Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)

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Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1) Page 17

by Lea Barrymire

She couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up in her chest. She’d been fighting the sexual tension since they left her office, but to know that he was just as affected was amusing. “Well, then, I probably shouldn’t say things like that while you’re driving, huh? I mean, I wouldn’t want you to feel all frustrated. Right?”

  He still sported a grim look on his face. Lips were pinched thin and a slight scowl marred his forehead. “Cammie, are you really okay with everything between us?”

  Pausing before she answered gave her a moment to mull over the question. She didn’t want him feeling bad about how the day had gone. “I guess. I’m still swinging from thinking I’m dreaming to understanding it’s all real. I feel safe with you, and I’m going to run with that feeling.”

  “So, does that mean I get to snuggle with you tonight? Maybe watch some TV after eating the fabulous meal I’m going to cook for you?”

  She grinned at his playfulness. She much preferred the fun-loving Ian to the grumpy-concerned Ian. “Oh, you’re cooking now? I wondered why you picked massive steaks. Well, if you’re cooking, I would say snuggling might be acceptable payment. If you do the dishes after we eat I’ll even throw in a little necking with your snuggle.”

  “Mmm, that sounds like a challenge and a promise all rolled into one wonderfully sinful thought. I’ll take that challenge and look forward to the snuggle, and the necking.”

  Cammie smiled as they slipped into companionable silence. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had such a good time hanging out with a guy. Ian was funny, interesting and low key. They’d argued about meat, salad dressings, and cheese or no cheese on garlic bread. Through it all they’d laughed and flirted. Long gone was the intense, scary shifter male. Although, knowing that side existed someplace inside him was somehow okay with her. She was glad that he’d felt angered over the shit Ron was pulling. Some part of her enjoyed the caveman, possessive side.

  “What are you grinning about over there?” Ian’s voice held a hint of amusement.

  “I was thinking about you as a caveman, wearing a leopard skin and thumping your chest.”


  “You sound stumped. I was thinking about your reaction to Ron’s paintjob on my car, and well… My mind wandered from there.”

  “You know I didn’t mean to scare you, right? I didn’t want you to see me that way, but I was, and still am, so angry that I hadn’t protected you from him.” Cammie reached out and lightly patted his thigh, shivering at the tingle that passed between them. I’ll never get used to that. “You couldn’t have stopped him. You were with me at lunch. This isn’t your fault, it’s his. You know that, right? Do I need to make you repeat after me?”

  “No. God, no. I understand it on a thought level, but my wolf is pissed that we couldn’t stop him from making you cry.”

  “Your wolf, huh? So, Titan’s in there with you?”

  “Sort of. I can sense him and he knows what’s going on around me, but he isn’t a separate thing from me. When I’m in wolf-skin I still think like I do now, I just have better senses and stronger animal instincts. Animal thought is slightly less complicated. Humans think in convoluted pathways, but the animal just deals with the here and now.”

  “So, everything that Titan saw while living with me, you saw?” She played through the number of times she’d been naked, or talked to Titan while they walked in the woods. She’d spilled more to the wolf than she would have ever told Ian, or anyone.


  The grin that graced his kissable lips was sinful and promised carnal delights if she wanted to imbibe. “You know so much about me and I know nothing about you.”

  “Let’s fix that. What do you want to know?”

  “Why did you move here? Why were the coyotes chasing you Friday night, but now are helping you protect me? Why did you stay so long in wolf form? Do you have siblings?”

  “Wow, you don’t go slow, do you? Okay. I moved here because I needed to get away from my old pack. I’d done something really stupid and was chased from there. The coyotes had heard about my asinine behavior and felt their area would be safer without me here. I went to their pack and talked to them. I asked for their help in protecting you.” He took a deep breath. “I couldn’t shift while injured, we heal much better in animal form. And, well, once I could shift I didn’t want to because I enjoyed being with you. I feel a tremendous pull to you, Cammie. My wolf loves you already. The animal in me knows you and that there could be something really awesome between us. So, I stuck around for that, as well as not trusting Ron.”

