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Lord Gallant (Lords Of Night Street Book 1)

Page 7

by Wendy Vella

  "So it is you who could complete the papers, and not Harry?" Nick added, shooting Leo a look. Was she in danger also?

  "Yes; Harry could do some of the translations, but it would take him longer than I, and there are words he would not be able to work out."

  "May I ask who taught you these languages?" Leo questioned Grace.

  "Harry taught me German, French, and Italian, and then had a tutor come to teach me Russian and Spanish."

  "Good God," Leo said, sitting back in his chair. "We could use your expertise upon occasion, Lady Attwood."

  "Leo, I don't think that now is the time to ask that of Grace," Nick cautioned his friend.

  "No," she waved a hand at Nick, "really, it is all right, and I would be honored to help where I can, as I have heard of your work, and the help you have given to so many desperate people."

  She meant it, Nick realized. "Where did you hear of us?"

  "Harry is friends with Lady Sutton; you helped her son, I believe?"

  Nick nodded.

  "She gave him your card, and that is how I knew where to come to contact you."

  "Tell us anything you can remember now about this Russian gentleman and the translations, Grace," Nick said.

  They questioned her thoroughly and she told them whatever she could remember in clear, concise tones, until Nick thought they had everything they needed to start looking for Grace's cousin.

  "Nick, you take your wife home now, and I shall have the others summoned here. We shall start our investigations at once," Leo said.

  "But I must stay and help, I need to come with you to find Harry." She rose from her chair, looking first at Leo then Nick.

  "You must let us do this our way, Grace. To do that we can have no distractions, and having you with us would be one." Nick left his chair and came to her side. "I will take you home and then we will start looking for your cousin."

  "You will… immediately?" she said, taking the hand he held out to her and clutching it.

  "I've told you we will, Grace."

  "Oh, thank you," she whispered, looking at Leo then him. "I would be so grateful if you could find Harry, and we can—"

  "If you are about to offer payment to your husband for this, then I would think again, wife," Nick cut her off.

  She snapped her teeth together, which told him she was about to do just that. They left then, Nick holding her hand in his as he led her back up the stairs and out the front door. As they approached the carriage he heard the sound of barking.

  "It is my wish that your dog has not shredded the interior of my carriage or other more nefarious deeds, Grace." Nick opened the door and helped her inside before following.

  A small scruffy dog stood on the seat, wagging his tail frantically as he greeted Grace. She in turn picked the trembling little body up, and hugged him close.

  "This is Nipper, my Lord." She put the dog down, and he immediately leapt across the seats, placed his paws on Nick's thighs, and proceeded to stare up at him.

  "And he is your dog, but your cousin is watching over him for you?" Nick said as he lifted a hand and ran it down the small quivering body.

  "Yes, because I did not know if you would allow me to have a dog."

  Her words were solemn and told him once again of the changes she had been forced to make since marrying him. He scratched a finger behind the ear that stood upright and the little dog made a grumbling sound.

  "He likes that," Grace said.

  "I've never had a dog," Nick surprised himself by saying then further surprised himself by patting Nipper once more.

  "I had never had a dog before Harry brought Nipper for me."

  "Will he chew the chairs and my footwear?" Nick asked as the little dog settled his head on Nick's leg and looked up at him.

  "No, he's very well behaved. He has a toy, you see, and plays with that. He loves to chase things."

  Nick ran a finger down Nipper's nose. His fur was soft there, unlike his body.

  "I am so s-scared." Her words were whispered, but Nick heard them.

  "I promised you we would get your cousin back, Grace. Will you try and trust me?"

  She sniffed and then nodded. Nick had to fight the need to touch, soothe, and comfort her. She didn't want that from him and in all honesty, he'd never felt the need to do those things with a woman before. But something had changed inside him since he'd made love to Grace. Nick wasn't sure what it was, only that it had made his chest feel warm and his need to protect this woman had grown.

  When the carriage stopped, he handed Nipper to Grace then took her inside the house, where Vidal stood waiting.

