Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 9

by Huffert, Barbara

  Jordan had to unclench his hands and force himself to relax. If Kiley noticed how tense he was she’d think there was something wrong. He shook his head. There was something wrong. He wanted the woman so badly he could taste it and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it at the moment. He had to settle for imagining how she’d taste once he got his mouth fastened over her clit and his tongue buried inside her. He wondered what sort of attention she liked best. Was she a woman who needed a lot of stimulation or was she highly sensitive? That was something he couldn’t wait to learn from experience. Just like whether she was quiet or loud when she came. Would she talk, telling him what she wanted, crying out his name as she let go or would she be as serene and ladylike as always?

  He couldn’t decide which he hoped for and then admitted it didn’t matter. As long as he got to make her come repeatedly he’d be a very happy man. Then he wondered if she was multi-orgasmic or not. He hoped so. He’d love to spend unlimited time, pleasuring her with his tongue, making her come over and over again with his mouth until she collapsed in sexual exhaustion.

  He groaned softly. This waiting to get a taste of her was driving him insane and he had to stop obsessing over it. At least until he knew if she liked to be eaten or not. Mm, now there was a thought that fascinated him to no end. Eating Kiley’s luscious pussy. And he was positive every inch of her, pussy included, would be the most luscious thing he ever got his mouth, hands and cock on. It couldn’t happen soon enough for him but he would be patient and give her as much time as she needed even though it was damn near killing him.

  Kiley sensed he was there before she saw him. Very slowly, she turned from the table she just set up and met his eyes. She was amazed when she saw how stunned Jordan looked. His usual, confident smile and ready greeting were missing, even as Kiley stopped in front of him.

  “You’re early, Jordan. Anything wrong?” she asked when he remained motionless.

  Without thinking, Jordan reached out and pulled her into his arms. He tipped her head with a finger under her chin and kissed her lightly. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” She was confused.

  “For buying this dress. If I die today, I’ll die a happy man. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman than you.” He was still holding her and his voice had dropped into a caress.

  Kiley was so affected by his nearness and tone that she couldn’t make herself move away. “Oh please, stop exaggerating.”

  “He’s not.” Henry approached from the bar. “You’re drooling, Jordan. And Kiley, your phone is ringing.”

  “Oh.” Kiley blushed and jumped away from Jordan.

  “Come sit down and let the poor girl work,” Henry urged. “You can stare from the bar.” After he handed Jordan a glass of iced tea, he continued, “Dee says you’ve been asking about Malcolm Winslow.”

  “He’s bad news, Henry,” Jordan answered without taking his eyes off Kiley.

  “I think so too but until he does something inappropriate, I can’t toss him out. Sometimes being the owner sucks.”

  “Yeah, I guess you have to stay impartial. You can’t refuse to serve someone just because you can tell he’s scum.”

  “You got it. I know he’s only showing interest in the women to get their money. But not a one of them has complained, not even when they see him with someone else.”

  “They’re probably too embarrassed to admit they made a bad choice. They may lose some cash but they keep their pride. I doubt if he takes too much from any one of them either. It’s more likely that he just skims the surface so they won’t protest.”

  “I’ll continue to keep an eye on him but maybe it’s time to let it be more obvious.” Henry glanced at Kiley and chuckled. “Ease up, son. You’re devouring her with your eyes and making her uncomfortable.”

  “You’re wrong, Henry.” He saw Kiley sneak a peek and grinned. “She bought that with me in mind, knowing that watching her move would almost kill me.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “Oh, just some things she’s said recently. And the way she keeps checking to make sure I’m still watching her.”

  Henry tried to continue the conversation but realized that Jordan wasn’t hearing a word of it. Giving up, he tapped Jordan’s arm. “Why don’t you wait for Brett on the bench over there? You won’t have to strain your neck when she moves away from her podium.”

  “Sorry, Henry. I can’t help it. She’s always gorgeous but today’s soft look is getting to me.”

  Henry laughed as he waved Jordan away.

