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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

Page 13

by Huffert, Barbara

  “I’m fine, Shane.”

  “You’re a good man, Jordan. I’m proud of you for the way you got her out of there earlier. You were quite impressive.”

  “Uh, thanks, Shane but I really didn’t think about what I was doing at the time. I just did what I had to in order to get Kiley away from them.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her. Brett tells me the two of you are perfect for each other.”

  “I think so.”

  “I’ll say goodnight now so you can turn in. We won’t show up too early so you can let Kiley sleep as long as she needs to.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Something weird is going on,” Jordan stated after hanging up.

  “I’m so glad you said that,” Kiley seconded. “Lyssa was so strange.”

  “Strange how?”

  “She said things that were very unlike her.”

  “Same with Shane.” When the phone rang again, he said, “This’ll be Brett.”

  “Hey Jordan. Kiley feeling any better? You guys need anything?”

  “She’s remarkably fine. We’re about to sack out.”

  “She’s staying then.”

  “Yep. She told her cousin that she is good right where she is.”

  “They didn’t show up there?”

  “No, they called to check on Kiley and said that they’ll be over in the morning. What’s up, Brett? What did we miss? I thought you were with them.”

  “I screwed up. Major big-time. I’m so sorry. I…”

  “What do you mean? What happened?”

  “Shane was being all blustery and controlling and Alyssa was insisting on coming to get Kiley away from you and I lost it. I blew up and said all sorts of things that I shouldn’t have.”

  “Like what?”

  “For starters, I told them how you keep saying Kiley is your future. I was trying to convince them to leave you alone tonight. Then, when Shane tried to object, I lost it and told him what I think about the way he’s always treated you.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

  “I told him about the money. Then I blasted Alyssa. I called her a liar and I asked about her ribs and her night in the emergency room. I said she must have a death wish, doing the projects that she does. To top it off, I asked Shane if he’s still working on the south side. I’m such an idiot.”

  “Hmm, at least you didn’t hit him. Or did you?”

  “Almost but with Alyssa there, I managed not to.”

  “Well that definitely explains why they were both so strange just now. Shane said he was proud of me.”

  “Wow. He may have said that but he’s still going to be relentless when he questions you.”

  “I was ready to tell him about most of it anyway. You may have made it so he actually listens. And it’s never been a secret that I have sources I use to check out potential clients. He’s just chosen to underestimate me. It’ll be okay, Brett.”

  “What about Alyssa? Running my mouth off means you need to explain some things to Kiley now instead of whenever you would have. Oh I blabbed how I was the scalper too.”

  “Don’t worry about that either. I intended to tell Kiley everything either tonight or tomorrow once she felt up to it. I don’t want any secrets between us anymore. She deserves better than that.”

  “Jordan…” He hesitated. “The first time they called, Alyssa said Kiley yelled at her for interrupting. She told her that you were talking and she was…well, she claimed to be…um…I’m sure you heard her side of the conversation.”

  “Yeah, I did, Brett and honestly I believe it.”

  “I’m not sure how to word this but I know you’ve been drooling over her for months. It’s just that…you’re not going to ruin this by taking advantage of the situation?”

  “Not a chance but thanks for your concern. Kiley is perfectly safe from everything, including me.”

  Kiley had inched closer when Jordan began to grin. Hearing his last comment, she snatched the phone. “Brett, you’re worrying about the wrong person. Jordan assures me he’ll be keeping his distance all night. I, however, have made no promises to do the same. You can’t expect me to keep my hands off him, not when he’s right here next to me.”

  Brett actually groaned in misery for his friend. “Honey, any other time I’d be thrilled to hear you say that with him listening but I will guarantee that no matter what he’s not gonna touch you tonight. Not after you were drugged. Even if it’s one hundred percent out of your system Jordan will still question your willingness. Kiley please, give the guy a break. He has to be honorable and not take any chances with this one because you’re too special to him. Don’t keep pushing and force him to be the bad guy who says no. Wait until tomorrow when he can be sure it’s what you honestly want because I promise he’ll do everything and anything to make you as happy as humanly possible.”

  “I understand,” she responded, realizing how truthful he was, even though he tried to sound like he was teasing. “Thanks for your help tonight. I know Lyssa can be a handful when she’s determined to get her own way.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Brett replied. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Kiley, I overstepped my bounds tonight with both your cousin and Jordan’s brother. I said stuff that puts Jordan in the awkward position of having to tell you some things that he might not be ready for. I know I’m really pushing my luck but I’m begging you to be patient. Give him a chance to explain before you jump to conclusions. He really is the best.”

  “All right, Brett. I happen to agree with that last part. Besides, I have a few things of my own to open up about too. Thanks, though. I’ll keep your advice in mind. Here’s Jordan.”

  “What’s your advice?” Jordan was surprised when Kiley wrapped her arms around him instead of settling back against the pillows.

  “I’ll let Kiley explain. She’s a hell of a woman, pal. I think Dee was right, telling you to go for it.”

  “Perhaps but as I said…”

  “Not tonight. But Jordan, there’s always tomorrow,” Brett chuckled. “I’ll see you around lunchtime since I’m off tomorrow. Call if you need anything.”

