Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 24

by Huffert, Barbara

  “You will.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I have faith in you, Kiley. I trust you. I love you. I have patience so stop worrying.” He gave her a tender kiss. “Now get dressed before I forget.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “That confirms it,” Will laughed, “it’s definitely love if you willingly watched chick flicks.”

  “He didn’t really watch all that much,” Kiley confided.

  “What was he doing instead?” Brett asked, ignoring Jordan.

  “Well…ah…um…” She blushed.

  “He’s teasing you, sweet,” Jordan said before leaning over to whisper, “He’s just jealous because none of his dates ever indulged him the way you did me.”

  “I heard that,” Dee stated, causing Kiley’s blush to deepen.

  “What did he say?” Brett asked, knowing Dee wouldn’t respond.

  “He said I let him have more fun watching those movies than the girls you saw them with did,” Kiley answered him with a direct stare.

  “I think I liked it better when you were too flustered to talk.” Brett made them all laugh.

  “So what did you do today?” Will asked, causing more laughter.

  “You mean besides the obvious?” Jordan managed with a straight face. “Kiley was kind enough to keep me company while I put the finishing touches on the material we need for our meeting Tuesday.”

  “The big meeting that you won’t tell us about?” Dee wondered. “So you know now, Kiley?”

  “Nope. Jordan offered to explain what he was doing but I’d rather wait to hear about it on Tuesday night after you guys do whatever it is that successful businessmen do to celebrate.”

  “I doubt that I’m included in the major portion of Jordan’s celebration plans.” Kiley blushed again as she got the meaning behind Brett’s statement.

  “Brett, why don’t you let me show you how the website is doing before you get yourself into any more trouble here?” Will suggested before anyone else could comment.

  Jordan winked at Kiley and, to give her some time with Dee, asked, “Mind if I come too?”

  After the men left the room, Dee waited just long enough not to be overheard. “Come on, Kiley. Tell me everything. Start with what happened to your cousin.”

  “That seems so long ago. He was so sweet, Dee,” Kiley proceeded to tell her friend all that had occurred, from what Malcolm had attempted to the ways Jordan continually amazed her. “He even got in the shower with me to make sure I didn’t fall.”

  “Oh really?” Dee raised her eyebrows.

  “I was so bold, grabbing at him and the things I blurted out but Jordan just kept saying no.”


  “Yeah, wow is right. No matter what I tried he was totally controlled and wouldn’t let anything happen. Instead he promised me we’d do whatever I wanted if I still felt the same way Friday after Lyssa and his brother were done talking to us.”

  “Well? Did you?”

  “Yes and yes,” Kiley sighed, sounding dreamy. “Dee, the man is better than perfect if that’s possible. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I do. I’m happy for you, Kiley. You seem very comfortable with him.”

  “Jordan makes it easy. He’s so willing to accept me as I am.”

  “What did you expect? He’s been that way since he first showed up. I don’t think he’s the kind who will play games with you.”

  “I don’t either. He says that after the mess with Malcolm is over we have some very serious talking to do.”

  “You do know what he’s going to talk about, don’t you?”

  “I think so. He’s said he wants to be part of my life permanently but I think it’s more than that he wants to get married. I found out that Jordan isn’t planning on staying here forever. He described himself as a small town guy. I think their meeting Tuesday has something to do with it. I was so surprised when he told me that he really doesn’t enjoy all that money he’s surrounded by.”

  “Will and I have noticed that he seems to like dealing with little people like us. Don’t you have any idea what they’re up to?”

  “None at all and even though I’m extremely curious, I still think it’s better to wait. If something goes wrong, I’d think telling me jinxed them. Although I really don’t think things ever go wrong for Jordan.”

  “Hang on. You know that’s not true. If it were the two of you would be married by now and Malcolm would never have gotten anywhere near you. He also wouldn’t need to put finishing touches on whatever they’re doing.”

  “Oh. Right. Thanks again for having dinner early today.”

  “Don’t mention it. Will and I do this most Sundays anyway so we can relax together all evening.”