  "Vidal, take Lady Attwood to her rooms then bring her tea and something to eat, and also something for her dog."

  "At once, my Lord."

  "Grace, I will come to you when I return. Go with Vidal now." She did not move, just looked up at him with the scruffy little dog in her arms.

  "Please take care, Nick."

  "Of course," he said. "We are always careful."

  She touched his arm, just a light brush of her fingers before turning away, and Nick wondered how he could feel that brief contact when there were several layers of clothing between his arm and her fingers. Shaking his head, he pushed the thought aside. Right now he had to focus on Lord Harrington and what had happened to him, because Nick feared if the man did not return, his wife would be inconsolable.


  Grace heard Nick the minute he started moving about his rooms, and quickly pulled on her robe. She had waited up for him, sitting in bed attempting to read, then standing and pacing. The hour was late and Nipper had long since given up his vigil of watching her, and curled into a ball at the foot of the bed. He was now gently snuffling. Grace knew her husband must be exhausted, but she had to talk to him, to see if Harry had been found. Her head had filled with so many horrid scenarios that she was quite panic stricken over the fate of her cousin. Knocking on the door that connected their rooms, she waited.

  "You should be asleep," Nick said seconds later, upon opening it. He wore only a loose shirt, pulled from the waistband of his breeches. Grace felt her heart beat faster as she looked at him. The top few buttons were open and she could see the chest that last night she had been pressed against.

  "Harry?" Grace whispered.

  "We have made progress, Grace, but have yet to find Harry."

  Heart sinking, she followed him into the room, her eyes coming to rest upon the bed. It was large, bigger than hers and draped in a deep green cover. She then saw two chairs and a small table between, set before a fire that was lit.

  "Would you like one, Grace?" He held a glass in his hand. She didn't know what was in it but nodded. She needed something to settle her nerves.

  "Sit," he said, handing her the glass.

  "Is he… dear God, I cannot say the words." Grace took a deep mouthful from her glass then coughed several times as the fiery liquid hit the back of her throat.

  "We are certain he is alive, and have several leads to follow, which my colleagues are doing as we speak. In the morning, Leo and I shall continue."

  He did not sit. He instead moved to lean against the fireplace and look down at her.

  "How do you find out things?"

  "We have informants, and know the right people and places to go to, to get what we need."

  She saw he was restless, his hands drumming on the mantle, tapping an impatient tattoo.

  "I am so worried for Harry, Nick; what if he is hurt or—"

  "Nothing can come of you speculating. Tomorrow we will know more."

  He drank the contents of his glass in one mouthful, then went to refill it.

  "Are you telling me everything, Nick?" Grace stood and followed him.

  "Of course." He lowered his glass before facing her. "I would not lie to you about something this important."

  "I sense a restlessness in you, as if you are disturbed about something," Grace said, moving to his side.

  His laugh held
no humor.

  "Because the minute you walked into my room, all I could think about was lying you on my bed and making love to you again, Grace. But I do not want to do that until you are ready; I will not hurt you anymore."

  He wanted to lie with her again. Grace had not thought he would, now that the marriage was consummated. Her skin suddenly felt hot, her breasts full, and an ache had started between her thighs as she looked at her husband. His eyes burned into hers, intent, and then travelled slowly over her body.

  "You want me?"

  "Very much."

  "I should not want this," Grace whispered, as much to herself as him. "Not after last night and not when my cousin is in danger… but I do."

  "I will not hurt you." He was closer now, their bodies almost touching as he reached out one hand and cupped her cheek. "Let me show you how it can be between us, Grace."

  "I had not thought that we would—"

  "Enjoy each other, feel passion for each other?" he whispered against her lips.

  "Yes." Grace sighed, as his lips covered hers in a slow, deep kiss that made her head spin.

  "Relax, Grace."

  His hands pulled her close, then she was pressed against his hard body once more and hers sprang to life. She wanted more, so much more, that she lifted her hands, placing her palms flat on his chest.

  "I do not know what to do, Nick." Grace knew a great many things, yet no one had told her about this; the yearning she suddenly felt inside her for this man.

