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The Country Club

Page 6

by Tim Miller

  “See? Now that wasn’t very nice. I delivered your baby. I cooked you dinner, fed you. And you want to act this way? That’s ok. I have a gift for you.”

  “Fuck you!” Elizabeth screamed. “Shove your gift up your ass! You are a fucking monster!”

  He ignored her as he opened the shoebox and took out a large, white rat. From across the room Crystal could see its pink tail and red eyes.

  “My little friend here is hungry too. So I should feed him as well.”

  He took the rat and slid it through the incision into Elizabeth’s stomach. She screamed as he began sewing up the opening until it was tightly sealed.

  “No! Oh my god! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!” Elizabeth screamed as she struggled against her restraints. As Denny stood to the side and watched, Crystal could make out a small lump moving around the woman’s abdomen as her screams got louder.

  “Holy shit! It’s eating me! It’s eating me! Fuck! Get it out!”

  “I can’t do that. He’s got to eat his fill. I wonder how long it will take him to eat his way to your heart.”

  Elizabeth continued to scream and struggle as Crystal closed her eyes, not wanting to watch this woman die. She couldn’t imagine having a rat sewn inside her stomach and letting the thing crawl around, eating its way through her insides. She wished she could cover her ears too and not hear the screams. With each second, Elizabeth’s screams got louder and shriller. As she tried to think of something else, there was one thought she could not push away; what was he going to do to her?

  Chapter 16

  Joel sat in the cage trying not to look at the others. Some men had come and gotten Crystal and the pregnant girl quite a while ago. He tried to intervene, but they knocked him on his ass rather easily. He had hoped that guy who had been talking to them earlier would come by. That guy looked like he worked at the place, but didn’t want to be there. Sophie hadn’t stopped crying since they took Crystal. Joel felt like crying, but held it in. It was already weird enough being naked around all these naked girls. Crying in front of them would only make him feel more awkward.

  Footsteps came from nearby as he scooted away from the bars. It was one of the goons again. He opened the cage and pointed at Joel.

  “You, come on,” the man said.

  Immediately Joel’s stomach lurched and he threw up through the bars. This was it. They were going to take him somewhere and torture and kill him. He’d never had a big threshold for pain. Something as small as a hangnail almost put him in tears, let alone whatever they were about to do with him.

  “Come on kid, let’s go!” the man yelled.

  Joel scrambled to his feet and followed the man out. Sophie never looked up as he left. They walked down the dark hall and got onto an elevator.

  “Am I gonna get some clothes?” Joel asked the man.

  The goon looked at Joel and then looked straight ahead without responding. It was then it sank in to Joel that they were nothing but cattle, and this was their slaughterhouse. Just by the way the men looked at them, it was as if they weren’t even human. The elevator stopped and the doors slid open. They were inside the mansion, along a walkway with a stairway nearby. There was a large chandelier in the center of the large room. There were several doors along the walkway with room numbers on them.

  They walked to one of the doors and the man slid a key card through a slot, opening the door. As he stepped inside, the room looked like it could be a doctor’s examination room. There was a woman covered in blood strapped down and reclined in what looked like a dentist’s chair. There was a man in a suit sitting near the bloody girl.

  “There he is. You’re just in time for the party!” the man in the suit said.

  Joel saw another chair to his left. He looked and saw Crystal strapped to the chair. She was still naked, but appeared unharmed.

  “Crystal!” he said.

  “Joel!” she said as she began crying. “Don’t hurt him. Please?”

  “Oh, why would I hurt Joel?” The man said as the goon left the room. “He’s here to help! Aren’t ya buddy?”

  Joel was confused and not sure what to say. He was glad Crystal was still alive, but couldn’t look at the other woman. There was a table next to the man in the suit with blood all over it.

  “I’m being rude, I’m sorry. I’m Denny. And you’re Joel I know. So I know you all came in together. You have another friend down there, but we’ll worry about her later. The guys who brought you in told me you, Mr. Joel may have a thing for little Crystal here. Is that right?”