  “Done talking to Henry?” Kiley asked as he approached her.

  “I have no idea. I was too preoccupied to pay attention.” Jordan shamelessly looked her over from head to toe and back again. “Woman, do you have any idea how incredibly sexy you look in that dress?” His voice was seductive. “I’ve been trying so hard to control myself around you and you’re making it damn near impossible. The thought of other men looking at you is going to haunt me all afternoon.”

  “Jordan, you’re the only man who looks at me like that.” Kiley was thrilled by his reaction.

  “Ha! You should check more closely. No, forget I said that.”

  “I have checked,” she declared. “But you’re the only one I noticed.”

  Jordan groaned. “Are you tormenting me on purpose?”

  “I’m not tormenting you at all.”

  “You are and you know it.” He stepped closer and leaned on her podium so he could whisper in her ear. “I want you, Kiley. I’ve always wanted you. This dress is so much softer than what you usually wear. It’s taking all my willpower to keep my hands off you. Every time you move I come up with another idea for the many ways I’m going to make love to you.”

  “Oh my God.” Kiley lowered her head. “You can’t say things like that. Please, you have to stop.” She felt her knees start to shake and was afraid she’d collapse at his feet. What she really wanted was to drag him out of there and explore all his ides. She also had a few of her own to add to the list that he might have missed.

  Jordan misunderstood and assumed he’d offended her. “I’m so sorry. I was out of line there. See? I’m not completely sane around you and until we know each other better, I should keep thoughts like that to myself.”

  “But—” she tried to explain.

  “I’ll behave. I promise.” Jordan gave her a tentative smile. “Forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” She put her hand on his arm.

  “Damn if you’re not looking hot today!” Brett instantly noticed the different style of Kiley’s dress. “Oops, sorry, pal. What I meant to say was nice dress, Kiley. Or maybe it was that I’m just going to go sit down now.”

  “Stop scowling, Jordan,” Kiley giggled.

  “He just proved my point. Other men do look at you like I do. Even my best friend, who knows how I feel about you.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re jealous!” Impulsively, she hugged him. “It doesn’t matter. You’re still the only one I want to notice.” She kissed his cheek. “Now go talk to Brett.”

  “I’d rather stay with you,” he muttered to her amusement. “Did Dee ask you about Saturday?”

  “Not directly. She hinted a lot though.”

  “Should we let them off the hook?” When she nodded, he took her hand and said, “Come with me.” Dee was speaking with Brett when they approached. “By the way, Kiley, I really enjoyed meeting Vera Saturday.”

  “She loved you too.”

  “So you did bump into each other.” Dee grinned.

  “Yes, we did but please don’t do that again.” Jordan looked steadily between the two. “Fortunately, it worked out just fine but it could very easily have backfired. Kiley and I spoke Friday evening. And again this morning. And we’re meeting for breakfast tomorrow.”

  “What that means is that as much as we appreciate the thought,” Kiley chimed in so their friends would know she was in agreement, “we’d prefer to do this at our own pace. W
e’re doing fine all by ourselves, right Jordan?”

  “Right,” he agreed, thinking how much he liked the way she was still holding his hand.

  After Brett and Dee both apologized and promised not to interfere, Kiley tried to walk away but Jordan hadn’t released her. “Jordan?”

  In spite of his recent promise to behave, he motioned for her to lean closer in order to whisper in her ear. “Do me a favor. Try to walk around a lot while I’m here. The sight will feed my fantasies.” He gave her earlobe a quick caress with the tip of his tongue.

  Kiley gasped, blushing hotly. “Oh!” She tugged her hand from his and scurried away. He fantasized about her! That one flick left her weak at the knees and wanting to feel it repeated all over her body. How did such a tiny gesture do so much?

  “What the hell did you just say?” Brett watched her race back to her podium. “And why did you chase her off when she was holding your hand?”

  Jordan groaned. “Damn! I just can’t stay cool around her anymore. I’m getting worse.”

