Book Read Free

The Country Club

Page 2

by Tim Miller

  Cuntbooger and friends.”

  “What the fuck?” Crystal said as she pushed away from the desk. “Look at this shit.”

  Sophie sat down and read the screen.

  “So someone is fucking with you,” she said.

  “I see that. But they know my name, my address? How would they know that?”

  “It’s probably someone you know trying to scare you. And it’s working. Just delete that shit,” Sophie said.

  “I can’t just delete it. It’s a fucking Yahoo account too. Could be anyone. What if it really is them?”

  “Who? The Club or whatever? Why the fuck would they send you this? Say ‘Hey! It’s us, but we don’t exist!’ I think you’ve been at this for too long. Maybe you need a break.”

  “Shut up. I’m gonna show this to Joel. Maybe he can see where it came from.”

  “Joel? Not that dork,” Sophie said.

  “Yes that dork. He’s the smartest computer guy I know. Let’s go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Yes you are. This shit is freaking me the fuck out and I’m not leaving you here alone until I’m sure this is bullshit.” Crystal grabbed her hand and dragged her out the door. They walked down the stairs and got into Crystal’s car, a 2010 Toyota Prius and headed to Joel’s.

  “I think you are way overreacting,” Sophie said.

  “I’m not. What if Bob Woodward didn’t keep digging around about Watergate?”

  “Yeah, this is a far cry from Watergate. It’s more like you chasing bigfoot or UFOs.”

  “Hey, at least I have a cause,” Crystal said.

  “I have better than a cause, I have a job.”

  “Which you hate.”

  “It pays more than your damn blog does.”

  Crystal didn’t reply to the last jab. After a few blocks, they reached a tiny house that looked like it should have been condemned. The windows were even boarded up.

  “Here we are,” Crystal said.

  “Great. I think I’d feel safer at this Club place than here.”

  “Be nice,” Crystal said as she got out of the car.

  Chapter 4

  Joel sat at his computer when he heard the car door slam. He stood and looked out the window to see Crystal and Sophie walking up. Holy shit! What were they doing here this late? Especially Sophie. She hated his guts for some reason. Though girls like her usually hated his guts. Girls like her being perfect girls. Sophie had long legs, long blonde hair and full lips that looked like they could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

  Crystal was short, wore nerdy glasses, had wavy dark hair and probably had a cute body, but she wore baggy shirts all the time. Her glasses were actual prescription too, so they weren’t just hipster glasses, which was common around Austin. He sniffed his armpit and noticed the sweat stain on the front of his shirt and immediately wished he’d showered that day. He was standing by the door when the girls knocked.

  “Hey!” he said opening the door.

  “Hey Joel. Sorry to bother you so late, but I want you to look at something. This has me seriously creeped out,” Crystal said.

  “Sure, what is it?”

  She stepped inside, with Sophie following behind. Sophie looked Joel up and down and waved her hand in front of her face to let him know she could smell him. He gave her the finger as Crystal was setting up her laptop.

  “It’s this weird email I got through my blog,” Crystal said.

  “Oh, the urban legends one?” Joel asked.

  “Yeah. You know how everyone tells me that Country Club place doesn’t exist? Well take a look at this.”

  Joel sat down and looked at the email

  “Holy shit, that’s fucked up,” he said wiping a strand of greasy hair out of his face.

  “I told her it’s probably a troll fucking with her,” Sophie said.

  “Is there any way to tell who it is or where it came from?” Crystal asked.

  “Let me take a look,” Joel said as he wrote down the email address, then moved over to his computer and punched it in. His computer was no simple set up. He had custom built the whole system, which included four monitors as well as the top of the line processor and parts. He often referred to it as his “hot rod.”

  “It’s a Yahoo account, but I’m running a few things to see what I can find.” He sat there for a moment before turning around. “Well whoever it is, was using a Tor browser.”

  “What the fuck is a Tor browser?” Crystal asked.

  “It’s a secure browser that hides your identity online. No one can trace you. All the hacker groups use it since they can’t be tracked through it.”

  “So is it something really high tech? Like some stupid internet troll wouldn’t use that would they?” Crystal asked.

  “Well they could. It’s not hard to set up, so if you’re a hardcore troll I could see using it. But unfortunately, I can’t tell who the account belongs to,” Joel explained.

  “So how did they know my address?”

  “Through your ISP. If they were able to look it up through your blog, they could find your name, home address and such. It really isn’t that hard.”

  “So it probably is someone just fucking with me?”

  “Or it could be evildoers from the scary Country Club coming for you,” Joel said.

  “Fuck you,” Crystal said as she sat down.

  “What’s wrong? You almost seem upset that it wasn’t them. If it was, wouldn’t that be a bad thing? Like if they are as bad as you think they are, if they’re real that is.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Why do you want this to be so true anyway?” Sophie asked. “If it were true, it’s a horrible place. You should be happy it’s just a myth.”

  “That’s just it. It’s not a myth. I know it’s there. And they are doing these things, taking girls and doing God-knows-what to them, and getting away with it. I want to find them and expose them.”

  Joel and Sophie exchanged glances.