  “I understand that now. I’m going to hate getting back to reality tomorrow.”

  “So don’t. Kiley, you’ve taken all of what, three days off other than the time for your mom’s funeral? Henry’s always urging you to go on a real vacation. Why don’t you spend a few more days with Jordan? Maybe go away somewhere? You know he’d be all for it.”

  “Because I’m afraid of how strongly I’m reacting to him already. If I stay too long, I don’t know if I’d ever leave.”

  “I think that’s what he has in mind.”

  “I know but this is all a little too fast for me. I can’t handle it.”

  “I bet he told you to take all the time you need to catch up to him."

  “He sure did. He meant it too.”

  “Girl, you’ve still got a lot to learn about your man if you’re saying something like that.” Dee saw Kiley’s lip quiver. “What’s wrong, Kiley? Jordan is a good guy. He won’t pressure you.”

  “I know. It’s just…it’s just that all this is making me really miss my mom. I wish I could talk to her. I dated a little in high school before her trouble and I liked discussing the guys with her.”

  “I’m sure she would have loved Jordan.”

  “Yeah, me too. This is just so big and exciting. It’s wonderful and scary all at once.”

  “And you want to know what her reaction would be,” Dee concluded. “Well honey, the two of you visited Vera yesterday. She saw you together a few weeks ago too. Why don’t you bounce everything in your mind off her? You said she’s seemed pleased when you’ve gone to her for advice before. And I’ll tell you what my mom said when Will invaded my life. She said, ‘Dee, close off your brain and listen to your heart.’ She asked me if he suddenly disappeared, would I truly miss him and how long would it take for me to want to see someone else. You already know how I answered those questions. Add that when you’re thinking about everything else and see what answers you come up with.”

  “Thanks, Dee. I think that’s pretty much what I needed to hear.”

  “I’m glad but I’d still have a chat with Vera. Although it might be difficult to go anywhere alone for a while, if Jordan’s anything like Will was.”

  “Where are you going?” Jordan surprised them. “If you want privacy, Kiley, just say so. I don’t intend to take over every waking moment unless you invite me to.”

  “That’s not it at all, Jordan.” Kiley had been helping Dee set the table. She put down the plates she was holding and went to him, pulling his head to hers for a kiss. “I was just telling Dee how much I wish my mom were here for me to talk about you with. Since Vera’s met you, Dee suggested I give her a try.”

  “And you two figure I’ll be reluctant to let you out of my sight.” Jordan caressed her face. “I do understand what you meant when you said you needed time. But I have to confess that I’m hoping you decide to spend unlimited time with me. For now though, I’ll be happy with whatever you’re willing to give me.”

  As he spoke, Jordan’s voice lowered. Although his hand was still on her cheek, Kiley shifted as if he were drawing her toward him. She sighed when their lips met again. Dee quickly turned back to the stove, trying not to stare. Brett and Will halted abruptly in the doorway. The couple had obviou
sly forgotten that they weren’t alone.

  “They been at this long, Dee?” Will asked, walking around them.

  “Well,” she glanced over her shoulder, “just a few minutes.”

  “You think we should take dinner into the living room?” Brett chuckled. “Or we could throw a bucket of water on them?”

  “Nah, I bet we could guide them in there with a few gentle pushes without them even noticing,” Will suggested.

  “I hope they’re not planning on doing this at the restaurant. Some of those little, old ladies would go into cardiac arrest just from watching them,” Dee joined in.

  “Hmm, they are kind of hot,” Will declared as Kiley began to giggle. Jordan held her while she hid her face against his chest.

  “I’d apologize but you’ll know I’m lying.” Jordan grinned happily.

  “We do understand.” Dee motioned for them to sit down. “Now if we could only find someone for you,” she commented to Brett.

  “Nope, no way, no thanks,” he protested. “I’m not ready for anything like this yet.”

  “Do you think any of us were particularly ready either?” Will asked seriously.

  Brett looked around the table at each of them. “No, probably not. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d look for.”