  Joel was caught off guard by the question as he looked at Crystal.

  “Um, no?” he said.

  “Oh. Come on! She is a hot little thing. Look at that body on her! Look, I’m gonna do you a favor.”

  “A favor?”

  “Yeah!” Denny said. “I got you both here, she’s naked, and you’re naked. So here is your chance.”

  “Chance for what?”

  “Stop being so dense! To fuck her! She’s right there, all ready to go for you. Have at it.”

  “No way. She’s my friend,” Joel said.

  “Right! Come on Joel. She’s your friend, but you’re not hers. I’ve known girls like her. Hot as hell, she knows you are nuts about her, but she just uses that to get what she wants from you. Sound familiar?”

  Joel thought about it. It angered him, but Denny was right. As long as he’d known Crystal, the only times she ever called or came over was when she needed something. She rarely returned his texts other than with small talk unless she needed him for some reason. He had wanted her for as long as he could remember. Hell, as far as he knew he loved her. He’d been hanging on for a long time hoping she would also love him.

  “Come on man. What are you waiting for?” Denny said.

  Joel walked over to Crystal and looked her body up and down. As he looked at her face, her eyes were locked on him.

  “Joel,” she whispered. “Help me. Please?”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Get me the fuck out of here!”

  “You gonna whisper to her or fuck her stud? Come on!”

  “Maybe I should fuck you, if that’s what he wants.”

  “Look at that other girl Joel. That will be us!” she said as she struggled against the straps.

  Joel looked back at Denny.

  “Dude, if you don’t fuck her, I will. So you have about two seconds,” Denny said.

  Joel reached down and touched Crystal’s thigh. He felt her recoil against his touch, but he kept his hand on her. Her skin was soft and smooth. As he ran his hand up and down her leg, he moved his other hand to her breast, rubbing her nipple and squeezing the breast.

  “Joel, please don’t do this,” Crystal pleaded, but he ignored her.

  He placed his fingers between her legs and spread her labia apart, running his finger up and down. This was the most he’d ever touched a girl before. As he slid his fingers around, her wetness ran onto his fingers. He held up his fingers too look at it.

  “Oh come on! She’s not a science project! Fuck her!” Denny said.

  Joel moved around to the front of the chair. Feeling Crystal up had gotten him hard. He climbed onto the chair and positioned himself between her. She was still looking up at him.

  “Joel, please don’t,” she whimpered.

  “I have to. I’m sorry.”

  He slid his cock inside her and began slowly moving in and out. He’d never been with a girl, but had seen enough pornos to know how it was done. Within a minute, he was working it faster and faster, and then was pounding away. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he grunted with each thrust. The chair bounced as he humped Crystal up and down, pounding harder and harder until he exploded inside her, filling her with his jizz. He shook and trembled as he continued squirting. Finally, he stopped and climbed off her, almost stumbling as his legs felt like Jell-O.

  He looked over at Crystal who was still crying and staring up at the ceiling.

�Hey,” he said. “You ok?”

  But she didn’t reply.

  “For what it’s worth, it felt really good,” he said, trying in a misguided attempt to cheer her up. She looked toward him finally.

  “Well I’m glad you had fun, asshole.”

  Denny began clapping from his side of the room.

  “Bravo! Good show! A little short maybe, but interesting,” Denny said. He walked to the table and picked up a knife. “Ok, time for the real fun to begin. Come over here Joel.”

  Joel walked over to the table and handed Joel a large hunting knife.

  “What’s this for?”

  “For you. You’re gonna cut your girlfriend up.”

  “What? Why? No way.”

  “Oh yes. It’ll be ok. You’re my little experiment, since the one I tried earlier didn’t work. I’m going to see if I can make you a real man before the night is over.”

  Chapter 17

  Caleb watched them walk the girl and pregnant girl to the elevator. He stayed around the corner out of sight, not wanting to imagine what was going to be done to them.

