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The Devil's Lullaby

Page 11

by Michaela Haze

  Why did I feel such a flood of guilt the second that the uncertainty trickled into my mind? I broke the kiss. Shaking my head in confusion.

  I finally noticed that Abaddon had left us to our reunion. Why had Lucifer kissed me? When a few hours before, he had determined that I wasn’t welcome in his domain.

  “Where did you disappear to when we were under attack, Lucifer?”

  As if he had heard my internal quandary, Lucifer tightened his grip on the back of my head. His touch had changed from that of a delicate lover into something dark and harsh.

  “You may have fooled my second, Nova, but I will find out why you are determined to infiltrate my home.” He flicked one of my wings, and I flinched.

  “Did you ever truly see me, Luc?” I whispered. “Was I just a replacement for your Lord?”

  I Laced away without waiting for permission to leave. Something I had never done before in his presence. The question that pulsed against the edges of my mind like a migraine was too loud to ignore. Had his kiss lacked any feeling because of me, or because he thought that I was someone else?

  And why had Uriah’s kisses plagued my mind?

  The lips of my enemy had tasted better than the object of a millennia-long idolisation.

  I disliked the stables because Lucifer had killed my first friend there. The hay on the ground had been replaced over and over, but nothing could erase the blood stain that Kaleb had left behind on the concrete floor of the second stall.

  No Hellhorse would willingly venture into the area where the man that took my first kiss had been blown to smithereens. His blood had run down his face through his tear ducts as Kaleb’s eyes had rolled back inside of his skull.

  He had been a First Circle demon, although his inception was less eventful than my own. Kaleb had been created by Abaddon to be my friend. I held out my hand and surveyed the carefully placed lifelines on my palm. Lucifer had designed them. Just as he had designed the rest of the platinum-haired body that I wore. I was the feminine version of his own form.

  The First Circle was the home of Pride and Vanity, after all.

  I was a walking mirror.

  I clenched my fist and felt my skin ripple like silk in the wind as I pulled the familiar skin over myself. My hair darkened to a honey colour, my eyes shifted to match and changed shape at the edges. Almond instead of round like a baby deer.

  I had been poisoned by emotion. I had not wept when Kaleb had been killed in front of my eyes by Lucifer’s magic. I had mourned for only a day for my friend and companion. The man that I spared with during weapons training under Abe’s watchful eye.

  Lucifer had not said a word to me as he pulled Kaleb’s own magic from his body and blew it away like sand. Even in the beginning, Luc had not wanted me but he did not want another to have me either.

  The Lord of the Summerland had not just given me wings; she had opened my eyes to things that I did not want to see. I clenched my fists and pressed them into my eye sockets. No matter how hard I rubbed my eyes, I could not wish away the image of Kaleb’s death from my mind. The writhing of Lucifer and the Lord of the Summerland as they fucked and loved one another. The flash of Luc’s face as he gripped my throat and slammed my head into my mirror. The Leviathan’s smug face when he had succeeded in rattling me.

  I had never been the one to initiate it before, but I needed to call a meeting with the remaining Original Seven. Something needed to be done about Envy’s grasp for power. The King of the Leviathan, leader of the swarm and general pain in my arse was a problem I could address. In the grand scheme of things, Levi seemed easier to deal with than my own warped love life.

  Chapter 10

  I had never been inside of the East Bell Tower, but the bulbous brass gong echoed with Lucifer’s magic in a way that made me feel at home. I placed my palms on the cold surface of the bell and allowed the threads of my magic to wrap around it. It chimed heavily; the sound waves were visible as they rippled through the air and out to the Original Seven.

  Traditionally, a meeting would be called by Lucifer and surrounded by pomp and circumstance. He would send out parchment invitations with Hellhound messengers. Each invitation was unique to their recipient — sealed with silver, blood and wax.

  I mentally tallied the attendants, Amore for Lust, Gor for Sloth, Beelzebub for Gluttony and Mammon for Greed. The tolling of the bell without all the fanfare around it would inform them of the urgency of my call.

