Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One)

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Questing (Cosmis Connections, Book One) Page 25

by Huffert, Barbara

  “I use this room when I want to be intimidating. Having no computers in sight tends to cause discomfort among corporate types.”

  “Oh, I get it. It adds to your mystique when they don’t see how you work.”

  “Exactly. I must admit though, it’s going to be extremely hard to give an indifferent glance to anyone sitting on this couch from now on. It’s highly likely that I’m going to see your face in my mind every time I’m in here.”

  “Mm.” Kiley grinned. “I’ll have to see what I can do upstairs to make this seem insignificant.”

  “No way.” Jordan straightened his clothes and handed Kiley hers. “A hot, sexy woman like you, looking at me first with desire, then pleasure, followed by satisfaction is not an image I’ll ever let go of.”

  “Not even if I show you more longing and ecstasy somewhere else?” She slipped on her panties but tossed her jeans over her shoulder.

  “I doubt it, but I’m willing to try whatever you have in mind.” He let his gaze rake her boldly from head to toe, showing her actions conveyed the message she’d intended.

  “Why didn’t you take me right upstairs?” Kiley was curious.

  “Because we just would have needed to come back down here later.” He kissed her deeply, sliding his hand under the elastic on her panties. “Dwight said his girlfriend got a present for you.”

  “A present? For me?”

  “Yeah, he said he’d leave it on his desk.” Jordan took her shoes and their coats before pointing to the package on the corner of his intern’s desk. When she hesitated, he urged, “Go on.”

  Kiley opened the card and read the note. “Thought you could add these to your collection. We’re looking forward to meeting you. Enjoy! Amy and Dwight.” The gift was two DVDs, “Sleepless in Seattle” and “Hudson Hawk”. “I’ve never heard of this one.” She held up “Hudson Hawk”.

  “Me either,” Jordan laughed, thinking of the teasing he was in for. “I guess they understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “That one of the reasons I’m so willing to watch these movies with you is so we stay home and I don’t have to share you.”

  “Jordan, you could have just said that. You didn’t need to get them to start a movie collection for us.”

  “Sure I did. Some of the things we said last night are helping us get to know each other. I thought we had fun.”

  “We did but I think that was more us than the movies.”

  “Probably but I like the idea of having a shared collection. We’ll watch them again sometime.”

  “Okay. Can we watch this one now since neither of us has seen it?”

  “I thought you were going to make me forget what just happened down here.”

  “I am.” She headed for the stairs after looking over her shoulder and giving him a seductive smile.

  Hours later as they cuddled in bed, Kiley asked, “So, how’d I do?”

  “Love, you are indescribable.”

  “Thanks but did I make you forget about earlier?”

  “In the office? No. Every time you share your pleasure with me is special.”

  “Jordan,” she sighed and snuggled closer. “This weekend has been magical.”

  “It’s only the beginning.”

  “I know but tomorrow we go back to real life.”

  “We don’t have to. We could take off for some deserted island and ignore the rest of the world.”

  “That’s so tempting but…”

  “It’s too soon and we’re both too responsible.”

  “Yeah. It’s not that the idea of disappearing to paradise with you doesn’t appeal to me though.”

  “Thanks, Kiley. I’m very glad to hear that. I think, though, that anywhere we are together is paradise.”

  “You always know exactly what to say.”

  “I’m just telling you how I feel.” He kissed her forehead. “What time do you need to be home tomorrow?”

  “Nine unless you need to start earlier.”

  “That’s the beauty of being independent. I can set my own schedule and be available whenever you want me.”

  “You still coming in for lunch?”

  “Of course. I’ve heard that the hostess plans on inspiring some fantasies.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Don’t you want me to?”

  “Yes. And I’d miss you but I thought you might not want to come in anymore since we’ll be seeing each other away from there. You and Brett could go back to the other places you used to go.”

  “And deprive Brett the opportunity to tease us? He won’t let us off that easily.”

