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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

Page 8

by Huffert, Barbara

  “Oh blah, blah, blah.” Brett rolled his eyes. “You know I suck at numbers.”

  “Market share information, price points and profit margins are all numbers.”

  “Yeah but they’re advertising numbers. Big difference.”

  “The only difference is that advertising numbers interest you and your own finances don’t.” Jordan deliberately redirected the discussion.

  “Why should they?” Brett asked. “You take great care of the bulk of my pay. I had enough to entertain last night and you’ll be buying lunch forever at this rate. What more do I need?”

  “Hopeless, you’re utterly hopeless.”

  “No, Jordan,” Dee interrupted. “I think Brett has a point this time. Why should he be concerned? I’m sure you have everything under control.”

  “I do but that’s not the point,” Jordan stressed. “What if I snap and wipe out his accounts? If Brett doesn’t know what he has, how would he get it back?”

  “Are you going to take my money, Jordan?” Brett asked mildly as Will fought not to laugh.

  “No, of course not.”

  “Good. You know you can have it if you ever need it though. You earned more of it than I did anyway.” Brett shrugged.

  “You’re entirely too trusting.”

  “And you’re entirely too you.”

  “Guys.” Will wasn’t sure where this conversation was headed but sensed it was going somewhere private. “Fascinating as this could become, I don’t think you want us to hear any more of it.”

  Both men stopped to look at him. “Right. Thanks, Will,” Jordan muttered.

  “Are we done up here?” Dee asked. “I’m going to the kitchen to work on dinner. Jordan, if you’d like to come along, we can talk about Malcolm.”

  After they were all settled Jordan began his questions.

  Dee answered as she cooked. “He’s only started coming in at lunch this week. Usually, he’s there during dinner. I don’t know why but he gives me the creeps, all of us really. He hasn’t ever done anything wrong but still,” she shrugged, “it feels like he has. How do you know him?”

  “He wanted to be a client last year.”

  “Jordan refused him,” Brett added.

  “Why?” Will wondered.

  “He wasn’t someone I wanted to be associated with.”

  “Jordan checks people out before he accepts them,” Brett supplied.

  “Everyone?” Dee asked.

  Brett gulped as he realized the position he just put his friend in.

  “Jordan?” Will waited.

  “Yes,” Jordan answered honestly. “Before I went out on my own, I saw some things I didn’t like. I decided, prior to accepting my first client, that I didn’t want any surprises. Sometimes there’s a tremendous amount of money involved. Even if I’m perfectly legit in everything I do, I could still be indicted if someone I represent isn’t. I’m not willing to risk going to jail for someone who’s using me.”

  “I’d say that’s a good policy,” Will commented. “So this Malcolm was not kosher in some way.”

  “Wait a minute,” Dee interrupted. “You investigated us?”

  “Yes,” Jordan admitted.

  “And?” Dee prompted.

  “And I found you and Will to be exactly what you appear. Honest, hard-working people trying to ensure a secure future.”

  “Who don’t have much to start with so why would you bother?” Will asked, trying to distract his wife.

  “Why not?” Jordan countered. “Everyone should have the opportunity for financial advancement. The amount you have to invest shouldn’t matter.”

  “It’s all true then? All the things that people whispered when you first started coming in?” Dee alluded to the gossip she’d overheard.

  “What? That he’s ‘The Golden Boy’? A financial genius? A true wizard?” Brett chuckled. “They don’t know the half of it. My pal Jordan is so much better than anything you heard. No one has a clue!”

  “And my pal Brett exaggerates.” Jordan winced. “Not to be immodest but yes, I am very good at what I do.”

  “Understatement of the century,” Brett muttered.

  “Tell me more about Winslow,” Jordan steered the conversation back to his purpose for visiting.

  “Well, he’s been coming in for maybe a year and a half, usually with some woman. He seems to trade them in fairly often and most are somewhat older than he is,” Dee stated.

  “Ah,” Jordan said.

