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Bad Situation (The Montgomery Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Brynne Asher

  I sigh and hold her bare body to mine. “Any chance you can get your new security detail to stick with you all day?”

  Her body wakes up and it’s like I didn’t just give her an orgasm. She pushes away and sits up straight. “Why?”

  “You were tired last night and I didn’t want to get into it. The feeds to the security cameras were tampered with around four yesterday morning. They were stopped. My guess, remotely. The time stamp on the camera skips almost five minutes. That’s when someone got into your office.”

  Her face falls. “Holy shit.”

  “A guy named Nicholas Sanders from IT keyed his way into the building at that time. I’ve got his profile pulled up on my computer. You need to have security call him in and question why he was there at that time.”

  She nods. “I’ll have them take care of it first thing.”

  “You might think you’re safe at work, but you shouldn’t take any chances. Keep your detail with you all day. And I don’t mean the older guy who drives you around—I’m talking the ex-Secret Service agent. He can sit outside your office, but I don’t want you moving around your building without him, even with everyone walking through the metal detectors. Someone’s nervous and that’s making them desperate.”

  She closes her eyes and leans into me. “This is exhausting.”

  “I wish I could be there with you myself, but I need to tread carefully with the internal case open on me. With the focus on Newman, I’m counting on mine going away sooner than later.”

  She pushes the wet hair out of her face. “I’m sorry.”

  I lift a shoulder. “It’s not a big deal. It’ll go away eventually—just takes time. The government works at a snail’s pace. Meanwhile, I’m going to put my own cameras up in your building. I want to do that tonight.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and tips her head. “I’ll arrange for my detail to stay with me. You’ll have to wait for things to clear out tonight then you can do what you need to do.”

  I put her on her feet and move her under the hot water. “Let’s see if we can get through the weekend without any other shit going down.”

  Her eyes light up. “My brother and his wife fly in from their honeymoon tonight to pick up Jordy and Cara. I want you to meet Cam. Maybe tomorrow?”

  “Let’s hope he likes me better than your dad.” Not that I care. I run my hands down her body and cup her pussy. “Now I get to clean you so we can get the day started. When I get done installing cameras tonight, I plan on paying you back for fulfilled promises.”

  Her eyes flare in a way that settles in my gut. Lifting up on her bare toes, she puts her magical lips on mine. “I can’t wait.”



  The leads didn’t pan out the way we’d hoped. Nicholas Sanders, the twenty-five-year old IT specialist, is a ghost—a dummy profile created to obtain a real corporate ID. Eli put up the cameras last night but nothing happened.

  We’re back to square-one.

  “Daddy’s gonna take me for a ride. Come with us.”

  I pull my niece into me and give her a snuggle. “You know, your horse is the gentlest of the tribe. You should try to ride her by yourself. Your daddy won’t let go of the lead—I promise.”

  Cara—Cam’s youngest, but only for another few months since Paige is due soon—is too cautious. It’s her mother’s fault and, since I grew up on top of a horse, it kills me. That mare is so old, she barely picks up to a gallop. But Cara’ll only ride with Cam, not even me or my dad.

  Her blond locks wave back and forth and her little face screws up. “Nooo, I don’t want to.”

  I glance at the clock. Eli and I parted ways first thing this morning. He had to go to the office and I promised Jordy and Cara I’d hang out with them since I haven’t seen them all week. The day has waned and he was supposed to be here before lunch. It’s almost dinner and I haven’t heard a word.

  It’s not like we’ve been together that long. I don’t know what’s normal for him, but I’m pretty sure we left on good terms this morning since he woke me up by sliding my panties down my legs. I barely had time to rub the sleep out of my eyes when he started to fuck me with his tongue and nibble on my clit, working me into such a frenzy, I felt like I needed another night’s sleep after he made me come then fucked me from behind.

  Thirty minutes is considered late in my world. Right now, he’s working on missing-in-action status and I don’t even want to think about how that makes me ache because that would be weak and depressing. I’m so sick of my life spinning out of control and, in the last few weeks, the only constant I’ve had is Eli.