  “Well Jordan, we do deserve it.” She giggled. “Oh no! I didn’t give you time to study for your test.”

  “I don’t need any. It’s all essay. We’re supposed to give our first reaction to the problems that are presented to us. There’s really no way to study for that.”

  “Good. What about your meeting Tuesday?”

  “All set. With the time I spent this morning and an hour with Brett Tuesday before hand, there’s nothing more to do.” He guessed her concern. “Trust me, Kiley. Please? If I had work that couldn’t wait, I would have said something like I did this morning. In return, I trust you to tell me if I start to smother you.”

  Kiley laughed, thinking she’d never have enough of this man. “Deal. Do you think your parents will like me?”

  “Are you kidding? They’ll love you. My mom isn’t one of those fussy, no-one-is-good-enough-for-her-boys types. She’s very accepting of everyone and I’m positive she’ll see what a sweetheart you are right away. And my dad, well, he’ll take one look at you and decide that you’re hot.” Kiley groaned. “I mean that in a good way, honest. Just wait. My dad is so laid back and easy-going that he makes Brett seem hyper.”

  “I can’t imagine that’s possible.”

  “It is. When this mess with Winslow is over and you feel more comfortable with me, we’ll go visit them. You just have to tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Oh!” Kiley took a deep breath. “Meeting your parents. That sounds so big.”

  “Nah. It’ll be fine. They’re nice people and they really will love you.”

  “Your brother probably already told them how stupid I am. It makes sense that he would have slipped whatever he gave me into my water so I’m sure it must have tasted funny. I didn’t even notice. Then, like a true idiot, I fell for a line that was so impossible anyone else would have laughed in his face as soon as he said it.”

  “Stop it, Kiley. You told me how Winslow made you nervous and you’d started using your glass to avoid his hand. How would you ever guess he’d be devious enough to slip something in your water to drug you? You reacted the only way you ever would once he told you that Alyssa was hurt. Again, why would you have suspected he was luring you into something? You are neither stupid, nor an idiot and Shane knows that. To him, you are an innocent victim whose caring nature was used against you in order to draw you into a situation that you had no way of anticipating or controlling. He also knows how unbelievably lucky you are to have come into the bar where we were. He knows how special you are to me. And I’m sure he’s already feeling very protective of you too, just like he does me and Brett. Give him a chance and get to know him. He really is the best.”

  “But Jordan, he still must see me as a silly fool anyway.”

  “No, he doesn’t. Shane’s always had a noble streak. He’s extremely aware of right and wrong even when it comes in so many shades of gray that the rest of us can’t tell the difference. I think that one reason he became a cop is because part of him believes he can save the world. Kiley, if you let Shane see who you are inside, he’ll realize what a treasure you are. As a person, I mean, not just to me.”

  “Mm,” she nodded. “Jordan, can I ask you something?”


  “Earlier, when you said…um…”

  He knew she was blushing even though it was dark. “When I offered to ke
ep you coming all night?”

  “Yeah…um…if I hadn’t said I’d had enough…”

  “You ready for more, sweet?”

  “No, that’s not it. I’m very well satisfied, thank you very much. But…I mean…why would you? I mean, what do you get out of it?”

  “Me? My God, Kiley, you really don’t get it yet. Giving you pleasure, seeing it on your face, feeling your body respond, is all so special to me. Knowing I have a part in that means so much. You are so sensitive, so responsive and every sound, every movement you make, thrills me beyond belief. You know, as a guy I have limits but you, well, you can continue indefinitely until you choose to put a stop to it. I want you to have everything.”

  “Oh man, I love to listen to you. I can feel your voice all the way through me. I’m tingling.”

  “So you do want more.” Jordan was more than willing to indulge her.

  “No.” She kissed his cheek and relaxed back against him. “I like the way you have me feeling right now. I’m tingling but also very content and happy, peaceful even. Right now, Jordan, you make me believe that anything is possible. I feel almost special and loved and it’s closer to perfect than I ever imagined so I think I’d like to go to sleep and see if I can keep this through tomorrow.”

