Book Read Free

Catharine & Edward

Page 8

by Marianne Knightly

  Charlie chuckled. “It was better. They’re matching vines that twine over our sides, where our scars are. We’ve got each other’s names etched on a leaf. There are a few other names we chose, along with some blank leaves for the future. Our tattoo is meaningful to both of us. I doubt Muffy’s means anything to her.”

  Marcello’s eyes narrowed. “Muffy’s got a tattoo?”

  “I know it’s unlikely she could hide things with that poor excuse for a dress she was wearing at the dinner, but she covered it with makeup. I ran into her in the washroom where she’d taken off her whole dress.”

  “Really?” Nate teased. “Do tell?”

  Charlie elbowed him less playfully this time. “Shut it. The reason she took off the dress was so she could cover the tattoo with more makeup. Since the tattoo’s on her ass, she needed the mirror to see it and couldn’t do the cover up in one of the stalls.”

  “Do you remember what the tattoo looked like?” Marcello asked.

  Charlie furrowed her eyebrows and glanced up while she tried to remember. “It looked like a seal of some kind. Sort of like the Vallerian crest, but simpler. It wasn’t colored in, and it was about the size of this bracelet, I’d guess.” Charlie took off a bangle she was wearing and held it up.

  “Any symbols or emblems? Did any look like these?” Marcello asked as he gestured to the anti-monarchist group logos on the screen.

  Charlie slipped the bangle back over her wrist. She took several moments to look at the logos, then shook her head. “Maybe the shape of that one, the banner of that one, and the shield of the third, but the shield emblem doesn’t match what I remember.”

  “I’ve got some other logos you can look at.”

  “Perhaps she can view them in the morning?” Nate asked pointedly.

  “It’ll be better if she can do it now, then give a second sweep after she’s slept on it.”

  “Sir,” Edward interrupted, his hand to his ear. “The cameras are online.”

  “What about the microphones?” Cat asked Edward, even though she knew she shouldn’t.

  Edward glanced at Marcello, who nodded, before he spoke. “We can’t replicate the audio loop as we can with the video. We did discover that the entire lot of equipment was manufactured at the same time, so we’ve rigged them all not to work and send an error message to whoever’s listening. They’ll still have the camera loops in the meantime, but we think this may give the culprits time to break in again.”

  “Sacheverelle?” Alex asked Edward. “They’ll likely call him first if they don’t work.”

  “That’s covered, Your Highness. We made a bargain and he’s cooperating with us.”

  “What sort of bargain?” Cat asked.

  “One he couldn’t refuse,” Marcello answered. “We’ll start digging into Brighton, see if we can connect him recently to Muffy, or to one of the anti-monarchist groups. We’ll keep everyone updated.”

  “I also spoke with your grandmother,” Gabriel said, and all eyes turned to him. “I don’t much like her on an island like Ilva on her own, yet I feel she’s safer there, as opposed to here on the mainland with us. Her home was swept and nothing was found. However, we did increase her security, and we increased the number Vallerian patrols around the island. Since Ilva is also situated near Italy, the Italian government were made aware of the threat and are assisting us by increasing their patrols as well.”

  “Have you checked the other palaces for similar intruders?” Genevieve asked. “If this is a threat against us, then Lorenzo, Sarah, and Carolina could be in danger. Has Finn been informed?”

  Marcello nodded. “We had all the residences checked this morning and everything was clean. Finn’s keeping tabs on his palace in Brazenbourg, and he told Arianna, who has been bugging me all day for updates. Lorenzo’s pissed because he’s on lockdown in Masillia and can’t come here. Sarah and Carolina are staying at the Vallerian embassy in Rome until this is over. They’ve cancelled all of their royal appearances, and I’ve worked with your chiefs of staff to do the same here.”

  “Won’t that just bring attention to the whole situation?” Grace asked. “Isn’t that what we’re trying to avoid?”