  Abaddon waited outside of the battered wooden door, pacing as if he was nervous. I brushed both of my hands as I walked out to meet him. I looked around for an attendant, as I wanted a handkerchief. There were no hounds, not even the flicker of their orange energy in the corners of my vision as they slunk about like little worker bees.

  “Where are all of the Hounds?” I asked.

  Abaddon’s eyes flicked to the ceiling, and he sighed. “The Leviathan has been picking them off one by one.”

  “Why not make more?” I cocked my head to the side and place my finger on my bottom lip, confused.

  Abaddon held his hand out for me, and I walked in front of him as we descended the stairs. “All hounds can only be created with permission from Lucifer. He has not been in a fit enough state to grant such permission.”

  “You could always go to the Sin Weavers and request a soul to turn into a Hound?”

  Abaddon shivered. “And watch Lucifer pull him apart like Kaleb? No thank you.”

  I looked at my feet, and my words dried up on my tongue. I excused myself quietly and Laced to my chambers. The mirrors on every surface greeted me; my honey coloured eyes were a soothing balm compared to the facets of my appearance that had reminded me of Lucifer.

  Every piece of furniture was broken. The warped iron of the four poster bed stuck up in all directions like a dismembered hand groping for prey. My closet had been ripped apart from head to toe, the burnt edges of the gowns that I had worn still scented the air. I skimmed my hand over each item of clothing until I found a long white dress, with a fitted bodice and a pattern that resembled frost against a window pane. Why had Lucifer destroyed all but one gown? I had no idea.

  Instead, I shrugged out of the oversized shirt I had borrowed from Uriah what felt like a lifetime ago. I pulled on the dress and brushed my hair out. I inhaled deeply to ground myself as I felt the flares of energy that came with the arrival of the other Rulers of Hell.

  Lucifer sat at the head of the table, drinking from a goblet of Vinum as if he had not a care in the world. The other leaders sat in their various chairs, each of their expressions varied but the underlying theme that I detected was apprehension. I could almost hear their thoughts as I strode into the room and commanded their attention with my ostentatious wings, they wanted to know if Lucifer was back in business. They studied him with silent glances.

  It wasn’t until I got close enough to pull out my favourite chair by his side that I noticed Lucifer’s jovial smirk may have been plastered on his face. His eyes shone a warning that was for my benefit alone.

  I reached across to the jug of Hell wine and poured myself a glass. I would probably turn to dust if I waited for someone else to offer.

  Asmodeus leant back in her chair, with one long leg placed on the table and the other dangling in the air. Her raven hair writhed with the constant mass of lost souls that clung to her in all manner of forms. Butterflies, blackbirds and other winged beasts.

  Her red lips were a slash inside of her cloud of moving creatures. She smiled in greeting and raised her glass.

  Beelzebub had his arms over his chest, breathing deeply as if he was staving off panic. I noticed the lack of food on the table in front of him, and I wondered if he had gone more than a minute without stuffing his face before. His attention had shifted to Amore as she sipped from her goblet. I guessed that gluttony could be indulged in other ways when there was no food around.

  Gor was still in his wheelchair, his head slumped forward. I would have thought that he was sleeping except that
his eyes were open.

  The Leviathan has wisely chosen not to attend.

  Late as always, Mammon, the King of Greed Laced into the edge of the room. His delicate lashes cast shadows over his feminine face as he walked to the nearest chair and sat down.

  Lucifer cleared his throat, and every single person at the table shifted in unison to look at him. He held up his hands and gave a sheepish smile. “Apologies. I didn’t call this meeting. I’ll allow Dahlia to begin.” He said my name like a jab.

  I puffed out the ivory skirt of my gown. “Something needs to be done about the King of Envy,” I spoke with confidence even though I had never actually spoken at one of the meetings of the leaders of Hell before.

  No one said a word, but the men shifted in their seats uncomfortably. Amore tsked and shook her head.

  “So galiant,” She cooed, leaning forward to place her goblet back on the table. The glass had a smudge of lipstick on the edge which she rubbed between her fingers and inspected.

