Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 10

by Huffert, Barbara

  Instead of responding, Kiley nodded and rushed away, knowing without looking that he was standing there watching her retreat.

  * * * * *

  “Dee, I love you but please, I don’t want to talk about it.” Kiley wiped her eyes. “Oh darn it! Would you look at me? I’m just a mess!”

  “Come, I can help.” All that Dee knew was, according to Henry, Kiley had shown up for work almost two hours early. She’d spent an hour in the employee bathroom, crying, before she asked him to back her up by saying he’d needed her to run an errand for him that morning. When Dee came in, he’d sent her to Kiley to see if she could find out what had her so upset and if there was anything they could do to help. Now it was almost lunchtime and the only thing Dee had learned was that Kiley had left Jordan standing on the sidewalk after she’d backed out of breakfast. And the later it got, the more frazzled Kiley became. “Maybe he and Brett won’t even show today,” she offered helpfully as she touched up Kiley’s makeup. “Don’t cry again, honey. It’ll all work out. Whatever happened can’t be all that bad.”

  Henry stuck his head around the door. “Why don’t you just take the day off? It’s not that busy. We could manage without you just this once.”

  Kiley was shaking her head. “No thanks, Henry. I appreciate your offer but I’m not running away.” She might have been confused and scared earlier but here she was among friends. She’d decided that whatever it was that had set Jordan off had nothing to do with her. There was absolutely no way she was going to let him chase her from her job. Maybe other people jumped when “The Golden Boy” snarled but she wasn’t about to become one of them. But what if it was something she’d done?

  Jordan was waiting for Brett at the corner, unwilling to face Kiley alone. He knew she’d used Henry as an excuse to ditch him. Not that he blamed her. He’d reacted like a lunatic, taking his anger at himself out on her. She was gone before he could explain that he was disgusted by his own lack of control when she was around. He’d meant to give her a friendly, “good morning, it’s nice to see you” kiss and had been seconds from deepening it into a demanding, “let’s uncover some body parts and have wild sex” kiss. If those people hadn’t walked out when they had, Jordan knew his hands would have strayed inappropriately.

  “What did you do now?” Brett asked after taking one look at him.

  “Blew it. Big-time,” Jordan responded. “I’m not sure I should go in there today.”

  Brett stopped walking and stared. “Details!” Jordan shook his head sadly. “Listen up, pal. You are not, I repeat not, running away now. I don’t care what happened.”

  “She won’t want me there.”

  “Nope, no way, forget it. You’ve dragged me here every day for months. You hit one little snag and you’re ready to hightail it out of here? Well that’s not happening. We’re going in there right now and we’re going to continue to every day until you figure out how to fix it.” He sensed that Jordan was about to argue. “You’ve been telling me that Kiley is your future for months. I’ve known you all my life and never have you even come close to saying something like that. I believed you the first time you said it and I know you still feel that way.”


  “I never saw you as a coward, Jordan. I’m not going to let you become one now.” Brett watched as his words hit home. “You can get past this. Remember all that patience you keep declaring you have? It’s time to get your ass in there and show some.”

  Kiley was busy when they walked in and Henry moved to her podium. “McKade, you made my girl cry. I’d like to tell you to turn around and leave but she won’t let me. I don’t know what you did but you better figure out how to make it up to her, pronto.”

  Jordan steadily met the angry man’s glare. “I’m going to try my best, Henry,” he said sincerely.

  Henry stared for a long, silent moment. “Do you love her?”

  “With all my heart,” Jordan answered honestly.

  He must have seen what he wanted in Jordan’s eyes because he nodded. “Good. Why don’t you go sit down? But McKade, I’d better not regret letting you in today.” Henry and Jordan exchanged another look before the men went to their usual table.

  * * * * *

  A week later Kiley and Jordan were still tiptoeing around each other. Neither would tell their friends what had happened but both were clearly still affected by it. He had stopped waiting for Brett outside and she had stopped avoiding them when they arrived. Both continued to watch the other whenever the opportunity arose with a new wariness that hadn’t been there previously.