  “Not anymore. I’m going with my gut feeling that says something big is about to happen. I don’t think it’ll happen at midnight, but it’ll happen, and soon.”

  “So, we’re here until it does?” Rebecca asked, her voice quiet and small.

  “We’ve got a team at your parent’s house; they’re covered. Since they live on the palace grounds, it makes it easier to protect them, but we can bring them in if that makes you more comfortable.”

  Rebecca shook her head. “They won’t come. I’ve already asked.”

  Marcello nodded. “Then, that’s it for now, everyone. Please try to get some sleep.”

  As Edward nodded to Marcello and slipped from the room – with a discreet glance to Cat, she was happy to say – she knew sleep was one thing that would likely elude her.

  After an hour spent going over other issues with his father – Valleria, after all, could hardly stop just because someone had threatened the royal family – Alex strode down the bunker’s halls to the room he and Rebecca were sharing. She’d left him easily enough after Marcello’s update.

  Too easily, he felt.

  She was pulling away from him. He had no fucking clue why, but he needed to find out.

  He entered their room to find Rebecca already in bed, but he knew she wasn’t asleep.

  “Darling?” he called softly. She stiffened, and tension clogged the air in the room. The movement sliced through him, bloodless but still painful.

  Alex made his way across the small, functional bedroom, stripping as he went, then slid into bed and spooned the love of his life. She barely moved when he wrapped his arms around her. She didn’t curl into him as she usually did; didn’t kiss him, tease him, or tempt him.

  “Any change?” Rebecca asked.

  “No, darling. Nothing’s happened. No new news.”

  “Do you think we’ll be let out in the morning?”

  “I don’t know. We might be let out of the bunker, but not the palace.”

  She tensed again, then let out a long breath. “Okay. I apologized to your mother.”


  “For that scene during dinner.”

  “It wasn’t a scene. My mother said some very nice things to you and you were simply overcome. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “It’s still a surprise how much your family accepts me. I hope I live up to their expectations, and Valleria’s expectations.”

  “You will, darling. I have faith in you. I believe in you, we all do.” After a few minutes, he felt her shuddering breath. “Is that what you’re worried about? Or is it something else? The dress? The threat?” he asked, low and sweet to his fiancée.

  “Yes, that’s it,” she said a little too quickly. “It’s everything happening all at once.”

  “I’m worried about you.”

  “There’s a lot going on.”

  “You always talked to me about everything. Total honesty, remember?” he said, recalling the vow they’d made to each other.

  Hearing her stifled cry, he turned her to face him. He kept one arm around her, holding her close, while the other cupped her face. His thumb brushed away her tears as they fell. “What’s wrong, Rebecca?” he asked, despair in his voice. Alex was not a man used to feeling out of control. Since he and Rebecca had finally come together, the only place he lost control was in their bed, but not like this.

  He felt really fucking helpless. He hated the feeling.

  He hated even more seeing it in his love’s eyes.

  “What’s going on? How can I help?”

  “I’m just feeling overwhelmed, Alex. That’s all.”

  He knew Rebecca. He may not know what bothered her now, but he knew she was only telling him half the truth.

  She was keeping something from him in order to protect him, or som
eone in his family.

  She would do anything for him, even lie to protect him.

  He kissed Rebecca’s forehead, then her wet cheek, then her soft lips. “I love you.”

  She just cried harder and buried her face against his neck, and his hand delved into her thick, chestnut hair to hold her head. “Darling, what can I do? Tell me and it’s done.”

  She shook her head against the curve of his neck, and her arms wound around him in a fierce hold, as though she were afraid he’d float away if she didn’t. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Never,” he said immediately.

  “Please. Please, Alex.”

  “Never, my darling Rebecca.” He forced her head back until her shimmering eyes met his. “Never will I let you go.”

  He held her while she continued to cry, each sob wrenching his heart. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep.

  Alex slept not one wink.

