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One Night in Vegas

Page 21

by Mari Carr, Red Phoenix, Angel Payne, Sierra Cartwright, Jenna Jacob, Victoria Blue

  Sam growled long and low. Used his other hand to pull down his zipper. Jen wasn’t surprised—and a hell of a lot of grateful—that he was commando beneath. His cock surged from the gap, bobbing in front of her, tip gleaming with the evidence of his need. As he slid the zipper lower, she greedily inhaled his distinct scent. Cedar, spices, sex…all man. Damn. He was so broad and powerful and virile—and right now, he was so hers. She prayed he’d let her prove it in the most primal way possible.

  He pushed on her head, aligning her face with his erection.


  “Open your mouth, Jenny.”

  Ohhhh, yes.

  “Wider. Let me see your tongue.”

  Please. Please.

  “So perfect.” Exactly like her fantasy, he fitted his shaft into her mouth. “So warm. Fuck. So soft.”

  She moaned, closing over him, drinking the tangy drops that hovered in his slit. His veins beat against her tongue. His flesh pulsed hot against her lips. His hips clenched as he struggled to ease into her slowly, but she hoped her impatient mewls would urge him otherwise. She didn’t want careful and tender. She wanted—needed—to feel all the force of his passion, every drop of animal lust in his blood.

  Thank God he was a damn smart man.

  He thrusted a little harder. A little more. The grip on her head grew tighter, more demanding, as he positioned her for each stab of his cock. Jen opened up the back of her throat, letting him invade even there, accepting every inch of lust he desired to give her. Still she wanted more. Told him so by moving her hands beneath his clothes, cupping them around his firm, perfect ass. With every lunge he gave her with his dick, his glutes tightened beneath her touch. The sensation made her groan, mesmerized with every inch of his powerful body.

  “Damn.” It escaped him on a rugged grunt. “Damn, damn, damn, Jenny.” When she responded with a lusty little sigh, he continued, “My sweet a leanbh. You love me fuckin’ you like this, don’t you? Takin’ your mouth like this, with every inch of my cock?”

  “Mmmmm hmmmm.” She’d read enough to know that the trashy little hum would stimulate him in fun new ways, especially if she hollowed her cheeks at the same time. She never anticipated what it would do for her own arousal, though—that hearing the evidence of her acquiescence would make her feel so much sexier.


  Wow. Yes.

  Maybe “sexy” really wasn’t just Mattie’s curves and blonde hair, or Tess’s svelte grace and sass. That maybe “sexy” had been inside her all along, and it just took Sam’s eyes to make her see it—but best of all, to believe it.

  Nothing contributed more to the cause than the combination of growl and hiss he let out—just before increasing his pace and deepening his lunges. “Yes. That’s it. Take me deep. Take me down into your throat.” But as she closed her eyes, focusing on doing just that, Sam tilted her head back, compelling her stare back open. “Stay with me, girl. You’ll watch every shred of desire I have for you. Every dirty, wicked thought I have about you. Look at it all, Jenny. Look at every way I adore you…need you.”

  Need you.

  The words drilled through her body, pulsing into her sex…and all of her soul. Because that wasn’t an idiotic idea, right? Hotwiring one’s pussy to their heart? After all, it worked so well for the millions of other women who’d tried it before her…

  But there was the not-so-small matter of keeping her gaze locked to his. Of watching every raw, wild expression on his face. The tear of each moan past his lips. The charcoal lust in his eyes, darkening as she made him swell and grow, thicken and harden. It all proved his words as truth, not just rote Highlander seduction.

  And there’s some land down the way you might be interested in too, lady. Word says if you stand on it, click your heels three times and whisper “There’s no place like home”, an oasis will appear with cabana boys, dancing munchkins, and calorie-free margaritas.

  And Sam Mackenna was really her soul mate.

  That kind of fairy tale only happened in—well—fairy tales. And since she didn’t have to worry about the helicopter turning back into a pumpkin, she needed to enjoy every moment of this. Only this. Let every drop of its magic burst through her. Let every thrill of its arousal carry her. And yeah, let Sam see every ounce of it, too. The pleasure he brought her. The warmth he wrapped around her. The new vistas he’d opened for her, especially about herself. With him, she wasn’t geeky or gawky or clumsy. She was smart, sexy, and beautiful.

