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Bodyguard Reunion

Page 13

by Margaret Daley

  “Thanks, y’all. I never expected to see a rattler in here in February. I know we’ve had some warm days, but it’s cold most of the time.”

  Zach inspected the still-twitching snake. “Its reflexes will react long after it’s dead. We’ll need to carefully dispose of the head where the venom is. It’s still as lethal even after death.” Zach took out his phone and took several pictures. “I have a friend who is an expert on rattlers. I’m sending this to him and I’ll call him once I get Mary inside and make sure he looks at it.”

  “It’s not a diamondback?” Chloe stared at the dark diamonds on its back.

  “I’m not sure, and you need to tell the doctor exactly what type of rattler.” He lowered his voice and moved away from Mary. “She doesn’t need to get excited. We need to keep her blood pressure down, if possible. There is a kind called the Mojave rattlesnake that looks like a diamondback, but its venom is different. It’s a neurotoxin, very deadly if not treated correctly. The venom is much worse than other rattlesnakes. I think it’s a Mojave one because the diamonds don’t go all the way down its back. This rattler is a different color, too, but I may not be familiar with all the colors of a diamondback.”

  “I’m all done,” Vickie said, and rose, her hands trembling.

  As Zach lifted Mary, she winced. He trudged out of the greenhouse while Vickie ran ahead to open the back door. “I’m putting you in the living room on the couch.” He looked at Chloe. “Are Paul and T.J. on their way back to the ranch?”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll go and let Aaron know.” Vickie began to mount the staircase.

  “No.” Chloe hurried toward Vickie and continued in a whisper. “I don’t want him upset about his mother. It’s important that she remains calm. After we leave, you can tell him and blame it on me.”


  Chloe released Vickie but didn’t go into the living room until Vickie descended to the foyer. “Tea. Get her some calming tea. The helicopter is probably twenty minutes out. And when it does land, please keep Aaron back if he hears it.”

  “I’ll sit here on the bottom stairs after I get some tea for Mary.”

  Chloe went into the living room as Zach checked the bite, then stood back.

  “Mary, I know it hurts like the dickens, but you’ll be able to get the help you need. I’m calling my friend. Once we’ve accurately ID’d the type of rattler, the rest is a piece of cake.”

  “Really?” The creases in Mary’s forehead emphasized her worry.

  Chloe walked with Zach toward the entry hall. “Will you watch for Paul and T.J. and the helicopter?”

  “Yes, and I’ll find out what kind of snake it is. If my friend isn’t sure, he’ll know someone who will be. Rattlesnakes are common around here. But not the Mojave variety. They’re only in the southwest corner by El Paso.” He tipped his hat toward her. “Leave it to me.”

  As Zach left the house, Chloe sent a silent prayer to the Lord. Mary was in His hands now.

  Back in the living room, Chloe pulled up a stool and sat beside Mary. “Okay?”

  “I’m trying to be. Will you pray with me?”

  Chloe held Mary’s hands, cold and clammy, and bowed her head. “Father, I know Mary is in the best hands there are. Please give her the calmness she needs, knowing You are here for her. Pave the way for her to arrive at the hospital quickly and help there to be a fast response to her snakebite. Blanket her in Your love and assurances. Amen.”

  Carrying a mug, Vickie entered the room. “Here you go, Mary. A nice cup of tea. I know how much you like this flavor.”

  “Thank you. It’s sweet you thought of that.” Mary took the tea, her hands shaking.

  Chloe wrapped her hands around Mary’s and steadied the mug while her client brought it up to her mouth.

  By the time Mary had drunk half her tea, the noise from a helicopter flying over the house flooded the room.

  Mary pressed the mug into Chloe’s hand. “Where’s Paul?”

  “They’re coming as fast as they can.”

  A few minutes later, the front door banged open, and Paul rushed into the living room a few steps ahead of T.J. Chloe rose quickly to allow Paul to sit with Mary.

  “Okay, hon?” Paul smiled, but Chloe could see the effort it took as his gaze latched on to the swelling leg.

  “I’ll be fine. Chloe has arranged everything. From that sound, the AirLIFE helicopter is here to take me to the hospital.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Paul brushed Mary’s hair back from her forehead, then wiped away the sweat that had popped out on her face.

  Chloe exchanged glances with T.J. If there was only one spot, she needed to go. If the snake had been put into the greenhouse, what did the perpetrator have in store for Mary? He would know she would be flown to the nearest hospital that could treat her.

  While T.J. held the front door open, Zach showed the AirLIFE medical team into the house with their gurney as he said, “The snake was a Mojave rattlesnake. I had it ID’d by a zookeeper I know.”

  “We’ll notify the hospital so they have everything ready when we get there,” the medic said as Paul moved back to let the team prepare Mary for transport.

  “I’m coming with you. I have several photos of the snake I killed on my cell,” Chloe said to the man in charge, noticing T.J. had stepped outside.

  “Who are you? A relative?”

  “No, I’m Mary’s bodyguard, and she needs protection. There have been some attempts on her life. This being the most recent one.”

  The team leader swept his attention to Paul. “Are you the husband?”