  “You set to do this, Bash?” Marcello asked, his eyes on Edward.

  Edward’s gut clenched; he wasn’t set to do anything, but he would have to be. “Yes, Sir. In and out. Three locations. Thirty minutes each. I’ll go alone. I can move faster that way.”

  “And if you’re caught?”

  “I won’t be.”

  “But if you are?”

  Edward was resolute. “I won’t.”

  Marcello gave him a long look, as did the other agents in the room. “If you’re not going to get caught, you can wear a mic and one of the hidden cameras.”

  “No mics. I don’t want unintentional interference from any nearby mics the security guards could be wearing. Camera shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Marcello nodded. “Suit up. You’re back before the sun comes up. If you’re not, we come looking.”

  “If I’m not back by then, don’t bother looking.” At Marcello’s raised brow, Edward continued. “At that point, I’ll either be caught or dead, and neither means I should keep my job. I’ll give you an update once I return.” He turned and walked out.

  He mentally planned his three-fold mission into the headquarters of the Vallerian Star, the home of its editor, Vinnie, and the last known address for Muffy. Ideally, three teams would split up, then rendezvous after their missions were complete.

  Resources, however, were becoming scarce. The higher alert level at the palace meant increased security for all the royals, both those in the palace and those located elsewhere. Other agents were on stakeouts or following up on leads. Several agents were also fired, including those who didn’t notice Sacheverelle slipping into the palace and planting equipment, and those who’d done the initial, incomplete background check on Sacheverelle.

  All of these factors meant Edward would have to make these trips himself.

  Edward shouldn’t have volunteered, but he needed Catharine to be safe, the threat neutralized.

  Then he could leave her to a better man.

  Though definitely not that asshole, Philip.

  A deeper investigation into Philip was underway, but what had been uncovered so far was not good.

  Sir Philip Cortay was hemorrhaging money after several bad investments. Though he may be on the upper echelons of Vallerian society, he was about to go tumbling down the stairs in a way he would never recover.

  It was no wonder he was trying so damn hard to lure Catharine into his arms. Just the thought of her full lips and plush curves against that asshole’s, well, it made Edward want to punch a fist through the palace’s stone walls.

  He knew he shouldn’t, but he had to see her. If Marcello caught him – or worse, King Gabriel or Prince Alexander – they could kill him on the spot.

  If he had a daughter like her, Edward might kill anybody who came after her.

  Edward had already killed to protect his sisters; he knew of what he spoke.

  He stopped by her door and knocked softly. “My Lady?” When no answer came, he tried the doorknob and found, to his great surprise, that it was unlocked.

  The door swayed gently, without noise, and he entered the darkened room, lit only by a small booklight on the bed. The hall cast a glowing ray of light into the space, illuminating the small seating area and the side of the bed; a door leading to the bathroom was open off the side.

  God, she was beautiful. She was lying diagonally, one arm and leg bent yet she still took up the whole of the bed. The sheets and quilt were tangled through her limbs, revealing patches of tanned, curvy legs. She wore a clinging nightie, her breasts pillowed under the sweetheart neckline, the thin straps keeping her shoulders and arms bare. Her dark hair was in a messy braid across her pillow, and he itched to pull the plait apart.

  He wanted to join her. Wanted to slip into the bed and feel her soft, sleepy body curled against his. He wanted to feel her quiet breaths against his skin, and feel her slim fingers resting on his chest, near his heart.

  God, he wanted her.

  Yet, he couldn’t have her.

  Ignoring the warnings in his head, he kept the door cracked and walked over to the bed. Her face was turned away from him, her chest rising and falling evenly in sleep. A book lay discarded on the bed near her, by the small booklight. Had she been trying to stay awake? Lose herself in a book?

  Had she been waiting for him?

  As quickly as that hope bloomed, he crushed it. Hope had no place in his life. Not now.