  “What are you doing?” Dutch said from behind him, causing Caleb to jump.

  “Oh, nothing.”

  “Looks like something to me. Be careful. Don’t talk to the prisoners and don’t try to figure out where they go or what happens to them. You’ll find out soon enough when you get called for clean up.”

  “I can’t do this. This is crazy. I have to get out of here.”

  “I know you feel that way. I’ve felt the same over the years. You can’t do it though. Even if you made it out of here. What will you do? Go to the police? They own the police. The FBI? The Director used to be a member here. Presidents have been members here.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Hell yes I’m serious. I watched several of them walk right through these halls. Many it was before they were president or shortly after they were elected. Even if they don’t take part, they know it’s here and they protect it.”

  “Jesus. Why?”

  “They say it’s primal. There’s nothing more manly or primitive than killing. From the beginning of time, men killed. They took women as their own and had their way with them. These guys see it as filling some basic need. They say it’s why they are all so successful. Once you’ve taken a life, you are changed for good. You become a monster, a force to be reckoned with.”

  “You believe that?”

  “I should have. I might not be cleaning up guts in the basement.”

  Caleb looked around as he heard more men coming. Several goons were getting more girls from the cage. One actually took a swing at one of them. He almost knocked her out with a backhand. The other pulled her off the ground. She was still stunned and stumbling along as they got onto the elevator. Dutch had gone back in the other direction. Caleb watched him walk away. There was no way that would be him. He refused to believe it. There had to be a way out. Death would be better than hacking up human remains every day for the rest of his life.

  He walked back past the cage and down the other hallway until he arrived at the loading dock. There was an exterior door next to the large overhead door. He tried it, but it was locked. Figures. He walked back toward the cage when one of the goons walked up to him.

  “You’re needed upstairs,” the goon said.

  “For what?” Caleb asked.

  “Just shut up and come on.”

  Caleb followed the man to the elevator. They rode it up a few floors until they were back in the mansion. The goon walked him to one of the doors and used a card to pop it open. When he stepped inside, Denny was standing there with a naked male prisoner.

  “Caleb! Good buddy! I’m so sorry man. I know it’s only been a few hours, but it seems like forever. You doing ok? I heard you handled your first clean up like a pro.”

  “What the fuck do you want?” Caleb asked.

  “Hey, I get it. You’re upset. You still don’t understand the favor I did for you. I mean, you don’t want to know what they suggested doing to you.”

  Caleb looked around the room and saw a bloody dead girl strapped to one chair, and a living naked girl strapped to the other. The naked guy was pale and his chest was all broken out. He kept looking down at the floor and was holding a knife.

  “You call me up here to clean up your shit?” Caleb asked as he nodded to the dead girl.

  “No, no. Not at all. I wanted you to meet Joel here. My new best friend.”

  “New best friend huh? Did you tell him how you treat your friends?”

  “Don’t listen to him Joel. Look,” Denny nudged Joel. “Look. This is Caleb. We came here last night to party. But once we got here, he decided to grow a vagina and didn’t want to play along.”

  “So why’s he dressed like that?” Joel said.

  “Because his choice was to join you and your friends downstairs until one of us was ready to play, or stay here as part of the cleanup crew. Only thing is, he can never leave.”

  “Remember to tell him cleanup is cleaning up the dead bodies you get done cutting up. Including people like you, Joel.”

  “I don’t wanna get cut up,” Joel said.

  “Exactly! This is why you need to cut up your girlfriend. I don’t care what you do to her. Be creative. Do that, and you might get to leave unharmed. I’ll even go to bat for you,” Denny said.

  “Really? What about Sophie?”

  “Who the fuck is Sophie?” Denny asked.

  “She’s our other friend, down stairs in the cage.”

  “You can’t help her. You can’t help Crystal here. She is going to die a horrible, painful death no matter what you do. If you don’t do it, we’ll kill you and kill her anyway. Or you can do it and maybe save yourself.”