  “Yes, and she is right. Will you have room for me, too?”

  T.J. came back into the house with Sheriff Landon as the man replied, “This is highly unusual.”

  “I’m the sheriff of this county, and Mary Zimmerman will need protection. Please do what you need to make it happen.”

  The team leader glanced from one person’s face to the next, then said, “I’ll take care of it. You both can come. Anyone else will have to drive.” Then he gave the name of the hospital where Mary would be transported for emergency service.

  Paul took Mary’s hand as they wheeled her out of the house, sitting up on the gurney to keep her heart higher than her leg. All color was bleached from her face. She bowed her head and began murmuring a prayer.

  As Chloe followed, T.J. walked beside her. “Where’s Aaron?”

  “About forty minutes ago when I checked last, he was in his room. He doesn’t know. He was listening to his music using earphones, so he must not have heard the helicopter land.”

  “I’ll bring him with me.” T.J. squeezed her hand. “Take care.”

  Chloe stared down at the ranch as the helicopter took off. How had the snake gotten into the greenhouse in the dead of winter hundred of miles from its territory?

  * * *

  From the highway, the lights of San Antonio glittered in the dark up ahead. T.J. glanced at Aaron sitting still next to him in the front seat, staring out the windshield as he had most of the trip from the ranch. When T.J.’s cell phone rang, Aaron flinched but didn’t look his way.

  “T.J. here.”

  “We made it safely to the hospital. Mary is in the E.R. being treated. They gave her the antivenin for the Mojave rattlesnake. They had to wait for it to be flown in from El Paso. Now it’s wait and see. I’m seated outside Mary’s room with Paul.”

  “How was she when she went into the room?”

  “Feeling nauseated and having some problems breathing.”

  “Make sure Paul stays with you until I get there. I’m probably half an hour or so away.” T.J. kept his attention shifting from the road to Aaron to the cars around them.

  “How’s Aaron holding up?”

. Vickie is staying at the ranch since we have those guards.”

  “See you in a while.”

  T.J. hung up. “Your mom has gotten the antivenin.”

  “Will she be all right?” The teen’s voice quivered, as did his hands. He fisted them.

  “Most people recover.”


  “Some arrive too late for the treatment to work.”

  “Did she?”

  “I believe she arrived in time. We got her there as fast as we could.”

  Aaron sank back against the seat as though he’d released all the air from his lungs. “What’s a rattlesnake doing in the greenhouse?”

  “Good question. Chloe and I believe it was put there on purpose. That species of rattlesnake’s range in the U.S. is southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and a small area in Texas’s southwest corner. Not between Houston and San Antonio. Its habitat is desertlike land. Not to mention it’s winter and has been too cold for snakes.”

  “Maybe it found its way in because the greenhouse is heated.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “The person after Mom and Dad came on the property and put the snake in there?” Fear shook Aaron’s voice.

  “A definite possibility. He could have put it in the greenhouse the evening you ran away, or the snake could have been there for a while. Your mother usually goes into the greenhouse several times a week, if not more. If he did it earlier, it was only a matter of time.”

  Aaron crossed his arms over his chest and lowered his head.

  “We have to consider everything and prepare for the worst.”

  “Someone has been at our ranch,” Aaron mumbled, keeping his chin down.

  “Don’t worry about it. Chloe and I will protect you and your parents. That’s why it’s important to follow our instructions. Your mom went out to the greenhouse without waiting for Chloe. We always like to check a place out before you go inside. That’s also why it’s important you don’t go outside without one of us.”

  “I never meant this to happen. I...”

  T.J. shot a look at Aaron. “What do you mean?”

  The teen remained silent.


  “I’ve wished my parents were regular people, not always in demand to speak and attending events. Everyone wants something from them. I’ve missed the time we were a normal family living on the ranch.”

  “They have an important message. They’re trying to help others.”

  “Sometimes I need their help myself, but they’re always unavailable. It didn’t use to be that way.” Aaron lifted his head and peered at T.J. “I’ve given up on getting any of their time.”

  “Since you’ve been back at the ranch, all you’ve wanted to do is return to school. You’ve got their undivided attention, and you stay in your room. Why?”

  “They’re there but not really. If they aren’t on the phone, they’re working in their office or...” Aaron shrugged. “What’s the use? I need to get back to school. I belong there.”

  “We need to catch who is after your family first. I suggest making an effort with your parents when they return to the ranch. They’re trying to fill their time so they don’t think about what’s happening around them.”

  Aaron harrumphed and turned to look out the side window.

  Something wasn’t right. Aaron wasn’t telling him everything. Was it because of his emphasis on needing to get back to school? He’d said the same thing to Chloe when she’d picked him up on the highway to Houston. From what he’d gathered from Paul, Aaron’s grades at Bethany Academy were passing, but that was all. Aaron used to love the ranch, according to Paul, had even talked about running it one day.

  Fifteen minutes later, T.J. parked in the hospital’s visitor lot. As they strolled toward the main entrance, T.J. placed a call to Chloe to see where they were now.

  “Mary is still in the E.R. For sure she will be staying overnight. Beyond that will depend on how fast she starts to recover.”