  I want him to meet Cam, whom I’ve always been able to count on and who I don’t see nearly enough now that he lives in Nebraska. I doubt he and Paige will be back before the baby’s born. I don’t give a shit how my dad feels about Eli, but today is important to me.

  “You ready to go for a ride, punkin’?”

  My brother saunters into the room in an old pair of jeans topped with a University of Nebraska sweatshirt. He’s wearing a fresh tan and content blue eyes that shine in a way I can tell there’s joy in his soul. I smile, despite my inner restlessness and the feelings of a scorned, bitter woman rising inside me. I couldn’t be happier seeing him like this. Cara twists in my lap and leaps over the three throw pillows that have been thoroughly jumped on this week since my parents pretty much let them get away with anything while they’re here, and she jumps into her father’s arms.

  “Ready!” she squeals as he tosses her in the air. “Come on, Jen.”

  My cell vibrates on the table next to me—the one I’ve come to refer to as the direct line to my lover. But right now, knowing that message is from him and it’s probably not going to say, “I’m at the front door, baby. Let me in so I can kiss you,” makes me twitchy.

  I reach for the cell and bring it to life.

  Eli: I’m not going to make it.

  I exhale and bite my lip.

  Me: Sort of figured that by now.

  Eli: Had an emergency come up. I just landed in Chicago. Don’t know when I’ll be back.

  Me: What happened?

  Eli: Can’t talk now. I’ve gotta get through O’Hare and catch the L.

  Me: Call me. I want to know what’s wrong.

  Eli: I’m in a hurry. I’ll try and call later.

  I frown. How can I be pissed and anxious at the same time?

  “Jen.” I look up and Cam has Cara on his shoulders. Her chin propped on top of his head and her legs are swinging. “I sent Jordy to the barn with Dad to saddle up. You comin’ or not?”

  “No.” I stand and reach for Cara’s foot and give it a shake. “I’m going to hang out with Paige and let her tell me all about the resort you stayed at in Hawaii. I think I need a vacation.”

  Cam cocks a brow. “You’re a workaholic. If you think you need a vacation, you probably needed one two years ago.”

  My brother takes his family home tomorrow and this is my last chance to see them. I let my emotions land on the side of being pissed but fake it for my niece. “Get your ride in and, when you get back, I’ll beat you at Uno. We’ll make up all kinds of funny rules.”

  Cara grabs her daddy’s cheeks. “Giddyup, Daddy.”

  My brother does not giddyup. He shakes his head and saunters out just the way he came in.

  Me? I don’t answer Eli even though I’m desperate enough to know what’s so important in Chicago or why I’m not important enough for him to tell me. No, I toss the only line I have to my lover on the sofa and head to the bar that my mother hates but my father loves.

  I don’t care what time it is or what my mother will say when she sees me drinking before dinner. I need wine or, who knows, maybe even vodka.

  Because I really needed Eli today but that’s not going to happen. And I have no clue why.

  Chapter 25



  “We’re drinking before dinner?”

  Ellie gli
des into the media room with Griffin on her hip and my eyes widen. She’s all smiles and sunshine and glitter. Pretty much the opposite of me right now, but I haven’t seen this look on Ellie’s face in … well, a long-ass time.

  I’m already into the bottom half of my bottle of merlot while trying to remind myself that I’m a badass and don’t get my feelings hurt, especially by men. Especially by a man who carries a badge and can seem to get me hot and bothered by his mere existence within a two-mile radius. Since he’s in Chicago right now, I’m pretty much the opposite of hot and bothered—he’s left me icy and wilted. Right now, I’m trying to find my badass at the bottom of this bottle of wine.

  I grabbed my very pregnant sister-in-law and told my mother that she needed to rest after the long flight from Maui. Paige started to argue that she slept on the plane and was completely comfortable in the private jet, but the second I laid my eyes on her, she changed her tune.