  “Neither did I until he kept standing in front of me every day,” Kiley stated.

  “Well I never reacted to anyone the way that Jordan did to you. If I do, I might feel differently but for now, I’m content with my life as it is.” Brett paused. “I’m not saying that I’m not open to the idea. I wouldn’t pass on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if she showed up now. I’d just rather wait until I’m more settled if I have a choice.”

  “That’s what I used to think too,” Jordan agreed, reaching to clasp Kiley’s hand. “Don’t worry about Brett, Dee. He may claim to be a cynic now but I’m sure it’s temporary.”

  The conversation continued to drift throughout the meal. Jordan tried to control himself but there were many times when he caught his hand reaching out to touch Kiley. Every touch, no matter how brief and seemingly innocent, distracted her. Jordan realized how he was affecting her but pretended to be unaware of it while continuing to make his actions appear accidental. He knew Will, Dee and Brett could all see what was happening, especially once Kiley completely lost track of what was being said.

  “Jordan, why don’t you two take off?” Will finally suggested after they finished eating.

  “Yeah, stop tormenting the poor girl,” Brett added.

  “What? I’m just sitting here.” Jordan grinned as his hand skimmed Kiley’s wrist.

  “Oh please.” Dee rolled her eyes. “You keep this up and the three of us are going to have to leave in order to spare Kiley’s modesty.”

  Jordan nodded and looked at each of them before turning to Kiley. Capturing her gaze, he smiled. “Kiley,” he cupped her cheek, “ready to go home, sweet?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed, rubbing her face against his hand. “Jordan,” she practically purred his name, leaning toward him for a kiss.

  When they separated, Kiley’s eyes were slightly glazed. Jordan stood, pulling her with him. “Say goodbye,” he whispered.

  “Goodbye,” Kiley repeated as he led her from the room.

  He shrugged at their friends, helping put on her coat. Outside, Jordan opened her car door. Instead of getting in, Kiley caught him in a passionate embrace.

  Inside, the trio watched. “Skill skeptical, Brett?” Dee asked.

  “Yes,” he admitted. “Look, no offense but being distracted to the point Kiley is only proves that she’s hot for him. Hell, she may even love him. But none of it shows me that she deserves the faith Jordan has in her. Please don’t take that the wrong way because I truly like Kiley. I want her to be exactly what Jordan believes she is. I’m happy for them, really. I’ll even apologize for every doubt I ever have at their fiftieth anniversary party.”

  “But what’s wrong?” Dee prompted.

  “I don’t know. Maybe I need time to accept that they’re honestly as good as they seem now.” He shook his head. “Maybe I’m jealous even though it doesn’t feel like it. Maybe I’ll feel better after there’s some outside pressure and Kiley handles it without breaking his heart. Other than Winslow I mean. Tomorrow will be a good first test. She’s going to be embarrassed about the way they just left. We’ll see if she’s embarrassed as in she wishes she’d had more control or embarrassed as in it was rude to rush off like that but she’s glad they did.”

  “I bet she doesn’t stop blushing all day,” Will speculated.

  “Me too,” Dee agreed. “Brett, they’ll be fine. Kiley does love him, even if she is afraid to tell him so soon. She’s just a little overwhelmed at the moment. That’s all. Keep in mind that she doesn’t have someone like you who’s known her all her life who can help sort out her feelings without even being told what they are. She and I are pretty close now but I didn’t know her before her parents died. Oh sure, I worked with her while her mom was in the home but Kiley spent all her time there so I didn’t really get to know her until after. And you can’t really count Alyssa because they’ve always been in and out of each other’s lives not to mention her tendency to keep things impersonal with everyone, including Kiley. While you guys were upstairs, she told me how she wished her mom were here so they could talk about this. It’s all so new and exciting and frightening for her. She just needs time for her heart and her mind to reach the same place.”

  “Dee’s right, Brett,” Will seconded. “Give Kiley the benefit of the doubt. She reminds me of Dee when I first announced that she was meant to be with me. She’ll settle into this. Jordan will make it easy for her.”