  Today, Brett got there first and used the opportunity to consult with Dee. “I can’t get anything out of him other than he was an ass, a fool and an idiot.”

  “No luck for me either. Every time I mention his name she looks like she’s going to burst into tears and runs away. We have to do something.”

  “Not yet, Dee. You remember the last time? With how they’re acting now, I think there’s more chance of us making things worse instead of better.”

  “Are you guys still going to the game tonight?”

  He nodded. “I’m planning on being as obvious as I can to get us noticed. Hopefully, Kiley won’t run the other way when she sees us.”

  “If she tries to, make a big fuss wishing Alyssa happy birthday. That way they’ll both have to stay put at least until Kiley introduces you. I’m sure Alyssa won’t let you get away without finding out how you know each other.”

  “That’ll be a start and then I’ll do my best to keep them talking without pissing either of them off since they’re both going to know what I’m trying to do.”

  * * * * *

  The plan Malcolm decided on was perfect. He’d overheard Kiley and that cow of a waitress talking about her cousin’s birthday. It had been more than obvious how much Kiley cared about her. That was something he could easily use to his advantage so that everything would fall right into place. Tonight was going to be spectacular.

  Malcolm waited until Kiley’s back was turned to put the drops into the water glass that was always on her podium. He’d come up with the idea when he noticed how she had started to reach for it as soon as she saw him in order to avoid his hand when he greeted her. The bitch! Her idiotic reluctance was about to become his benefit. There wasn’t much water left so she’d surely finish is as she spoke to him.

  “Kiley,” he said, sounding extremely distraught. “Alyssa’s in trouble. She sent me to get you.”

  “What?” Kiley hurriedly gulped to swallow the water in her mouth.

  “We have to hurry! There’s no time to waste. She told me to bring you to her immediately before it’s too late for you to help her.”

  “Yes. Okay just let me grab my purse.” She raced to retrieve her bag from her locker. “Dee, tell Henry I’m sorry but I have to go. I’ll explain later.” She rushed out before Dee could react.

  * * * * *

  Jordan stood with one elbow resting on the bar as he semi-listened to the conversation between Brett and Shane. He’d almost backed out of the evening but then decided he couldn’t turn into a coward at this stage. Besides, there was a possibility that Brett was right. There was a chance that running into Kiley away from the restaurant would shock her into standing still long enough to give him the opportunity to speak with her. The next instant Jordan’s senses went on high alert. He couldn’t believe it when he saw Kiley being dragged through the door by Malcolm Winslow. He watched her make her way unsteadily across the room to a table already occupied by two men.

  “Friend of yours?” Shane asked.

  “Stay here,” Jordan said quietly. He put down his bottle and stalked away.

  Bo was furious with himself. He was a bookie. What the hell did he think he was doing, involving himself in this mess? He never should have let Winslow convince him to arrange this meeting. He should have taken his losses and walked away. He knew better than to be included in this business. This was serious shit and Winslow was bound to sc
rew it up. He’d always avoided stuff like this before. He was a bookie, for Christ’s sake! He was a good bookie and as long as he didn’t overstep his bounds, everyone left him pretty much alone. Now, he’d gone and done something stupid like this. Winslow was finally here. Yeah, here but he had some whacked-out broad with him so it was bound to get ugly.

  “Gentlemen.” Malcolm shoved Kiley into a chair.

  “Who’s the girl?” Vincent asked, his calm belying the annoyance he felt. Mr. Samuels wouldn’t like the fact that Winslow had been late when he’d insisted on a meeting. Showing up with the girl had been a stupid move. And just what was a girl like her doing with him? Even though she was stoned, she was obviously much too classy for Winslow.

  Before Malcolm could answer, Jordan stepped up to the table. “Evening, Vincent. Bo.” He nodded to the two, pointedly ignoring Malcolm.

  “McKade,” Vincent acknowledged him while Bo squirmed uncomfortably. “Are you joining us?”

  “No.” Jordan reached down and pulled Kiley out of her chair, pinning her to him. “I just came over to thank you for entertaining my girl. I guess you didn’t see me at the bar when you walked in, Kiley.”