  “He wants the First Circle. He has already taken the Second.” I said. “It is not just the idea of territory that fuels him, or he would have taken the surrounding circles. Instead, he has taken Ba'el, and he plans to take Lucifer. If Levi manages to take control over the first and second circle, he will rule.”

  Mammon shrugged. “I have no idea what his motivations are. The Leviathan has not encroached on my territory, so I have no qualms with him.”

  “I’m busy in London,” Asmodeus's lips turned down in sympathy. “I can outlaw any of his swarm that venture into the human realities, but I cannot do much else.”

  “What does he want?” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “The Leviathan must understand that the subjects of the First Circle will not sit by and let him take the throne and the magic that comes with it.”

  Lucifer snorted a laugh over the rim of his glass. “As if you care.” He muttered to himself so quietly that I almost missed it.

  I stood up quickly, and my chair fell back to the floor with a loud crash. “I suggest you think again, if you plan to undermine your Queen in front of the Regency,” I said in a low voice. “I won’t tolerate your disrespect.”

  “Yes, My Lord.” Lucifer battered his eyelashes in response.

  “What does he mean?” Asmodeus's pink eyes flashed with intrigue. She batted away Beezlebub's hand as he stroked her hair.

  “Up until two hours ago, he wore horns and couldn't string a sentence together.” I spat. “He’s convinced that I am God.”

  Asmodeus’ let out a husky laugh. “Finally got you out of bed, Lucifer?” she asked.

  “An Angel is prancing about my court wearing my beloved Pet's face, for one.” Lucifer narrowed his eyes at me. “Of course I’m here.”

  I stood up and slammed my fists against the mahogany wood of the dining table. Every crystal goblet rattled.

  “I have had enough.” I did not shout. I did not need to.

  Abaddon was by my side in a second, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. He coerced my body back into my chair and addressed the room.

  “Beelzebub, and Gor, you need to close your borders against the Fourth Circle,” Abe commanded. “Mammon, the Leviathan is up to something. I want to know what.”

  “Why would I know?” Mammon’s voice was as delicate as tissue paper.

  “We all know about your spies.” Lucifer chuckled. “You have as many as The Leviathan.”

  Mammon blushed and looked down to his fists, which were clenched nervously on his lap.

  “Not as many spies as I do!” Lucifer continued with a high pitch cackle. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that he was drunk.

  Each of the Leaders of Hell nodded in response to Abaddon's commands as he dismissed them.

  It was only when I felt the presence of the other regents disappear one by one that I allowed myself to put my head in my hands.

  I smelt her perfume as she approached. Abe and Lucifer watched as Asmodeus caressed the side of my face and used her finger to draw my gaze to hers.

  “The Leviathan is protecting the Hound that killed you,” Amore said in a low voice. “She resides in one of his safe houses in London.”

  “How do you know that?” Abe interrupted, but Amore tapped her nose and kept her secret.

  “What Hellhound do you speak of?” Lucifer's voice drew dangerously low.

  I turned to my platinum haired warrior. “Meesha was the one that cut me from belly to nape, Master.” I spat his title. “But carry on with your misplaced notion that I am some god that you feel has wronged you.”

  Lucifer stood calmly, his hand still gripped his empty goblet. He launched it at the wall, without a word, until it shattered into a million tiny pieces.

  He walked forward and wrenched me out of my chair. His silver eyes searched mine for the truth. I felt his presence inside of my mind as he combed every facet of my memories.

  I stood in the hallway, clasping the walls of the corridor. Desperate to get one glimpse of my Master. The one that made me. The most powerful being to have existed. Abaddon walked by his side. His second in command.

  The Hound’s gossiped. They told me that I was made for the Devil. I was to be his Consort. His Mate. His Wife. He made my stomach swim with nerves. I waited, eagerly for the day that he would meet my eyes. I wanted to be like the woman on his arm, the ones that perched on the side of his throne and giggled with abandon as he stroked their tender flesh for all to see.

  Lucifer’s white hair drifted like a halo and he stopped as his hand touched the door handle. He turned to me slowly, as if he had only just noticed my presence. I hid in the darkness, shrinking back as my heart beat a frantic tattoo in my chest. I opened my mouth to greet him.