  When he saw her phone flash with a message, he thought she’d wake from the notification sound, but no noise came. Realizing she’d put the phone on sleep mode before she went to bed, he lifted it and illuminated the screen.


  He was sending a message in the middle of the night, demanding she call him.

  Catharine deserved better than Edward.

  She sure as hell deserved better than this asshole.

  Edward contemplated deleting the message, erasing Philip from her phone if he couldn’t quite do it from her life. In the end, he left it be. He remembered Philip’s call earlier, and how frustrated Catharine was becoming with him. It was better she saw his continued asshole behavior firsthand, and broke up with him herself.

  Edward was ready to step in and do it for her, if need be.

  Right now, however, he needed to leave.

  He picked up the book and the small light, closing them both and placing them with her phone on the nightstand. Then he brushed a loose lock of hair from her face. Her body shifted slightly at his touch.

  “Edward,” she breathed.

  He froze. After holding his breath for several long moments, he realized she hadn’t seen him.

  She had dreamed him.

  She was dreaming about him.

  Not only that, she may have recognized his touch.


  He couldn’t think about this right now. He had a job to do.

  He brushed a knuckle over her cheek and she sighed. “Goodbye, My Lady,” he breathed into the dark.

  Then he walked away, locking the door behind him as he left.

  Chapter Seven

  Cat was disoriented when she woke the next morning. As she was used to slim streams of sunlight through her curtains, the total darkness threw her until she remembered.

  Threats against the royal family.

  Or maybe the crown.

  Or maybe even Valleria itself.

  Likely, all three.

  She checked her phone for the time, then scrunched her nose at the sight of six – six! – messages from Philip in the middle of the night. She avoided those to check her other messages and decided, even though it was early, she may as well get up.

  She frowned at the sight of her book and light on the nightstand. Had she put them there? She shook her head as she realized she must have done so.

  After taking a shower and getting dressed, she frowned once again at seeing the door locked, then her eyes widened. She staggered back until she hit the foot of the bed and sat down. Had someone come in last night?

  “I don’t understand. I’m deep in the bunker. No one but
the family and security know I’m here.” Security. “Edward?”

  But that had been a dream. She’d imagined him visiting her last night. That hadn’t been real.

  Had it?

  “Oh God.”

  Suddenly, she had to see him, had to know if he’d come to her.

  If he had, then maybe he wasn’t ready to give up on them.

  She leapt from the bed and bolted through the door. After a quick scan of the empty hallway ensured no one would see her, she ran down the hall. She headed straight for the control room, bypassing the kitchens where she heard some of the family gathered.

  Marcello was near a bank of monitors, his tired, red eyes and tousled hair indicating his lack of sleep. Their father, also looking weary yet very alert, was talking quietly into the phone, his head nodding intermittently.

  Alex sat in one corner, absently staring at the monitors, taking in none of the flickering images on screen. Her twin radar said that something was bothering Alex. She could usually weasel things from him – he had a very hard time keeping things from her – but, with everything else going on, she wondered if needling him would help or hurt right now.

  She turned to Marcello. “Any news?”

  Marcello nodded. “We had some developments overnight. I’m waiting to hear back from one of my men, then we’ll update the family.”

  Her gut clenched. She had no way of knowing, but she was sure before he even said the name. “Who? Who are you waiting for?”

  “Bash ran some missions for us last night. He got a few minor injuries, but he’s fine and he’s on his way in now.” One of the agents called for Marcello and he walked over to another set of screens.

  Edward was injured.

  Oh God.

  She couldn’t think about it, not yet. Marcello said he was fine, though she knew she wouldn’t believe him until she saw it for herself.

  Needing a distraction, and also needing to cheer up her brother, Cat made her way to Alex and took a seat beside him. He was leaning back in his chair, one of his index fingers absently rubbing his top lip. “Alex? Are you all right?”

  “Hmm? Oh, Cat,” he said, straightening in his chair. “How are you? Did you sleep?”


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