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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

Page 18

by Huffert, Barbara

  “Hold on, someone like me? There’s really not that big a difference between us and I’m beginning to dislike the way you’re making more of it than there is. Yes Kiley, I had a very fortunate life when I was younger. I had two parents who worked hard to make sure my brother and I could go to college if we chose to. Your circumstances weren’t the same. You didn’t get to make that choice because you were forced to become an instant adult whether you were ready to or not. But I believe the person you are was decided long before that time came just like I was formed before I went off to school.”

  “But Jordan, you’re so successful. You can go anywhere and fit in.”

  “And you can’t? The only person I’ve ever seen you uncomfortable with and unable to talk to was me. I understand why, now that I know what was going through your mind. I’ve paid close attention to you for months and whether you know it or not you have a real talent for reading people. You sense who needs what sort of attention and how much. That’s pure instinct and can’t be learned.”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “Why, because my success can be measured financially?” She nodded. “So can yours in a more subtle way. Think about it. The first person people find at Mr. Paul’s is you. You’re pleasant and friendly, welcoming them and making them comfortable. You can gauge who needs privacy and who’ll be more festive. Do you even realize that you put diners with the waitress who suit them best?”

  She mulled over the idea. “Maybe. But you seem to know so much. And you’re still taking classes.”

  “Consider yourself honestly, Kiley. You know plenty too. I understand finances. Brett specialized in ideas. You handle people. Everyone is good at something. And learning never stops. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a class or part of your everyday life.”

  “I didn’t miss out, not going to college. Honestly, I doubt that I would have gone anyway. I wasn’t ever really interested.”

  “What did you want to do?” Jordan tilted her chin when she tried to hide against his chest. “Kiley?”

  “It’s dumb. You’ll laugh. I’d rather not.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable. I won’t push you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course.” He kissed her forehead. “You need some time to get to know me better. Once you realize that you can tell me anything and trust that I’ll never make fun of you or twist anything you say to hurt you, you’ll tell me. I can wait.” He smiled. “Let’s change the subject. Where should we go for dinner tonight? Bruno’s? Someplace decadent? Somewhere casual?”

  “Can’t we stay here? I like to cook and rarely bother just for me.” She looked unsure.

  “Sounds perfect. Two things though. One, you have to let me help and two, we have to go shopping. There’s not much here.”

  “Then I guess we better get dressed. I think I’ll take a shower if you don’t mind.” Kiley began to sit up, intending to crawl off of him but found herself pinned back to his chest.

  “You’re going to desert me, just like that? No hug? No kiss?” He pretended to be stunned.

  “Actually,” she blushed, “I was going to suggest that you join me.” Jordan managed to stand them both on their feet so quickly that Kiley giggled.

  He grinned in response. “You go turn the water on and I’ll get our clothes from downstairs.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I can’t believe you wouldn’t touch me in the shower today!” Kiley exclaimed as Jordan held her coat.

  “It’s for your own good, sweet. Trust me,” Jordan tried to explain. “I thought you might be a little oversensitive after this morning and I don’t want you to get sore. There’s no rush, Kiley. As I already said, I’d like you to stay forever.” He attempted a frown. “Please don’t be mad. I love you.”

  “Jordan,” she wrapped him in a hug, “you’re impossible. I’m not mad and I do understand.” Kiley was already feeling stiff in places she didn’t know she had. “You are so adorable when you pout.” She kissed him.

  “And you’re adorable all the time. We better go before I forget my good intentions and drag you back to the shower.”

  Kiley giggled.

  “It’s not too cold. Everything we need is fairly close by. Want to walk?”

  “Could we? That sounds like fun.”

  The pair set off down the street, holding hands, talking and laughing as they wandered in and out of shops, gathering ingredients for dinner along the way. After listening to people in each store greeting Jordan, Kiley finally asked, “Do you know everyone?”

  “No. Why?”