  Was I proud of myself for threatening a pregnant woman with just the glare of my boring brown eyes? No. But I knew that if we stayed with my mom to help with dinner, I’d get the third degree about Eli—or more specifically, the lack of Eli’s presence and, even more importantly, the reason for it.

  Since I had no answers myself and I didn’t have the energy to create any decent lies, I escaped my mother and took Paige with me.

  “You’re awfully chipper,” I rebuke my little sister. I should be happy for once that she’s not sad, mad, or just plain blasé about life. She sets Griffin down on the floor and he beelines directly for the fringe on the area rug. Ellie grabs my wine bottle off the coffee table and takes a big gulp. “Hey, that’s mine. Go get your own bottle.”

  She frowns at me before looking over at Paige and her expression turns back to chipper to the power of ten. “You look so good! Did you have fun?”

  Paige is lying with her feet up and rubbing her beautiful baby bump. Her lips tip on one side and you can see the private thoughts run through her head. “It was perfect. We did nothing besides lie in the sun and—”

  “Nananalalananala.” Ellie puts her hand up and shakes her head quickly while drinking more of my wine. If she finds my badass at the bottom of that bottle before me, I’ll hogtie her. “We don’t need to know what you did with our brother. We can see he can’t keep his eyes or his hands off you, you have a baby on the way to prove it. But I’m glad you had a great time. Jordy and Cara have been so sweet with Griffin this week. They’re going to make great siblings.”

  Paige smiles and I can tell she already loves our nephew and niece as her own. “As much fun as we had, we missed them. They’re excited about the baby, which is a relief.”

  Ellie smiles at Paige before turning to me with her face set to world-domination and self-satisfaction. She needs no help finding her badass, so I sit up and snatch my bottle back.

  “I have news,” Ellie announces.

  I hitch a brow as I fill my glass. “I don’t have it in me to guess so please put us out of our misery and share.”

  Ellie was the queen of Twenty Questions when we were little. It was exhausting.

  “I just came from the closing.” She grins big and looks similar to me when I get a new pair of shoes. Her eyes get big and she announces, “I bought a building!”

  Paige tips her head. “A building?”

  “Yes,” Ellie confirms and looks to me. “I only sort of took your advice—I bought in midtown. I didn’t feel like driving downtown every day.” She leans into me and her eyes are lit with excitement and passion—a look I haven’t seen on her in almost a decade. “I accessed my trust and I’m opening a studio. I looked at leasing but, hell, the prices are ridiculous. If this doesn’t work out, I’ll lease it out and gouge someone else like they were trying to gouge me.” She shrugs. “Then I’ll be in the real estate business which, either way, will work out. But, Jen. I did it. I’m doing something for me. Something that’s only mine. Robert doesn’t even know yet.”

  I set my glass down and lean in to hug her. “I’m so happy for you. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it.”

  Paige is right behind me and I pick up Griffin before he eats the entire rug. He squeals and gurgles, drooling all over his sweet chubby face.

  Ellie sighs. “I can’t believe it. I have no clue how to run a business and I have no customers and the whole thing needs to be built out.” She sits on the coffee table while Paige and I settle back into our spots on the sofa. “I’ve thought of nothing else since you mentioned it. Then I realized it’s always been in the back of my mind as something I might be good at. The next thing you know, I have a commercial realtor and was making an offer. I paid cash—it was a quick close.” She takes another breath and her badass falls just a bit. “What if I can’t pull this off?”

  “You will,” Paige insists and sits up, nabbing my bottle back and thrusting it into Ellie’s hands. “You can do it if you push yourself. This is going to be great. I can’t wait to see it when it’s done.”

  Paige speaks like she knows it’s the truth. She’s a small business owner herself and, from what I hear, a damn good one. She did it starting with nothing. Sure, I’ve helped grow MI over the last eight years, but I had a base to start with.

  I grab Ellie’s hand and suddenly feel better about sharing my wine. “She’s right. You’ll figure out what you don’t know and focus on what you do—teaching. You’ll shine, just like you always have.”