  “Ah what? He’s always very attentive to his companions. I’ve never heard any of them complain.”

  “They probably wouldn’t, not even after they turn over some of their money. Winslow’s smooth in a sleazy sort of way. But he gambles too much. I guess, since he relocated and is using a fake name, he must have figured out that it’s easier to get cash with caring than it is with violence. Mr. Paul’s attracts a nicer clientele. If he’s switched to lunch it’s probably because he milked all he can from the dinner crowd.”

  “Are you saying he’s stealing from those women?” Will was appalled.

  “Not exactly. Conning with false promises and flattery. Unless they get together and compare experiences they might each continue to think that they were truly special and not even mind what he took from them.”

  “That’s disgusting,” Will stated.

  “No, that’s life,” Jordan responded. “And that’s why I refused to invest for him. They might catch on someday and I didn’t want to be around when they demanded repayment. I also didn’t want to generate cash for someone to throw away foolishly. When I said Winslow gambles, I meant big-time serious, not a few bucks here and there.”

  “But he always seems so proper even though he is icky,” Dee mused.

  “It’s all part of the act. He seems to have fine-tuned it over the past year but he’ll slip up one of these days.”

  “Is he dangerous?” Will was concerned.

  “Potentially, if he runs out of sources for quick cash. I wouldn’t worry as long as he can get his hands on money when he wants to.”

  “Jordan, should we be concerned that you know people who can supply you with this sort of information?” Will asked.

  “Nope. I trust them implicitly.”

  “Did you investigate Kiley?” Dee couldn’t resist.

  “No, should I? Does she have money that I don’t know about? Is she really an heiress, playing at working?” Jordan grinned. “I’ll learn all about Kiley when she chooses to tell me. In fact, we had quite a nice conversation Friday evening when she called me.”

  “What did she say?” Brett perked up.

  “Nothing that’s any of your business. But I will tell you that I think we’re making some progress.”

  “What did you do yesterday?” Brett asked. “I thought you might drop by.”

  “I chauffeured Sadie while her car was being inspected and then I did some work.” Jordan said truthfully. “Did you need me for something?”

  “No, I just wondered.” Brett shrugged at Dee when Jordan turned his attention to Will.

  The four continued to chat as Dee put the finishing touches on dinner. They shared a wonderful meal during which the conversation turned light and teasing. By the time Brett and Jordan left, all were sorry to see the evening end.

  Chapter Eight

  Alyssa had been watching Kiley ever since she picked her up on Saturday. She kept staring like she saw something different but couldn’t place it. Kiley had been waiting for her to ask all weekend but Alyssa didn’t until she was about to drop her off. “We were so busy, Kiley, that I haven’t had a chance to ask how your week was.”

  “Pretty routine,” Kiley responded, feeling slightly guilty over being relieved there wasn’t enough time for Alyssa to get into it. “Nothing special.”

  “Then why do you keep grinning?” Alyssa asked bluntly.

  “Grinning? I had fun. That’s all. And I’m very pleased with the clothes I bought. I think I’ll wear the green dress to work today. It’s
a little different for me but I really like it.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Sure, what else would it be?” Kiley didn’t want to tell her cousin about Jordan yet. She felt so decadent, keeping his words to herself. And his kisses! There was no way she could begin to describe how they had made her feel. She couldn’t imagine how she’d react to a kiss if Jordan let it deepen. She’d realized that he’d purposely kept them friendly, probably so she wouldn’t get any more nervous than she already had been. Maybe next time she’d get the chance to show him how she wanted to kiss him. “Are you going downtown today?” she asked, shamelessly redirecting the subject.

  “Yeah, I’m going to try some of the shelters. I’ve learned a little respect goes a long way. They may be homeless but they’re still people and talking to them like anyone else, showing some real interest beyond the time it takes to snap a few photos, does wonders toward their participation.”

  “I guess but doesn’t it get to you, hearing about their lives?”