  She just couldn’t get too attached to the feeling.

  She reaffirmed the vow as he pulled from her, breathing shakily, dragging both hands through his hair. Didn’t help much with containing her vamp grin as he shook his head and cleared his throat.

  “Stay,” he finally directed, pointing at her. “I’ll be right back. Surely there’s one box of condoms in this place.”

  The moment he said it, Jen giggled. Sometimes, genius struck her at the strangest times. “Stay.” She trumped his bossy finger with a wagging one of her own. Reached for her makeup tote. Between her concealer and her lip gloss, exactly where it’d dropped earlier, was the packet emblazoned with the Nyte’s logo. “Courtesy of the wedding salon ladies room.” She offered it up in triumph.

  One of his brows jumped. “And I had you marked as the lotion pilferin’ type.”

  “It wasn’t pilfered.” She pouted. “It fell.”

  “I don’t care if you held up the attendant and shot out the security cams.” His voice was as roughly faceted as his jaw, which clenched in all the best ways as he tore the foil open with his teeth. Before he pulled out the latex, he nodded toward the center of the bed. “Now get naked for me, beauty. I want to see all of you—right there.”

  She rewetted her lips. An instant Yes, Sir was ready to spill but her newborn confidence took over, guiding her hands to pull off her tee with sensual little tugs. She kept up the flirtation after removing her sports bra, trailing both hands over her erect nipples, pulling until they became firm berries of arousal. Only after Sam let out a low rumble did she finally say, in a teasing murmur, “But…I’m covered in a bunch of old sweat.”

  She was rewarded with the gulp that corded Sam’s neck…and the darker danger in his eyes. “And soon you’ll be drenched in new sweat. Now get those pants off. I need to see every fuckin’ inch of you.”

  His tone brooked no more dawdling. Wisely, Jen didn’t. As she shucked her workout pants then scrambled to the center of the bed, the sound of latex whisking from foil gave their starlight and shadows illicit new interpretations. The flesh between her thighs reacted at once, dripping with readiness before she even lay back against the pillows.

  “What the bloody—”

  Sam’s outburst whipped her stare back to him. Immediately, she spied the cause—and pressed her lips to keep from giggling. “Oh. Ummm. Yeah. Did I tell you why the packet fell into my tote?”

  “Because you were tryin’ to figure this out?” He gestured at his erection with a sharp sweep. The condom was stretched tightly over his broad length, from the juncture of his heavy balls to the proud crown at the top—though now that peak was…


  The rim between his head and frenulum was accented with a ring of bright blue latex, serving as the base for a row of small rubber spikes. The resulting look was a little exotic mixed with a lot of erotic—but blurting that definitely didn’t feel like a great idea.

  “Well. At least it’s a great color.” She raised a helpful smile. Or so she hoped.

  Unbelievably, his mouth twitched. One dimple appeared, then the other. “That so, sassy mouse?”

  As he stepped to the bed then prowled across it, instinct backed Jen against the pillows. This must be what it was like to walk into a cage with a chained tiger. Yeah, the chain was there. Yeah, it was locked tight. But wild creatures had their ways of slipping chains…and devouring their prey.

  “N-not sass.” She barely held back a gasp as he closed long fingers around her ankle. �

  “Just what?” He swung in, clasping her other ankle.

  An outcry wasn’t so easy to quell as his fingers glided up her calves. “Ad-admiring…the s-s-s-scenery.” Oh God, how his touch turned her to fire. How his presence, feral and graceful, flowed over her like a caress…awakened her every nerve ending…ignited her every pore.

  He skated his fingers behind her knees. “Well, the scenery likes bein’ admired.” His head dipped, golden and gorgeous, as he nipped the insides of her thighs. “The scenery likes it…very much.”

  “Mmmmm.” Her intention was a seductive hum but it sounded more like a strangled choke. “Uh—okay. If—if that’s the way the scenery likes it.”

  Two more kisses, higher on her thighs, made her shiver. Screw the fact that the man could rain fire on an enemy from ten thousand feet. His mouth was capable of equal incineration from two inches of altitude. She twisted. Shivered. Bucked toward him, gasping anew as her sex surged and plumped, ached and hardened, stretching in dire need for his magical lips…

  Which he abruptly pulled away, adding a snarl of satisfaction in the doing.