  “Yeah, don’t look at each other like that,” Crystal said.

  Joel wasn’t sure what to say. He liked Crystal. She was cute and awkward, much like himself. She’d never shown much interest in him and he was too chicken to say anything to her. Either way, he didn’t want to piss her off either. So instead he did what he usually does. Opens his mouth and says something stupid.

  “I believe you, Crystal. Want me to help you find it?”

  Crystal’s eyes lit up.

  “Really? You don’t think I’m crazy?”

  “Well I do, but we’re all a bit nuts. So yeah. I think you may be onto something.”


  Before Joel could reply her email pinged. This was from a different address. When she opened it, there were two words.

  Round Rock

  “Round Rock? That’s maybe an hour or so from here,” Crystal said.

  “What’s in Round Rock?” Joel asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe The Country Club is there.”

  “Why would it be in Round Rock of all places?” Sophie asked. “If this is some kind of secret place for the rich. Wouldn’t it be in Dallas or Houston or something?”

  “Round Rock is out of the way. Lots of open country around there. It would be easy to hide a place like that,” Crystal explained.

  “Where would you even look?” Sophie asked.

  “I don’t know, but we need to go. Come on!” Crystal jumped up and closed her laptop.

  “What? Now?” Sophie said.

  “Yes now.”

  “It’s like two in the morning,” Joel said.

  “Yeah, so? You said you’d help me. Come on,” Crystal said as she grabbed his hand and began tugging at him to get up. Her touch took him by surprise and actually gave him shivers. He couldn’t remember the last time a girl had touched him in any way at all. He stood, and followed her as they headed for the door.

  “You guys are actually going?” Sophie said.

  “Yeah. May as well.” />
  “You’re both fucking insane, you know that? And Crystal, Joel fucking stinks. Do you even shower, dude?”

  “Sophie!” Crystal shouted.

  “No, she’s right. I don’t usually get company, let alone invited on a road trip. I’ll go clean up then we can go. I won’t take long,” Joel said as he headed to the bathroom. He was glad for the chance to shower. Mainly so he could rub one out quick while the sensation of Crystal’s touch was still fresh in his mind.

  Chapter 5

  Caleb woke up and tried to sit up, but could not. He was strapped to a chair in a room similar to the one he’d been in earlier. The girl was still tied to a chair sitting on the other side of the room but facing him. The back of his head hurt and was throbbing. Someone must have knocked him out. The girl had tape over her mouth, but he did not. He looked around, trying to get his wits about him when the door opened, and the tuxedo guy, Denny and some tall, bald headed douchebag stepped inside.

  “Glad to see you’re awake, Mr. Caleb,” the tuxedo guy said. “Sorry we had to put you out like that.”

  “I’m disappointed Caleb. I thought you were up for this,” Denny said.

  “Up for this? What the fuck is this place?”

  “This is The Country Club. Yes, it really exists. I’ve been a member here since I was eighteen. My dad since he was eighteen and on down the line. They don’t usually let common folks like yourself in here, but I vouched for you,” Denny explained.

  “Yeah, well a little heads up would have been nice,” Caleb said.

  “Dude. In college we used to fuck girls up all the time. This is just a step further is all.”

  “A step further? There’s a fucking drill on that little cart, as well as shit like pliers and an ice pick. What the fuck? Yeah we banged girls and got a little rough. We never cut them to pieces.”

  “Oh stop being so self-righteous,” Denny said. “They told me you tried to let her go.”

  “That’s right. I unstrapped her and gave her my jacket and we tried to get out. Then I guess one of those assholes knocked me out.”

  “With good reason. We can’t have these girls getting out and running their mouths to God knows who. Usually if someone acts like you, they put them in one of the rooms as a gift to a member. But I talked them into a deal for you.”

  “A deal?” Caleb couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He’d known Denny since they were both playing in the sandbox together. He’d never shown any hint of this type of behavior. Maybe this place was why.

  “Yeah. You’ll remain here and work for them. You’ll start out helping with cleanup, but eventually you’ll be able to help bring girls in, take care of members and so forth. You’ll live here at The Club. All your meals will be provided for. It will be a good life.”

  “Fuck you man. I’m not staying here. Let me out of this damn chair. You made your point. Let’s get out of here,” Caleb said. He still refused to believe this was more than some kind of weird prank or initiation of some sort.

  “I don’t think your friend is taking this very seriously Mr. Dennis,” Tuxedo guy said. “I think a demonstration is in order.”

  He nodded to the big bald guy who walked over to the cart, picked up a large knife and slit the girl’s throat. She let out one final yelp as blood squirted from her neck. The guy had cut at such an angle, barely any blood got on him. He tossed the knife down and wiped his hands off as the whole thing had been like changing a light bulb.

  “Holy shit!” Caleb yelled. “What the fuck? Why the fuck did you do that? Holy shit!”

  “I told you. Trying to let her go didn’t save her. You maybe spared her a little suffering, but that’s it. She’s still dead,” Denny said. “So think about what I told you. You have two choices. Stay in that chair for the next Club member that walks through the door, or start your new job by cleaning this mess up.”