  She sat, stunned. She’d expected flirtatious information, not for him to throw down something so deep. His wolf loved her. Did that mean the man did too? Was it possible to love someone you just met? She thought back through how comfortable she’d been all day, how wonderful it’d felt to just talk and laugh. Perhaps love was too strong, but she definitely felt something stronger than friendship for Ian. She snorted. Yeah, because you’ve made out with him and had a mind-blowing orgasm in your dreams with him.

  When a heavy, warm hand covered hers she jerked from her thoughts. Ian looked worried. “Too much too soon? Sorry if I freaked you out. We don’t have to talk about any of that if you don’t want to.”

  She sighed. “No, it’s not that. Really. You feel how you feel and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m just overwhelmed by it all. Three days ago I was beaten so badly I thought I had broken ribs, a wolf ran into my car, I spent the weekend enjoying his company and dreaming of an absolutely gorgeous shifter. Now, in the last twenty-four hours I’ve learned that shifters are real, that I live in a town full of them, and actually work for one. Oh, and the gorgeous guy? Yeah, he’s real and was my wolf. So, I’m just really, really overwhelmed at the moment. Give me time, Ian. I’m bruised mentally and physically.”

  * * * * *

  Dumbass. Ian knew that he shouldn’t have voiced his feelings. Cammie didn’t understand how fast a shifter could find and claim a mate. She didn’t understand the magic that was pulsing between them. Even as he sat in the car he could feel the electric pull against his skin. He could do casual, at least for a little while. He’d give her time to adjust to him, get to know him, and then he’d talk about mating, because that was what he wanted. Sometime between shifting back to his human skin and the moment he saw her in her office he’d come to a conclusion. He was done running and done looking. He wanted Cammie.

  He’d listened to her talk about her father, reminisce about her childhood, and talk about her dreams. Even in wolf form he’d known she was a beautiful person inside and out. He wanted her forever, to sit on their porch at night and talk about anything, to cuddle with her on cool afternoons and laugh about their days. He yearned to have a connection with her. Something deeper than a quick date and faster fuck. He’d give her whatever time she needed. But then the gloves were coming off and he was going to pursue her until she gave in.

  The rest of the ride was quiet, but he didn’t feel like the silence was awkward. They both seemed to be deep in their own heads. He wanted to lighten the mood, but decided it would be best to wait until they were in her house, safe and sound. When he pulled into her driveway he searched his mind for a way to break the silence, to bring them back to the light flirting they’d enjoyed earlier. Climbing from his truck didn’t give him any bright ideas, though. He opened his mouth a few times but really, how lame of him to do the ‘hey, wanna wrestle’ line, or the ‘just ignore the diarrhea of the mouth I experienced a few minutes ago’. The fish-out-of-water look obviously was enough, though.

  Cammie grinned at him before giving him the way out he was looking for. “So, let’s put all this craziness on hold and cook us some steaks, shall we? I’m in the mood for some meat.” She reached out and took his hand, waggled her eyebrows, and threaded her fingers through his.

  The warmth of her palm wound up his arm and settled snugly around his heart, followed closely by the electrical hum of their mating connection. Walking into
her home was strange. He’d spend the better part of three days wandering through her space, scenting things, but to enter it as a man was different. He knew the layout, knew how the floors felt under paws, knew what her sheets felt like against his fur. Stepping into her kitchen was like living a déjà vu moment after a dream. He knew where everything was, but hadn’t been there in this skin.

  “Is it weird?”

  He jumped at her question. Had he said something out loud? “Is what weird?”

  “I saw you looking around with a quizzical look on your face. Is it weird coming here in this way, after being here so long in your wolfy form?”

  He nodded, unsure how to explain it. “Sort of. Like I said before, even in wolf form I’m still me, but it definitely is slightly strange to walk in here knowing where everything is but knowing we’ve not formally walked through the rooms together like this.”

  “Well, let’s remedy that right now. Come on.” She pulled him through the house and reintroduced him to everything. The fact that she took the truth of his shifter nature in stride was amazing. He just hoped she’d give him a chance as a man as easily.

