “You okay?” She pulled back to look into his eyes. The blue and green and gray swirled together in that way it did when he became the most intense version of himself.

  “You came back to me. I thought…I didn’t think…I—”

  She cut him off with a kiss and a promise. “I’ll always come back.” No matter how many times you push me away. She was a junkie. A Trace Corbin addict. And damn proud of it.

  Her words lightened his eyes a few shades, and he seemed to be breathing easier against her. “Well, well. Kylie Ryans, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were starting to like me.”

  More like love you. “I guess it’s a good thing you know better then.”

  THEY’D MADE love twice that morning. As well as finished their vocals on The Other Side of Me, the song that landed Kylie her spot on Vitamin Water’s Random Road Trip Tour. A spot she wouldn’t have gotten without it, according to her manager. Now she stood with her bags packed in her small studio apartment in Nashville, ready to go back out on the road.

  Trace leaned against the counter of the breakfast bar in the kitchen. “You ready, babe?”

  No. “Yeah, I guess so.” Kylie forced a smile. This was what she’d wanted. What she’d worked her ass off for. Sacrificed everything for. So why did she feel sick about leaving?

  That was a list she didn’t have time to stand around and make.

  After she’d locked up, she took his hand and let him lead her downstairs where a cab sat waiting to drive them to where the tour bus was. Neither of them said much on the way. She wanted to close her eyes and rest, but since her time with him was coming to an end, she used it to memorize his jawline. Her eyes lingered on the thick, muscular ridge in his neck. She grazed her thumb over the smooth skin of the hand that held hers.

  When they arrived at the back of the building where the sleek black tour bus was parked, a lump rose unexpectedly in her throat. It’s just a few weeks. Chill.

  Before she could say anything, he was out of the car and around to her side. She cocked a brow as she got out. “You hold doors open now, huh?”

  He grinned. “Doin’ lots of things I never did before, Kylie Lou.”

  “Makes two of us.”

  He didn’t let go of her hand until they reached the bus. Trace used both hands to pull her closer. She still wore his blue shirt. My blue shirt.

  “I sure am gonna miss you, Hothead.” Trace kissed her softly on the mouth. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on every single second of it. When he flicked his tongue against her bottom lip, she had to fight back a moan. Lord, the things that man could do with his mouth. She shivered just thinking about it.

  “I’ll miss you, too. Hey, um, are you going to be okay? I mean, with the label and planning your tour and everything?”

  Trace grimaced and she felt stupid for asking. But she was worried, dammit. “Yeah, babe. I’ll be fine. Don’t waste time worrying about me. Enjoy yourself.” He placed a light kiss on her forehead.

  “Trace, I didn’t mean to—”

  “I’m good, babe. It’s all good. Get your cute little ass on that bus before I throw you over my shoulder and drag you back to Macon.”

  Now there was a plan she could get on board with. “I’m going, I’m going.” She stood on her tiptoes for one last kiss and a hug. Both ended far too soon. Like my time with him always does.

  “Behave yourself while I’m gone, Mr. Corbin,” she said, playfully smacking him square in the chest even though she was completely serious. Please don’t drink, she almost added. But she’d seen the dark cloud that had threatened to roll over his features when she asked if he’d be okay.

  “I’ll try. Long as you promise to come back to me safe and sound, pretty girl,” he said, slapping her on the ass as she turned to make her way up the steps of the bus.

  “Always.” She threw him one last wink before climbing the steps. A lady that looked old enough to be her grandmother sat in the driver’s seat staring straight ahead. Kylie greeted her and got nothing but a slight head tilt in response. She missed Carl, Trace’s friendly driver, already. Every step she took was like walking deeper into quicksand. Her legs seemed to be completely against the idea of walking away from Trace Corbin.

  Her eyes began to tear up and she couldn’t even see the cool décor inside the bus through the pools of moisture. Screw this. She dumped her suitcase in the aisle and sprinted back to the door of the bus.

  “Hey,” she called out to his retreating figure. Dang, he looked good from the back. Hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave.

  “Hey yourself,” he answered as he turned to face her.

  She didn’t think. Didn’t worry that she might be getting in too deep, moving too fast, or throwing more at him than he could handle. She just did what she was best at. Felt first. Acted on impulse. Once he was close enough, she launched herself into his arms and slammed her mouth down on his.

  He caught her, just like she knew he would. His hands gripped her tightly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His mouth said he was just as hungry for her as she was for him. She deepened the kiss as far as possible, lashing her tongue against his until it ached. When the world began to spin, either because she was falling hopelessly in love or because her brain was seriously deprived of oxygen, she finally pulled back.