  “You are loved, Kiley, more than you know. You are special and you’re right, we are perfect together. You make me happy too and anything is possible.” He covered the hand she had resting on his chest. “Listen to me for a sec, okay? You know how I’d like us to end up, the whole happily ever after bit with you falling asleep in my arms like this every night forever. I realize this weekend has been a little bit like make-believe and tomorrow we go back to the real world. I understand if you’re overwhelmed by all of what we’ve talked about once you have time on your own to think about things. I want you to know that I meant it when I said you should take all the time you need to decide where you want us to go from here. If you need me to slow down, I will. If you want to just be friends until you know me better, I can handle that. All I ask is that you don’t shut me out entirely, that you give us a chance.”

  “Of course I won’t shut you out, Jordan. Yes, this is a bit too much all at once but you’re everything I’ve always wanted. I need time to get used to what you’re offering but I really can’t imagine anything that would make me walk away from you.”

  “Thanks, Kiley.”

  “You say that like you’re insecure or something.”

  “When it comes to you, I am. I’m afraid I want you too much, that I’ll scare you off by being too intense.”

  “You sweet, adorable man,” Kiley sighed. “Good night, Jordan. By the way, I’m not giving up the things your body makes mine feel so you can forget going back to just being friends.” When he started to respond, she put her hand on his mouth. “Sh, let’s just go to sleep now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kiley was having the best dream. She’d finally overcome her shyness around Jordan and ended up in his bed. She was lying there, naked and he was doing such wonderful things to her body. He knew exactly how to touch her to send shivers up and down her spine. His mouth joined his hands, kissing, licking, nibbling, spreading the heat. She was so wet, so ready for him. It was so incredibly real. But why was he hesitating? He had to know how much she wanted him. “Jordan, please.”

  “Please what?”

  Kiley’s eyes flew open.

  “Morning, sweet.”

  “I thought you were a dream.”

  “Nope. Did I wake you?”

  “Apparently,” she moaned when he resumed his exploration.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Only if you stop.” Her hands roamed.

  “Not a chance.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She caught his head for a kiss.

  “I wanted your undivided attention. You looked so sexy when I woke up but I didn’t want to take advantage of you while you were still sleeping.”

  “I’m not sleeping now.” Kiley arched toward him in invitation. “You definitely have my attention.” Reaching out, she guided him into her. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I thought I’d make love to you.”

  “Oh no!”

  “No?” A mixture of confusion and hurt crossed his face.

  “Not with that look in your eyes.”

  “What look?”

  “The incredibly emotional, about to show me what’s in your heart look.” Kiley wiggled, burying him deeper inside her.

  “Ah, sorry. But if I’m not going to make love to you then what are you doing?”

  “Oh I didn’t mean we aren’t going to make love. We just need to change the mood a little.”

  “How do you propose we do that?” Jordan appeared fascinated.

  “First, I think you should roll us over.” When he had, he gave her a questioning look. “Okay, now I want you to lie there and let me see what I can do for us.”

  After Kiley kissed him deeply, she gave him the opportunity to comment. “You’ll let me know if I can help?”

  “Certainly.” She grazed her erect nipples along his chest before pushing up so she was sitting. She began to ride his cock and could sense his struggle not to touch her. When she squeezed her nipples, Jordan growled, watching intensely. “Give me your hands.” She placed them on her breasts, covering them with hers. “You have me spoiled.”

  “You should be, Kiley but trust me, I haven’t even begun to spoil you.”

  “I mean sexually.” She leaned forward and kissed him. “I’ve noticed how giving you are.”

  “I try.”

  “Oh, you are. In fact, if I put your hand here,” she guided one to her mound, “You’d touch me to make sure I came first.”

  “My pleasure.” He worked her fingers between his, urging her to help.

  “Hmm, I kinda noticed that too. I think you like being inside me when that happens.”

  “Sure do. It feels so erotic, the way your pussy squeezes me.”