  "Do whatever feels right." His lips had moved to her neck, and his hands were stroking her body, one on her back, and the other over her ribs. Lord, it felt wonderful. Those sensations she had felt last night when he'd touched her breasts were starting inside her once more.

  She rubbed one of her hands in a slow circle over his chest and felt his body tense, so she did it again, and then he was kissing her once more. This time it was hard, and Grace wanted more. One of her hands crept upwards and wrapped around his neck, her fingers tangling in the hair that curled at his nape.

  "I want to take your nightdress off, Grace. Will you let me?"

  She nodded while stepping out of his arms. She pulled it over her head and dropped it to the floor.

  "You are a beautiful woman," he rasped, his eyes devouring her. "I am glad that no one else realized what lay under those hideous clothes you wear, or many men would have knocked on your cousin's door.”

  "I should not do this; be feeling this way when Harry is somewhere out there—"

  "Shh." He closed the distance between them, pressing her into his body. "Whoever has your cousin, Grace, wants something from him; they will not harm him until they have it."

  "But what is it?" Grace looked up at Nick.

  "I have a few ideas, but we'll deal with that tomorrow." He kissed her shoulder and the heat of his breath made a delicious shiver roll down Grace's spine. "Now I want to make love to my wife."

  Grace gave herself up to his touch then, and the sensations he was creating inside her. Picking her up, he walked to the bed and pulled back the covers to lower her onto the sheet.

  She watched as he ripped the shirt over his head and then lowered his breeches. His body was honed by muscle.

  "Don't be scared, Grace."

  "I'm not," she whispered, running her eyes over him and coming to rest between his thighs. He was a beautiful man, fiercely aroused, and he wanted her. "Well, maybe a bit," she whispered, remembering last night's pain.

  He lay down beside her and ran a hand over her body, his touch so light she sighed. It felt wonderful and she was soon tingling all over.

  "Will you kiss me, Nick?"

  "You ask much of me," he teased.

  His lips brushed hers as his hand touched her breast, stroking the skin and circling the aching nipple. It was heaven, and Grace could suddenly focus on nothing but the man who was creating this magic inside.

  His lips moved to her chest, and then her breasts, licking the full curves and then taking a taut peak into his mouth.

  "Oh, lord!" Grace cried. Her nails raked through his hair as he continued to caress her until her body arched in pleasure as the pressure inside her built.

  "The pleasure has only just begun," Nick said as he moved down her body, kissing and stroking her skin as he went.

  Grace tensed when she felt his lips on her stomach.

  "Don't think, Grace, just feel."

  "But… dear lord," she whispered as she felt his breath there, between her thighs. "Nick!" Grace cried as he licked her, his tongue sweeping the plump damp folds between her legs. He didn't stop as her fingers gripped his hair, just plunged it inside her.

  Grace fell back on the bed, fisting her hands in the sheets, as her heels dug into the bed. The sensations were exquisite. She moaned as he continued to take her to new heights, until she felt him stretch her, pushing his fingers inside. Then she thought no more, only felt, as her body shuddered.

  "I need you now, Grace." Nick's body was suddenly blanketing hers, and then she felt him at her entrance, slowly pushing his way into her wet sheath. She tensed, and it was a bit tender, but soon that eased, and then he was deep inside her and Grace felt the delicious tension once again begin to build.

  "Nick," she whispered his name.

  "You feel so good, Grace." Bracing his hands on either side of her head, he looked down at her as he thrust in and out, his movements controlled and slow. "Tell me there is no pain."

  "No," she whispered. One of her hands touched his face, mapping the contours of his cheeks and jaw. "There is no pain, only pleasure."

  Nick closed his eyes briefly, and then lowered himself to kiss her, his lips taking hers in a soft sensual dance that left her breathless. He thrust harder then, in and out until Grace felt the wonderful pressure inside her once more. She shuddered and then scaled the heights of pleasure with Nick following her seconds later.

  He rolled to one side, taking her with him. Grace lay breathless with her nose pressed to his chest, one of his arms holding her close. It was lovely to be held this way, so close that she felt the thud of Nick's heart against her body.