  Panting, she looked him in the eyes. “I’m going to miss you more than I can even stand. I needed a better goodbye than that.”

  Trace didn’t disappoint. He backed her against the side of the bus, still holding her to him in mid-air. Her mind flashed to their escapade in the barn earlier and she felt the warmth spreading through her core. He ravis
hed her mouth before she could even smile at the memory. When neither of them could take any more, he set her down gently and pulled her in close against his chest. “I’m going to miss you, too, Kylie Lou. So damn much.”

  KYLIE RYANS – Real Life Cinderella Story or Just Another Girl with SDI (Serious Daddy Issues)? By Tammy Paxton

  Anyone who hasn’t heard that Nashville newcomer Kylie Ryans and fledgling superstar Trace Corbin did more on that tour bus than sleep must be living under a rock. But social media comments indicate that fans are pretty equally divided, torn when it comes to the Oklahoma native’s country music star status (starlet or harlot—be honest, how did you vote?) as well as her intentions.

  “Kylie would do anything for fame,” her estranged stepmother proclaims to anyone who will listen. “She’s developed a nasty habit of seducing older men to get what she wants.”

  An interview with Ms. Ryans’ former high school music teacher resulted in a much more heartfelt story.

  “Kylie is a tough girl who learned early on that she had a gift for music and that she could use that gift to cope with difficult situations in her life, such as losing her father unexpectedly less than a year ago,” Dan Molarity tells Country Weekly.

  Though both Corbin and Ryans are keeping quiet about their relationship status and have yet to make it Facebook official, there’s no denying that Ryans rode in on the superstar’s coattails, joining his tour after being discovered waitressing at the renowned Rum Room. Or maybe she was dragged in on them since Corbin’s career has taken a noticeable dive as of late.

  Rumors about Capital Letter Records possibly dropping the once platinum album-selling artist have plagued him steadily for the past year. So perhaps this new romance is mutually beneficial for both artists and the media attention will result in higher album sales and concert attendance. Or maybe fans will catch on that they’re being played by the publicity machine and boycott both artists altogether.

  Relationship status confirmation aside, Corbin, a well-known lover of attractive women and hard liquor, has definitely taken an interest in the previously unheard of Ryans. Reports have surfaced that he even took the stunning young blonde home to Macon to meet his family and friends, which leaves some of us wondering if Corbin has been using, “Hey, there’s a spot open on my tour,” as a pick-up line or if Ryans is the real deal.

  Nineteen-year-old Ryans recently hired publicist Cora Loughlin, (smart move, kid) who only commented so far by saying, “Kylie has the utmost respect for Mr. Corbin. She’s extremely thankful to have been a part of his tour. At this time, her primary focus is on her career.”

  Ryans was recently asked to join Vitamin Water’s Random Road Trip tour even though she has yet to commit to a label while Corbin is reportedly in talks to set dates for his No Apologies tour. The only way to determine whether or not Ryans has the chops to make it in Nashville is to see her perform, and once you do, you’ll likely agree that she’s more than a flash in the pan. However, the question remains: is there a real romance brewing between Corbin and Ryans, or is this just a case of a young woman working out her daddy issues with a more than willing participant? Only time will tell. Well, time and maybe Twitter. –TAMMY PAXTON

  “HAVE YOU seen it?” Kylie screeched at her boyfriend via Skype.

  “Yeah, Kylie Lou. I read it as soon as I got your text,” his pixelated image told her. “But I mean, so what? We knew they would talk.” Trace shrugged his shoulders and glanced down at what she knew was probably his iPhone in his hand.

  “She said I have ‘daddy issues’, Trace, like I’m using you or something. And the woman talked to freaking Darla of all people.” Kylie leaned back in the tight booth on the bus, wishing she could reach out and let him put his arms around her. But she couldn’t, so she folded her arms across her chest, knowing it wasn’t attractive to pout but unable to help herself.

  “Babe, it’s not as bad as you think.” He looked up and his warm hazel eyes stared into hers. “Actually, Tammy did a decent job of presenting both sides, and she was honest for the most part. You know how it looks. There’s not a whole lot about us that makes sense.”

  Ouch, she thought to herself as she flinched back from his comment. “Oh-kay. So you want to just forget the whole thing now? Save ourselves the trouble of figuring out what everyone else obviously already knows?” Please say no.

  “Easy, Hothead,” her boyfriend said with a grin. “If one little article sends you running for the hills, I’m not sure I believe you’re committed to this long-distance dating thing.”