  “Oh!” Jen cried. “Bastard!”

  Before she could add to that litany, his touch rose higher. No more of his sweet and teasing shit about it, either. With a pair of brutal grips on her thighs, he yanked her down from the pillows…and aligned her body beneath his.

  “Bastard?” He flashed a smirk, alluring and antagonizing at once. “Good bastard or bad bastard?”

  “I—I don’t know. Ohhhh, shit!” She struggled to even get all that out, fighting the quaking in her limbs as he rolled his hips—scraping her pussy with those nasty blue spikes. Those perfect, incredible little teasers… “Y-you’re driving me crazy. I—I can’t think—”

  “Then don’t.” A fresh underscore of command stamped the words. “Stop thinking, Jenny, and just feel it. Feel it all.”

  “Not an option.” And it wasn’t. Not anymore. She knew that now. Giving in to his passion, his lust, and his hot Highlander body was one thing. But extending those sensations, letting them become anything more, was off the table—and should’ve been from the moment he’d cornered her in the elevator back at The Nyte. But so was sharing any or all of those gory details with him—even as he taunted her even more, circling that ring of rubber fingers against her sizzling flesh, zapping every nerve in her pussy full of new awareness, making her own hips lurch and shiver. Sam didn’t make her battle easy. With every new surrender she gave, his snarls grew deeper, his muscles coiled tauter, his sex swelled bigger.

  When he rose up a little, his gaze descending over her body, everything clenched even more. Then again, as he curled the sexiest half-grin God had ever given a man. Or perhaps all tigers looked that innocent before ripping their food apart.

  No. That wasn’t right, either.

  Sam Mackenna had already ripped her apart. She just didn’t—couldn’t let herself—feel the pain yet. And right now, that had to be okay.

  “I don’t think your body cares about options right now, Jenny.”

  She was actually grateful for his sarcasm. Told him so with a rueful wince. “I think you might be right about that, bastard.”

  His smile widened. The expression was more breathtaking than all the stars over his head. “The bastard says to spread your legs for him.”

  She wanted to resist. Opening wider meant exposing her most sensitive flesh to all the wickedness he’d wield with that specialty condom. But denying him anything was like cutting out her own heart.

  With a shaky frown, she parted her thighs for him.

  With a consuming shudder, she accepted his first hot slide. Another. Another. Every swipe of those blue spikes against her clit was like a dagger on her control. The incisions tore deeper. She bled with lust and need. Reached, aching and agonized, for the sweetness of the death that was to come. Screamed, desperate and longing, for its perfect freedom. Thank God a bunch of cactus and a few coyotes were the only things around for miles. And Sam? He growled greedy approval at every new shriek or gasp, transforming into another creature through them. His body was magnificent, becoming every inch her lethal tiger, muscles feline and fierce, coiling and twisting, forcing him to hold back until the time was right.

  Soon. Oh God oh God, please let it be soon.

  “Sam.” The word was dry. She’d nearly forgotten how to breathe, let alone speak. “I can’t—I don’t know if I can hold it—”

  “Then don’t.” His face locked into a thousand angles of his own tension. As he kept rocking his cock against her clit, he raised a hand to her forehead, squeezing fingers into her hairline. “Now, Jenny.” The words seethed from between his teeth. “Let me watch it. Now.”

  Death rushed at her in a blaze of heat and a rush of ecstasy, crashing her blood, stopping her heart, releasing her body. She was eviscerated. A thousand pieces of ripped, raw glory, splayed beneath the desert stars, never wanting to be whole again. But that was exactly what Sam did, the very next moment. Refused her into one piece as he shunted home inside her, his massive body quaking with erotic urgency.

  “God,” he groaned. “Fuck.” He plunged into her with merciless force, his shaft retreating then reentering with long, hard strokes. She had no option but to hang on, accepting his brutal passion. As her legs locked around his back, her head arched against the mattress, wanting nothing more. Needing only Sam. More of his lust. More of his domination. More of the brutal invasion that might mark her for life. God, she hoped so.