  Caleb could see Joel actually thinking about it. He apparently knew this girl.

  “Come on kid. You had fun fucking her didn’t you?”

  “You fucking raped me asshole!” Crystal yelled from the chair.

  “You shut the fuck up! No one is talking to you!” Denny said. “Why don’t you start by cutting her tongue out, then we don’t have to listen to her bitch.”

  Joel looked up at Caleb as if he wanted to be told what to do.

  “What?” Caleb asked. “Don’t look at me. You know her, I assume you care about her. But if you’re going to listen to this asshole, that’s on you.”

  “I don’t want to die,” Joel said as he started to cry. “I don’t. I don’t like pain. I just don’t want to be hurt.” He walked over to the chair next to Crystal and raised the knife.

  “Joel, no. Please. I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier. I liked fucking you. If you don’t do this, I will fuck you whenever you want, every day for the rest of your life. I promise.” Crystal pleaded.

  “I’m sorry Crystal,” Joel was really sobbing now. “I’m sorry I’m so weak. This is gonna hurt though.”

  Crystal screamed as he lifted the knife and began cutting along her stomach, from her waist in between her breasts. Blood ran down her naked skin and between her legs. When he lifted the knife to the top of her head, her screaming no longer sounded human.

  Chapter 18

  Brett Higgins walked off the airplane and into the terminal at the San Antonio International Airport. He couldn’t believe he flew all the way out there, but after the phone call from that girl, he knew she was about to get herself killed. He stopped by the Alamo car rental window and picked up his car. The only vehicle they had left was a Dodge Dart. At six foot three, it was hard for him to squeeze into the Dart, but he made it.

  The drive to Round Rock didn’t take as long as he had remembered. The place looked much the same as before. He was taking a big risk by coming back there. The last time, the police chief warned him to leave and not come back. He hoped he could find the girl and her friends before they tried to locate The Club. He’d been calling her cell phone for hours but it was going straight to voice mail.

  When he spoke to Crystal earlier, he hadn’t
told her quite everything. He got much closer to The Country Club than he had let on. He ended up right inside the thing. Since that time, he’d tried to block out the things he’d seen and done there. It became easier to forget over time with the help of Jack Daniels and Xanax. He drove the Dart through town unnoticed and drove clear out to the road where The Club was located.

  Once he reached the dirt road, he became more nervous. Last time, he had a Club member with him who had gotten him in. They figured out who he was, and he barely escaped with his life. He hoped they would at least listen to him this time. Though for all he knew, the girl and her friends were already dead.

  He turned the car onto the road and barely made it a few hundred feet when he saw a black SUV headed his way. Brett stopped the car, reached into his bag and took out his bottle of Xanax. He took two pills and waited for the SUV to pull up. Once it stopped in front of him, he stepped out of the car as several men climbed out of the SUV.

  “You sure have some balls coming back here,” one of the bigger men said.

  “Hi guys. Yeah, I’m not exactly here on vacation,” Brett said.

  “You know what we said would happen if you came back.”

  “Yes. I remember. I’m just here for some kids. I guess they’re like college kids or bloggers or something. It was a girl and a few of her friends,” Brett explained.

  “What about them?”

  “Are they here? That girl is nuts. She’s hell bent on exposing this place. If they’re here, just let me take them with me. I promise they won’t be any more trouble.”

  “What makes you think we can’t take care of things ourselves?”

  “I have no doubt you guys can take care of it. I’d just hate to see these kids hurt for just being stupid. I can get them out of your hair. They are not a threat,” Brett insisted.

  “Maybe not. You coming back here after what you pulled last time. Now that is a threat. So we need you to come with us.”

  Brett knew he was going to say that. Without argument he walked to the SUV and climbed in. They drove the familiar route to the mansion. Once they pulled up he got out with the men and walked into the front. As they stepped inside, Dominic was there in the lobby.


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