  “What about my job? My family? Can I call my mom?”

  “No, you’ll have no communication at first. I’ll make up something for your mom, don’t worry.”

  “Fuck. You’re serious?” Caleb said, still in shock from this whole experience.

  “Yes we’re serious. You want them to do another demonstration?”

  “No! No! Jesus. Can you let me out of this chair?”

  Denny looked at the tuxedo guy who nodded as the big bald douchebag walked over and undid the straps.

  “Now when you get up, I don’t recommend doing anything crazy. Richard here will take you upstairs to change clothes and show you where supplies are. Won’t you Richard?” the bald douchebag nodded. He apparently couldn’t talk.

  Caleb stood and rubbed the back of his head. He followed Richard out the door, glaring at Denny.

  “Sorry man. This was supposed to be fun,” Denny said.

  “Fuck you,” Caleb said.

  Denny turned away as Caleb walked down the hallway with Richard. There was a set of decorative double sliding doors. Richard pushed a button on the wall and they slid open to reveal an elevator.

  “Get in,” Richard said. The first time he’d spoken so far.

  They got on and Richard pushed the “B” button. It dropped for several levels before coming to a stop and the doors slid open once again. The basement was not like the rest of the building at all. There was no fine décor down there. It was dark, mildewy, and smelled like rotten meat. Richard got out and turned to the right.

  He took him to a locker room and going through a closet, dug out a pair of coveralls, boots, and gloves. Caleb got dressed as Richard stepped out of the room, and returned with a large case. He sat it on the bench and opened it. Inside was a hatchet, a hacksaw and other various cutting tools.

  “You’ll go through each room at the end of the night. Use these to cut the bodies up into as small of pieces possible. Then you will come back down here and get the cart. It’s in the other room. You’ll see it, it’s a large stainless cart with a big drop slot at the top. You’ll place the body parts in there, and come back down here and place them in the incinerator,” Richard explained.

  Caleb only heard bits and pieces of what the man was saying. He caught words like “body,” “pieces,” and “incinerator.” This night had not gone at all the way he’d planned. He thought he was on his way to a party where he’d get drunk, high, and laid. Instead, since he refused to kill some girl he didn’t even know, he know has to dispose of body parts for a bunch of rich assholes.

  “You hear me?” Richard said, snapping him out of his trance.

  “Oh. Yeah. I heard you,” Caleb said.

  “Good. Now get up there. Start with your girl then go into any room with the door open. Got it?”

  Caleb just nodded as Richard turned and left the room. He looked around and picked up the case and headed to the elevator. Once he was back in the room with the dead girl, he wasn’t sure where to start. First, he undid her straps and laid her onto the floor. Her eyes were frozen open in a death stare. He took the hatchet and spread her arm out to the side. His first swing with the hatchet was weak and half-hearted. He’d never dismembered a person before. As he went for another swing, he stopped and looked at her face.

  He couldn’t cut her up with her eyes staring at him like that. He reached up and closed her eyelids and went to chop her arm again, but still he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Instead of her arm, he slid over by her head and turned it to the side. Maybe he should cut her head off first, then he won’t have to look at her face. He lined up the hatchet and looked away as he took the first swing. This time with a lot more force. The hatchet sliced partway through her neck, but got stuck. He swung again and again. It took him a good six blows before her head rolled free of her body.

  Blood oozed from her neck, but there was very little since she was already dead. He sat the hatchet down as her head rolled by his leg and stopped with her eyes staring back up at him. He didn’t know how her eyes opened again, but didn’t know how much of this he could take. It hadn’t even seemed real until he was in th
e room ready to cut up her body. The hatchet fell to the floor as he began crying, covering his face with his bloody hands.

  Chapter 6

  Denny left the room and headed down the hall, down the stairs and into the lounge. The lounge was a large room separated from the rest of The Club. There were couches, chairs, as well as its own bar and bartender and other amenities. When he stepped inside, there was a group of men already engrossed in conversation about the night’s activities. One of them, Bernard Davis, was extra loud.

  “So, I take the drill and start driving it into her fucking skull,” Bernard was saying. “And she starts like vibrating, all like this.” He rolled his eyes in his head and started gyrating in his chair. The rest of the men laughed at his demonstration. “Yeah, it was funny as hell. She was still alive. I never had one twitch like that.”

  “I have,” George Robinson said. “It’s been awhile. If you can fuck up their brain just right when they’re still alive, you’ll get that twitching shit. Though usually they do it once they’re dead for a few seconds.”

  Denny stood listening to them. He found the conversation at The Club much more entertaining than at a usual country club. He never liked golf anyway. Though he did bash a girl’s head in with a golf club once.

  “Hey Denny, we didn’t see you there. Where’s your pal? I thought you were bringing a new guy tonight,” George asked.

  “Eh, didn’t work out too well I’m afraid,” Denny said.

  “Oh shit. What happened?”

  “I guess I should have filled him in a bit more. He didn’t want to hurt her. Refused to even touch her. He really pussed out.”

  “Shit man. What’d they do to him? They kill him?”

  “Nah. I talked them into letting him stay here to work. So they put him on cleanup.”


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