  Brett sat back and studied his friend. “So, you had a nice visit?”

  “Yeah, we did. But I said something that upset Kiley Friday night so a setup like that could have made it even worse.”

  “Care to share what you said? I might be able to help.”

  Jordan watched as Kiley wandered from table to table, stopping to chat with some of the regular customers. When she sensed his attention, she turned and gave him a slow smile and a wink. As he grinned in response, he said, “I don’t know, Brett. Maybe it’s not that bad after all.”

  Brett looked over his shoulder and caught her smile. “Hmm, I don’t believe it. Is she actually flirting here?”

  “Hey!” Jordan scowled again.

  “Lighten up. I know she’s yours but can you blame a guy for looking? That dress is about perfect and I, for one, always appreciate perfection. Besides, in all the months we’ve been here, I’ve never seen her look at anyone the way she does you.”

  Jordan sighed. “I know. Somehow I thought it would be easier once she started talking to me.”

  “I hate to say it but I doubt it’ll get easier until she declares, as you have, that you’re her future. Until then, I think the torture you’re putting yourself through will only get worse. Now come on, let me tell you about the rest of my evening with Sadie.”

  “Anything else, guys?” Dee asked long after they finished eating.

  “Not today, thanks,” Brett responded.

  “Then you need to move to the bar if you’re staying. There’s a birthday party here soon and we need to set up. You’re in the way.”

  “Subtle, Dee.” Jordan chuckled.

  “Yeah well, I figure by now you’re family so move it or help.” When she saw Jordan considering it, she rolled her eyes. “Don’t you have work to do? I thought you had a big meeting coming up?”

  “We do but we’re ready,” Jordan responded confidently. “And no, before you ask again, we’ll tell you about it when the time is right.”

  “I bet you’d tell Kiley if she asked you,” Dee teased.

  “Tell me what?” Kiley was nearby.

  “About our meeting. But,” Brett paused, “Kiley’s a good girl who has more manners than to push Jordan into that position.”

  Kiley immediately recognized that Brett had just added to his warning from the previous day. “That’s right, Dee. So stop pestering them. They’ve said they’ll tell us when it’s time and when it’s time, they will.” She walked them toward the door, leaving Dee grumbling. “Class again tonight, Jordan?”

  “Mm but I should be home by ten if you want to talk.” He looked at her hopefully.

  “Give it a rest, pal.” Brett couldn’t resist. “We’ve stayed much longer today. You’re seeing her in the morning. You know this is her long day. She’ll be too tired tonight, won’t you, Kiley?”

  “Probably,” she admitted. “But we’ll see,” she added because Jordan looked truly disappointed.

  “Don’t feel you have to,” Jordan said seriously. “Of course, I’d love to talk to you but,” he leaned closer so Brett wouldn’t hear him, “I’ve got plenty of images in my mind to hold me over until breakfast.”

  Kiley actually giggled, surprising them all. “You are shameless.”

  “Nope, honest.” He decided he could happily listen to that forever.

  “That’s it. I’m out of here,” Brett interrupted, pretending to be annoyed. “If you’re going to go all secretive and ignore me there’s no point in waiting for you, Jordan. Tomorrow, kids.” He left them alone.

  “He’s not really mad, is he?” Kiley worried.

  “Nah, look.” Jordan pointed at Brett as he laughed his way passed the window. “Unfortunately, I should take off too. Let me say one more time how beautiful you look.” He kissed her palm. “Thanks again.”

  “Oh…um…” She was very aware of how close he was standing and could see the heat in his eyes.

  “Have a pleasant afternoon.” He closed the brief distance and brushed her lips with a gentle kiss.

  Kiley stood, watching him go.

  “Kiley, you’d better breathe,” Henry intruded in her thoughts. He laughed at her startled expression when she realized he was there. “Little girl, why don’t you give in and stop torturing that poor boy? He’s a good guy and I hate to see him in so much pain.”