  “The shots are more real when I know my subject, even if it is only on the surface. They’re more willing to look into my eyes through the lens if they know I’m genuinely curious about their histories. I talk about myself too so it’s not all one-sided. It’s working just as well with this project as it did with the last one. I don’t interfere. I make it clear that I’m not there to judge or to collect any sort of evidence. I don’t shoot anyone without permission and I leave when I’m told to.”

  Kiley tried, as always, to understand but still worried about her cousin. “I don’t see why you have to choose such dangerous assignments. Why can’t you take a happy looking picture sometime? You could do kids playing in the park, for instance.”

  “I’ll get to that someday.” Alyssa had never been able to explain what drove her. “Wait until I show you what I’ve done so far. Maybe we can get together next weekend?”

  “Sure, I’d like that.” Kiley wanted to say she might have plans but then she’d have to explain what they might be and again, she wasn’t ready to share. “Sorry we don’t have time for coffee but I’d really like to unpack before I head in to work.”

  “It’s okay. I need to get busy anyway.”

  “Be careful, Lyss, please.” Kiley hugged her cousin.

  “I always am, Kiles. I still think there’s something going on with you but I suppose it’ll have to wait until next weekend.”

  “And I’m still telling you that you’re imagining things.” Kiley laughed as she grabbed her bags. “Thanks for taking me with you.”

  “You’re always welcome. See you, cuz.” With a wave, Alyssa was gone.

  Kiley forced herself to unpack before she called Jordan. She hung up her new dresses and took a quick shower. When she had dressed as far as her slip, she finally reached for the phone.

  When Jordan answered, Kiley felt suddenly shy. “Um, hi, Jordan.”

  “Good morning, Kiley. Have a nice weekend?”

  His voice went straight through her, igniting every nerve. She let out a small, excited sigh. “Surprisingly, yes. I think I may have enjoyed it even more than Alyssa did. Her friends are going on a cruise in a few weeks so we had a marathon shopping day yesterday. I doubt if we would have visited if Lyssa had known that was planned.”

  “She’s not much of a shopper?” Jordan loved how relaxed she sounded.

  “Nope. She hates it. She usually waits until everything she owns is ready to fall to pieces before she’ll go willingly. I think yesterday was torture. Especially since she left her cameras at their house.” Kiley strongly suspected her cousin only made it through the day only framing scenes in her head.

  “What about you?”

  “I had fun. I don’t splurge often but we were on such a mission that I broke down and got a few things too.”

  “Things I’ll get to see?”

  “Oh yes. I’m going to wear one of my new dresses today. It’s a little different from what I usually wear but I think it looks okay.”

  “I bet it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “Did you keep Sadie waiting on Saturday?” Kiley could listen to him talk forever.

  “Not too long.” He paused. “Kiley, about Saturday, did you realize that we were set up?”

  “Set up? How? By whom?”

  “Brett and Dee mainly, with Sadie as an accomplice.”

  “But why? How do you know? Did they tell you?”

  “Why, because Brett thinks it’s taking me too long. He has no concept of long-term relationships that are very important. He doesn’t understand that some things shouldn’t be rushed. I know because Sadie doesn’t like her sister-in-law. She’d never visit her for the heck of it. And no, none of them has admitted it yet. I neglected to tell Sadie that we got along very well during our chance meeting. I also didn’t mention to either Brett or Dee that we saw each other on Saturday. While Dee was out of the room yesterday, before Brett showed up, Will apologized for not being able to convince them to leave us alone. Since they didn’t know about our conversation Friday, they could have maneuvered us into a situation that was uncomfortable for you.”

  “I was happy to see you, Jordan.”

  “I’m glad and likewise but they couldn’t have been positive it would be fine. They risked pushing you and created a chance where you could have just as easily turned away from me.

  “Kiley, I told you where I’d like us to end up. You are extremely important to me and I don’t want our friends, no matter how much they love us and want to help, to interfere without being invited to. I appreciate the thought but I’d prefer us to see where we can go on our own. You need to get to know me at a pace that’s right for you, not them.”

