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by Unknown


  • Knight Rider Legacy

  Auto-Roof Left—Opens the left t-top.

  Auto-Roof Right—Opens the right t-top.

  Blood Analyzer—Detects foreign elements in the blood stream and can determine blood pressure.

  Boost 2—Allows K.I.T.T. to gain a blast of horizontal speed. Brite—Turns on the high beam headlights.

  C Mode—Transforms K.I.T.T. into a convertible.

  Cancel—Used to cancel a passenger ejection.

  Chemical Analyzer—Determines the composition and origin of any substance placed in it. CO2—Used to extinguish fires.

  Composite Identification System—Allows K.I.T.T. to create a digital image of anyone on his monitor.

  Comprehensive Configuration Analyzer—Analyzes a vehicle or building and determines any possible weak spots.

  Computer Printout—A printer located beneath the monitors. Eject Left—Ejects the driver out of the car.

  Eject Right—Ejects the passenger out of the car.

  Electrical Generation Mode—Allows K.I.T.T. to electrify any conductive material.

  Electromagnetic Field Generator—Disrupts electrical fields. (Radar, bugs, radio signals, tracking devices)

  Electronic Detection Module—Used to detect certain types of electronic bombs.

  Electronic Ignition Disabler—Disengages the engine on a fleeing car. Emergency Braking System (EBS)—Three fins that open to stop K.I.T.T. after the extreme speed of Super Pursuit Mode.

  Emergency Parachute Deployment (EPD)—A parachute that deploys from K.I.T.T.’s roof.

  Evade—Automatically steers K.I.T.T. in an evasive pattern. Fire—Activates a given weapon, possibly the laser. A Guide to K.I.T.T.’s Functions •


  Geological Analyzer—Allows K.I.T.T. to scan and analyze land formations. Graphic Translator—Recreates an image from a verbal description. Grappling Hook—A line with a metal hook on the end used to reel in various objects.

  Ground-Air Surveillance—Can monitor any air activity from the ground. Heat Sensors—Used to detect heat patterns such as human life. High Tensile Reflectors—Special shields that envelope the side windows and can deflect a laser.

  High Traction Drop Downs (HTDD)—K.I.T.T.’s rear end raises up to allow for an easy climb up steep terrain.

  Homing Device—A device inside of K.I.T.T. that the Foundation uses to track him.

  Homing Signal—The signal emitted from the Homing Device. Hydraulic Lift—Raises K.I.T.T.’s body to prepare for Rapid Cycle. Image—Activates the Infrared Tracking Scope.

  Infrared—see Infrared Tracking Scope.

  Infrared Tracking Scope—An enhanced version of the Tracking Scope that uses infrared to scan. Range: 10 miles.

  Interactive Graphics Plotter (IGP)—Allows K.I.T.T. to break down a reconstructed face to reveal the original face pattern.

  Laser—K.I.T.T. is equipped with a laser power pack which is onboard, but not hooked up.

  LIC—“Lic. Plates” was called this in seasons 3-4.

  Lic. Plates—Flips K.I.T.T.’s license plate from “KNIGHT” to “KNI 667.”

  Load Jettison—Ejects the contents of the trunk.

  Magnetic Analyzer—Detects electrical current.

  Manual Override—Overrides all computer controls and gives them to the driver.

  Medical Analyzer—Analyzes vital signs and diagnoses any problems. Micro Jam—Blocks the electrical system in any mechanical device. 352

  • Knight Rider Legacy

  Microlock—Used to lock braking systems on other vehicles. Micropulse—Sends out a signal to an electrical object in K.I.T.T.’s scanning range and activates it. Microwave Ignition Sensor—Activates any motorized device remotely. Molecular Bonded Shell—A nearly indestructible alloy that encases K.I.T.T.

  Normal Cruise—All navigational controls are available to the driver. Oil—Sprays a thin layer of oil on the road behind the car. Oil Slick—“Oil” was called this in season 3 and 4. Olfactory Detector—Detects and analyzes odors.

  Oxygen Vent—Oxygenates K.I.T.T.’s interior.

  Passive Laser Restraint System—Harmless lasers hold K.I.T.T.’s passengers in place. Phone Tap—Used to eavesdrop on any phone conversation. Police/Radio Frequency—Patches K.I.T.T. into the police criminal frequency. Polyphonic Synthesizer—Used to create and playback melodies. Power—Places K.I.T.T. from standby to full power mode. Printer—See Computer Printout.

  Protect—Automatically raises K.I.T.T.’s windows and activates the Passive Laser Restraint System.

  Pursuit—Activates K.I.T.T.’s boosters to give him a burst of speed. Pyroclastic Lamination—Protects K.I.T.T.’s Molecular Bonded Shell from extreme heat.

