Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)

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Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1) Page 16

by Lea Barrymire

  “Huh, yeah. We need to stop. Is it hot in here or what?”

  He chuckled, low and deep. At least he was as affected as she was. She took a deep breath and tried to get her libido under control. She was surprised by her lack of the edginess that had been her constant companion for the last few weeks. Even though he had her wishing for a naked romp over a diner table, she was sure Ian was a nice guy. More than that though, also a warm-hearted, caring man. She felt safe and happy. Two feelings she hadn’t had in forever. She wanted to roll around in it, savor it.

  “I have to get back to work, walk me back?” She didn’t want to end their lunch, but they both needed a breather, and she did need to get back to her office.

  “You’re stuck with me this afternoon. Zeke had to work so I’m taking guard duty until this evening.”

  “Hmm, so how many guys did you talk into helping guard me? I feel like a celebrity or something.”

  “There’s a few, but they owe me a favor.” The look on his face said he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. His jaw was tensed and he looked away from her, pretending to survey the area. Interesting. She mulled over his reaction to her question as they walked the block back to her office. His warm hand wrapped around hers and she wanted to swoon like a girl. His hand was so much larger than hers, engulfing her cooler fingers in his calloused ones.

  She grinned and continued down the sidewalk hand in hand with Ian. “Hey, I want to grab my jacket from my car.”

  She led the way around to the parking lot and stopped in her tracks, gaping at her car. Numb fingers dropped her purse. She sucked in a shaky breath. Black spray paint marred the entire length of her car, spread in wide manic lettering was the words ‘you’re mine, slut’ in large capital letters. She turned around, hoping the car wasn’t hers. Perhaps there was someone in town that had one just like hers? Maybe she was seeing things?

  Panic raced through her blood as reality crept into her numbed mind. Her car. Her poor, decrepit, dirty car was now violated. How was she going to pay to get that fixed? A new paint job was going to cost her a fortune. Maybe Zeke can just scrub it off, or maybe I need to just buy a new car.

  How could he do this to me? She sobbed and clasped shaky hands together.

  A deep growl behind her brought her from her thoughts. She turned to find an infuriated Ian standing inches from her back. His face was like marble sculpted in lines of rage. She was happy that look wasn’t pointed at her, but she still tried to take a step away. Her movement pulled his amber-tinted eyes to her and she flinched. She couldn’t help it. All that anger glowing from non-human eyes shot terror through her.

  “I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. I need you to go inside right now. He did this, and you aren’t standing out here. I’ll call Zeke and Skip and get someone over here to get your car. But, for now. Go inside. Stay inside.”

  She nodded. Gulping air didn’t help dissipate the fear she was feeling. Cognitively she knew he wasn’t angry at her. All that rage was for Ron. But her brain couldn’t stop the adrenaline from pumping into her bloodstream. She turned, partly to hide her reaction from him, and partly to escape. What else could she do? She didn’t want to be out there either. Not only was she trying to not freak out about the reaction Ian was having, but what if Ron was standing and watching her reaction?

  She spun in the parking lot, trying to look everywhere, expecting to find his leering face staring at her from a dark corner. On numb feet she stumbled back to the office door. It was already open, which meant her bosses were in. She didn’t need them to see her falling apart so she scurried into her office and closed the door. She breathed in slowly, trying to get a grip on her anger and fear. Tears started streaming down her cheeks even as she fought them. She buried her face in her hands and collapsed into her chair.

  A sob tore out of her throat before she could swallow it back. She tried to be quiet, fearing her bosses would hear and come in to see what was wrong. But she wasn’t going to get away from Becca and Tim, though. She had time to take a couple of deep breaths before her door flew open. She was wrapped in voluptuous arms before she could even see who had come in. Becca.

  “You poor thing. I just was told about Ron and your house, your office. Are you okay? Do you need anything?” Warm arms wrapped around Cammie’s shoulders, squeezing her tightly. “Are you crying? What else happened? Was Ian being mean to you? He was the one guarding you now, right?”