  “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  When T.J. and Aaron came into the emergency room, Paul spotted them and headed straight for his son. He enveloped Aaron in a hug. “You’re safe.”

  The teen squirmed from Paul’s arms. “But Mom isn’t. You aren’t. This is all happening because of you, Dad.” Aaron stomped toward Chloe.

  His son’s words hurt Paul. T.J. could see it in the Paul’s eyes as he fought to recover from what Aaron had said.

  “This isn’t your fault, Paul. The person doing everything is at fault. Don’t let Aaron’s frustration and anger convince you otherwise,” T.J. said.

  “Aaron and Mary have always been closer than he and I have been. I’ve tried. We don’t seem to speak the same language. I thought the ranch would help us grow closer, but lately he’s lost interest even in that.”

  “He’s scared. I could tell by his tone in the car coming here. He’s worried and struck out at the safest person—you.”

  The doctor came out of Mary’s room in the E.R. Paul hurried back to him. T.J. followed, giving his client some space to talk privately with the man. When the doctor finished and left, Paul’s shoulders lifted, then fell.

  “Is Mary going to be all right?” T.J. said in a whisper, in case the news wasn’t good.

  Paul nodded, then turned toward Aaron and Chloe sitting across the hall. “They’re moving her to a room for a couple of days if all goes well. She didn’t have an allergic reaction to the antivenin and it seems to be working.”

  “Can I see Mom, then?”

  “Yes, the doctor suggested we grab something to eat while they get her settled in her room.”

  Aaron pinched his lips together for a moment then said, “I’m not hungry. I’ll stay and follow them up to the room.”

  “I think getting something to eat for dinner is a great suggestion, Aaron. I know your mom would want that. I’ll stay with her and make sure nothing happens to her and see you all in a while.” Chloe smiled at Aaron. “Do me a favor. Bring me a large cup of coffee. Okay?”

  “I guess I can.” The reluctance in Aaron voice carried over into his slow moves as he rose, his gaze straying to the room where his mother was. “We’ll get to stay with her, won’t we?”

  “Yes. Let’s go.” Paul started to put his hand on his son’s shoulder, but Aaron dodged the attempt.

  T.J. stepped between the two. “I’m starved. I hope the food is half as good as Vickie’s.” He glanced back at Chloe. “Call and let me know which room.”

  “I will. You all let me know what is good or not.”

  As T.J. walked away from Chloe, he noticed what adrenaline had gotten her through the crisis was fading and weariness was beginning to set in. But he knew and trusted Chloe. No matter what, she would do the best she could to keep Mary safe.

  * * *

  Chloe sat on the small sofa in Mary’s hospital room with Aaron pacing. Twenty-four hours had passed, and she was improving. The doctors were pleased with her progress.

  “She sure has been sleeping a lot. I don’t think the doctors are telling us everything.” Aaron kneaded his thumb into the palm of his hand.

  “Her body is resting, which is the best thing she can do at this time,” said Chloe.

  Aaron walked to the door and peeped out into the hall, not for the first time since Paul and T.J. had left. “How long does it take for them to meet with the hospital? What if something happened? What if—”

  “Aaron, it’s only been twenty minutes. Working everything out concerning payment and insurance can take time. And besides, T.J. knows what he’s doing. He worked for the Secret Service for years.”

  Aaron swept around, still working his thumb into his hand. “Who did he guard?”

  “I know for quite some time he was on the vice
president’s detail, but there were other government officials he protected, too.”

  “Really?” For a moment Aaron’s tense features relaxed, then a movement out of the corner of his eye caused him to pivot toward the bed.

  Mary blinked several times. When she finally fixed her gaze on her son, she attempted a smile. The corners of her mouth twitched, then the grin collapsed.

  “Mom, you’re awake. I’ve been worried about you.”

  Mary licked her lips and reached toward the plastic glass on the table near her.

  Aaron rushed to her and picked it up, then helped her take a few sips.

  “Thanks. I missed seeing you this morning.”

  “If I’d known you would wake up, I’d have waited to eat. Are you all right? Any pain?”

  Is this the same angry teen from a few days ago?

  “I’ll be fine, Aaron. You don’t need to worry about that. Worrying is a wasted emotion.”

  Chloe rose. “I’m going to give you two some time alone. I’ll be outside the door if you need anything.”

  As the door swung closed, she heard Aaron say, “I didn’t mean for this to happen to you. I wanted us to have more time together, but not this way.”

  Could Aaron be responsible?


  For a few seconds in the hospital hallway, the thought rolled around in Chloe’s mind, and yet while the attacks had been organized and planned out, Aaron had been at school. She and T.J. had been keeping an eye on the teen to make sure he didn’t pull another stunt like he had the first night. So how could he have put a snake in the greenhouse? Although she couldn’t totally dismiss the possibility Aaron was responsible, she wouldn’t say anything to Mary or Paul unless she had proof. She would do some digging around and talk with Kyra and T.J.

  The elevator at the end of the hall swished open, and T.J. and Paul exited it. T.J. smiled when he caught her gaze.

  As they neared, Paul asked, “Is the doctor or nurse in there with Mary? Where’s Aaron?”


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