  Radar—Locates any activity within a given range.

  Range—Sets the range for the radar.

  Rapid Cycle—Creates a “bouncing effect” to shake debris from K.I.T.T. Used in conjunction with Hydraulic Lift.

  Rapid Thought Analyzer—Finds common denominators or common points in an audio recording.

  Reconnaissance Mode—Monitors surrounding activity for undercover operations.

  A Guide to K.I.T.T.’s Functions •


  Record—Captures only audio.

  Retro-Rockets—Used to give K.I.T.T. a temporary burst of speed. On occasion, it is reversed to bring the car to an instant stop. Reverse Turbo Boost—A “backwards” turbo boost.

  Rocket Boost—see Retro-Rockets.

  Rocket Fire—Either shoots a rocket or a magnesium flare from the rear. Scanner—The series of eight flashing red lights on the front of K.I.T.T. are known as his scanner. The scanner is protected by an alloy grill and can detect the speed of a moving car, see around corners, etc. A direct laser blast to the center of his scanner can totally destroy it and shut down all of the car’s programs.

  Security Alert—Alerts driver to danger ahead.

  Self Diagnostic Analyzer—Detects any internal malfunction and diagnoses the problem. Signal—Transmits information beyond the range of a human. Silent Mode—Makes the engine virtually noiseless.

  Ski Mode—Lifts the car on either the left two wheels or the right two wheels.

  Smoke Release—Smoke Screen emitted from K.I.T.T.’s rear. Spectrograph—Analyzes an object’s mineral, metal, and gas content by analyzing light bouncing off or being emitted by the object. Speech Synthesis Module—Manually activates and deactivates K.I.T.T.’s voice.

  Sub-Zero—Immediately decreases K.I.T.T.’s interior to zero degrees. Super Pursuit Mode (SPM)—Transforms K.I.T.T. into a more aerodynamic car to handle speeds of 300+ miles per hour. Surveillance Lock—Locks a vehicle into the tracking scope. Surveillance Mode—A sensory device that can detect any kind of suspicious movement within a two-hundred foot radius. Suspension Synchronizer—Aligns the suspension.


  • Knight Rider Legacy

  System—A security feature which protects one of K.I.T.T.’s memory boards and activates an anti-theft device which shocks anybody that touches it with a high electrical charge.

  TDS—Thermo Dynamic System. See Thermo Dynamic Generator. Tear Gas—Releases tear gas through K.I.T.T.’s smoke screen emitters. Telephone Monitor—This un-pauses the Telephone Tap. Telephone Tap—see Phone Tap.

  Thermo Dynamic Generator—Heats up the tires on a fleeing car causing them to explode.

  Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer—Allows K.I.T.T. to ride on water. Tinted Windows—Tints K.I.T.T.’s windows.

  Tracking Scope—Detects a certain vehicle and locks in their position for tracking.

  Traction Spikes—Metal spikes extend from the tire to allow easy climbing of steep terrain.

  Traffic Control System—Allows the control of Traffic lights. Trajectory Guide—Prepares K.I.T.T. to be launched via Turbo Boost anywhere within a 90 degree arc. Trunk Lid—Opens the trunk.

  Tuning—Finely tunes K.I.T.T.’s internal systems.

  Turbo Boost—Boosts K.I.T.T. into the air to leap over
obstacles. Ultra Frequency Modulator—see Ultrasonic Frequency. Ultramagnesium Charges—A magnesium charge released from K.I.T.T.’s rear to detour heat-seeking missiles.

  Ultraphonic Analyzer—Detects heavy metal equipment and body health. Ultrasonic Frequency—Can be used for anything from jamming radio frequencies, to opening electronic doors, to calling off dogs. Voice Analyzer—Analyzes voice patterns to detect lying or a sense of fear. Voice Projection—Projects K.I.T.T.’s or any passenger voice through an external speaker.

  Voice Synthesizer—Allows K.I.T.T. to mimic anyone’s voice. A Guide to K.I.T.T.’s Functions •


  Voltage Induction Coil—Used to increase or decrease electrical current in something. Located under front bumper.

  Winch—Retracts the grappling hook.

  XK100 Thermal Printer—An enhanced version of the Printer. X-Ray—Scans through metal or human remains.

  Zoom-In—Used to zoom in on a picture on the monitor.