  “Thanks but I think we’re set for the night.” Jordan sensed his friend was still concerned so he added, “It really will work out. Don’t lose any sleep, okay?”

  “If you say so.” Brett clearly didn’t share Jordan’s optimism.

  When Jordan sighed without speaking after ending the call, Kiley twisted to look at him more fully. “Brett said he told Alyssa and your brother things that probably put you in an awkward position and I should give you a chance to explain.”

  “Yeah.” He slipped from the bed and tucked the covers around her. “But, as you may have heard me tell Brett, I was planning on telling you everything as soon as you felt up to it anyway so it’s not really a problem.” He pulled a chair over to the bed.

  “Wait. Can’t you sit here,” she indicated the spot next to her, “while you talk? Jordan, part of the reason I’m so stupid around you is because I’m telling myself not to touch you. If you’re beside me and don’t mind if I hold onto your arm or hand, I’ll be able to concentrated better.”

  “What? Why did you stop yourself? I would have been thrilled.”

  “I was too intimidated. I never met anyone before who makes me feel like you do.”

  “And how’s that?”

  “Like I want to be in physical contact with you all the time.” She held up the corner of the covers to him. “Um, those sweats are probably too warm to sleep in so it’s okay if you take them off. I promise to keep my hands out of your shorts.”

  He laughed and did as she suggested. “You’re absolutely adorable.”

  “So are you.” Kiley snuggled with her head on his shoulder as she clutched his arm with both hands. “I’ve decided that after tonight nothing I say or do can be more embarrassing than throwing up all over everywhere so from now on, I’m not going to fight to censure my words or actions with you.”

You never had to anyway and I’d rather you didn’t.”

  “I know that now,” she sighed. “Figure out where to start yet or should I babble some more?”

  “No wonder I love you,” Jordan said without thinking. Quickly, he continued, “First, about the tickets and tonight’s game.” Jordan told her what he’d done and how Brett helped him.

  “Did he tell you that he kept calling me cupcake?” Kiley giggled at the memory.

  “Cupcake! That would seriously offend the guy I got the tickets from.”

  “Did he really owe you a favor?”

  “Yes. You know I’ve been taking some classes? His daughter was in one of them. One night, after class, her ex-boyfriend showed up and refused to leave her alone. He was drunk and getting ugly so I made sure she got home safely. I didn’t know who her father was at the time.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered. You’re a nice man, chivalrous even.”


  “No, really. If Malcolm had drugged someone other than me tonight you would have helped her too, admit it.”

  “Yeah, most likely. I probably would have waited to see what was going on and let Shane handle it though.”

  “That’s still helping. You wouldn’t have just left someone who was obviously out of it like I was, alone with him. You’re not like that. Jordan, you may have the reputation of being cold and calculating but I never accepted that. Oh I’m sure you can be when you want to be but that’s not really you.”

  “Okay, so who am I really?”

  “You’re someone who is warm, caring and protective. You have a big heart. People, in general, matter to you. And I suspect that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your friends and family. I’m not at all surprised that you helped the girl from your class. I would have been much more surprised if you hadn’t. I bet you help lost dogs and stray cats too.”

  “Hmm, I’m glad to hear you say that,” he admitted. “Maybe this won’t seem as bad as I thought it might.”

  “Go on,” she urged.

  “I’ve never hidden the fact that I use various sources to investigate potential clients.”

  “I know. I’ve heard you talking to Brett.”

  “Good. Kiley, when I met you I knew instantly that I wanted you to be part of my life.”

  “Oh. Did you use those sources to find out about me?”

  “No, not exactly. Other than the few questions I asked Dee and Will I haven’t pried into your life. Not directly that is because I did research Henry, Dee and Alyssa. Dee and Will know because I told them however they assumed it was strictly business-related.”

  “Did they get mad?”

  “Dee might have but Will talked her out of it. Tonight, Brett let it slip that he knows things about Alyssa that you don’t. It won’t take Shane long to figure out that he got the information came from me.”

  “What things?”

  Jordan tried to appear relaxed. “Well, for starters, about a month ago she had a little trouble with one of her subjects and spent the night in the emergency room with two broken ribs.”

  “How?” Kiley wasn’t sure if she was more stunned that he knew this or angry that her cousin hadn’t told her.

  “I have contacts in all the area hospital emergency rooms. Originally, it was to know if anything happened to Shane. Or Brett. After I met you, I included you and Alyssa.”

  “Me and Alyssa?”

  “Sure. You because I’d hate for you to be hurt and alone and Alyssa because she’s important to you. If she got hurt, I wanted to be there for you while you were there for her.”

  “But you didn’t tell me either.”

  “I decided not to until I had more information so I went to check on her first. The guy I know managed to let me get close enough to hear her. She was complaining loudly and making demands. He assured me she’d be sore but just fine so I figured there was no need to worry you. I thought it would be better to let her tell you herself.”

  “See? You are a caring, protective man. What else?”

  “She’s been offered another project.”

  “Oh please tell don’t say she’s going to Iraq.”