  Cammie’s head was spinning from lack of oxygen and the overload of questions. “I’m fine, really.”

  Her shoulders were released for a second and then grasped in astonishingly strong hands. Becca stared, tsking under her breath. “No you’re not okay. I can smell your fear and your face is white. What happened?”

  “He spray painted my car.” The sob that erupted from Cammie’s chest was loud even to her ears. Even with the emotional breakdown happening she still pondered the scent information. Could it be possible I’ve been working for shifters?

  “Oh, hon. What an ass. Do you want me to sick Tim on him? That’d be fun to watch wouldn’t it?” Cammie soaked up the caring and the feel of someone else wanting to take care of her like a sponge. She’d done the coddling for so long that it felt odd, but nice, to be on the receiving end.

  She sighed and tried to pull back from Becca’s embrace. “No, don’t get Tim going. I’ve already got Zeke and Ian babysitting me, and well, others too, I think.”

  “Yeah, that’s what we heard. It’s good that Ian asked the pack for help.”

  “Okay. Pack? Come on Becca, help me out here. I just learned yesterday that there are, um, others. Pretend I don’t know anything. I’m freaking out enough over Ron. I don’t need to add other things to that long emotionally crazy list.”

  “I’m sorry, hon. I forget that everyone in this town isn’t in the know.” Becca turned her coiffed head and peered out the door. “Ian’s coming back in. Maybe he’ll have some information.”

  Cammie wanted to ask how she knew, but didn’t get the chance when Ian strolled through her doorway, looking much better than he had when she last saw him. No traces of the violent anger remained on his face. He even looked contrite and apologetic before he turned his gaze on Becca.

  “Hi Ian, how are you? Did you sniff out the asshole? Did you call Conner? Do you want me to?” Becca could have kept going but he held up a hand to stop the onslaught of questions.

  “I couldn’t find him anywhere around and yes I called Conner, so he should be here in a few minutes. Could I have a minute with Cammie, please, before he gets here?”

  Becca nodded vigorously as she strode to the doorway. She turned and winked at Ian. “Sure thing. Keep my girl safe, will you?”

  Chapter Twenty

  Ian nodded and watched Becca Cartridge walk from Cammie’s office. He took a deep breath and turned, facing the possibility that he’d scared her too much. The look of stark panic Cammie had tried to hide hurt his heart. He hadn’t been able to get his anger under control before he’d growled. He’d known that his face was twisted in rage, but the thought that some asshole had been that close to her things, had touched her car, had pulled every ounce of protectiveness from him. His wolf had battled to come out, forcing a few tense minutes where Ian wasn’t sure he could hold his human form.

  Now he needed to make sure that she wasn’t scared of him. His wolf whined in his head, scared that they may be losing her already. She stood staring out her window, shoulders hunched, arms wrapped around her own middle. Protecting herself. Shit. He could smell her concern and almost see the waves of tension rippling off of her. “Cammie. Please look at me.”

  She turned and he held his breath. She was so beautiful. Even with wide, fright-filled eyes she was gorgeous. Her hair framed her face, so much darker than her skin. His hands itched to pull her into his chest to comfort her and put a smile back on her lips. She didn’t deserve the shit that was happening. Minutes slid by as he memorized her face, the way light clung to her hair.

She cleared her throat and a blush crept along her cheeks. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He shook his head. Good going, dickhead, now she’s self-conscious. “I’m sorry.”

  She blew out a loud breath and fully turned to face him. “You’re sorry for what, exactly?”

  “For scaring you, for allowing your car to get vandalized, for everything. I—”

  “Shut up, Ian. Just stop. Let’s take this one piece at a time, shall we, because I’m already starting to get pissed that someone, mainly you, is taking responsibility for something Ron did. You are not to blame for his actions. You took me to lunch. You weren’t sleeping on the job, weren’t ignoring your charge. You were sitting with me, blocks away, eating with me. Right?”