  “I know. I’m probably worried over nothing.”

  “It’s understandable. You simply want him to be happy. You’ve known him forever and she’s new. It’s only natural that you’re a little overprotective,” Will stated.

  “I guess. As I said I’m really not jealous. You know Jordan brought her by Friday and gave me and Kiley time to talk. It’s funny but since he met her, we’ve actually spent more time together than we did over the past four years. It’s like he wants me there to share this with him.”

  “Of course he does. You’re his best friend. Maybe he’s asking for your approval, not that I think he’d give her up without it.”

  “Yeah, I got that part already. It means a lot to me, that he wants to include me. You’re both right. It’ll take some time for us to all settle in.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  In the car, Jordan talked continually in his very seductive tone. Every time he stopped for a light, he touched her. By the time he parked, Kiley was trembling.

  “Come with me.” Jordan held her against his side while they walked.

  “Jordan, please!” She molded herself more tightly to him and tried to capture his mouth for a kiss.

  “Just let me get the door,” he pleaded. His mind was racing. The first few touches had been truly accidental, well mostly accidental. As soon as she started to react, he had been too fascinated to ease up though he knew he should. Kiley was going to be more than a little embarrassed once she was thinking clearly again. Probably angry too but it was worth it. God, how he loved this woman! And how could he possibly resist when she was so unbelievably turned on? He was sure their friends understood and had a good laugh after they’d left.

  Jordan pushed open the solid wooden door to his formal office and finally maneuvered her to the rich leather couch. Kiley had been making things difficult ever since she’d gotten out of the car, reaching for his belt buckle, trying to push off his jacket, tugging at his shirt. “Let me help, sweet.”

  When he took over those tasks, she threw off her own coat. Kicking off her shoes and shucking her pants, Kiley reached for him. “I want you, Jordan. I can’t wait.” She pulled him down with her. The desire showed plainly in her eyes.

  With a growl, Jordan gave up his tenuous hold on the restraint he’d
been attempting to exercise. Roughly, he positioned her under him, thrusting deeply when she raised her hips in invitation.

  “Oh, God!” Kiley shifted so he was filling her fully.

  When he felt her inner muscles begin to spasm, Jordan pumped harder, coming as she did. When his mind returned, Jordan slid from her and sprawled on the floor. Kiley followed, curling next to him, snuggling in his arms.

  “Wow,” she sighed softly.

  “Are you okay?” Jordan asked.

  “I’m more than okay,” she mumbled before recognizing the real question. “Jordan, what do you mean?”

  “I was rough with you, Kiley. I’m sorry. If I hurt you…”

  “Sorry for what? A little lusty sex certainly won’t hurt me. After yesterday, I thought you knew I don’t always want gentle. If anything, I should apologize to you for the way I grabbed you.”

  Jordan chuckled. “You can grab me anytime. Seriously, Kiley, I shouldn’t have let myself get that out of control.”

  “You do realize that sounds like a challenge? I admit I’m not very experienced but I don’t have to be to know you excite me more than anyone else ever could. Tell me, did you intend to drive me crazy like that during dinner?”

  “Not at first,” he answered honestly. “But then I felt you shiver and I got carried away.”

  “I tried to resist. I feel bad, rushing out like that. But I’m sure I was very entertaining.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Mad? Heck no! Slightly embarrassed and I’m sure we’ll get teased tomorrow but no way could I ever be mad at you for working me up like that. Unless you left me hanging, that is.”

  “Not a chance. Good thing we got out of there when we did because I was ready to ask if we could use their spare room.”

  “You wouldn’t! Jordan, please tell me you’re teasing. Leaving is one thing but asking to use the guestroom for casual sex in the middle of dinner…”

  “Kiley, there is nothing casual about this.”

  “Sorry, wrong word.” She nuzzled his cheek. “So this is where you hold all your big powwows.” She looked around since he hadn’t shown her this office before. “Why do you keep your main setup out of sight?”


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