  * * * * *

  Cammie propped her hip against the doorway and watched Ian finish up the dishes. She grinned, knowing what she’d promised him in exchange for food and cleaning up. The muscles of his back moved in tantalizing ways under his shirt. She’d been able to study him a little throughout the day, but being able to stare to her heart’s content made her leery of speaking.

  His ass was as fine in person as it was in her dreams, tight and round. She wanted to nibble on it. His arms were well muscles and strong. Even with just the slight movements used to wash and dry her dishes she could see his biceps bunching and relaxing.

  They’d had a rough time of it since getting to her house. Fear had ruled her for a while when they first arrived. Ian had been quiet and vigilant until they’d wandered through her house. He’d peeked into each room and out each window. He’d been quiet and efficient while he secured everything. Knowing that he was preparing for Ron to arrive and attempt to force his way into her home was enough to get her adrenaline pumping. When he’d completed his rounds through her house she’d hoped for a return to their easy conversation. But they’d both been cautious around each other, which made her sad.

  Their afternoon had been nice and to lose their friendly banter under the oppressive self-consciousness was painful. She’d decided, as she finished her dinner, that she wasn’t going to let this night go by without enjoying Ian’s fun-loving personality. It’s not just his personality I want to enjoy, either. She couldn’t remember the last time she wanted to seduce someone. To crawl up inside their mind and body for a while.

  “Dinner was wonderful. Thank you for cooking. So. Want to watch a movie?” She moved into the kitchen. “I’ve got some classic shoot ’em up movies that you probably would like.”

  She loved the look of his eyes. When he turned they pierced her with such intensity. Her hormones did the two-step while she tried in vain to cover her arousal. Wow, he packed a punch when he wanted to. Lordy, he was a scorcher. She wanted to fan herself. She watched Ian’s grin turn seductive as he stalked her.

  “Whatever you want to watch. I’m just looking forward to snuggling you into me and relaxing.”

  She gulped. “Well, this is a good way to learn a little more about you, right? What’s your favorite movie?”

  “Hmm, my favorite movie? I would have to say anything with Bruce Willis.” He took another step toward her, moving with animal grace and sexual intent in his eyes. “My favorite TV show is the Simpsons. Favorite ice cream flavor is Peanut Butter Cup.”

  Cammie watched in fascination as he walked into her personal space and proceeded to wrap those strong arms around her waist, pulling her to his chest. He bent and blew softly across her neck. He whispered his next words. “My favorite books are by Dean Koontz. My favorite perfume is whatever you’re wearing right now. My favorite sexual position is any you’ll let me get you in tonight.”

  That’s all it took to sweep her mind into carnal delights with Ian as their star. Her belly went hot and liquid at the feel of his body wrapped around hers, and those sinful words puffed across her skin. She really could have melted right there at his feet. Goosebumps rose along her arms and a shiver raced down her spine. She tried but couldn’t form coherent words, and he continued before she could speak.

  “Let me learn your body tonight, please? I promise I won’t take you any further than you’re willing to let me go.” His voice had become deeper, husky with need.

  How could she turn that down? But then, what would she feel in the morning? She’d only known him for a few hours, really. Yes, she’d met him in her dreams, but that wasn’t reality. How could she walk from one abusive relationship into one based on a few hours of flirting? Her bruises from Ron weren’t even faded and she was ready to add more emotional bruising with this? What the hell was wrong with her? Anger at herself and her obvious need to self-medicate with a hunky shifter gave her the power to turn down Ian’s need.

  “Ian. I’m sorry, but we can’t do more than make out and watch some TV. I don’t know you. I just met you this morning. What’s going to happen after all this craziness with Ron is over? When you don’t feel like you need to babysit me anymore?” She waved off his stammering. “No. I know what you’re going to say, but it’s too early for me. I’m not saying I don’t want to have sex. In fact it’s the exact opposite. I want to sleep with you more than I want my next breath. That’s pretty scary for me. So, let’s pick a show or a movie and curl up on the couch for a while, okay?”