  Ian could feel a goofy smile curve his lips but he couldn’t help it. She was adorable when she was angry, ticking things off her fingers and cocking her hips to one side. He realized after a few moments that she was waiting for him to respond. He felt his own blush flush his cheeks. “Um, sorry. I was admiring your angry stance. What did you ask me?”

  “I was… you were doing what? My, my what?”

  He couldn’t help himself. He laughed, a deep, rolling chuckle that had him slamming his hand over his mouth when she glared at him.

  “Never mind. Just… Never mind. Stop looking at my, my whatever it was you were staring at.” She sighed, closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her noses. “When is Conner getting here? I really just want to go home.”

  “He should be here in a few minutes, but he isn’t going to let you take your car anytime soon. He’s going to want to take pictures and stuff. And, well, I’ve already told Zeke to come get it and fix the damage.”

  “No. No, no, no. How am I supposed to get home and back to work tomorrow?”

  “I can drive you. I was planning on sticking around your place tonight, anyway. This way I can come in, help you with dinner and guard you from inside your house.”

  She shook her head. “No. You don’t have to do this. I can’t ask you and everyone else you’ve enlisted to watch me all the time.”

  “It’s too late for that. You’re stuck with all of us until Ron is caught.” He grinned at the scowl that pulled her brows together. “And, you’re stuck with me even longer than that if I can keep you from running me off.”

  He could hear Conner entering the building and almost chuckled at the stuttering denial he could tell was on her lips. Saved by the bell, or at least by the shifter cop. Ian raised a finger to his lips and almost burst out laughing at the indignation on Cammie’s face. He couldn’t swallow down the chuckle. If looks could cause bodily harm he’d be a melted puddle of burning male.

  “Ian? Cammie?” Conner’s deep voice boomed through the office.

  “You’re so lucky, wolf,” Cammie growled under her breath. “We aren’t done talking about this, though. Once Conner leaves your ass is mine.”

  Ian couldn’t help it. His mind went straight to sex. His cock hardened and he shifted his hips in an attempt to alleviate the pressure of his zipper on his shaft. He could see it, feel it, almost taste it. Cammie stretched out under him, naked and glistening with a sheen of sweat. Her hands grasping his ass while he pumped into her. He groaned as the image played out in his mind. Gods, what I wouldn’t give to have ten minutes with her like that. He palmed his throbbing dick and tried to move it around to find a position that didn’t cause pinching.

  A gasp brought his eyes back to Cammie. She was staring at his crotch, or his hand, eyes wide and mouth gaping. “I hope that look is awe and not disgust.”

  He chuckled. Her eyes jerked up and she took a step backward, cheeks blazing. “No, I was… well, you were adjusting and I just couldn’t look away, I mean, what has you all… wait, never mind I don’t want to know.” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Can we forget I just had a foot-in-mouth episode? Please?”

  * * * * *

  What the hell was wrong with her? Cammie scrunched her eyes tight hoping the pressure and slight uncomfortable-ness would pull her head out of her ass. Not only had she been staring at his generous and aroused cock, but then had diarrhea of the mouth about it. Christ, she needed to just go home and back to bed. Maybe that would help the crap-tastic day she was having.

  “Conner, how you doing, man?” Ian’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. She opened an eye enough to determine that Conner was standing in her office, looking surly.

  “I’d be doing better if we could find this asshole. Cammie, want to fill me in?”

  She took a deep breath and let it go slowly. You can make it through this, like the little engine that could. I think I can, I think I can. “Ian and I went to lunch and came back to my car looking like that. I parked it this morning back there, but didn’t have a reason to go back to the parking lot until I wanted something from it after lunch.”

  Conner turned to Ian. “Did you see anything? Smell anything?”

  “No. That’s what pisses me off the most. I came to pick Cam up for lunch and didn’t sense a damn thing.”

  “Alright, well there isn’t anything else we can do. You’re going to her house this evening, right?”

