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Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Lea Barrymire

  Her inner voice was wonderfully silent about him. No nagging questions. Wandering back to the living room loaded down with sodas and a huge bowl should have her an anxious mess, but she only felt giddy at the impending snuggling she’d been promised.

  “I could have helped, you know.” Ian stood quickly and took the bowl from her arms.

  “I had it. No worries.”

  He sighed. “That’s not the point. You struggled, so you should have called me to help. We’ll work on it. Now, get your fine ass over here so we can commence snuggling.” Ian patted the couch as an invitation.

  She plopped next to him, keeping enough distance between their bodies that she could feel his body heat, but not his actual body. Platonic, she reminded herself. She gasped when rough hands picked her up and positioned her in the cradle of his arm. Her entire body vibrated with warmth. “We can’t cuddle if you are sitting that far from me. Now, turn that pretty head off for just a little bit and relax.” He nuzzled her cheek and gave it a quick kiss. “You’re safe with me.”

  She knew that, in her bones she knew that Ian was one of the safest men she’d met. That didn’t stop her heart from pounding in her chest, or the shake in her hand when she reached for her drink. Perhaps she should have gotten beers instead of sodas. A dose of alcohol would’ve done her some good.

  The movie started and she forced her body to release the tension that bunched her muscles. With the first deep laugh that rumbled in his chest she finally melted a little. Each chuckle or comment after brought her a little more relief. She snuggled down into his arms with a sigh and wondered why she fought so hard against something so good.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ian peeked at Cammie and smiled. She’d given in and relaxed into his arms, and then nodded off. She’d been sleeping soundly for an hour and the movie was coming to an end. He thought about restarting it just to keep her in his arms, but he was afraid that she’d be sore from sitting all curled up for that long. He hoped she’d stay asleep when he moved her, but his luck wasn’t really great. Sliding slowly from under her body was painful for him in so many ways. He’d been semi-hard all day, but the feel of her warm body moving along his had blood rushing to his cock. He groaned quietly. She shifted slightly in his arms, sighing deeply. “Don’t go yet, Ian, please.”

  “I’m not going anyplace, love. I’m taking you upstairs and tucking you into bed.”

  “But, we didn’t get to make out. Didn’t I promise that?” Her eyes didn’t even open, but she did tilt her face up, offering her lips.

  He chuckled. Even mostly asleep she was a sexy kitten. “No worries. I’ll just collect double tomorrow morning after breakfast.”

  “Okay.” She sighed and snuggled into his arms.

  He couldn’t help the grin on his face. She was so adorable and trusting. Even after everything that happened to her, all the hell she was going through, she still could be so soft and compliant in his arms.

  Carrying her up to her room had him living another bout of déjà vu. Her house, so familiar yet so unknown in his current form. It was almost like he’d studied her house from photos, but the images were from his wolf perspective. At least now she knew who he was and she was cuddled into his grasp instead of ordering him off her bed. He chuckled at his own thoughts.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m remembering you telling me to get off the bed the last night I spent with you.”

  Her own laugh vibrated against his chest. “Furball.”

  “Let me pull back the covers and you can crawl in, okay?”

  “You’re staying with me, right?”

  The look she gave him from sleepy eyes would have had a weaker male on their knees. Pure pleading with a hint of fear. He smoothed her hair from her face. “Babe, I wouldn’t leave even if you told me to. You’re stuck with me tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Stop. Just get in. I’ll check the house and come back up in a minute.”

  Cammie slipped her jeans off, did one of those feminine tricks of removing her bra without taking her shirt off, and crawled into bed. He could almost smell her exhaustion and sighed as loudly as she did when her head finally pressed into her pillow. Tucking her in had his heart beating hard. He wanted to pet her until she fell back asleep but he felt the need to protect.

  One last glance back at her had him smiling. She looked so innocent and young. Check the house, idiot. He shook his head and quietly walked through the rooms. He verified that each window and door was locked before quickly mounting the stairs.

  The few minutes away from her felt like hours. He knew the pull to mark her was growing and he was falling for her as a woman. Funny, loving, caring, Cammie was a great person. Made the whole mating thing that much harder to fight. She wasn’t ready, though. So he’d wait. No matter how much his balls and gums ached.

  * * * * *

  Cammie rolled over and bumped into a toasty warm body. Panic spiked before recognition, but it was enough to pump adrenaline through her system. Her eyes flew open and lit on a sleeping Ian. She breathed deeply, trying to calm her racing heart. She was safe. The asshole wasn’t lying next to her. The dream she’d been having faded. As the moments ticked by and she got a grip on her emotions she noticed that Ian was under the covers with her. Well, hello there gorgeous chest. The sheets had slid down to his waist, baring the most delicious expanse of skin she’d ever seen. The faint light shining through her window played along his flesh and highlighted the dips between the muscles. Even in sleep he was sculpted.

  “Like what you see?”

  She jumped and snapped her gaze to his half-opened eyes. He’d raised his head off the pillow and the sleep-mussed hair was downright adorable. Pair that with the sexy little smirk and her breath hitched for a completely new reason. She was in bed with Ian. In a real bed, with only a few layers of cloth separating them. A flush of heat surfed up her skin and she knew she was blushing. Her mind fed her images and memories from their dream-sharing.

