Fireman's Filthy 4th: An Older Man Younger Woman Holiday Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 22)
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“Are you okay? Emotionally.”
“Yeah, I’ll be alright.”
“Sometimes when you experience a life or death situation, feelings arise after the fact. There are people you can talk to.”
“What kind of feelings?”
“Confusion. Anxiety. Even depression.”
“I’m definitely not depressed,” I say.
“That’s good. You strike me as a happy young woman.”
“A young woman?”
He doesn’t say anything. I see his hazel colored eyes narrow as he looks even more deeply at me, before surveying my room.
“Oh, those pictures. Those are old. It was just a phase,” I say.
“Uh huh,” he says, unconvinced.
“I’m a young woman now. Like you said.”
“A young woman who still lives at home in the room she grew up in.”
“I won’t live here forever. I mean…I’m all grown up now so it’s time to leave the nest…you know.”
“I do know what you mean. That’s what happens when you’re…grown up. And it’s clear to see that you’re…grown up.”
I see those intense eyes of his drop down to the cleavage, which is hanging out of my white top, which is opened just a little too far. Normally I’d be quick to cover it up, but right now all I want to do is unbutton it some more.
“I am.”
“About what happened in the pool,” he says.
I feel my heart beating inside my chest, and I know where this is going. He’s going to say it was unprofessional…yada yada yada and my fantasy will be ruined.
“Yeah, about that,” I say, trying to delay hearing the words I know are coming. I’m letting my crazy imagination run just a little bit longer, imagining those big, strong hands of his picking me up and throwing me down on my bed…or better yet against the wall.
Silence. His words don’t come. I hear a thud and realize it’s an ax handle hitting the floor. He was holding an axe! My ruff and rugged male fantasy comes rushing back, just as quickly as he takes a step towards me, his shoulders brushing the door on each side.
His hands reach around me, one along my back and the other under my butt as he scoops me right up off the ground. He’s balancing me in one hand while the hand that was on my back slides up and into my hair, pressing my head towards him and our lips meet for the second time.
But this is one fire he’s not about to put out.
I grab his face in my hands and kiss him hard. His skin is rough, dirty, and absolutely perfect. The whites of his eyes look even more intense against the backdrop of his dark features.
He reaches up and slides a finger into my mouth, then another. I suck their length like I’m giving them a blowjob as I feel him pull my body even closer to his.
Even though that fire retardant suit, I can feel his massive erection pressing into me.
His fingers come out of my mouth, as both hands wrap around my waist as he sets me down on the floor.
I reach for his cock, taking it in one hand, and realizing it’s way too big for that. I wrap my other hand around it, and squeeze. It’s way too thick for my grasp.
I’ve never had a moment like this and I know I’ll never have it again. I’m going for it!
I drop to my knees and lift up the top of his fireman’s suit, as I tug at the bottoms. They’re heavy and they don’t budge.
He’s wearing suspenders. I’m getting the entire fantasy.
I unhook the front and slide down his pants. They material is heavy and even heavier due to the fact that he was completely submerged in the pool. And he’s not the only one who’s wet.
I took a quick shower the minute I got to my room, but I already feel the pool forming in-between my legs. This is happening so fast.
I wonder if he’s naked underneath that suit, but then I see his underwear. Now I’ve got my answer to that age-old question of what fireman really have, or don’t have, underneath those suits of theirs.
I drop it down to his knees and am greeted by the biggest cock I’ve ever seen in my life, online or off.
It’s pointing straight forward and is right in line with my mouth. I do the logical thing and grab the shaft with two hands as I stick as much of it in my mouth as will fit. I almost gag, and it turns me on even more. There is no way I can get this entire thing in my mouth.
I pull my head back, keeping my lips along his shaft. A deep, gravelly growl echoes throughout my room, bouncing off all four walls and reverberating right up my spine. I’m doing something right, that’s for sure.
I raise his dick and lick straight up the underside until I reach the head, where I use my tongue to trace the groove where he’s circumcised.
I reach the tip and taste a salty sensation and realize he’s already got precum on the tip, which has my pussy clenching, but finding nothing…yet.
I start bobbing my head on his rod as fast as I can. I feel a hand on the back of my head. His thick fingers slide through my brown hair, applying light pressure against my scalp. I like how he’s guiding me, without forcing me. How he’s showing me, through his moans and the rhythm of his hands and hips, that I’m pleasing him. And it’s driving me crazy at the same time.
I’m so fired up I forget how to breathe. I switch to breathing through my nose when there’s no room to take in air through my mouth, his dick filling it completely.