  “Henry, I…” Kiley groaned. “I don’t mean to tease him. It’s just… I mean, he’s so handsome and I can feel it every time he speaks.”

  “Ha! I knew it. You’re just as badly off as he is.” Henry was pleased. “Boy, this is going to be fun. Now remember if you have your reception here—”

  Kiley gasped. “We haven’t even gone out yet!”

  “Oh but I heard you mention breakfast so I’m sure that’s just the beginning. You’ll see.” He winked. “One thing will lead to another and if you both have the sense to follow your hearts, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be setting the date.”

  “Knock it off and let me get back to work.” Kiley sighed. Henry’s chuckle followed her as she went to help the staff prepare for the party.

  Chapter Nine

  Worse than a damn schoolboy. Jordan laughed at himself as he waited in front of the restaurant for Kiley. He had been so full of anticipation at the thought of seeing her that he’d arrived a good half-hour early for their breakfast date. He’d always expected to fall hard when he finally fell in love. What he hadn’t imagined was the way his emotions would override his normal cool and confident demeanor.

  When Jordan landed his first financial consulting job, he rapidly earned the reputation of being able to keep his head under any circumstances. His persona grew after he ventured out on his own. He was known for his boldness and his ability to be in the right place at the right time. He could negotiate a cutthroat, multimillion dollar deal that could make or break both him and his client in a heartbeat without ever showing a hint of nerves at either possible outcome. He was “The Golden Boy” as they’d started calling him soon after he’d proven his assessment of the opportunity that caused him to part ways with the firm where he’d been employed was dead-on. The firm, on the other hand, missed out on literally millions and lost credibility with some very powerful clients. When the dissatisfied flocked after Jordan, he shocked more than a few by refusing their business. Now, with his level of success, his right to pick and choose clients was no longer questioned.

  Fat lot of good that did him now! Jordan tried not to pace. He wanted to appear casual and calm when Kiley arrived. He silently lectured himself that he would remain in control and unfazed, no matter how good she looked or what she said.

  “Morning, Jordan.” Kiley wondered what he was thinking when he failed to notice her approach. “You’re scowling. Is something wrong?”

  “Not anymore.” His face lit up with a smile.

  “I did say eight thirty, didn’t I?” Kiley told herself to shut up. She’d been surprised when she turned the c
orner and saw that he was already waiting for her.

  “Yes.” He glanced at his watch and saw it was only five past eight. “Do you need to do something before breakfast?”

  “Um, I’m perpetually early. I can’t seem to help it. I try not to be but…” She knew she was babbling.

  “And here I’d hoped you were as anxious to see me as I am you.” He pouted, urging her closer.

  “I…well…yes. I mean, no…”

  Kiley was silenced when Jordan covered her mouth with his. The kiss was soft and lingering. He started to pull her tighter against him until the door to the restaurant opened next to them. The conversation of the emerging couple reminded Jordan where they were. He forced himself to ease his lips from hers.

  “Damn, woman, you make me lose my senses!”

  It came out sounding harsher than he’d intended and Kiley took an anxious step back from him. “Me? You’re the one who grabbed me. I didn’t do anything!”

  “The hell you didn’t!” What was wrong with him? Here he was, accusing her of who knew what, behaving like a complete ass when what he wanted was to have her back in his arms.

  Kiley was shocked. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why he was mad. Quickly, she racked her brain, searching for something, anything that could have angered him. She hadn’t called him the night before because she had fallen asleep as soon as she sat down to unwind. He’d said she shouldn’t if she was too tired. And this morning all she’d done was show up early, just as he had. When Jordan attempted to speak, Kiley held up her hand to prevent him.

  “Actually, um, being perpetually early isn’t it today. You see, last night Henry asked me to come in before my normal time to help with something so I came here on my way there to leave you a note because that means I need to cancel on you.”

  “Kiley.” He reached for her but stopped when he saw fear in her eyes. He lowered his hand and tried to look natural even though his heart was sinking. “All right then. Maybe some other time?”


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