  He curled his face into the curve of her neck. Suckled her there for a moment. Jen latched him there, one hand against his scalp, tangling fingers in his thick, sweaty waves. He did the same to her, wrapping her hair around his fist. Desperately, they clung to each other. Passionately, he kept fucking into her. Then suddenly, twice as hard. Jen cried out from the new, consuming force of it.

  “Am I hurting you, mo luaidh?”

  “Y-yes.” She refused to lie to him.

  “Good.” He sank his teeth deeper into her flesh. Filled her sex with more of his passionate possession. “I want you to feel me inside you for weeks. I want to walk into your office, bid you a good mornin’, and know that the sound of my voice makes your cunt wet from rememberin’ me. I don’t even want you to sit without feelin’ the pain I’ve given you…the marks I’ve put on you…inside and out.”

  Nasty words…breathed into her with the solemnity of a vow. The former fired into every inch of her body. The latter sang to every hollow of her heart. The collision destroyed so much of her will, making it impossible to hold back her whispered confession in return.

  “I’ll never forget you, Sam Mackenna. Ever.”

  He pulled his head up a little—just enough for her to see the effect of her words across his face. She wasn’t sure whether to feel good or bad about it. He looked like he’d just been drawn and quartered, but hadn’t been able to process the torture yet.

  “I’ll never forget you, Jenny Thorne.”

  As the promise left his lips, the come exploded from his body. He didn’t look away for a second, baring the apex of his passion to her. His brow crumpled. His cheekbones jutted, stark against his skin. His teeth gritted until a guttural groan spilled out.

  He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  He was the ultimate dynamite to her defenses.

  At first, she thought she could contain the damage to a couple of sobs—but after those tumbled out, the truth was clear. The torrent was just starting. The tears rushed out, violent and consuming, destroying everything in their path, including any self-dignity she had left.

  She shouldn’t have gotten into the helicopter with him. For that matter, she shouldn’t have even let him get into the elevator with her, that handful of hours ago…now feeling like years.

  God. All the stupid love songs were right. Maybe, with the right person, you really could live a lifetime in one night. And yeah, just maybe…Sam was her right person. Maybe fate really
had dealt them the wild card; that this one time in a million, the hunk and the geek were perfect for each other.

  But they’d only ever own it for this one night.

  How could she afford to think otherwise? In two weeks’ time, he’d be five thousand miles away. But Elgin, Scotland isn’t exactly the surface of Mars, Jen.

  Right. So she’d just—what? Decide to pop in casually in a few months, telling him she was “in the neighborhood” on holiday? The idea alone made her squirm, wondering if Sam already smelled the desperation on her. Behavior like that only worked for women in rom-coms and nighttime soaps. The last time she checked, her name wasn’t Bridget Jones or Cookie Lyon. Sam would give her his politest smile while taking her out for a Dundee pie and a pint—then put her on the next transport back home. The whole time, he’d hide glances that questioned if she really was from Mars.

  They’d found each other in the wrong place. At the wrong time.

  The truth of it torpedoed harder. Sobs erupted from deeper in her chest. She fought them hard; so damn hard. There were bigger things to grieve about. Much bigger things. But right now, nothing felt huger. Nothing felt better than giving in to the selfish pain, of caving to the knowledge that once the sun rose, her romance with Sam would be over—and there wasn’t a damn thing to be done about it.

  “Sam.” She wrapped herself around him, hanging on as if her life depended on it. At the moment, it quite possibly did. “Sam.”

  He rolled to his side, keeping their bodies entwined in every sense. His cock still filled her, warm and strong. His arms encircled her, protective and sure. His voice flowed over her as he brushed his mouth across her face, capturing her tears. “It’s all right. It’s all right, my sweet mouse.”


  I love you.

  The words hovered, thick and demanding, in the very essence of her breath. Just say it!

  She couldn’t. The words bore all of her heart, and she needed some of it inside to keep living after he’d gone. Somehow…

  He understood. The new shadows in Sam’s eyes, velvet as winter twilight, told her so. But he didn’t stop there. He leaned in, gently sucking that air from her, as if drawing her truth into his being. As he exhaled, his face warmed with a look of wonder and joy. He’d heard the words, anyway—in the place they mattered most. She knew it with certainty as solid as her heartbeat, as irrevocable as her breath.


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