I feel my arms shaking, and realize I’m close. Too close.
I stop bobbing and my mouth shoots open as wide as it will go as his cock slides in even deeper. My head leans back and I release in my short cotton shorts as my body convulses. His dick is pressing firmly against the inside of my cheek, as my pussy continues to empty its juices.
I slide his cock out of my mouth and look up at him. I have no idea how he didn’t cum right on my face, and I don’t know why either. I want it. I want his cum and I’m going to get it.
“That was fucking amazing,” I say. “And I’m not done yet.”
The way she polished my rod has got me so excited I can barely contain myself. It took everything in my power to keep from blowing my load right then and there, but I couldn’t…not until I’m inside her. I have to feel her pussy on my dick. I’m not leaving here without it.
I reach down and grab her under her armpits, lifting her up off the floor. I guide her over to the wall and spin her around. What a fucking ass! She’s built like a brick shithouse and I’m going to put my axe right into it…hammering it until it cracks.
I pin her hands up against the wall with one hand as I yank down those little pink cotton shorts with the other.
I grit my teeth as I slap that ass of hers and watch the jiggle. The ripple of her ass, and knowing her house is crawling with people is too much. It’s go time.
I slide forward, putting my cock inside her pussy and I thrust. It sends her whole body forward, pressing her torso, hips, and the front of her legs against the wall.
I’m pounding her with everything I’ve got. I can hear her body hitting the wall with each thrust and know they must hear it downstairs. And then she gives them something to really hear.
“Ahhhh!” she yells, and I feel her pussy squirt everywhere as I slide in and out of her.
My body is pressed against hers, as I pause, rotating my hips up and in and leaving my dick as deep inside her as it will go. She can’t take all of me, but she’s taking enough.
I kiss her on the cheek as her body quakes.
“Want some more?” I growl.
“Fuck yes!” she says, spinning around, causing my dick to fall out of her as she grabs my face and kisses me with a hunger like I’ve never seen.
She reaches for my cock and literally steps up and slides onto it.
I grab her ass and lift her from the ground, sliding her up and down on my rod.
Our faces are inches apart as I watch her head bobble aimlessly as her eyes roll back in her head and spit comes from her mouth. I am absolut
ely owning her, and seeing her so vulnerable like this, in my grasp, is owning me.
I can’t take it much more, as my fingers press even deeper into her skin, showing her just how much desire I have for her.
A whimper escapes her lips and I feel her pussy tighten on my dick and it sends me over the top.
I explode inside her and those eyes of hers shoot right back open, as she leans forward, thrusting her arms around my neck and holding me tight as I feel her body shiver and quake as I fill her with my cum.
My dick can’t stop shooting my warm load inside her. There are aftershocks after aftershocks, and I can’t catch my breath. Finally I feel the last release and my legs give out. I fall to my knees, but I don’t even feel the pain as my body rolls to join my knees on the ground.
I land on my back and she’s still on top of me. My dick inside her, as I brake our fall. She’s safe in my arms.
I’m wet, covered in debris, and tired…and I’ve never felt so good in my entire life.
I pull my pants back up, realizing we never actually got them down past my boots.
She’s standing in front of her mirror, tidying herself up, and giving me a full view of those curves of hers as I take in her profile.
All my years working at the station and nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Never. I never lost my cool, or my professionalism, and I never wanted to.
There’s something about her that just caused me to lose control. Something that brought out the animal in me. It’s like I was in a cage my entire life, until tonight, until her.
I don’t believe in that love at first sight bullshit, my ex-wife taught me that, but damn…maybe I need to go back and reconsider my stance on that. It’s the only way I can rationalize what just happened, and why I want to grab her again and pick up right where we left off.
I just came inside her, and I still don’t feel satisfied. Not completely. I want her again, and again, and again.
“Benjamin? You up there?”
She turns and looks at me, her eyes opening wide as dinner plates.
I hastily finish suiting back up.
“Up here, Frank,” I say to my colleague.
Not ten seconds later he’s in the doorway, looking in at us.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just letting the daughter know there may be unexpected feelings over the next few days.”
Speaking of unexpected feelings.
“You okay?” he says to her, causing me to realize I didn’t even get her name.
“I’m good. Thank you.”
“Okay. You’re a brave girl,” he says, scanning the room and noticing those same teenybopper posters that I noticed. “We need you downstairs, Benjamin.”