  She frowned, though she was barely containing the grin his words elicited. “You know I am. But my God, why is any of this anyone’s business?” She still couldn’t figure out why people cared what she did or what she ate for breakfast or whatever. No one back home in Pride, Oklahoma, had ever paid any attention to her, online or otherwise. Now that she was linked to Trace, even though it was mostly by unconfirmed rumors, she was suddenly a topic of interest.

  “You remember that day on the bus—the day you met Cora?” Trace asked as he snuck another glance at his phone.

  “Yeah, and speaking of Cora, I’ve been meaning to ask—”

  “No, we didn’t,” Trace cut her off, shaking his head. “Focus, Kylie. Remember what I said about having a thick skin?”

  “Yeah, superhuman thick. I remember,” she told him, leaning closer towards the MacBook screen. “I thought you were an ass but I was actually listening, believe it or not.”

  “Well, now you know I’m an ass.” He winked but then his expression was serious. “But I’m glad you were listening because this is what I was talking about. Don’t stress about what they say. Just be glad they’re talking about you, period. Look at it as free publicity.”

  “Trace—” She began to argue but her own phone buzzed on the table next to the computer. She glanced at the screen. A handsome face behind rectangular black frames appeared. “Um, it’s Chaz.”

  “Yeah, hey, I gotta get off here anyways. I need to call the guys back about this tour. Mike says hi, by the way.” At the mention of his flirty bass player, Trace rolled his eyes but kept going. “Don’t stress. Get some sleep on the way to Phoenix. Miss you, babe,” he said in a rush.

  “Miss you, too.”

  And then he was gone. Kylie closed the chat window and answered her phone. “Hey there most awesomest, hardest working, handsomest manager ever,” she greeted her caller.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he responded. “So is Tammy Paxton a bitch or what?”

  Kylie’s gaze fell on the Country Weekly webpage still open on her computer screen. “Ugh, I know, right? Trace didn’t think it was a big deal but the daddy issues thing was low.”

  “Yeah it was,” her manager agreed enthusiastically. See, he gets it. She was extremely glad that he was still her manager. She’d almost lost him when she let her emotions get the better of her. Trace hadn’t nicknamed her “Hothead” for nothing. “So I’m calling because I have news.”

  “About the cute guy from dinner last night? The one you have a picture of on your Facebook?”

  “No. That news is none of your business, my dear,” he snapped with false snark.

  “Yeah, well, don’t cut a country music album because then it will be everyone’s business,” Kylie informed him.

  “‘Kay, I’ll check that off my list of things to do then. Listen, so I know you’re probably enjoying having that big luxurious bus all to yourself right now but Lily Taite should be there within the hour so you can get going to Phoenix, and um…there’s been a last minute change.”

  Lily Taite was Trace’s younger sister Rae’s age and had a rich daddy who’d paid for her album of whiny break up songs and probably her spot on the tour. She also dotted the Is in her name with pink hearts. Kylie wasn’t really all that enthusiastic about touring with her, but it was Chaz’s tone when he’d brought up the last minute change that made her nervous.

  “What kind of change?”

  “Lauryn McCray
backed out…and rumors are spreading that she’s pregnant.”

  Kylie was floored. Lauryn McCray was only a couple years older than her and had already written with some of country music’s biggest stars. Kylie had been super excited to work with her. And now she was pregnant? She stared blankly at Chaz’s image on her phone. He was clearly waiting for her to respond. “What?” Oh crap. That meant she and Princess Lily would be all alone. Awesome.

  “Yeah, so the Vitamin Water people had a few backups on standby and they chose one. She should be there any minute.” She opened her mouth to ask who but her manager rushed on. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was on another call and just got their message about the situation.”

  Okay, well that was good news as far as she was concerned. So why did he seem so stressed out about it? “So who’s going to be the third girl then?” she asked into the phone.

  “I am,” said an auburn-haired figure ascending the steps to the bus. “But just because I was added late doesn’t mean you get top billing over me or anything.”

  “I’ll call you back, Chaz,” Kylie murmured before ending the call.

  “Mia Montgomery,” the tall, slender woman said, tossing Kylie a smirk as she held out her hand. “I don’t think we’ve officially met.”

  “YEAH, UM, no, we haven’t,” Kylie stuttered as she struggled to wrangle herself out of the booth and to her feet.

  She stood in front of Mia, unsure as to whether she should shake the girl’s hand and formally introduce herself or just say to hell with the pretense and ask about her relationship with Trace.

  “Not really all that articulate unless you’re singing, huh?” Mia surmised out loud.

  With brows arched in surprise at the forward question, Kylie clenched her fists and fought the sudden urge to fidget. Unable to put her finger on what it was exactly that bothered her so much about the girl, she decided to forego an introduction. Clearly they knew who the other was.


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