  “It sure seems like you do, the way you talked with people in all the places we’ve been.”

  “I live here. They’re my neighbors. Don’t you know yours?”

  “Honestly, no. It’s a city, Jordan. You’re not supposed to talk to strangers. It’s not safe.”

  “But Kiley, if you talk to people, they’re no longer strangers and that makes everyone safer.”

  “I talked to Malcolm and look what happened.”

  “You do have a point there but you also talked to me.” Jordan stopped walking and pulled Kiley to him. Seeing that the mention of Winslow had upset her, he gave her a gentle kiss. He meant for it to be brief but then Kiley grabbed the edges of his jacket.

  “Jordan McKade, I don’t believe it!” a woman called from a nearby doorway. When they broke apart, Kiley was blushing and Jordan was grinning sheepishly. “All these years, we never see you walking with anyone and then suddenly you call, needing an emergency clothing delivery. Now today, you’re making out in the street, clearly unaware of where you are.”

  “Hi, Gina. Thanks again for coming by last night. I’d like you to meet Kiley.”

  “Would you two get in here?” She waved them inside. “Artie! Artie, come see. Jordan’s brought his honey.” She spun around. “My, aren’t you a pretty thing? Artie!”

  “Shush, Gina. I was just in the back, not on the moon.”

  Jordan winked at Kiley as the couple continued to bicker back and forth. Though they were now in the same room, the noise level hadn’t dropped significantly.

  “Hey, Artie. This is Kiley,” Jordan said when they both took a breath at the same time.

  “Pleased ta meetcha.” Artie extended both hands to her. “Everything fitcha?”

  “Yes, everything’s perfect. Thanks so much for going to the trouble…”

  “Trouble, what trouble? With all this boy’s done for us. I wish our Maggie was here to say howdy do. She’s on her way to being a fancy surgery nurse, thanks to Jordan. Only a year to go. Come, I’ve got pictures.” Gina gave Kiley no choice but to follow.

  “Quiet a looker there, Jordan. Bet she’s nice too. Kinda quiet though. Course ya always hear how it’s the quiet ones ya gotta watch out for, if ya know what I mean.” Artie winked. “You shoulda told me ’bout that red hair.” He was hunting through a nearby rack, obviously looking for something specific. When he found what he wanted, he took it to the counter, snipped off the tag and folded it into a small bag. “A little something for later.” Before Jordan could thank him, he shouted, “Gina! Let her out here. They got things ta do.”

  The two were hustled through the door with many well wishes. Both Gina and Artie had extracted a promise from Kiley to return soon. They rounded the corner in silence. Halfway down the block, Kiley took a deep breath which caused Jordan to chuckle.

  “Are they always like that?” she asked, still overwhelmed.

  “Oh no, usually they’re loud and excitable,” Jordan managed with a straight face. When she began to laugh, he added, “They really are good people. They’re so proud of their daughter.”

  “I could tell. And they do seem nice. I’m just not used to that much fuss.”

  “They settle down somewhat eventually. I think they’re half the reason people shop there. Where else can you find great stuff and that kind of entertainment?” Jordan pulled out his phone. “I have an i
dea, since you look like you could use a break.” When whoever he was calling answered, Jordan said, “Did you eat? Don’t. We’ll be there in five.”

  In not much more time than that, they had a fully-loaded sandwich from the deli on the next corner. Walking another block, Kiley was curious when Jordan pulled out his keys and let them into a stunning house. After hanging her coat on the rack with his, Kiley followed Jordan down a hallway, passing what she looked like an amazing living room, dining room and den.

  They found Brett in the kitchen. “Hi, kids. I’m surprised to see you out and about.”

  “Hey, bud. We needed provisions.” Jordan put their steaks in the refrigerator and snagged three beers.

  “I can’t drink in the middle of the afternoon!” Kiley exclaimed.

  “Sure you can.” She watched Jordan take some oranges from one of their other bags and peel them, offering slices to both her and Brett. “Live dangerously.”