I nod, and Frank turns to go. He doesn’t hear my footsteps because I haven’t moved, causing him to turn back and look into the room. “The detective is waiting. We’ve got to do this now.”
“Right behind you,” I say and fall in line with him.
He faces forward again and I quickly turn back to take another look at that beautiful young woman. The one who just came into my life and completely flipped it upside down.
I hate to walk away like this right now, but I’ll get her name from the report and will get in touch with her a.s.a.p. There’s no question I have to see her again.
I watch him walk out of my room, and I know that’s not the only thing he’s walking out of.
What a rush, and an experience I’ll never, ever forget…and that’s the problem. I won’t forget him…ever.
As much as this was a fantasy realized in the flesh, I know it was so much more.
He just risked his career, and probably a whole lot more for me. And it’s not like he’s some young guy working his first job. He’s a man, and from the way he saved me out there and how he took charge I can tell he’s worked long and hard to get to where he is now.
I watch him walk away and my eye scans his suit one last time. That sexy suit that makes him more than just a man. He’s a man in uniform.
I take a peek at his butt, hoping I’ll be able to get some sort of idea as to its shape even through the suit.
I don’t. There’s a flap from the top of his uniform hanging down over his hynie.
It’s like you see on some sports team’s practice uniforms where there’s a word on the back. But it doesn’t say “play tough,” or “bust your butt today,” or “defense,” or any of those other motivational things. It just says “BURNS.”
“Ninety-eight…ninety-nine…one hundred,” I say, as I strain to lock out my elbows and rack the weight.
I breathe out hard as I sit up, before quickly bending over. My hands find my knees, and it takes me a solid round of three breaths before I straighten up again. I walk over to the chalkboard and grab the eraser in one hand and the chalk in the other.
Next to “Bench Press,” I erase McKenna’s name and put my own. One hundred reps at two hundred twenty-five pounds. It’s almost twice as many reps as I’ve ever lifted before at that weight, a standard in the National Football League that we also use at the station.
I’ve lifted four hundred twenty-five pounds for twelve reps before but never two twenty five one hundred times.
What has gotten into me?
Or more accurately what did I get into today?
My shift ends at eight in the morning, and normally I’d be thinking about going home, but right now all I can think about is her. The girl from the 911 call we were dispatched to last night.
I’m on edge waiting for that report to come through so I can see her name. I’m not about to go full stalker mode and just show up at her house unannounced, but you can be damn sure I’ll make up an excuse to do just that if I have to, but I hope it doesn’t have to come to that.
I want her name and her number, so I can call her like a man and talk to her about what happened. And more importantly what can happen.
She’s a lot younger than me, so I need to give her space, but that’s sure as hell going to be difficult. Protectiveness is in my blood. It’s one of the reasons I became a fireman. And protectiveness and possessiveness often go hand in hand, and in my case I’m guilty as charged. When I’m in, I’m all in. And it’s rare that someone, or something, makes me go all in, but damn if I’m not ready to go all in on her.
I make my way to the shower, my arms and chest burning, but strangely enough it’s not as painful as I’d expect. I must be running off the adrenaline still. What happened between us was hot as hell, and unlike anything that’s ever happened to me before. I’ve never, ever, risked my career before…much less for a woman. But she’s no woman. She’s an angel. And as crazy as it seems after what happened between us, I know her behavior today was also out of the ordinary for her. I don’t even know if it was her behavior at all, actually.
I was the one who went up there to her room, knowing full well what I wanted to happen. I had to see her at the very least, and I was damn sure hoping for more. And now that I’ve had more, I can see that the more we experienced last night wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. I’m hooked and I have to have all of her.
I strip down and turn on the water. I step into the shower and feel the ice cold water hit my skin. I can see the goose bumps on my arms, but the cold doesn’t even register. I look down and see my cock is pointing due north, but I’m not about to give myself a shallow victory. Jerking off at the station is no substitute for the real thing. I want her and only her.
I shower as quickly as I can. I want to be by the fax machine when the report comes through. I want to see it first. There’s no way I’m leaving the station without getting that number of hers.
After my shift ends I’ve got ninety-six hours off. Four entire days, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure I can spend as much of it as I can with her, or at least as much of it
as she’s comfortable with.
Don’t force it, Benjamin, I think to myself. I’m an intense guy, and the last thing I want to do is scare her off before we even have a chance to really spend some quality time together…outside of the bedroom.
I towel off and throw my workout clothes in the wash, and put on my proper station clothes. It’s the second shower I’ve taken since we got back from that call, and I know I’m going to need another one soon.