  Lucifer’s eyes flashed dangerously, but brushed over me as if I was a shadow. He turned to his second in command.

  “Get her out of my sight.”

  Realisation dawned on his face, slowly and with heart-breaking gravity.

  “Dahlia…” He raised his hand to touch my cheek.

  I turned away, shame burned hot behind my eyelids as I inhaled deeply and tried to banish the residue of his cruelty from my mind.

  He released me as if I had burned him and marched away, leaving me to clean up the broken glass on the floor.

  I had taken off the white gown and laid it on the shredded remains of the fur pelt on my bed. The beading was delicate. The pattern of the frost etched in lace against the silk bodice was so intricate that it could have only been done by hand. Why would he destroy all my other gowns, but one?

  “It was to be your wedding dress.”

  I felt his presence behind me. I looked over my shoulder. Lucifer stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. Dressed entirely in black with woven silver edges, his tunic and leather trousers was moulded to his body. My heart fluttered when our eyes met.

  “Don’t skim my thoughts,” I said.

  He continued as if I had not spoken. “That was the dress I wanted you to wear when we were to finally Bond our souls.”

  “You kept it?”

  “I had hoped that the ice prison would save you from death. That was all I had. Hope.” Lucifer's head was tilted to the side as he spoke. Unwilling to maintain eye contact. His throat contracted. I could see that his confession was painful for him to endure.

  “You did not come for me.” I maintained in a low voice as I stared at the gown.


  “You sent away our daughter.”

  “Yes but—”

  “You accused me of being a spy. As if you could not just taste my energy or read my thoughts. You were so blinded by your own selfish grief that you did not even allow me to defend myself.” I bit the inside of my cheek hard enough to draw blood. The metallic tang helped keep the darkness a bay. I wanted to hurt him.

  “Are you done?” Lucifer's voice was too quiet. He stepped into the room, his hips jostled with their signature swagger as if he were part jungle cat.

His emotions burst every mirror in the room without warning.

  I flinched when the sonic boom hit the reflective glass and it shattered into a fine dust, slicing through the air as it skittered across the icy floor. I was beginning to tire of the sound of breaking glass.

  I put my hands against my ears, but they came away bloody. He had shattered my eardrums. Lucifer's mouth was moving, but his voice was replaced by a high-pitched ringing sound.

  I had to settle for reading his lips as he grabbed my shoulders and screamed in my face.

  “You died!” He roared. “You were made from my divinity. Not only did I lose my consort, but I also lost a part of myself. It was ripped. From. My. Mind.”

  I staggered back on my heel. My balance temporarily hindered by my loss of eardrums.

  “I could not venture into the Ice Prison, Dahlia. I wouldn’t have been able to leave.” Lucifer placed his hands on my cheeks and held my face in front of his own until I was forced to look at him and nothing else.

  “Petra was safest in the human realities. She is human.” He pleaded with his eyes; the grip on my shoulders tightened.

  I nodded in response, unable to find my words.

  “Were you going to leave me again?” Lucifer whispered. His lips ghosted over my own; his hand gripped the nape of my neck and held my head in position as his nose traced a pattern across my cheek.

  I drew a shaky breath from my lips. Unable to stop the gallop of my heart as I was torn between the emotions that swirled inside of my body. All of them were pushed to the wayside when his fingers traced the edge of my underwear as he teased my core through the fabric.

  I bit back a whimper. His lips touched mine as he plunged a finger inside of me without warning.

  “You’re always so wet for me, Dahlia.” He groaned in my ear.

  My knees buckled as my core pulsated at the intrusion. Despite my internal conflicts, my body grew warm and desperate for his touch. I bit back a whimper as pleasure began to coil from the apex of my thighs. I reached out and cupped his face; his silver eyes stared into mine as he plunged his fingers inside of my body. My eyes rolled back. I was on the cusp of an orgasm and he had barely touched me. Reaching more deeply inside of my lacy underwear, Lucifer swiped his thumb over my clit and I bit back a whimper.


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