  When she took a sip, Brett grinned. “Uh-oh. He’s corrupted you already. No more sweet and innocent…”

  “Sweet, definitely,” Jordan interrupted. “Innocent?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Jordan!” she gasped.

  “Relax, Kiley. He’s just teasing you.” Brett was openly enjoying them. “Jordan is too much of a gentleman to provide details, even to me. Besides, one look at the two of you and everybody can see you’ve just had mind-blowing sex.”

  Kiley groaned and hid her face. “Oh God. Do you think Gina and Artie—”

  “You took her to Gina and Artie’s? Are you crazy?” Brett was shocked. “And no, Kiley. I’m just teasing you. I’m sure not everyone you passed could tell. Just the ones who know Jordan.”

  They heard the quiet chirping of Jordan’s phone. “Damn, that’ll be about Winslow.” He left them to answer it.

  While Jordan was out of the room, Brett picked up the large tablet next to him and began to sketch. “Seriously, I’m glad to see both of you looking so happy. You’ve made a big difference already.”

  “Difference how?”

  “Jordan is smiling again. He’s relaxed. He’s back to being himself.” Brett shrugged.


  “Let me tell you something. Jordan is the most generous guy I’ve ever met. But over time, I’ve watched him be forced to hide that. When we were kids he’d do anything for anyone. Then Shane got to be hard-nosed and Jordan began to not be able to share with him. After the car stunt you heard about, he learned that some people wanted to be around him for what he could do, not who he was. Once people started noticing his success, it only got worse. He used to come to the gym with me. He stopped when a guy had his girlfriend come on to Jordan to try to get him to do some investing.

  “When we go out and ladies realize who Jordan is you can see them start to calculate what they can get from him. Men we used to know have shamelessly hit him up for hot stock tips and actually got mad when he wouldn’t tell them anything.”

  “That’s horrible,” Kiley commented.

  “Yeah, especially to someone like Jordan.” Brett looked at her closely. “Do you know what he said when you walked away after seating us that first day?” She shook her head. “He told me that we’d just met his future.”

  “You didn’t think so.”

  “Not really but I wanted to. After we came back a few times, I could see you really were different.”

  “But you still warned me.”

  “Only because I care.”

  “You still don’t believe it.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. I admit that I’m a cynic. Besides, Jordan believes it and that’s what matters most. Let me get to the point. Jordan is generous. He’s thoughtful. When he gives you something, please don’t argue.”

  “But I don’t want anything.”

  “I know that, Kiley. I’m not talking big things although I’m sure he’d willingly give you just about anything in the world if he thought you wanted it. I’m talking about little things, like the clothes. He didn’t want you to have to face us this morning in his robe or your clothes from yesterday. He’s like that. If he chances on a trinket that reminds him of something you shared, it’ll appear on your podium, no thanks wanted. He’ll show up at your door with a sandwich and peel oranges for you, making sure you know you’re part of his life even though he did just get together with the woman he’s been dreaming about. He’ll save all the sketches you’ve done over the years and have them framed and hanging in both your homes one day as a surprise.”

  “Oh.” Kiley was beginning to understand. She had noticed the drawings at Jordan’s. Now she looked around and saw similar ones in Brett’s kitchen. “They’re all yours?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t even know he kept them. Just wait. You’ll see, I’m sure. Jordan’s already relaxed around you. He’s told you more about himself than practically everyone else. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he starts to share things with you.”

  “But I don’t want anything! And what could I possibly give him in return that he doesn’t already have?”

  “There you go. You don’t want anything, which will let Jordan feel free to be as generous as he used to be. Just don’t ever offer to pay for something, okay? And as to what you could give him, you’re already done it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “This morning. When your cousin said it was time to go. You announced your intention to spend time with Jordan in front of all of us, showing him that you’re willing to include him in your life somehow.”