  Jordan! Jordan was here! Thank goodness! He’d help. Even though she’d been avoiding him for a week he’d still save her. Wouldn’t he? What was wrong with her? The room kept swimming around her. She knew she’d fall if he let her go. “J-J-J…” She couldn’t get her mouth to work.

  “Luckily I saw you so everything’s just fine. Nothing to worry about, sweet. We’ll go now and leave these gentlemen to their business.” His expression broadcast that he wouldn’t tolerate any interference.

  Vincent nodded as McKade backed away with the girl. He noticed that Bo released the breath he’d been holding. It was common knowledge how successful McKade was and that his deals were squeaky clean but, to some extent, he was still an unknown. Very interesting that he’d turned up to claim the girl that Winslow had dragged in. So far nothing about this meeting was what he’d anticipated. “Sit down, Winslow,” Vincent ordered coldly when the idiot jumped up intending go after them.

  “Don’t be fucking stupid, man. That dude with him is a cop,” Bo added.

  Shane didn’t know exactly what was going on but his brother had just snatched that babe from the middle of a group gathered for what he was willing to bet was an illegal purpose. He recognized Bo the bookie who apparently remembered him from his street patrol days since he helped the other one he should know, but couldn’t place instantly, prevent the third one from trying to reclaim his escort. Shane maintained his stare until Jordan and Brett had the mystery woman outside before slowly following them.

  He caught up as they rounded the corner. “What the hell is going on?”

  Jordan ignored him. “Kiley, you’re okay now, love. I’m here and you are safe.” She tried to focus on him but couldn’t. “Do you know what he gave you?” When a tear slid down her cheek, Jordan cradled her against him and simply whispered soothing things. Over her head, he said to Brett, “I’ve got to get her home.”

  “What about him?” Brett asked.

  “I need to take care of Kiley first. I’ll deal with him later.”

  “Hold on,” Shane interrupted. “I want to know what’s going on here.”

  Jordan sighed. “This is Kiley, the woman I love. Brett can tell you more in a minute but for now all you need to know is that the guy she came with is pure scum, up to something he probably deserves to die for. I’m sure he drugged her somehow because otherwise there is no way she’d ever go anywhere with him. And now I’m going to take Kiley home where I can make sure she’s safe until it wears off. You and Brett have to go to the game and find her cousin. Shane, in spite of what I know you’re thinking, I need you to trust me more than I ever have in my life. Hell, I’m begging you. No matter what, do not bring her cousin to my house tonight.”

  “Jordan, I think—” Shane started.

  “No Shane, listen to him,” Brett spoke up. “Come on man, this is important. I’ll tell you everything I can but Jordan is right, doing it this way. From what I’ve heard about her cousin, she really shouldn’t see Kiley like this. Let him take care of her.”

  “What’s to keep this cousin from leaving after we find her?” Shane asked. “Have either of you met her? How’s she going to accept we’re not lying about everything, most importantly, Kiley’s safety?”

  Kiley must have heard them even though she couldn’t talk. When she kept trying to open her purse, Jordan shifted to hold it in front of her. “What is it, Kiley? What do you want from here?”

  Kiley’s face crinkled in concentration. “Ti-ti-tic…”

  “Your ticket?” She nodded. “That’s good. They can take your ticket to prove they know you.” She nodded again. “Can I get it for you?” Another nod as Brett took her purse so Jordan could rifle through it. When he found the ticket, he handed it to Brett. “He has it, Kiley. Brett and Shane will go find her and make sure she has a great birthday. They’ll take good care of her for you. And they can call in between periods to tell us about the game, okay love?” Kiley’s eyes were like saucers as she nodded at him one more time. “Shane, please.”

  Shane read the pleading on his brother’s face. He had also noticed the tenderness every time his focus was on Kiley. He’d never seen as much determination in his brother’s expression as he currently had. Even though he didn’t like it, he decided that for now, he’d give Jordan the benefit of the doubt. He’d wait for Brett’s explanation before he worked on locating Bo in order to confront him about what he knew. “All right, Jordan. We’ll do this your way for the time being, at least until I know what’s going on.”