  Ellie’s eyes jump to mine and she bites her lip. Griff reaches for his mama and her face settles into a small smile again as she sets down the wine and pulls Griff into her. “We can do it. Right, baby?”

  Griff pulls her hair and tries to eat her earring as his show of support.

  “Why are you drinking before Mom’s acceptable hour and why do you look like you just lost the deal of the century?”

  I fall back into the sofa and claim my wine. Eli only went to Chicago. It’s not like he said he wouldn’t be back, but for some reason I feel defeated. Like I lost something that was never officially promised to me in the first place.

  “Her new man was supposed to come today to meet everyone. He never showed and, by the time he texted, he was already a million hours late. Then he announced he was in Chicago, where he’s had to rush off to once before, but he won’t tell Jen boo about why.”

  I look at the pregnant lady and this time I do glare. “Thanks.”

  She shrugs and puts her feet back up. “It took me an hour to get that much out of you. I leave first thing in the morning. I’m utilizing our time wisely.”

  Ellie looks back at me. “Seriously? What’s in Chicago?”

  I take another drink. “No idea. I mean, I do. His family is there. He grew up there. Played a lot of basketball.”

  “That’s all you know about him?” Ellie asks.

  “I’m sorry. It’s not like we haven’t been busy. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of shit has gone down lately.”

  “So you haven’t…” Ellie’s pitch goes high as her eyes widen into saucers. I look over at Paige and she sits up a bit, waiting for the details.

  I close my eyes. “Oh, we have. It seems I should’ve kept my legs together a little longer and grilled him about his life, but every time he looks at me or touches me or strips my clothes off me, I tend to lose my mind and not care about anything.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Paige sits back and looks smug.

  “Yeah.” Ellie throws Paige a sarcastic warning before rolling her eyes. “Good on you. Robert told me the cat is out of the bag. He also said something about your man being in trouble at work for consorting with the bad guy.”

  I kick her with my leopard print bootie. “I’m not the bad guy, Ells.”

  She shifts Griffin in her arms. “You know what I mean.”

  “Go to Chicago.”

  Ellie and I both look at Paige.

  “I’m not going to Chicago.”

  “Why not?” Paige asks. “You want to know what’s going on. He said he had an emergency
, who knows? Maybe he could use your help. If anything, it sounds like he could use your support, that is if you two are as intense as you say.”

  I tip my head. “Intense?”

  Paige scoots her booty up and moves to sit next to Ellie, both of them facing me like they’re staging an intervention for lame and single thirty-year-old CFOs.

  “Intense,” Paige confirms. “You haven’t been together long and the situation that brought him to you sucks big-time. First, you were each other’s secret, now people around you are scrutinizing your decision. He’s in hot water at work and Kipp is barely speaking to you. Then, with what happened to your attorney and the PI … it’s been horrible. You haven’t had the time to get serious, but your shit is seriously intense. Trust me, Cam and I know—intensity can bring two people together in remarkable ways. Ways that root deeper and chain you tighter than you’d ever think possible.”

  I look away and try to keep the ocean from taking over my eyes because she’s right. It’s been too intense. It’s no wonder he left with no explanation. I don’t know what’s going on with his emergency, but if he feels anything like I have in the past few weeks, he’s coping on raw survival, caffeine, and dry shampoo.

  Okay, so maybe not the dry shampoo, but still.

  “Are you allowed to leave the state?” Ellie asks.

  I nod. “For business, yes. They didn’t peg me as a flight risk.”

  “It doesn’t matter if you weren’t,” Ellie goes on. “You have a private jet at your disposal and you sign the pilots’ paychecks so I was going to tell you to go anyway. Go find him.”

  Paige nods in agreement. “You’ll either be there to support him or figure out what the hell has him running off to Chicago. Do it.”

  Ellie sets Griff on the floor again and he heads straight for the tassels. She pays him no mind and leans in to take my hand. “I bought a building today, sister. Get on the fucking plane and go to Chicago.”

  Paige smiles and hope shines in her eyes. “Do it.”


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