  “Jordan, I understand what you mean and I agree but I can’t be mad at them for trying to help.”

  “I’m not mad either. I’m sorry if I seem to be. I just thought you should be aware of what they’re up to.”

  “You really didn’t tell Brett we ran into each other? Did you tell him what we talked about Friday?” She was amazed since the two seemed to share everything.

  “Nope. There are some things that are private, even between Brett and me. Did you tell Alyssa?”

  “No. I’m not ready to share you yet. Like you, I think we should get to know each other better first. Alyssa would demand too many details, some I don’t want to talk about and some I simply don’t know yet.”

  “Then we’ll just have to spend some time together, won’t we?”

  “Mm, I’d like that. Want to meet me for breakfast tomorrow?” Kiley asked impulsively.

  “I’d love to.” He’d rather meet her tonight and make her breakfast in the morning but resisted saying that.

  Kiley named a time and place. “I like it there because they don’t rush you. We can talk a little if you have time.”

  “I have as much time as you’d like.” Yeah, like forever and then some.

  “Okay…good.” What had she done? “Well…I…”

  “Getting nervous on me again, sweet Kiley?” he said softly. “There’s no need. I won’t bite until you ask me to.”


  “I’m serious. After all, you’re my best girl so you can have anything you want.”


  “Absolutely. All you have to do is ask.”

  “Hmm, I’ll have to think about it. Maybe you shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “Why not? I mean it. I’m at your disposal. Your wish is my command,” Jordan declared before he could stop himself.

  “Jordan.” She made his name sound like a wistful sigh. She was fantasizing about telling him exactly what she wanted him to do but didn’t have the nerve. How would he react if she said they should take the day off and spend it together, naked? Would he be appalled if she asked him to describe what he would do to her when they made love? Did he realize that listening to him talk made her tingle all over? If he talked about sex she’d probably climax instantly, without either of them taking
off their clothes. Oh God, she had to stop thinking like that!

  “Kiley? You still there?” Jordan hoped he hadn’t scared her again. What was it about this woman that made him forget all the instructions he kept giving himself?

  “Yes but I…ah…I really should get ready for work.” She had to hang up before she asked him to come over.

  “All right, I’ll see you at lunch. Until then, I’ll be wondering about your new dress.”

  “Oh…uh…I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible.” She could wear a potato sack with a paper bag over her head and she’d still be beautiful to him.

  Jordan heard Kiley take a deep breath. “Uh…bye,” she said quickly and hung up before he could respond.

  Jordan sat and looked at the phone. She was gone again. What would she do when he said things like that in person? He was half-afraid that she’d actually run away. He tried to settle back into working but eventually decided that today might be a good day to get to the restaurant early. He’d relax in the bar and spend some time talking with Henry. Maybe Winslow would be there so he could try to intimidate him. Maybe he’d be able to discourage the man from hanging out there again if he let him know that he knew what he was up to and intended to keep an eye on him. Oh, who was he kidding? Jordan knew his only reason for going early was Kiley. New dress or not, he needed to see her.

  * * * * *

  Jordan froze just inside the door. My God, she was breathtaking! The dress Kiley termed okay was unbelievable. No, it was Kiley who was unbelievable. The dress simply suited her perfectly. Instead of the normal, tailored sets she usually wore, this was a soft, straight, knit thing. Jordan thought it resembled an extra-long sweater. It was the same green as her eyes and moved when she did as he had only dreamed about since her normal attire concealed so much. It wasn’t at all tight or clingy but the way it shifted with her emphasized her features in a way that left Jordan weak.

  He was generally semi-hard in her presence to begin with but this different style was almost too much for him. It took tremendous effort not to grab her, drag her out of the restaurant to somewhere private and spend the next hour running his hands all over her. And then he’d peel her out of her new dress and start all over again. He’d kiss her from head to toe and back again, pausing to lick all the best parts.


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