  “You mean like this?” She could barely speak as the waves of pleasure began.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Everything about him was tense, showing how hard he was fighting against taking control.

  Kiley was almost still as she slumped on his chest. “Kiss me. Then I’m doing that again only this time you’re going to move too.”

  While they kissed, Jordan again let her set the pace. “You sure you don’t want more first?”

  “Always, Jordan.” She smiled seductively, lifting almost off before impaling herself again. “But right now, I need your help because I want hard and fast.”

  Jordan put his hands on her hips and did as she asked. “Like this?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She knew that he was as excited as she was by his expression. “That’s perfect.”

  When Kiley’s orgasm hit, she chanted his name. “Stop holding back. I love the way you feel too.” She rode him until she felt his cock softening. “Mm, so much better than any alarm clock. I could get used having a wake-up call like that.”

  “Say the word and it can be arranged,” he said playfully.

  “I know and I’ll be sure to add it to my pro-Jordan list.”

  “Your pro-Jordan list? Does that mean you have a con-Jordan list too?”

  “Don’t look so worried. I’m well aware that there’s usually a con list when there’s a pro list but I haven’t found anything to put on it yet.”

  “Whew. Seriously though, Kiley, when there is something, I hope you know you can talk to me about it.”

  “Of course, as long as you know the same goes for me.”

  “Deal.” They sealed it with a kiss. “Unfortunately, it’s time to get up. I figure we have enough time for a quick shower and some breakfast before you need to get home.”

  “By breakfast do you mean real breakfast?”

  “Yeah. I thought I’d cook, eggs, home fries, bacon, French toast. Whatever you want.”

  “Can I make an alternate suggestion?” He
nodded, tugging her to her feet. “I think we should grab something quick, like a muffin or a bagel and spend more time in the shower instead.”

  “Hmm,” Jordan pretended to consider it. “Tough choice.” He spun her to face him and bent, capturing a nipple with his mouth. “Bagels for breakfast it is.”

  * * * * *

  Kiley was beat. In the hour she’d been home she had completed all her usual evening chores and taken a shower. Now, in her softest nightshirt, she was replaying the comments Jordan had made at the restaurant earlier. He’d arrived while she was busy seating customers on the far side of the dining room. He’d waited for her to return, leaning on her podium, raking her from head to toe with his gaze as she approached, clearly enjoying her physical reaction to his watching her. Jordan had blocked her body from view and grazed one of her nipples while bestowing a deceivingly innocent peck on her cheek. He’d whispered that he was just as excited and guided her hand beneath his coat so she could feel the truth of his words. When he ran his hand gently down her back to confirm her lingerie, he’d groaned softly. Throughout the entire time he was there, he’d given her smoldering looks whenever their eyes met. Thank goodness Henry was an understanding boss because she’d been distracted even after he left. She’d certainly be unemployed if he weren’t.

  Waiting for Jordan’s call, Kiley was stunned at how important he’d become in such a short time. She couldn’t believe she missed him so much even though she would soon be talking to him. Their weekend together had lasted until morning. She’d seen him over lunch. Why then, did it feel like forever since they’d spoken?

  Kiley didn’t know how to define what she was feeling. Poor Jordan thought she needed time to consider what he was offering. How could she find the words to make him understand that all her doubts centered on herself? It was the indisputable truth that Jordan was perfect. She believed every word that he’d said to her. She was certain that life with him would be even better than she imagined. Unfortunately, it was highly unlikely for her to ever come close to what he truly wanted. Sure, they’d had fun together all weekend and probably would continue to for a while. Good thing she knew better than to trust her severely lacking self to hold his interest indefinitely. Kiley decided it would be way less selfish to convince Jordan that fun was all she really wanted. That way, when he started getting bored, it would seem like her decision to walk away, thereby taking the burden from him. If she ended it, it would spare him the pressure of admitting that he’d been wrong. Kiley believed it would be best to keep their relationship light and playful. However, the mere thought of not having Jordan in her life made her heart feel as if it were being crushed.


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