  His chuckle reminded her that he’d asked her something and she was still stared, no gaped at him. Yep, Cammie, you are so slick it’s scary. She snorted and shook her head, then realized he’d think she was saying she didn’t see something she liked and that was so far from the truth it wasn’t funny.

  “Yes, I see something I like and you know it. I’m too sleepy to be coherent.”

  “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, though.” His voice, deep and sleepy, slid over her skin, and she barely swallowed the moan that crawled sensually up her throat. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing her heart rate to slow. He’d nearly purred those words and she was a goner if he continued talking to her. Her clothes would fly off her body of their own volition. Like some sort of sexual poltergeist. She needed to decide how far she was willing to go with him because her body was already heating, ready and willing to take him and scream her completion around his cock.

  Before she could say anything he moved slightly in the bed and her eyes popped open. Looking up into his affectionate smile had her answering with a grin of her own. He slowly reached, cupping her cheek in his palm. His touch was warm and inviting, but it was the charge of electricity that zinged through her body at the small brush of skin that had her will bending and her body bowing toward his.

  “Oh, Cammie, I want you so much.”

  His whispered plea, tinged with concern, finished off her resistance. His eyes looked darker in the weak light but they shone with an inner spark. She fleetingly wondered if that was a shifter thing, but the look of longing and loneliness there had her reacting. Leaning forward she pressed her lips lightly against his. “Yes.”

  He jerked against her mouth and leaned back, a scowl pulled his brows together. “Yes what?”

  “Yes, take me. Make love to me.” She felt the spread of warmth across her cheeks again, but enough was enough. He took a heartbeat or two and stared at her before leaning ever so slowly and touched his lips to hers. She lo
ved the feel of his mouth on hers. Warm and soft as he moved against hers.

  “You’re sure?”

  She was done thinking and worrying. To answer his question she leaned into him, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him back to her lips. Tracing his lips with her tongue had them both moaning. She waited for him to take over the kiss, but as the seconds ticked by and he continued to let her lead she threw caution to the wind. She growled against his mouth. “Kiss me.”

  He chuckled. “I am kissing you.”

  She leaned back. “No, I’m kissing you. I want you to kiss me.”

  “I was trying to keep from launching myself at you.”

  “Don’t.” She pulled him back to her lips. After pressing hers to his she whispered, “Don’t hold back on me, Ian. I want all of you.”

  Those seemed to be the words that flipped his switch. A low growl vibrated against her chest. His eyes flashed gold for a moment and then his mouth was on hers. He took control, threading his hands into her hair and using the hold to tilt her head slightly. With a feral grin, he pressed his lips to hers. Hot, moist breath feathered over her skin and she opened for him without waiting. She needed to taste him, know he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Teeth clashed against each other and Cammie moaned when Ian nipped her lower lip before invading her mouth. His tongue tickled the roof of her mouth, rubbed against hers and teased with flicks before he brought the kiss to an end. She tried to chase his mouth, wanting more, but his hands kept her still. When she opened her eyes she found Ian watching her, a slight smile on his lips.


  Before she could finish her question, Ian released her hair and shimmied down her body, pushing her shirt up until it bunched under her breasts. She gasped when warm air wafted over her belly button. She looked down and groaned. Her sexy shifter was hovering over her stomach, an inch separated his mouth and her skin. He caught her gaze and slowly lowered himself until his lips rested hotly against her belly. Heat pooled below his mouth, pulsing hot and wet at her core. Her back arched when he flicked his tongue, a current running from where he touched her to her pussy.

  “God, Ian.” A sigh escaped in a whoosh from her parted lips, as he peppered light kisses and tiny tickling flicks over her skin. She wanted to grab his head and force him farther down, wrap her hands in his hair and push his tongue against her clit until he was teasing the swollen flesh.

  Cammie had never felt so needy in her life. Orgasms were nice. They made her feel good. They were never sought after by every cell in her body, or needed more than oxygen. Her fingers clenched and her hands shook as she fought the urge to take what she wanted. His slow assault lasted forever. Years passed as he licked and sipped at her body, never touching anything that she really wanted touched. Ions of time flowed past them as he tortured her with the lightest of strokes along her sides with calloused fingertips.

  “Please. Ian, please.”

  She whined, begged, whimpered. Nothing spurred on his treatment of her body. When she reached up to twist her own aching nipples, to alleviate some of the burning need building in her core he stopped her with a shake of his head. She fought him until he uttered a single word in a deep sensual voice.


  A hot rush of moisture coated her channel. The word seemed to echo in her head, building and moving along her nerves like a caress. She was going to come without him ever touching her clit or nipples. Her body resonated with heat, pulsed in time to her speeding heart and slowly built toward a climax. She fought the need to squirm under his heavier body, to try to find some way to rub her aching clit against him. With a deep breath she relaxed into his plan and felt a answering rush of arousal deeper inside, down in the primal parts of her.