  “It’s your call. I’ll play this any way you want, but I want it out in the open. I want you under me, right now. I can almost taste you on my tongue, and crave your scent with each breath. If you need me to take it slow, then that’s what I’ll do, but the minute you give me the nod I’ll take you to the moon.”

  She swallowed and then did it again, trying to clear the lump in her throat. Yes, she was turned on and wanted Ian with something close to pain, but the fact he so openly discussed his needs, and that he placed hers before his, made her want to weep. Where had he been weeks, months, years before, when she wasn’t cynical or jaded? You aren’t cynical, you’re scared, sissy. Before she could fall too far into self-pity she pulled out one of her favorite movies.

  “Let’s watch this. I’ll make some popcorn and we can pretend we’re just on a nice friendly date. Okay?” She turned from the TV to find Ian grinning at her.

  “Sure, sweet thing. But don’t forget you owe me some snuggling and snogging.” She snorted and turned back to the DVD player. The tension slowly seeped from her body, leaving her lighter than she’d been in forever. The mundane task of turning her electronics on, setting up the movie and wiping the dust from her set helped center her.

  She jumped when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. Ian’s warm breath shivered over her skin and she closed her eyes at the feel of it, warm, wet, sensual. His hands caressed her ribs as he pulled her against his chest. He nearly purred against her back, vibrating with a soft growl. She understood the sentiment. If she were capable of purring, she’d answer with her own vocalizations. Leaning her head against his shoulder was the most natural thing she’d done in ages. Strong, secure, safe. That was what she felt when wrapped in his body. No fear. No confusion. She wanted to stay there forever, to feel him encircling her with his strength.

  “God, you feel good.” She didn’t realize she’d spoken until he chuckled.

  “Exactly what I was thinking.”

  Warm lips whispered along her neck, raising goose bumps along her arms. She swallowed the moan that threatened to bubble up from her soul. She allowed him to turn her within his arms until she was staring up into his grinning face. He leaned down and gave her a light, feathery kiss on the lips.

  His breath blew warm and comforting over her cheek just before he leaned back. “Do you have microwaveable or real popcorn

  Popcorn? He wanted to talk popcorn after making her world tip onto its side? Cammie shook her head and tried to clear the lust-induced cobwebs from her mind. Deep breath in, slow breath out. “I’ve got both. What was that for?”

  “I just wanted to hold you for a minute, and maybe remind you how much you do know about me already. I’m not a stranger, Cam. You’ve talked to me, confided in me. We’ve shared dreams together. Don’t let the unknown frighten you away.”

  She leaned her forehead on his chest and breathed in his smell. “I know. It’s just a lot. I’ve got a psycho ex-boyfriend, a wolf shifter hanging in my house, I work for some form of shifter… the list of insanity just goes on and on. I’m not assimilating the information fast enough. I want you so much I ache with it. I just need some time. Please?”

  Firm pressure on her shoulders made her lean back. Ian was watching her with concern and something deeper in his eyes. “You can take all the time you want. Just understand I’m a touchy-feely kind of wolf. I want to hold you and kiss you. A lot.”

  “Fair enough. I’m a cuddler by nature, so we should get along well, platonically.” She grinned at his wince of mock pain. “Now, let’s get some popcorn going. You stay here and get comfortable. I’ll be back in a few minutes with our snack.”

  He grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like ‘I want you as a snack’. She let it go, forcing herself to walk resolutely into the kitchen. The cupboard door squeaked loudly with the energy she put behind opening it. Calm, girlie, or you’re going to make a fool of yourself when you pounce on him. She snorted. Yeah, that’s all she needed. After turning him down repeatedly she didn’t need to attack him, even if they both would love it. You are so stupid not to take him up on his offer.

  The few minutes it took to make microwave popcorn were moments Cammie needed to get her head back where it needed to be. She was just so comfortable with Ian. He felt like a part of her life already. She wondered if that was part of the shifter thing. Could they make connections with others more quickly because of their abilities? Was she fighting something she didn’t need to? When she ran her hand across her bruised face she winced, but it reminded her of what relationships could lead to. You knew what Ron was capable, though, and you don’t feel that about Ian. True, she thought.


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