  "Sleep now," he whispered. "Tomorrow we will find Harry."

  "I shall return to my room," Grace said, reluctant to leave him, yet knowing she should, as surely he had no wish to sleep with her in his bed.

  "No," was all he said, his arms pulling her in to his body. "Go to sleep, Grace."

  "But it is not right," she persisted.

  "Says who?"

  "I—um." Grace thought about that.

  "Exactly, now hush and sleep, because I for one am tired."

  She didn't fight him, because he was stronger and she wanted to stay here in his arms. Grace did not believe she would sleep though, as thoughts of Harry had returned now that she was no longer in the throes of passion. But surprisingly, she soon felt her eyelids flutter shut, and her last thought was for the man who held her. Everything had changed between them, but she wasn't quite sure in what way, only that it had.


  "I would like to walk in the gardens this morning, Vidal, if you will tell me how to get there, as I must take Nipper outside," Grace said when she saw the butler coming toward her as she left her room with the little dog in her arms.

  She had woken early, just as the sun began to rise, and slipped out of Nick's bed, leaving him sleeping. Her eyes lingered on his large slumbering form before she made herself walk to her room.

  "Of course; please follow me, my Lady."

  She followed Vidal's straight back down two flights of stairs and thought of Harry. Had he spent a cold terrifying night whilst she lay in Nick's arms? Guilt came thick and fast. Surely she should have been out there looking for him, doing something, anything, as he would for her were their positions reversed.

  Nick had made her forget and that was wrong, as she owed Harry so much that she could never hope to repay him.

  "The gardens are through there, my Lady." Vidal indicated a set of French doors
. "It is cold at such an early hour; should I fetch your coat?"

  "No, thank you, Vidal, I have my shawl, and shall return shortly for breakfast."

  Yesterday’s rain had softened the ground and the gray skies threatened more, however Grace was sure she could take her walk before it did so. Putting Nipper down on the grass, she watched him lower his nose, then hurry off to the right. He would explore and she would think. She walked, enjoying the solitude while she tried to make sense of the turmoil inside her head. She was used to that; time to herself, even when living with Harry, sometimes they had not spoken for hours. Other days he’d gone out in the morning and not returned till evening, and Grace had enjoyed those times, happy with her own company.

  The hedges were tall, making the gardens private. She found a pond and a small fountain, rows of flowers and several statues. It was pretty and peaceful, and Grace thought that when she was sure that Harry was home safe, she may spend some time out here, especially when she wanted solitude to read her books.

  "Oh Harry, where are you?" Grace walked away from the house and down a slight hill, letting the cool air settle around her. Nipper would appear suddenly, before disappearing to explore another part of the gardens, his tail standing upright as he investigated the foreign terrain.

  She let her thoughts drift to last night, to what she and Nick had shared. He would be that to her now; Nick, not my Lord, even if she called him the latter still to his face. Grace was not foolish enough to believe he felt anything for her, and that what they had shared was anything more than he had shared with other women, but to her… to her it had been magical. And that was what happened when the only experience you had with a man was with a tall handsome earl who had literally made her melt under his touch.

  But perhaps he had felt something when he'd held her, because Grace had believed he would want her to return to her own bed, yet he had not, instead holding her pressed to his chest though the night.


  He was coming toward her, his large feet making tracks on the damp grass, and Grace thought it grossly unfair that he looked as he did with such little effort on his part. He was dressed immaculately once more, his hair curling over his collar. He looked as if someone should paint him so ladies could study the beauty of his face and form each and every day, while she…. Grace sighed, looking down at her dress. She was a mess. Her dress was yesterdays, her slippers worn, and hair still loose and uncombed. Lord, why had she too not taken time to tidy herself? Beth had been right when she'd inferred that Grace was a fashion disaster. Suddenly, for the first time in her life, she wanted to wear one of her new dresses and have her hair styled. She did not want to analyze why, only knew that today Grace was embarrassed to be seen as she was, when yesterday she had not cared.


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