  Below is a listing of K.I.T.T.’s capabilities as featured in each episode. Season One


  Auto Collision Avoidance, Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Eject Left, Eject Right, Medical Scan, Microwave Mobile Line, Oil, Pursuit, Ski Mode, Smoke Release, Turbo Boost

  Deadly Maneuvers

  Auto Cruise, Pursuit, Radar, Rocket Booster, Surveillance Mode Good Day at White Rock

  Anharmonic Synthesizer, Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Pursuit, Turbo Boost

  Slammin’ Sammy’s Stunt Show Spectacular

  Auto Cruise, Horizontal Turbo Boost, Oxygen Vent, Pursuit, Radar, Ski Mode, Turbo Boost

  Just My Bill

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Instant Replay, Pursuit, Radar, Rocket Thrusters, Surveillance Mode, Zoom-In, Turbo Boost, Peng (Smoke Release)

  Not a Drop to Drink

  Auto Cruise, Grappling Hook, Pursuit, Retro Rockets, Rocket Fire, Ski Mode, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost



  • Knight Rider Legacy

  No Big Thing

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Right, Eject Right, Pursuit, Radar, Security Alert, Turbo Boost

  Trust Doesn’t Rust

  By K.I.T.T.: Auto Cruise, Manual Override, Police/Radio Frequency, Resonating Laser, Turbo Boost

  By K.A.R.R.: Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Right, Eject Right, Ski Mode, Tinted Windows, Turbo Boost

  Inside Out

  Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Eject Right, Micro Jam, Turbo Boost

  The Final Verdict

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Composite Identification Mode, Eject Left, Micro Jam, Phone Tap, Radar, Surveillance Mode, Tinted Windows, Turbo Boost

  A Plush Ride

  Auto Cruise, Oxygen Vent, Pursuit Mode, Rotated Turbo Booster, Turbo Boost, X-Ray Mode

  Forget Me Not

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Grappling Hook, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Winch

  Hearts of Stone

  Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Left, Ground-to-Air Surveillance, Horizontal Turbo Boost, Micro Jam, Pursuit, Retro Rockets, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Tear Gas

  Give Me Liberty…or Give Me Death

  Auto Cruise, Chemical Detectors, Grappling Hook, Infrared Tracking Scope, Pursuit, Radar, Tinted Windows, Turbo Boost, Winch K.I.T.T.’s Functions By Episode •


  The Topaz Connection

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Printer, Pursuit, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost

  A Nice Indecent Little Town

  Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Horizontal Turbo Boost, Printer, Pursuit, Radar, Ski Mode, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Video Playback, Voice Projection

  Chariot of Gold

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Blood Analyzer, Chemical Analyzer/Dating System, Computer Override, Eject Left, Micro Jam, Printer, Ski Mode, Turbo Boost

  White Bird

  Auto Cruise, Medical Scan, Phone Tap, Pursuit, Turbo Boost Knight Moves

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, CB Monitor, LongRange Tracking Scope, Pursuit, Radar, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost Nobody Does It Better

  Auto Cruise, Infrared Tracking Scope, Pursuit, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Tinted Windows, Voice Projection, X-Ray Mode

  Short Notice

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Right, Eject Right, Pursuit, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost

  Season Two


  Audio Playback, Auto Cruise, Comprehensive Configuration Analyzer, Infrared, Laser, Map Search, Microlock, Micro Jam, Odds Calculator, Pursuit, Tinted Windows, Ultra Frequency Modulator, X-Ray 360

  • Knight Rider Legacy

  Brother’s Keeper

  Auto Cruise, Electronic Detection Module, License Plates, Map Search, Police/Radio Frequency, Pursuit, Radar, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Voice Analyzer

  Merchants of Death

  Audio Playback, Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Right, Map Search, Micro Jam, Picture Sharpen, Point-of-Impact Analysis, Pursuit, Radar, Rocket Fire, Ski Mode, Smoke Release, Surveillance Mode, Telephone Trace, Turbo Boost, Ultra Magnesium Charges, Voice Analyzer, X-Ray

  Blind Spot

  Audio/Video Record, Auto Cruise, Pursuit, Radar, Trajectory Guide, Turbo Boost

  Return to Cadiz

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Chemical Analyzer, Eject Left, Electronic Pilot Override, Linguistic Analyzer, Map Search, Medical Scan, Printer, Pursuit, Radar, Surveillance Mode, Third Stage Aquatic Synthesizer, Trunk Lid, Turbo Boost

  K.I.T.T. the Cat

  Auto Cruise, Chemical Detectors, Heat Sensors, Medical Scan, Pursuit, Radar, Turbo Boost

  Custom K.I.T.T.