  “While you guys were downstairs I told Lyssa I think I’m falling in love with him.”

  “Are you?”


  “Did you tell him?”

  “Well, not exactly but I think showed him how I feel.”

  “No wonder he’s so happy. Kiley, I hope you don’t take any of this the wrong way. I’m just looking out for my best friend. I sincerely hope you turn out to be exactly what Jordan believes you are. You obviously listened to him when he talked to you last night.”

  “Yes, I did. I can see why you have doubts. I never thought about what it would be like to be successful, wealthy and powerful. You probably are treated differently. The first day, when you were leaving and Jordan introduced himself to me, he shook my hand and held it slightly longer than was necessary. That brief touch was when I decided I wanted him. I’ve had trouble talking to him all this time because I couldn’t accept that someone like Jordan McKade could ever be interested in someone simple like me. At first, I thought he was flirting out of pity. Then I decided he honestly liked me but I still didn’t get it.” Kiley smiled. “Now I do. Jordan could see that with me, what you see is what you get. He actually likes that I’m uncomplicated, doesn’t he?”

  “Yeah and I’m glad that you’re not furious with me.” Brett relaxed.

  “Brett, I know how important you are to Jordan. I don’t intend to come between you.”

  “I never thought that. Jordan’s heart has plenty of room for both of us. I just need to be sure about all this. You say you are starting to love him. But is it the same way he loves you? When he says forever, he literally means forever. The thing that gets me is you could thoroughly trash his heart and his life and I know he’d still love you. Are you sure you aren’t going to abuse the power he’s giving you?”

  “Are you sure you’re not exaggerating?”

  “No. Honestly, I hope I am. I hope I’m being completely ridiculous and we’ll be able to laugh about my paranoia. But,” he looked up from his sketch, “what if I’m not? Loving you makes him vulnerable.”

  “Have you ever been in love, Brett?”

  “No. That’s probably why I’m so skeptical.”

  “I wasn’t either before Jordan. It makes all the difference in the way you see things. I will think about all you’ve said though. For now, all I know is that I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to get close enough. I’m not talking sexually either, although I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of tha

  “Good answer, Kiley. I even believe you.” They heard Jordan returning. “Thanks for talking to me. Now be a good girl and grab us another beer.”

  She turned from the refrigerator just as Jordan joined them. When he stopped beside her, Kiley gave him a spontaneous hug.

  “Hey, what’s up?” He looked back and forth between them.

  “Nothing.” Kiley surprised him with a kiss. “I told you last night. I’m done keeping my hands to myself around you.” She kissed him again. “You said you didn’t mind.”

  Jordan responded with a more lingering kiss.

  “You know,” Brett spoke up, “I’ve always wanted to do a study of nudes. I don’t mind if you two want to continue.”

  “Knock it off, Brett,” Jordan said mildly. “Kiley explained that that’s why she’s had trouble talking to me.”

  “And of course you’re so considerate that, in the interest of conversation, you told her do whatever she wants.”

  “Of course,” Kiley giggled. “Can we see that yet?”

  “Nope, not ’til it’s done.” Brett nodded, showing his appreciation of her affectionate play with Jordan. “That Frank?”

  Jordan shook his head. “Jesse.”

  “Next you’ll say their last names are James,” Kiley laughed.

  “No but both their middle names are. They’re brothers too,” Jordan stated.

  “And their cousin’s name is Wyatt,” Brett added.

  “Wyatt as in Earp?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I think their dads had a thing for the Old West.” Jordan turned serious. “They’re sort of private investigators.”

  “Sort of?”

  “My infamous sources.” Jordan shrugged. “Wyatt is an inventor. He creates surveillance stuff. Frank and Jesse test it for him. They’re not exactly people you ask a lot of questions, Kiley. I suspect they’re with some government agency or at least they were at some point. I assure you that they’re the good guys. I trust them implicitly. They’re the ones keeping tabs on Winslow for me.”


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