  “Thanks, Shane. You too, Brett.” Jordan felt Kiley clutch him tighter. “I’ll call if anything comes up.”

  After Brett and Shane headed toward the arena, Jordan lifted Kiley into his arms. “Hang on, Kiley. I’ll have you home in no time.”

  Home. Jordan was taking her home. He said she’d be safe. He said he’d take care of her. He was holding her. He was holding her and everything was going to be all right.

  Chapter Ten

  “I’m waiting, Winslow.” Vincent had run out of patience with the man. At least Bo appeared to be honestly horrified by whatever Winslow had been attempting to pull. Maybe Mr. Samuels would see fit to overlook his involvement just this once.

  Malcolm gulped. “He’s a no-good, interfering bastard. McKade’s always been jealous of me. He had no right…”

  “No right? It appeared that he had every right,” Vincent cut him off.

  “She was for Samuels!” Malcolm blurted.

  “That’s Mr. Samuels to you,” Vincent said coldly. “Tell me. What exactly did you intend for Mr. Samuels to do with her?”

  “Why, anything he wanted,” Malcolm declared. “I thought I could give her to him as a token of my appreciation for his patience.”

  “You don’t have your payment?”

  “You asshole!” Bo interrupted. “You swore—”

  Vincent silenced him with a glance as he stood. “I’ll be in touch.” With that, he walked out of the bar.

  “How could you?” Bo exclaimed. “I can’t believe that I let you drag me into this. If you ever call me again—” Bo didn’t finish as he jumped up and rushed out.

  * * * * *

  “Just let me talk to her first,” Brett said once they located Alyssa. “Excuse me, are you Alyssa? Alyssa Campini?”

  “Yeah. Who’s asking?” She eyed him speculatively.

  “Brett Hudson, at your service.” He grinned. “Kiley sent me for your birthday.”

  “Oh?” She returned his grin. “Cute, but who are you really?”

  “I honestly am Brett Hudson and your cousin did send me.” He became serious. “Kiley had a little trouble. She asked us to come and make sure you have fun since she isn’t able to be here herself.”

  “Trouble, what kind of trouble?” Alyssa finally noticed Shane. “You!”

; “Ms. Campini, we meet again.” Shane felt the evening going from bad to worse.

  “McKade.” She looked back and forth between them. “Where’s Kiley? What’s wrong?”

  “Your cousin is fine,” Shane said as he added mentally that she would be eventually. “She’s with my brother.”

  “Why? It’s my birthday and we always spend our birthdays together.” Alyssa was suspicious.

  “Alyssa, she really is okay,” Brett tried. “She ran into some trouble at the restaurant with a customer and Jordan, that’s Shane’s brother, stepped in to assist her.”

  “So why isn’t she here?”

  “Well, she wasn’t quite up to an evening out but didn’t want you to miss the game so we offered to come keep you company for her.” Brett told himself that he wasn’t exactly lying.

  “Wait. Did you say Jordan?” Brett and Shane both nodded. “Jordan, as in the guy with the voice?” Alyssa laughed. “I can’t believe it! She ditched me on my birthday for a guy.” She saw Shane scowl. “Was there really some kind of trouble or are you just playing along to help them?”

  “Both,” Shane admitted. “But we really are supposed to make sure you have fun and don’t worry about her. We’re to check in between periods.”

  “She’s really okay?” Alyssa asked.

  “She will be,” Brett tried to sound confident as Shane agreed.

  “There’s only two seats here,” she pointed out.

  “We have three up there.” Brett pointed to seats a few rows behind them.

  “So you guys were joining us all along,” she concluded.

  “Well…” Brett didn’t know how much to say.

  “Just tell her, Brett. Jordan’ll tell Kiley at some point tonight.” Shane slumped in his seat. Of all the people to be her cousin, it had to be Alyssa Campini. Not to mention the explanation Brett had given him. There were way too many holes in it. Jordan certainly had a lot of filling in to do later.


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