  Auto Cruise, Chemical Analyzer, Pursuit, Radar, Turbo Boost, Voice Projection

  Soul Survivor

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Right, Composite Identification, Eject Right, Laser, Map Search, Pursuit, Telephone Trace, Turbo Boost

  Ring of Fire

  Audio Playback, Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Energy System Override, Grappling Hook, Integrated Micronetic Navigational Circuit, Printer, K.I.T.T.’s Functions By Episode •


  Pursuit, Pyroclastic Lamination, Self-Diagnostic Analyzer, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Voice Analyzer


  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Chemical Analyzer, Comprehensive Configuration Analysis, Computer Graphics, Hydraulic Seat, Infrared, Micro Jam, Police/Radio Frequency, Pursuit, Radar, Tinted Windows, Turbo Boost

  Silent Knight

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Chemical Analyzer, Map Search, Medical Scan, Police/Radio Frequency, Pursuit, Smoke Release, Turbo Boost

  A Knight in Shining Armor

  Audio Record, Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Chemical Analyzer, Eject Left, Map Search, Micro Jam, Pursuit, Reverse Turbo Boost, Speed Reading Program, Surveillance Mode, Telephone Call-Intercept, Tinted Windows, Trunk Lid, Turbo Boost

  Diamonds Aren’t a Girl’s Best Friend

  Audio Record, Auto Cruise, Infrared, Map Search, Micro Jam, Oil, Pursuit, Radar, Telephone Call-Intercept, Telephone Trace, Turbo Boost White-Line Warriors

  Audio Record, Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Grappling Hook, Infrared, Micro Jam, Radar, Silent Mode, Trunk Lid, Turbo Boost

  Race for Life

  Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Right, Map Search, Polyphonic Synthesizer, Printer, Pursuit, Radar, Turbo Boost

  Speed Demons

  High Traction Drop Downs, Pursuit, Radar, Ski Mode, Sonar, Turbo Boost, Video Playback


  • Knight Rider Legacy

  Goliath Returns

  Audio Editing Mode, Audio Playback, Audio Record, Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Chemical Detectors, Comprehensive Configuration Analysis, Emergency Parachute Deployment, Grappling Hook, Magnetic Analyzer, Medical Scan, Micro Jam, Pursuit, Radar, Sonar, Surveillance Mode, Telephone T
ap, Telephone Trace, Turbo Boost

  A Good Knight’s Work

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Chemical Analyzer, Computer Tap, Eject Left, Eject Right, Hydraulic Seat, Micro Jam, Printer, Pursuit, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost

  Mouth of the Snake

  Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Right, Chemical Analyzer, Micro Jam, Pursuit, Radar, Turbo Boost, X-Ray

  Let It Be Me

  Audio/Video Playback, Audio/Video Record, Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Comprehensive Configuration Analysis, Micro Jam, Pursuit, Radar, Turbo Boost

  Big Iron

  Auto Cruise, Chemical Detectors, Energy System Override, Oil, Pursuit, Self Diagnostic Analyzer, Sonar, Telephone Trace, Trajectory Guide, Turbo Boost, Ultraphonic Analyzer

  Season Three

  Knight of the Drones

  ATX Surveillance Equipment, Auto Cruise, Auto Phone, Auto-Roof Left, Eject Left, Electrical Generating Mode, Grappling Hook, Image, Infrared Tracking Scope, Interactive Graphics Plotter, Linear Predictive Graphics Routine, Passive Laser Restraint System, Police/Radio Frequency, Polyphonic Synthesizer, Pursuit, Radar, Self-Analyzing Probe, Self- K.I.T.T.’s Functions By Episode • 363

  Diagnostic Routine, Ski Mode, Surveillance Mode, Thermo Dynamic System, Traffic Control System, Turbo Boost, Voice Projection, Voltage Induction Coil, Winch

  The Ice Bandits

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Left, Auto-Roof Right, Grappling Hook, Hemometer (Heat Sensors), Interactive Graphics Plotter, Linear Predictive Graphics Routine, Medical Scan, Pursuit, Turbo Boost Knights of the Fast Lane

  Auto Cruise, Auto-Roof Right, Chemical Analyzer, Chemical Detectors, Eject Right, Homing Device, Load Jettison, Map Readout, Micro Jam, Power, Pursuit, Signal, Turbo Boost

  Halloween Knight

  Audio Playback, Auto Cruise, Chemical Analyzer, Grappling Hook, Infrared Tracking Scope, Medical Scan, Pursuit, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost

  K.I.T.T. vs. K.A.R.R.

  By K.I.T.T.: Audio/Video Record, Auto Cruise, Chemical Detectors, Chemical Scan, High-Tensile Reflectors, Pursuit, Remote Monitors, SelfAnalyzing Probe, Signal, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Voice Projection

  By K.A.R.R.: Anharmonic Synthesizer, Audio Playback, Auto Cruise, Interior Temperature Control, Laser, Manual Override, Medical Scan, Micro Jam, Power, Sonar, Surveillance Mode, Turbo Boost, Tinted Windows, Voice Projection

  The Rotten Apples


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