  “Yes. I’ll be driving her home and staying there until she needs to be back to work tomorrow morning.”

  “Good. I know a few of the boys will be around her place tonight. I’m hoping the asswipe will show himself at night and we can get the fucker.”

  She’d had enough of pretending she was watching a poorly scripted cop show. She cleared her throat. “Um, guys. I’m standing right here. I do realize that I’m a lowly human woman but you could at least pretend to care that I’m listening, and getting pissed.”

  “Cammie, we know you’re here. I just want to make sure you’re safe. Being in your house will allow me to keep you that way. Right?” She knew she was being manipulated, but if she was honest with herself, there was nothing she wanted more than to have Ian in her house. She had so many questions. Getting him alone wasn’t a hardship, well, unless that anaconda in his pants came out to play. She snickered then blushed. Keep it down, girlie. She noticed they were both watching her.

  Oh, right. She was supposed to be answering him. “Fine. You can stay tonight. I’d be scared alone in the house anyway.”

  Conner nodded as if the conversation had just solved world hunger. “Good. I’m out of here. If either of you hear anything, sense anything, get on the phone and call me.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Conner. I know it’s your job, but I really appreciate it.” Conner grunted at her before turning and stalking out of her office. She sighed. Now she had a dedicated body guard to deal with. She turned to find Ian studying her with a slight scowl. “What?”

  “I don’t know, you just seemed to give in way too easily. You don’t have something bad that needs to be done at your house, or something, do you? I’m not going to have to clean out the drain for your tub or anything am I?”

  “No, well, unless you want to. I get it. I understand that I’m in danger. I’m thankful that you, and everyone else, are trying to keep me safe.”

  “Well, then let’s blow this popsicle stand, if you can. You aren’t going to get anything done here today, and I’d like to get to your house before dark to do some snooping around. I want to see if Ron has been to your house in the last day or so.”

  The reminder that Ron had invaded her home made her gulp back a lump in her throat. Would she ever feel safe again? “Okay. Let me pop in and talk to Becca real quick.”

  “No need. You can go home.” Becca’s soft voice could be heard from down the hallway. Freaky.

  Ian chuckled. “You look like you just sucked a lemon. You’ll get used to it. Now that people know that you’re in on the secret they’ll start letting their shifter stuff air out a bit.”

  “As long as they aren’t waggling their shifter bits in my direction I guess I can handle that.”

  She loved the sound of his laugh. Deep and robust. It vibrated through the
air and surrounded her like a caress. He needed to laugh more, just so everyone else could bask in the wonderful sound of it. She grinned in response and grabbed her purse. She might as well enjoy getting off of work early, especially while being escorted by the hunky Ian. “Come on guard-o-mine. I’m in the mood for surf and turf tonight, so we’ll hit the store on the way home. Let’s hope the Blackfeathers have restocked their meat-case or you’ll be driving me to Elk Creek.”

  “Wherever you want to go, hon. I’ll drive all over the county if it will keep you smiling.”

  She shivered when Ian wrapped an arm around her waist. He pulled her into his side and she wanted to just melt there. He was so warm and felt so good against her. She was in so much trouble.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “No. You really think I’m some muscle-bound dude? I’m a computer engineer.”

  Cammie grinned. They’d had a fantastic afternoon. Because she’d mentioned steaks to Ian he had driven them to Elk Creek to shop in his favorite butcher shop, selected the most expensive T-bones he could get his hands on, and then refused to let her pay. They’d driven back toward her house and chatted about everything. She’d just commented on his body and tried to guess what he did for a living. “Okay, so how is it that you can take days off like today?”

  “I own my own company, so if I need time I just take it.”

  “Must be nice. I’d love to set my own hours, although I do have to say that Becca and Tim are great bosses. As long as I get my work done they are really flexible.”

  He groaned and she whipped around to look at him. He looked pained. “You okay?”

  He shook his head and then blew out a sigh. “You said flexible and my mind went all supernova.”


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