  Ian slipped a hand up over her stomach, hooked her shirt with his fingers and slid the cotton slowly over her breasts. She watched with rapt attention as he circled first one, then the other puckered nubs with a fingertip. She strained to get closer to him, find more stimulation, but his body weighed her down, pushing her into the bed.

  Close cropped fingernails plucked at a nipple, sending a jolt of pain-heightened electricity to her pussy. Another answering swell and burst of heat coated her lips with moisture. He did the same to the other peak of sensitive flesh and she moaned, arching her hips as best as she could. “Please, Ian. Please.”

  A sob rolled up her throat when he answered her by licking around her belly button and climbed back up her body, tasting as he went. His hot mouth covered one areola, hovered for a moment, and then sharp teeth bit the skin. She shrieked, giving into the need to grab onto him and arch her entire body against his. Threading her fingers into his hair gave her something to focus on.

  Ian soothed the slight pain of his bite with a slow slide of his tongue. Round and round the nipple he licked until she was holding him to her chest as hard as she could. The chuckle against her skin gave her a moment’s pause but, before she could get angry with him for finding her amusing, he flicked her nipple with that talented tongue. A shock rocked through her as the first mini orgasm rolled through her folds.

  “Oh. Ooh.” Her body was no longer hers. It shuddered again when he slowly bit around the second nub. The pain should have been too much, it should have had her slapping him but, instead, all she wanted was more. More licking, petting, nipping. She wanted him buried deep inside her walls while she came around him. Wanted his fingers strumming her G-spot while she came on his face. So many elicit images flashed through her mind.

  “I think you’re ready.” Ian’s voice had deepened further and, when she opened her eyes, she found him staring down at her with open lust.

  She had no idea what he meant by that, she’d been ready for hours, but as long as it would get his cock inside her she was fine with whatever he saw. She nodded emphatically, still unable to put words together. Her pussy still pulsed with heat and need, sending shivers up her spine.

  Ian grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, tossing it over his head like a discarded tissue. He groaned a little while staring at her chest, the sound rumbling deep in his chest, but he didn’t make her wait. He climbed off of her thighs and grabbed her soaked underwear and pulled them off her legs with a quick yank. She expected him to throw them on the floor with her shirt. Instead he brought his gaze to hers and, while staring deep into her eyes, brought her panties to his nose and inhaled deeply, a feral look in his eyes.


  When Ian’s wolf caught a good whiff of Cam’s arousal the animal demanded a deeper scent of it. Ian fought the need for a moment but, feeling her wet panties in his hand, the moisture seeping into his pores, he couldn’t find the strength to fight his need. Watching her face for disgust, he lifted her underwear to his nose. It was almost like another entity controlled that arm. Even as his brain screamed for him not to, he found the satin against his nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of her passion was sweet and tangy. His wolf howled loudly in the back of Ian’s head.

  The soft moan from Cammie was sinful and sensual. He’d expected her to grimace but instead she watched him with wide, dilated eyes and a sexy flush coloring her chest. Her legs dropped open, showing him her glistening folds. While he looked his fill she whined low in her throat and squirmed on the bed. The noise tempted his wolf, showing him submission from his mate. The movements brought Ian’s attention back to the matter at hand.

  “Please Ian. Enough torture.” She arched her back before cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples slightly and hissing at the sensations. He wasn’t even sure she realized she pleasured herself.

  Breathing deeply to stem his impending release, he finally shucked his underwear and pressed against the base of his cock. His balls were already pulled up close to his body. “I’m not going to last long.”

  She chuckled, breathy and sensual. “Good. Because I’m going to come the minute you slide in.”

  Ian hoped so, because his dick throbbed with each beat of his
heart and his spine tingled with the promise of a mind-numbing orgasm. A thought struck him the moment he climbed between her legs. Fuck. “Are you on—”

  “Yes. Pill. Clean. Fuck me.” She moaned the words and thrashed her head.

  “Thank fuck.” Growling he positioned his cock at her entrance and pushed forward, shuddering as her folds enveloped him in tight heat. He wanted to savor the silky wetness, knowing he wouldn’t last long. But Cammie wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him to her, bottoming him out in one fast thrust.

  “Wait. Fuck, Cam. I want to feel you.” He sounded like he’d run a marathon.

  “No. Need it now. Please, it’s been so long since I’ve come with a cock in me. Please.”

  Her words triggered his wolf and Ian gave up control. The thought of another man in her made him want to mark her, but the knowledge that he was about to give her something she’d not experienced with others had a feral grin spreading across his face.

  Without another word he pulled back, dragging his aching dick through her folds and watched her face. Just before he would’ve popped out of her channel he pushed back in with a quick thrust of his hips. Snaking a hand between them he lightly stroked her clit with his thumb, circling and pressing lightly. Her pussy pulsed and squeezed around him.

  Ian set up a quick pace, each push forward getting more resistance from her clenching muscles. Cam’s clit firmed under his thumb as her legs shook. He knew she was close. Legs locked around his waist, she had her eyes squeezed closed, her mouth slightly parted and her nipples were hard little nubs.


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