  “No Kiley, I promise it’s not that although it could be almost as dangerous. She hasn’t hinted at anything?”

  “No.” Kiley searched his face. “If I ask you, will you tell me?”

  “Yes but I really think you should ask Alyssa first.”

  “And I think she should have told me about it as soon as she started considering it. She should have called me from the hospital too.” She was very angry with her cousin. “About these sources of yours?”

  “Initially I used various private investigators, mainly because of Shane. Since he made detective he never tells me what he’s working on anymore.”

  “So you found a way to keep tabs on him without his knowing about it,” she concluded.

  “Yeah. Brett mentioned that to him too.”

  “Which means you’re going to be answering his questions on top of mine and Alyssa’s. I’m surprised they aren’t here by now.”

  “They would be if Brett hadn’t expressed his opinion on the way he sees Shane’s treatment of me.”

  “Which is?”

  “Shane acts like I’m a frivolous kid who wouldn’t make it without his big brother coming to the rescue all the time.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “That’s always been Brett’s opinion. Shane was bad when we were kids but I think Brett still respected him until Shane had me audited, if not the first time then definitely the second.”

  “He didn’t!”

  “He did.” Jordan shrugged. “He asked me to invest for him even though he didn’t have much confidence in my abilities. Then, when I didn’t fall flat on my face, he decided I was doing things that were less than legal.”


  “Hey, don’t forget about earlier. Both Bo and Vincent knew me. And they’re not the only less than upstanding citizens who can say the same.”

  “Yes but he’s your brother! Shouldn’t he, of all people, give you the benefit of the doubt or at least ask you about it before condemning you?”

  “You’d think so but Shane still thinks of me getting into trouble all the time.”

  “Why are you defending him? I understand you love your brother but honestly, I’m not really sure he deserves your loyalty. As I said on the phone, I don’t think I like him much.”

  “You sound just like Brett.”

  “No wonder Brett was so mad earlier! I’ve only known you for four months but I can already tell how wrong your brother is. Brett’s known both of you forever.”

  “Thanks, Kiley.” Jordan wrapped her in his arms and hugged her.

  “For what? Realizing that the praise I hear about you is true and that you’re probably more successful than everyone says you are? Or for sensing that you’re a truly good man and that even though you are generous and pleasant with everyone, it’s an honor to be your friend for real?”

  “Although what you said is somewhat of an exaggeration I suppose it applies too. What I was referring to was that you listened before you judged me.”

  “What you told me about so far are all things you did because you care. And, if you want the truth, it makes me feel kind of special. But there’s something I can’t figure out. Why didn’t you have me investigated?”

  “I admit I considered it. I decided not to. I’d rather wait until you feel comfortable and trust me enough to want to tell me about yourself.”

  “Oh. Is that it?”

  “Almost. Brett said he mentioned the money too. Shane has no idea how much I’ve earned.”

  “A lot?” she gawked.

  He nodded. “A lot as in we could retire now and travel around the world.”

  “Why don’t you?”

  “You haven’t said you want to go yet.”

  “Be serious.”

  “I am serious, Kiley. Earlier I said I wouldn’t take you home until you aske
d me to. If you never ask, I’ll never take you. If it’s up to me, I’ll keep you with me forever.”

  “Jordan! You can’t mean that.”

  “Why not? The day we met, I knew you are my destiny. Take as long as you need but deep inside my heart I believe you’ll agree one day. I want to share my life with you, all of it. I want to be included in every bit of yours. I’ve never been in love before. Now I am. With you. I loved you that first day. I love you now. I will love you as long as I live. That is one thing you can count on forever, no matter what else happens in our lives. What you do about it is up to you.”

  Kiley pulled away to look at him again. “My God, you really are serious.”

  “I’ve never been more serious about anything. You asked me how I can still defend Shane. He’s my big brother and nothing will ever change that. His lack of confidence in me may or may not be due to my own behavior when we were younger. Yes, sometimes he treats me like a kid. Yes, sometimes he’s an overbearing know-it-all. Yes, sometimes he’s an incredible ass. And yes, sometimes I don’t particularly like him. But none of that could ever make me turn my back on him. The way I see you is very similar. Whether it’s as your husband, your lover, your friend, or just the guy who comes to see you at lunch every day, I want more than anything to be part of your life and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. I’m not going to rush you because I understand that you need to get to know me first in order for you to decide where I fit in.”

  His tone had dropped since the beginning of the discussion and Kiley had been listening intently the entire time. Jordan finally realized the affect he was having on her when she urged him to continue speaking. “Perhaps I should include the guy you call for phone sex in that list.”

  “Oh my God, how do you do this?” Kiley asked breathlessly.

  “Honestly, sweet, you’re the only woman who’s ever had this reaction. I must admit that I’m fascinated.”

  “I never felt this way with anyone else either. If you keep on talking…oh please!” She tried to move against him but Jordan wouldn’t let her.

  “Is that what you want, Kiley?”

  “No, damn it! What I want is both of us naked. Now! Shouldn’t we make sure we’re compatible?” She reached for him again.


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